I play Fox. Your move.
Its super effective!
in before ed
I counter with Alan Hepworth
Bunnies and Burrows thread?
>Damn. Forgot how buffed Preyers got with the Poacher cards, makes being a Pred-player much steeper of an uphill battle.
Fine. Have a "immune to Poachers" Hunting Dog. Pass turn.
Put the
in the
Thats awesome as hell. I made a Bun Hengeyokai in Pathfinder with a bunny familiar to satisfy my love of bunbuns. But now EVERYONE can be a bunny!
Anyone play this yet?
I haven't, but I know it was popular back in the day (First printing was in 1976!) and it's still regarded as a pretty good system for what it does.
spotted the furfag
Very cool. Now to try to get a bunch of grown men to put down their elves and magicians and play as a rabbit.
le asian chef ignores all immunities affecting household pets
Shit, I'm starting to get the designing itch. I want to make this a game now.
>Asymmetric game, akin to Netrunner
>One player is Predator, other is Prey.
>Victory is determined by "Distance" (Want a better name)
>Predator's victory condition is to catch Prey (Distance = 0)
>Prey wins if it escapes Predator (Distance = ?; Depends on Prey or Prey's cards?)
>"Distance" (ugh) can be affected; Predators often lower it, Prey often raises it
Any thoughts?
>dat bun
You should name it
>Bun on the Run
what now motherfucker
yeah, I fucking killed your vegetable garden, what are ya gunna do cunt
Maybe expand the scope to an evolution sim, two species locked in a genetic arms race.
What is that, an image for ants?
Is that rabbit dead?
an image for buns
you asked for it desu
>Watching Iron Chef even as I read this thread
Okay, that's fucking weird.