why do you fucking assholes keep selling your alts? what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

learned helplessness its jp morgans fault fuck the sec

alt powering btc price.

They need to sell low to buy high and then have BTC correct on them. Once January hits and the alts moon they will sell their BTC low for the alt high.

its because bitcoin is on the rise right now. Wait until the end of this year and buy as many alts as you can as they will get low as fuck.

I've given up. My Link and REQ bags will stay with me forever. Went from 22 BTC valuation to 3 because of them.

I may regret it for the rest of my life but I've given up on trying to catch BTC. It can go to 1M for all I fucking care.

Feel like i'm trapped at this point. Selling doesn't seem like a good idea either since btc is a house of cards right now that might collapse any time. But watching your alts keep sinking to new lows is fucking painful too.

send your 3 and i will send back 30 on january 6th


Im mostly into alts myself but mine seem to be weathering the storm better than most.

Because BTC is the king of all coins. It is the rarest and most valuable coin, you can have 1 million shit coins and not even have 1 BTC. Other coins will come and challenge it of course, but Bitcoin is Bitcoin, it is the first, it is the best, it is the most well known. BITCOIN.




Not shitcoin or shitshit or shiteroo. Bitcoin.

wow how retarded can someone be

My alts handled the storm just fine, you have to change it to BTC value to really see the difference.

People are looking for returns too quick. Hold onto that shit, you'll be in the mills soon enough.

I get what you mean there. They are like 5.5BTC now and I remember days when thtat 5.5 would show 20.
That's what I think too. If you find a coin that has an idea with a team actively working on developing it, you just have to give it some time. Siacoin(among many others, even ETH)was worth nothing for a year and then their teams started releasing updates finally and the price rockets.

I feel bad for the XLM holders

Suck my dick shill. Get that through your throat. Suck it.
You feel that disgusting lump on the back of your throat? Swallow it shill, it came from the king's balls, powered by LN SOON™.


look at btc dumbass

Crash course in economics for the cat cucks.

Ah well there you go. You could have had 20 BTC (now would be worth $400k) but now just have 5.5 BTC (worth $97k)

That's really the difference

every single alt on polo exept omg xmr and eth are outdated dead coins

what people dont understand is that its times like these that separate the men from the boys, or the wheat from the chafe. those who panic sell their alts and run to bitcoin will never be rich. they lack patience. those of us who held through these dark times and scooped up even MORE, will be rewarded. this is the difference between those who will make it and those who will not.

dont listen to this fuckin moron

I have 400 civic how fucked am I.