What a piece of shit gun how many bullets it can hold? Six? Might as well make it a revolver...

What a piece of shit gun how many bullets it can hold? Six? Might as well make it a revolver. Meanwhile lasgun has 100 shots and if you aim for the eyes and other soft spots instead of firing at the chest of Ork nobz you can instakill almost any fucker with it so just git gud with the flashlight which is a much better weapon.

Multilasers are better than both, and we should mount them on everything.


Not only that, but lasgun's laser tavel instantly making it impossible to miss. Meanwhile bolter shell is affected by gravity/wind.

I propose lowering SM with bolters BS by 1 and upping guardsmen BS by 2 to reflect that. SM with multilasers are BS 6.

>What a piece of shit gun how many bullets it can hold? Six?
To reflect that everytime you shoot bolters you roll a d6, on 1 you ran out of ammo and skip shooting phase.

>impossible to miss
>only factor in hitting a target is travel time

This is laser we are talking about , you just hold the trigger and wave lasgun in general direction of an enemy, you are guaranteed a hit.

I demand BS9 guardsmen now

>lasgun fires a continuous beam

I'm of the opinion that .75cal is still the canon bolter round size, and the stub we're seeing on the end of the weapon isn't actually part of the barrel; it's some sort of weird flash suppressor. Or maybe flash amplifier? Muhreens being all about shock & awe.

Dispersal & refraction is a thing, especially if you're firing in an area with a lot of dust & smoke (IE battlefields).

It's funny because the bolter was designed specifically so it could be made and look good easily in a tiny scale, so it's basically a shoebox with a hilt and a magazina, all crudely designed, and a roll of toilet paper sticking out one end, yet people somehow think the gun looks good/badass

If you look at any real life gun, the muzzle suppressor tends to be quite large in comparison to the bullet itself. We know from fluff that in 40k era the .75 is the most common cartridge and at least the Godwyn/Ultima bolters are in that caliber. In 30k the Tigrus is .60 and the Phobos is .70.

A funny note, in OP's image the bolts don't even fit through the ejection port on the side of the gun.

Are the space marine bolters .75?
I understand there also under scaled bolters made for the average human as well

Standard marine bolters are .75 yeah.

Fluff hasn't been specific on how undersized or powered "civilian" bolters are or even if they always are.

Fluff says they slightly less destructive
Source is the dark heresy armory in the core rule book

I was also gonna add they must be around .70 or .65 but that sort of recoil doesn't sound like something a human can handle unless there's some future "smart impact recoil reduction gel" Mumbo jumbo

They are gyrojets, so the recoil is going to be a lot less than a regular bullet of the same calibre

No, bolters are two stage and still have a full gunpowder charge.

In 40k fluff, outside of very rare special case, all bolters are .75. I have not seen any definitive indication that Marines and non-Marines use different calibers.

It can still be a relatively small charge for a bullet that size. Kicking only as much as say a 12 gauge shotgun.
A low muzzel velocity would be fine as long as its still enough too kill. The rocket motor means it accelerates in flight, so the muzzle velocity is actually the slowest speed of the projectile in its flight.

Regular human models being smaller comes up in dark heresy. Necromunda also lets you load "civilian" bolt shells into a standard shotgun.

>that sort of recoil doesn't sound like something a human can handle

People have handled .75 caliber recoil just fine.

>Regular human models being smaller comes up in dark heresy.

In terms of ergonomics. It, and even the Deathwatch book that goes full retard with astartes weapon size and power, say bolters are .75 caliber.

>Necromunda also lets you load "civilian" bolt shells into a standard shotgun.

I don't see anything indicating that it's of different caliber to marine ones.

>Source is dark heresy
dark heresy takes liberties with the setting for the sake of gameplay

Bolt shells are bolt shells regardless of whether or marines or humans are using them. It's just a pain in the ass to maintain a boltgun and keep a stock of ammunition, which keeps most people from using them.

In my homeruleset of dark heresy i use "Civitas" model of .45 bolters, "Astartes" of .60 and in heavy bolters, i use .90

Then some models of the astartes use .70

Firing a smoothbore musket loaded with black powder is a totally different experience from firing a rifle with jacketed cartridges. Not to mention rocket-propelled explosives like bolter rounds.

Point being a mere caliber of the shot doesn't tell you fuck all about the load, recoil, etc. Not all .30 caliber shots are the same, not all .45 caliber shots are the same. And thus not all .75 shots are the same.

The point is a bolters initial charge only needs to be as powerful as a muskets for it too be useful at point blank range. If a solid lead ball at that speed is lethal an armour peircing HE round will have no trouble.
Beyond that the rocket takes care of things so you get huge gun performance without huge gun recoil.


Can't they hold 28 bolts or something?