I need help fa/tg/entlemen. My party has to get this macguffin, a flaming orb of power, from this drow lady. See she is trying to sell it off to the highest bidder in a secret auction filled if cultists who want to use it to bring their gods into the world. I have an invitation and am allowed to bring in one other person. We need have a way to forge a banknote that says we have a shit ton of money. However, I don't want to fuck it up and ruin it for everyone.
pic unrelated
Have to get fuck powerful orb from Scary lady
That art is quite horrible.
If you were making a town themed around a defunct golem, you'd have it carved into the body or scrap it and build houses out of the parts.
Building on top of it is stupid and inconvenient. Howcome it just sits on top of the ground neatly? Something that heavy would be partially sunk. The bridge over the thumb is particularly pointless, and that river wouldn't still be flowing under the head.
I was thinking the same things. Now I'm wondering how a society would develop and function in the remains of a massive magical/mechanical golem. There's potential.
There's a lot of potential, especially if they restore parts of it to working order but use them in a way that isn't intended, like detaching the drive belts on a limb and replacing them with an elevator, or using the boiler room to heat the city and provide safe running water.
I imagine it would be some kind of war golem, there's not much reason to make something THAT big otherwise. Refugees could have flocked to it for safety while the rest of civilization nuked each other into dust with magic.
Joined by survivors of the war, humanity survived in the bowels of a war machine, a dead god of destruction.
What would this place be called?
>What would this place be called?
I'm a big fan of some bastardized name taken from the outside of golem, where letters have faded away from its official designation.
Or if they're named like warships, keep the name.
>Or if they're named like warships, keep the name.
>Golem's named for destruction or fatalistic, like "End of Days"
Paints a pretty bleak for a bastion of survivors in dark times. I can dig it.
Talk your way into becoming a broker/representative for someone who actually does have all that money, then use their money to buy the orb and run off with it. You'll make a powerful new enemy (which makes it more likely for your GM to allow the plan to work, since it makes for an interesting follow-up story), but you'll succeed in the presumably more important task of preventing the cultists from getting their hands on it.
I fucking love you guys
You're making me blush. Got any ideas?
I'm wondering how the position of the golem would affect everything. If it managed to sit upright, maybe falling backwards onto a mountain or something, would society be organized accordingly, with lower classes at the legs and upper classes at the shoulders, neck, and head. What about the military?This is assuming the golem has a fully humanoid form, of course.
I can't tell whether to be mad that the thread is completely derailed or amazed at you guys.
Structural problems?
If it's been broken for a long time it could be rusting, or collapsing in on itself. The lower levels could be filled with fluid or you could have pressure leaks from steam pipes.
There could be parts of it stripped bare where daylight shines in.
The military class could even be taking it apart to build their own, more primitive golem weapons. If you want to build an empire around the fallen golem, they could send out attack forces to get tribute from the barbaric villages in the area.
>end of the campaign
>the bad guy manages to reactivate the fucking thing
>battle both inside and outside it as;
>the communities go to war with each other, gunshots ringing through the narrow corridors
>worn out mechanisms shear loose, slicing townspeople in two
>the ceilings collapse
>steam explodes from the walls
>the ground trembles underfoot
>the golem shakes itself apart
>ancient weapons systems begin tearing the outside world to pieces
It's like the end of the world, but better.
If we assume it's somewhat magical in nature, or made of materials that don't corrode, like mithril, decay might not be a problem. If someone went through all the trouble to build this thing in the first place, such protection would have been a good investment.
That said, maybe the legs were stripped to build a town in the shadow of the golem, with it keeping watching over the people.
Something had to bring it down, so there might be holes(and maybe one big one in the chest, the fatal blow) from battle letting light in.
Sorry, OP, but if it's any consolation, you might have spawned the setting for my next campaign or at least a key location in it.
Also, can I get some giant golems/robots?
Here is an ancient busted giant robot.
>Build bridge over thumb instead of going around or digging a tunnel through it.
I am particularly fond of a very humanoid golem spanning over a river or gorge, using the elevated or separated posititon of it's head as a castle-like structure and the surfacing ribs and bones as different quarters.
Sci fi stuff in a fantasy setting is just the best.
Elves and dragons and technology that's unnaturally advanced in a few areas through reverse engineering.
What if all the cities living on the golem have something like a magical version of the internet using the circuits and brain of the thing itself?
Telegrams and wired phone lines are cooler
Telegrams are a great idea. Despite the advanced technology around them, the people might live with mid to 1800's era technology and whatever has been salvaged, setting technology back to the dawn of electricity.