Civ thread?? First race and location with 3 votes wins

Civ thread?? First race and location with 3 votes wins


>One of these things is not like the others
>YETI in all caps

Mkay, I'll humor you OP: Yetis...but near a volcano.


Don't think I've ever even noticed the Yetis lol

What happened to the once thriving civ community here? :(


Yetis - 1 vote
Dwarves - 1 vote
Volcano - ! vote
Plains - 1 vote



Who rules the north!?

>Yetis - 1 vote
>Dwarves - 1 vote
>Volcano - ! vote
>Plains - 1 vote
> Human - 1 vote
> Tundra - 1 vote

Yeti snowy Mountains

>Yetis - 2 vote
>Dwarves - 1 vote
>Volcano - ! vote
>Plains - 1 vote
> Human - 1 vote
> Tundra - 1 vote
> Snowy Mountains

Harpies in the City Ruins!

Let's be bad dudes and play hardmode. Worst diplomacy race with raiders and bandits around, let's do this!

>People wanting to be furries instead of humans
Fucking disgusting

Humans in the mountains

Undead, Lizardfolk, Insect, Troll or Yeti I don't give a fuck just lets get something started

>Yetis - 3 vote
>Dwarves - 1 vote
>Volcano - ! vote
>Plains - 1 vote
> Human - 2 vote
> Tundra - 1 vote
> Mountains - 2
> Harpies -1

Yetis win race vote

People can change vote for location

Yetis in the City Ruins

Mana Wastes would be acceptable too.

Will change vote from Tundra to mountains

Good classic mountain yetis inc

The ????? Tribe is 19 (9 females 9 males and 1 cub) yetis strong, deep in the Lachlen Highlands your tribe has been wandering for many moons. They come to the mouth of an invitingly wide cave and consider their options.

The tribe currently has little leadership but makes decisions based on which side has the most yetis and thus would win a fight. Your nature shaman named ???? does have some authority. And a promising young brave named ???? appears to be the greatest raider of the tribe. You have 10 mountain goat carcasses and hides, 8 wooden clubs and your shaman has a slightly battered oak staff. One of the younger yetis has a flint and knows how to make fire although the older yetis look down upon this as too newfangled and unyetilike.

The weather is fairly heavy snow and poor visibility, your options for scouting/travel are climb up the mountain more, inside the cave or back down the mountain.

Sub-breed is mountain yetis, excellent climbers and hardy yetis with a stealth bonus on mountains or hills

>Nuaka Tribe
>Shaman Kulag
>Young Brave Ulan

I say set up inside the cave, let the women and cub and shaman make a home inside, while the other (8?) males explore further down for food and resources

9 adult males, cub can be male, should have specified sorry

I assumed shaman was male, so leaving shaman in cave (male or female) and have the rest of the adult males go down the mountain for more food and resources

Ah yes the shaman is male

The female takes her cub into the cave, it's littered with old bones and she finds a bronze broach amongst them. It's a spacious cave which extends deep into the mountain. The female clears space for the others and stashes the food and hides behind some rocks in the corner. The shaman explores the cave a little seeing a small passage just big enough for a yeti at the end of the cave. He practices some nature spells in his head whilst the female feeds the cub.

Below the males have spotted a wold herd of goats. Ulan suggests capturing them as goat-slaves but they are unsure how. In the end they settle for hunting and capture 2 goats. A brave finds a club worthy log and some firewood is collected despite the talk of fire almost starting a fight. Some mushrooms are also collected although how edible they are is questionable. The snow clears a little and a brave spots fires in a valley below to the west, Whilst the sounds of howling wolves further up the mountain is also heard.



Send a couple of the males back up with the the mushrooms and goats, let the Shaman examine the mushrooms, the other males should probably keep searching if possible, also maybe send one of the returning males into the passage to explore

We need to explore some more.

Ulan and the males eat a goat and send a brave to check on the cave (he brings the slightly chewed and bloody skin with him along with the other carcass). Then they walk a while along a ridge towards the top of a large cliff overlloking the valley below. They see humans dressed in shiny rings with shiny points on their war sticks,about 500 of them roughly in a temporary camp on a wide path going south-west along the valley.

The shaman examines the mushrooms and is 90% sure they are Sleepsbane worts, a very powerful stimulant. (You have 10grammes). The only time he has encountered them before is at the Bloodmoon festival at the sacred circle on Mount Helmir long ago when he was barely older than a cub.

The yeti sent back is Fat Grui and he doesn't fit in the passage. The females look a little disgruntled at being sat in the cave for so long but continue to feed the cub and eat some goat.

You still have 10 goat carcasses, 12 hides, 1 load of firewood, a flint, shaman's staff, 10 grammes of Sleepsbane. Very rudimentary camp in the cave.

Get a Grui and a couple females to start a controllable fire in the cave (the back preferably) maybe send some of the female yetis further up the mountain to see if there is anything useful?

Gather information on the humans from a safe distance but do not be seen or engaged, bring back as much stone wood and meat as possible (How long do cubs take to grow?)

I'd love to see tech based slimes.

Specifically Slimes with abysmal melee and exceptional tech (they would make specialized exoskeleton suits to fill and manipulate from within).

Do female yetis go on walks? What are the gender roles for Yetis?

I am also unsure on how Yeti society works? Are males bigger? Females bigger? Cubs fast growers? How big are the yetis in comparison to humans?

OP abandoned thread? Anyone wanna take over?

I second the controlled fire, maybe try cooking a bit of goat meat to show fire has it uses