>The paladin order gets excited and giddy like school girls when there's a demonic invasion.
>Typically a bounce in their step as they merrily go to kick some arse, all of them constantly filled with joyful bouncy energy as they charge into the fray.
What can be some explanations for them being so happy about demons attacking?
The paladin order gets excited and giddy like school girls when there's a demonic invasion
Some of them secretly want to be taken by succubi/incubi.
But thats not an incubus, thats a sucubus (male)
>Implying paladins can't be female.
casting auras during peacetime is boring as fuck to bea 'onest.
>Implying they can
>Not wanting a bouncy fun loving paladin waifu.
>They're coming to US!
> they are bored with peace
> they are part of a culture that glorifies death in combat, and requires it for highest honors in afterlife
> they look forward to showing off, wining glory, and wooing fair maidens by saving them from evil abominations
>they look forward to being relevant and having people appreciate them for saving them, rather than complaining about those rich elitists.
They are all complete, murder-happy psychos magically bound and repressed by an oath who grow increasingly frustrated and unstable with every day that passes without excessive smiting.
Or they're Gauls.
Maybe they're usually constricted by the rules and laws of the society they operate in. So on their day-to-day work, they'd have to deal with all sorts of tough choices, evil people getting off scot-free etc.
Not now. Now it's just a straight-up fight against literal demons. They can go out in the field to meet evil and smite it's face in.
They can't enjoy sex.
Instead, they can enjoy a good smiting: when they smite enough demons, they feel as good as they would when reaching orgasm.
The pain of the weapons biting into them and the pleasure of smiting demons makes them aroused as fuck: they have also been promised more angelic booty the more demons they kill, so they want to have a good kill count and many angelic concubines when the war is over.
What good are angel concubines if they can't enjoy sex?
They can, in heaven.
Veeky Forums is unusually thirsty, even for Veeky Forums, today
There is no sex in heaven.
Probably because they have super sex.
In my setting there is, so you can fuck to your heart's content.
Actually yes, yes there is.
> What can be some explanations for them being so happy about demons attacking?
They don't get paid when there's no demons attacking, because the general populace is too stupid and greedy to upkeep the paladin order.
But then something happens, and everyone goes "Oh, demons invaded, what are we gonna do?", and suddenly all the paladin orders in the land are showered with gold and bitches.
Demon invasion = PAYDAY, MOTHERFUCKER.
They enjoy killing demon scum in the name of there god ?
The paladins are all gifted by immortality by their god. Centuries of life have dulled their senses to most pursuits of the flesh, and it is only in battle that their hearts sing with joy while butchering the enemy.
>walk around a ghetto 'laying hands' on smelly diseased peasants or glorious do some glorious smiting
Well, I would lay my hands on the farmer's daughter, if you know what I mean.
>guard the world from demonic threats for thousands of years
>beat demons so hard that most of the population doesn't believe they exist anymore
>paladin's do nothing but heal old people and perform a few exorcisms here and there
>secular beliefs take the world's kingdoms
>people think Paladin's are just scam artists with fancy magic
>paladin's forced into exile
>wards start to wear off over time due to no Paladins to reforge them
>Secular explorer types start breaking Sacred Seals and unleash demons
>Everyone freaks the fuck out as normal weapons do nothing
>Paladin's catch wind of this
>Paladin's faces when
They've been brainwashed by the state from a very young age into thinking that combat is the most fun and exhilarating thing in life and have never actually seen combat at all in their life, only read about it in textbooks. Kind of like a whole legion of Farneese from Berserk.
>So fed up with morally grey situations and peaceful endings to conflicts, they just want a situation where they can kick ass and chew bubblegum without feeling bad afterwards.
>Paladins are the United States and its military
I can dig it
>Vietnam Paladins
Holy shit yes.
Pretty much this.
Morally grey gets really tiring after a while.
They're gonna have to deal with evil anyway. It's nice to have evil that owns up to itself.
LMAO at his helmet bottle of CLP.