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>Rules databases
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
>not 30 grav guns edition
I've compilled the leaked deathwatch photos into a shitty-photo-pdf.
Enjoy codex: deathwatch.
Third for guard
Cheers brah
Well I can stop making my own now, cheers.
So according to the new novel "Calgar's Siege", Calgar is known across the Imperium as the greatest of the living marines.
How does this make you feel?
Todays faqs
do you guys think we'll ever get more chariots?
xth for guard are idiots
t. FAQs
So, I browsed every fucking FAQ/forum ever.
If my Chaos lord (I5-Powerfist) and a wolf lord stuff (I5-Powerfist) go into a duel
Then proceed to kill each other, thus dying simultaneously
Do I roll on the chaos boons table, and if I go Apotheosis or Spawnhood, do I get to place a DP/Spawn on board ?
Happened three times lately, rolled (regain all wounds stuff), spawnhood and today, I rolled Apotheosis haha
Since you remove the model anyway, it doesn't matter if you died or not.
You still place the spawn/demon prince.
dead men can't claim their rewards, doesn't matter how many rewards you would have gotten
I don't know, grey knights seem rather dumb
>can I take relics from a different faction
Is as bad as the blood angel's
>can I take formations that aren't for my faction
>inb4 the blood angel player convinced that formations don't have a faction and that he should be able to take space marine stuff
>Q can i just-
>A No
>Q but i just wo-
>Q Maybe one psyk-
Well Blood Angels are Space Marines, is not like they are Chaos Space Marines.
But then again more than one Codex for Space Marines is dumb.
>Is as bad as the blood angel's>can I take formations that aren't for my faction
Haven't seen the IG FAQ I see.
>Can I take these units that aren't part of the formation, in the formation?
Some people are just fucking stupid.
Pretty sure that it falls under the simultaneous thing so the players who turn it is decides
>your turn
>you choose to roll attack first and kill
>immediately roll and take result
>opponent loses attack because your model is removed
>opponents turn
>he rolls first kills you
>you roll, kill him
>no reward because yore dead
Yarrick one is odd. Last time I check commissar had it. At least give for consistency sake.
Same shit with Celestin, basically is a Seraphim, does not have Angelic rule... Oh well it's not like GW care of anything but marines or GC
Seems reasonable, he is an Ultramarine after all.
It is so fucking pathetic, it is unbelievable.
No, Yarrick isn't stubborn, are you fucking blind?
No, a Taurox prime isn't an assault vehicle, what the fuck.
No, why the fuck should the hydra have interceptor?
JESUS CHRIST, THE STUPIDITY IS TOO MUCH. This is why we need forced sterilization. Humanity is doomed if these people are allowed to breed.
Is there a reason Pedro wasn't invited to the sternhammer strike force party?
You would not get to have the DP/spawn
Except that's wrong. The wording isn't
"Remove the model as a casualty and place with a DP/spawn in it's place"
It's "replace the model with a DP/spawn". Because the model in question is dead, there is no model to replace, and thus he wouldn't get to place the prince or the spawn
the rule says "whenever "so they happen at the same time.
that makes it complicated..... Maybe as GW they seem to be in responsive mode for now.
No Chapter Masters allowed.
Same reason Calgar can't lead a Gladius as the mandatory "Captain"
>Except that's wrong. The wording isn't"Remove the model as a casualty and place with a DP/spawn in it's place"It's "replace the model with a DP/spawn". Because the model in question is dead, there is no model to replace, and thus he wouldn't get to place the prince or the spawn
Huh, fair enough.
Not a CSM player. I usually let our CSM player take any confusing rules to his benefit. He is my friend, and I play DA Ravenwing, so he is kinda fucked by default...
>do these things have the rules which they don't have, with absolutely no basis for having these rules?
Yarrik is a fair question, the other two are dumb as shit. It's like the grey knights asking to take marine relics, or blood angels asking to take marine formations. GW made the right call on the second and third question.
Calgar is a LoW rather than a HQ slot. That case is a little different.
I'm okay with it, but I feel like Dante should have that title. No country for old marines it seems.
user, you have to beat the stupidity out of people.
>This is why we need forced sterilization. Humanity is doomed if these people are allowed to breed.
I'm,sorry what? Your not the crazy commie from that poltics thread yesterday, are you?
Anyone have a handy FAQ page about chariots? I'm starting to get tired stopping the game to showcase that yes, command barges can ignore most things on the damage chart when in a decurion. Chariots are weird.
I mean as part of a Strike Force Command slot.
No it fucking isn't.
No idea what you are refering to, so I am gonna go with "no", but this display of stupidity that makes a rock look intelligent, is quite distressful.
>do these models have rules that they don't have?
>can I take things that I'm not allowed to take?
>waahh big mean GW only cares about marines! Why can't I do things I'm not allowed to do? Stop preventing me from having fun!!!1!
chariots are treated like vehicles, they can never be immobilized and downgrade it to shaken. on the charge they do d6 s6 ap- hammer of wrath attacks unless otherwise stated. any questions?
honestly why do you care?
GWs FAQ includes many good questions and answers. So if they answer some stupid questions, let them.
This droppod ruling and some others are far more relevant.
Noice, it even has the formations that were missing from the forum post.
Based user is based.
>No idea what you are refering to, so I am gonna go with "no", but this display of stupidity that makes a rock look intelligent, is quite distressful.
There was a thread yesterday asking if Veeky Forums types tend to be left wing or right wing, and then one guy came along who was and I quote
"Anti-tradtionalist, anti-theist, anti-capatilsist, pro-white, pro-eugenics" commie type, who wanted only the elites to rule (the elites being determined by "the sole qualifier of IQ“), in a democracy where the non-elites would slowly be breed out of existence, and then the elites would use eugenics, genetic engineering and all other bullshit to create a king of the world. Or we would all be ruled by AI's, which would be easy because the world population would be reduced to only a "hundred million or so"
Shit was crazy. And it became this guy was 100% serious.
>GWs FAQ includes many good questions and answers.
They should stick to these, and not even bother with the retarded questions.
It also gave the normal people a chance to filter out the retards, so we could steer clear of idiots too stupid to understand very basic English sentences.
Don't bring unrelated drivel into this thread. They're bad enough as it is. Listen to pic related instead.
Huh.. that's odd. He SHOULD be allowed.
I'll go with "What is GW is retarded?"
It would not have been the first time GW forgot to include the rules for a unit, hell I remember the 6e Spess Muhreens Command Squad they forgot to put 'special weapons' in the list of options and forgot to put say Bikes could swap a pistol for a CCW so they could use the rules for every piece of gear that said "a model may swap a ccw for a X". Yarrick's question was "was this a misprint" not "do the rules as written allow me to do this" and questions like it were why similar cases have been changed in the past.
Yeah well, that's fucking stupid - But I am not seeing a problem with a lower limit of IQ, just keep it low, like, at 60, so the chucklefucks asking some of these questions get removed from the genepool.
>It also gave the normal people a chance to filter out the retards, so we could steer clear of idiots too stupid to understand very basic English sentences.
This. I'm now 100% convinced that the real problem with 40k isn't the horribly balanced codexes, but utterly retarded players. I'd bet the majority of people who bitch about their faction being underpowered all the time are people who hardly understand how to play the game, outside of stuff like orks, nids or CSM, though even then a huge part of the bitching still probably comes from illiterate retards.
That sounds fair.
Going along with my idea for a 500-750 point Deathwatch army with Legion of the Damned allies, what should I bring? I'm going for Navy Seals/Cheeki Breeki style, infantry only.
What would be recommended? I'm thinking at least 1 veteran squad with stalker bolters. Every special forces team needs sniper backup.
Why are marine vehicles so boring? Their troops are obviously great, but most of their tanks look like toys, land speeder just looks silly.
Legion of the Damned is 1 unit only and a squad of 5 is 125 points. Doable with the cheapness of Deathwatch. They're meant to be resilient droptroops that take out a hardened target that's in cover with things like pinpoint deepstrike IC multimelta.
If you think the current looks silly:
This is the original 1st edition Landspeeder
1) The phylactery confers It Will Not Die to both the rider and vehicle, does this mean I get a roll for both?
2) Melee attacks have to all be designated at the vehicle or the rider, not split, unless when multiple squads are attacking at once?
3) Can anything lower the initiative of Hammer of Wrath? I've had issues with people trying to claim concussive wounds, and an Elder player saying their wargear might, but didn't show me anything.
>their tanks look like toys
God forbid someone use their toys for game pieces aimed at teens right?
Haha! fuck you!
1 and 2 are yes
3) hammer of wrath is always at i10. if say a bloodthrister took some grav damage he'd be i1 (instead of his amazing i9) but his hammer of wrath attack is still at i10, chariots are unaffected by concussive because they don't have initiative
Guys can knights hold stuff in their thunder gauntlets as improvised weapons?
Can an independent character with the deep strike rule start the game in an allied (battle brother) squad that also has the deep strike rule, and deep strike as a part of that squad?
Well they can pick up vehicles and throw them at shit.
>aimed at teens
Because teens have the hundreds of dollars necessary to pursue this hobby.
>use FAQ to errata Marines and buff their dreads
>surprised when everyone wants an errata
Fuck off retard.
If the rules say you can't take something, guess what? You can't take it! Shock suprise, I know, but that's how the game works.
>use FAQ to errata Marines and buff their dreads
Only blood angels, not vanilla
Also, marines got nerfed quite a bit with the FAQs, you are just a whiny little bitch.
1) Yes, roll seperatly for both
2) all similar attacks go on the same target, if 4 bolt guns and one missle launcher shoot you, you may take the bolters on the chariot and the missle on the rider
3) concussive won't, not sure about any weird eldar rules. HoW happens at I10, it's not an attack in the strictest sense.
>its ok when my toys get buffs but not when yours do!
Hey, hey buddy
i thought the FAQ looked funny with all the no answers, so made a little funny
so there is no need to be so butt hurt. But hey, if thats' your thing, then just keep being you buster
always thought it was more like slapping them away
I don't really know how articulated those gauntlets are, just wondered if a knight could sport a CCW that wasn't bolted on the rest of the body
Read, you illiterate retard.
Nothing got buffed in my army, it just got nerfed.
Oh hey look.
It's fucking nothing.
>Replace Melee weapon with Boltgun
>replace one boltgun with shotgun
>boltgun and shotgun marines
Okay I'm doing this
maybe it's just me, but i've never found it worth it to actually take hits on the rider. then again my daemon chariots can't take hits well and the rider usually drops fast
what you didn't? i didn't have a bunch of money but enough to buy a 750 or so army back in 3.5 csm
>not having two shotguns
what are you, a queer or something?
>not having a squad of 5 marines with 2 powerfists each
Stop projecting your bitchiness, user. It's unbecoming of you
Just admit you think only Marines should ever get an errata and move on
>Hurr durr, Muhreen favouring
You one of those Tau faggots who hate ITC as well?
I only take hits on the rider when the chariot has already taken damage.
The necron ones are better at this because the lords are t5, and can take lascannon hits for the chariot, and usually have a better invul save
>going to a tournament
>taking pure Blood Angels
.. it still counts as pure if I'm bringing a Sicaran and a Fire Raptor, right? Also thinking about a Contemptor with dual bullshit cannons.
Not him but the ITC crowd in San Antonio kinda forces the rules on new players or they basically won't get a game but they all play tau/eldar/small so it's not like they're missing anything
Phoneposting a shit
i got a 2++ on my exalted chariot once, it was amazing; until that next turn i got -1 invuls and ate a fuckton of shots in overwatch
I almost thought Deathwatch had a chance of being a viable army... but the Dominatus kill team that gets to reroll wounds against elites is forced to take two jump infantry, which means no drop pods. So no Riptide assassination squad for this army, therefore they can't compete.
So, guys
I play Raptors, and have for a long time. They are cool, and gives me a great time using just a ton of tactical marines with their trusty bolters.
I played against a guy, who asked me why I didn't use my Chapter master. So I looked him up, and...
Well, Lias Issodon looks alright. I mean, his bolter is kinda "wasted" if using the Raptor firing mode, but his rules seem pretty troll worthy.
We usually play at 1500 points, so his cost is rather high, considering my usual pick is just a cheapish captain with a storm shield, stuck in a cosy squad to not die. There is a pretty big difference between a 100 point cheap HQ, and a full Chapter master at 175 points.
Opinions on this guy? Should I aim to include him in a Raptor list, or should I just forego him, and stick to a cheap captain?
It works really well for Necrons, my Overlord can tank things like Str9 lascannon shots with a 3+/4++ save and possible reanimation protocols. Throw in the occasional eternal warrior trait, and Str10 AP1 doesn't hurt as bad compared to getting hit on a open topped vehicle.
This one is the worst one yet. It's just outright begging for shit that clearly isn't even hinted at. Are IG fags retarded?
Here is a Blood Angels + Knight allies list i'm working on for a tournament.
Blood Angels (1845pts)
Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment)
Librarian [ML2, Combi-Melta, Force Weapon, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord]
Mephiston, Lord of Death
Command Squad [Meltagun x 3, Drop Pod]
Furioso Dreadnought [Fragcannon, Power Fist /w Meltagun, Drop Pod]
Furioso Dreadnought [Fragcannon, Power Fist /w Meltagun, Drop Pod]
5x Scout Squad [CCW&BP]
5x Scout Squad [CCW&BP]
10x Tactical Squad [Flamer, Heavy flamer, Hand Flamer, Drop Pod]
5x Assault Squad [Meltagun x2, Inferno Pistol, Drop Pod]
Sicaran Battle Tank [Lascannon, LoG: Battle of Sarosh]
Imperial Knights: Codex (2015) (IK Oathsworn Detachment)
Knight Warden [Heavy Stubber, Stormspear Rocket Pod, Thunderstrike Gaunlet]
between cursed earth, the daemonic incursion making it sooo easy to roll 10 on the warp storm table, and the +1invul tzeentch warlord trait, I had a game where most of my army was rocking a 3-4++ the entire game
why not just ignore that formation and take any of the other ones that let you pack 10 grav guns in a unit
>10 grav guns in a single unit
jesus fucking christ, so long devcents i guess
How does this look for a semi-casual setting?
Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1500pts)
Chapter Tactics: Raptors
HQ (150pts)
Captain (150pts)
Armour of Shadows
Bolt Pistol, Combi-melta, Storm Shield
Elites (390pts)
Sternguard Veteran Squad (195pts)
5xVeteran with Combi-melta in Drop Pod
Sternguard Veteran Squad (195pts)
5xVeteran with Combi-melta in Drop Pod
Troops (960pts) (6 dublicates of the Tactical squad)
Tactical Squad (160pts) x 6
Meltagun, 9x Space Marines
Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Combi-melta
No fliers (At all, a group of spergs hate them so much that they are permabanned, as are all superheavies), so keep that in mind.
I did consider trying to go for the free transport formation thing, but this seems to go okay usually... I just seem to have trouble against certain builds, like skyhammer and Bike spam. Not sure how to fix my list to deal with that.
I love my tactical marines and their veteran brethren.
enjoy my shitty attempt at one of these pictures
also what the fuck captcha
or, ya know, take 5 guys with grav-guns and storm shields, two vanguard vets with grav pistols and storm shields and a Librarian ML1 (Divination) with Grav Pistol. In a drop pod.
And stop bitching.
He has the grant 3 units infiltrate warlord traits which is damn good for any army, and one that wants to stand still to use its chapter tactics especially so
You wouldn't use his bolter on raptor firing mode much of the time but 4 BS6 special ammo shots if you are stood still and shooting still combos well with the rest of a squad
Causing a bunch of wounds or a couple of haywires to something at the start of the game is really good.
Fucking about with reserves is either useless or one of the best abilities depending on who you are fighting.
He's probably easily worth the points at 1250+ if the list was written with the infiltration and reserves in mind.
You could do four heavy and the rest regular grav guns, or maybe 6 grav guns four flakk launchers or plasma cannons or lascannons?
oh you missed my list from the last thread:
Libairan, lvl 2 80 80
5 vets, 5 grav guns, drop pod 220 300
5 vets, 5 grav guns, pod 220 520
5 vets, 5 grav guns, with pod 220 740
5 vets, 5 with grav guns, pod 220 960
5 vets, 5 grav guns, in a pod 220 1180
5 vets, 5 grav guns, pod 220 1400
5 terminators , 5 CML 325 1725
4 terminators , 4 CML 260 1985
jump infantry can't get in transports unless specifically allowed.
Is it worth it to take dark lance instead of blaster for kabalite warrior squad in any situation?
Are vets BS4 or BS5?
oo that dosent look nice
once more
Libairan, lvl 2 80
5 vets, 5 grav guns, drop pod 220
5 vets, 5 grav guns, pod 220
5 vets, 5 grav guns, with pod 220
5 vets, 5 with grav guns, pod 220
5 vets, 5 grav guns, pod 220
5 vets, 5 grav guns, pod 220
5 terminators , 5 CML 325
4 terminators , 4 CML 260
alas BS 4