I screwed up Veeky Forums, in an overreaction to a bad thing.
>Gming last night
>Players are on their way to fight a big Lich boss
>In setting, powerful undead tend to drain the life out of everything nearby. For a lich of this power, that's in his entire fortress. Closer you get, worse it is.
>Not a whole lot of damage being dealt, but enough that the party can't rest and recuperate in the fortress.
>Fighting their way up to the top.
>Tangling with ambushes and just general undead.
>Cue in one player. He asks, and I quote
>"How many more of these fights are we going to have before we hit Kassand?"
>"Yeah, I need to know how much of my spells to save for the big fight and how many I can expend here."
I kind of blew up at him. I don't even fully remember my rant, but idiotic metagaming was the subject of it. Cooler heads in the form of the party leader got us all to calm down and we're still theoretically on for next week. Should I apologize before then? In next session? And I still maintain that idiot guy is at serious fault for openly metagaming like that.