What's the best cyberpunk tabletop rpg out there?
What's the best cyberpunk tabletop rpg out there?
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Tokyo Nova.
fuck off pedshit, you are allowed to post when you can do so without splattering your pony-grade animu child fetish trash all over the board
Well, that depends on what you are looking for in a rpg.
I want it to be a rather classic cyberpunk setting with maybe some post-cyberpunk elements, but not as far off as Eclipse Phase. No fantasy elements like in Shadowrun either. Some conspiracy mixed in to it like in Deus Ex would be nice but not necessary.
In terms of mechanics something rather easier to handle.
My homebrew version of Cyberpunk 2020, updated to recent tech and events.
At that point, interface zero is literally your only option for mainstream games.
What about less mainstream?
I was surprised by how good CP2020 still holds on.
The 2nd edition is solid, rules lite, and has that aged 80s cyberpunk feel to it.
It's perfect if you just came out of Neuromancer or Akira and want to make your own fun in a similar setting.
Fuck off with your anime boogyman. I fail to see how this is pedoshit either
I see, the old reddit switcharoo?
Shadowrun then
Interface Zero for something up to date
GURPS Cyberpunk for 80's future
I like CP2020's setting, but the rules aren't that good
Technoir, then. Cyberpunk that leans more into the noir side (hence the name) than the transhumanism side, but a very good RPG with innovative mechanics and an emphasis on creating a web of intrigue though the PC's personal connections.
1D4chan has a system called SimpleD6 which can easily be applied to any genre. It's easy to learn and run, the character sheets are simple and allow for people to create a character in less than 15 minutes.
>No fantasy elements like in Shadowrun either.
I've really enjoyed cyberpunk 2020 so far, it sounds like it could fit what you're looking to do
Not heard of this one before, any more info?
>Posts in a cyberpunk thread
>Doesn't recognize Serial Experiments Lain
You know have to be 18 to post here, right?
>Japanese, fan-translated
>uses standard set of playing cards
>no HP, wounds have direct effects based on rating
>physical, mental, social wound tables
>character creation based on combining three archetypes