Does game luck 'run in the family'?

Does game luck 'run in the family'?

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god damn just think his fat ass got a wife that looked mostly like them daughters there

must have a big ol dick

And people argue AGAINST incest.

No justice in this world, I tell you hwat.

Is it already the time of year to post this again?

Pretty sure the wife is the second one counting from the right.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you much though.
However he might be rich, or have an amazing personality. Or any combination of the three really

Also obligatory classic blunder

Reading comprehension, user doesn't have it

This is a fucking lucky guy

Having mostly daughters sometimes means the father has a smaller than average dick or he's lucky I guess.

No. Luck isn't a real thing.

Fuck, fuck, kill, kill, fuck, kill.

>or he's lucky
daughters are often horrible, though

>Having mostly daughters sometimes means the father has a smaller than average dick

Fucking what?

There's been some studies showing that girls are more often born from guys with smaller dicks than larger.

God no. I am known in my group for rolling nonstop awful, and my brother lands crits every other swing.

Odds are, he grew fat over time.

I'm so sorry user, I roll crits too often. My GM makes me roll in the middle of the table for all to see to make sure I'm not cheating.

The truth is I'm not, I'm just inhumanely lucky in combat. Don't EVER ask me for Perception, I will almost always fail it as hard as possible

There have also been studies that show that women, on average, make less money than their male counterparts who work in the same field.

Studies can show you whatever you want to see.

Male sperm are more of sprinters, if they get a good lead in (due to a long dick putting them there) they're more likely to inseminate. If they have to go farther female sperm likely overtakes them.

women have a higher chance of giving birth to boys, need more men for the war machine.

Their shower drain must look like the Eye of Sauron


>Perfect teeth.
>Youngest has braces.


On the subject of game luck, it's hard to tell since gaming as we know it is so new. My dad played some Magic back in the day, but he was in more for collecting. My grandpa might have played some cards or some such, but he never talked about it. All I can say is that I'm a big believer in Lady Luck, and if I ever have a kid I'll try and see if he ever does anything like the things I do to curry favor with the lady.

That picture reminds me of something though - my father has black hair, and his sister has red hair, and my mother has brown hair. I have brown hair like my mother, but I have coppery hairs in my beard. Could my dad have had some red-haired genetics in him somehow, enough to affect my facial hair?

I don't know what sort of awful place you live in, but braces aren't a sign of money. Basic dental care is not only for rich people.

>Basic dental care is not only for rich people.
In the land of the fat and the home of the debt, it is.

>poor people can't get braces in murrica
Please, pour more of that Kool-Aid for me, Euroslime.

>implying Americans aren't allowed to be dissatisfied with their own country

Then move.

>not knowing that braces are expensive
I think we know who the real euroslime is

When it comes to games that involve rolling dice, I'm king of luck. Im talking Yu gi oh Yami levels of luck. Except for risk. That is the one game that my dice fail me.

>mfw rolling a d6 and a d4 and getting 10 five times in a row
>mfw rolling past all hotel property in monopoly, and landing in jail to avoid my opponents side of the board numerous times

It's uncanny.

As for OP pic, only the daughter on the far left is attractive to me, and as for the father, I'd say it started out as money, but evolved into genuine love.

>mfw only person in family and extended family to not need braces with perfect teeth


Nah, I just fudge the rolls against my daughter without telling her.

She's six


What the fuck am i reading?

That is really cute and all, but what if she finds out?

I'm guessing you have a small dick fetish. But I'll take the bait.
You are wrong, and everything you just said is pure nonsense.

Wrong tag.

Yuck, bet they have to unclog their tub and sink like every week.


In which third world shithole are you living ?

The idea is that sperm that end up being male are faster swimmers while the ones that are female have more stamina, so the Sperm of a man with a small penis have a longer way to travel, hence the sperm with high stamina end up fertilizing the egg making a female.

Longer dick less travel, faster male sperm make it. That's the idea anyway


Like, Brazil or Venezuela ?

Like actual America. The America that literally everybody means when they say "America". Land of the Fat, and Home of the Debt.

That's retarded. For one thing, semen is all put in the same place: "cervix fucking" isn't a thing unless there's something really wrong with the woman. That glob of semen is going to be sitting right there in the vaginal cavity weather you got a big dick or a little dick. It's a fluid, so it's going to drip on down towards the cervix no matter what. There's no "lead"

The guy has four daughters. 1 in 16 dads with 4 kids will have four daughters. It's not a sign of anything, it's just chance.

>daughters are often horrible, though

Sons tend to be predictable in the ways they fuck your life up.

Daughters get creative.

For example?

Britain probably



Get rid of the mom too.

I can't fap to this user. Not when I know creepy ghost dad watches.

Not to mention it isn't a race to begin with, despite popular belief it isn't the "quickest" sperm to get to the ovum that get to inseminate it. A single sperm can't do that alone.

[Citation needed]

Though you do have my attention.

Yeah, he might - ginger is recessive, so your dad probably has the gene and passed it on.
Despite being recessive though it's more likely to express in beards than in head hair though:

Sorry about the paper, but a serious one isn't going to give a shit.

>not creative when it comes to fucking your life up for some imagined slight

self loathing Americans are truly the worst

>Americans are truly the worst


I want to roleplay this!

>t. self-loathing American

With all the money he doesn't have? Pretty sure moving is more expensive than dental work.

red hair is a recessive gene; they are not his daughters.

>some studies
rigorous peer reviewed research with plenty of replication studies to support the results, I am sure.

is this a gaming thread?

I've heard something similar, though it was actually "depending on what time of the month it is for the woman, the egg may be higher or lower in her system, so if you time it right you can make sure you have a child of whichever sex you want."

I expect dick length would have much less of an effect, if any, than that.

>getting rid of the mom

>Not when I know creepy ghost dad watches.
Hey, it did not stop me with Teysa, I don't see why it should stop me now.

>implying it's impossible for those to be his children

>t. biology class drop-out

That... is some retarded ass nonsense. Do the "male" sperm get higher doses of testosterone from their little sperm testes and hit the sperm gym, running sperm laps to up their speed and impress the lady sperm?

Hey, does that mean that the "male" red blood cells improve circulation? No, of course not.

Individual cells do not have gender. For fuck's sake.

Not him but isn't sperm actually haploïd, and therefore got only one X or Y ? Could that affect anything or not ?

Mind me, my last bio class was 7 years ago.

Actually, the fastest sperm isn't really the one to fertilize the egg. The egg has a membrane that needs to be broken down before it can be fertilized, so the first sperm are really just cannon fodder to break against the fortress walls, and it's the ones that come in later after the barrier has been breached that actually fertilize the egg.

There was 1/256 chances that would happen, I've seen worse odds.


1/256 to have every girl red-headed trough.


>only $4k on average
>this is expensive
Motherfucker this is why you're supposed to have a savings account before you have kids. Just because some people are fucking retarded with their money and put literally none of it into savings and then bitch about not having any after buying $200 in booze/weed every month doesn't mean they're actually poor.

So hear me out, there is between 100 and 200 millions of dudes with the redhead gene out there (but not ginger themselves), and about 5% of them will have 4 kids, so lower case 5 millions of hidden ginger dudes with 4 kids. Now there's 6% of ginger in the west, so 300k of those dudes to get a redhead wife.around. More or less, counting the dudes not getting married or shit, means that there is about 1000 families like that in the west.

And we did found only one.

Oh and since we need to have the dude at least 40yo, probably only 500 families are like that.

well it does mean they are poor, they are simply poor because they spent their money poorly.

t. millennial neo-american SOCJUS communists