can we get a filename thread going?
Filename thread
Woah wait, it's out in English already?
>Magic: The Donkey
>World Champion in 8 days
What is this BS. Did she just netlist?
What is this? Google gives me nothing.
it feels like a 'roleplay' to me tough?
Murenase Shiiton Gakuen.
>In the grim darkness of the far future, mankind's population has dropped precipitously and animals have taken their place. Mazama Jin is an animal-hating human trapped in a school full of animals, and his only desire is to mate with the one human girl in the school. But instead, he gets dragged into wacky hijinks by Lanka, the mini-sized dog who makes him her packmate.
God among PCs.
Reminder that King Midas was the first animal ear character.
>Smaller than the average wolf
>Dumber than the avereage wolf
>Listens to a human's orders
She's a dog. At the very least, the first dog.
greek mythology, google it
>just a flesh wound
So good to see that the translation of the manga finally picked up.
Alas, that the genderbend is now only confined to the stalker dog.
Kokkuri does it willingly at the end of one of the chapters.
Proper tengu right there.
I'm not sure if this is the right spell name I used.
What's this from?
I remember fapping to it. She rapidly earns mad XP in her class and kills the BBEG.
Dragon Pink?
Dragon pink
its an hentai
Dump the chapter in another thread. It's Veeky Forums related.
how is it Veeky Forums related?
Card games on motorcycles.
Without the motorcycles.
there are about 2 pages with card-game in all the chapters of this manga combined. and in one of those pages, the game is kicking the opponent in the face.
Does anyone can think up a name for this gif?
grappling in 5e
>there will never be an uncensored version of episode 2 fairy scene...
There's apparently a video game. I wonder if it's any good.
Yes, and?
>updates never
It hurts
I know this is wishful thinking, but is there actually a 4koma manga with girls playing trpg?
Quick Start
Sloth is superior
Damn those snapping turtles are brutal!
Quick Start and Houkago Play are both those, though Houkago Play is more to do with video games at the start, and is only homebrewed systems after.
wish I had that dm
>Houkago Play
New translations never.
>not big awoo
What is this obsession with genderbending?
Read the chapter. She literally beat up her opponent
Thanks, anons, this is pretty great
It is amusing.
Thank you truly.
Nothing wrong with attacking your opponent's life points directly.
Jesus christ, what am I reading?
It's from an actual publication from the nineties.
>princess gives the knight a ring to keep him safe
>it doesn't have magic powers
But in the stories, that shit's *always* magical.
Even if I was in munchkin-mode, I'd still treasure it regardless because the GM could simply have made it a "secretly" magical or important item whose powers will reveal themselves later.
/pol/ wasn't given a bad time. People like them don't deserve to be given anything. Instead, Veeky Forums had a LOT of fun.
What happened?
Fire Punch?
claymore, actually
/u/ has a general up about it, user.
Huh, I woulda figured Berserk.
nignog posts /mg/ on Veeky Forums gdi
I had an idea for a game where you're basically playing JoJo, except whenever another musclebound character does something epic you have to make a San check. When you fail too much you're officially Gay. I call it Homoeroticism.
I'm so very sad that the "yu-gi-ho" pun doesn't look intended.
Failed sense motive check