>hurr durr I'm retarded look at me disregarding camouflage and being too autistic to improvise on the battlefield because muh codex
Hurr durr I'm retarded look at me disregarding camouflage and being too autistic to improvise on the battlefield...
>hurr durr I'm retarded look at me shitposting everything that comes to mind and being too autistic to post actual content or interesting discussion topics because I cannot stop sucking cocks
Camo is actually supported by the codex though.
Ultramarines improvise all the time, in what is probably their latest battle Calgar picks up a Necron Pylon and uses it to dakka the Necrons.
Being blue on a jungle planet is not camo.
What's your point?
Camo is still a thing the codex supports and Ultramarines never had the flaw that prevents them from taking camo.
Those are the ones not wearing camouflage.
Have you ever seen an Ultramarine wearing camouflage? No? That's how good they are at it.
Ultramarines hail from Ultramar, a planet that's almost exclusively water. The blue paint scheme is to blend in with the oceans and the sky.
If the threat is powerful enough to threaten a Space Marine then it usually won't be fooled by mere camo
They kill a lot of xenos scum on their home planet, eh?
>He takes art as the be-all-end all interpretation
So I assume the Eldar and Tau too, are retarded for disregarding camouflage, despite the fluff explicitly stating they do, entirely because the artists almost always colour their work in the faction's iconic colourscheme.
what i meant to say is:
If a wolfer is wolfishly enwolfened to wolfanize a wolf then it usually bewolf wolf pup wolf coat
Space Marines are not guerrilla fighters, they are shock-troops
Hit hard, hit fast, overwhelm and eliminate all opposition before they can properly react
The only Ultra's. hell the only space marines I've seen with camo are the scouts. And that's only some of them, with those capes.
Also, Cadia and Kreig alone manage to supply the entire galaxy with cannon fodder.
Definitely no bias. No using recognisable features for the viewer 's benefit.
>Ultramarines improvise all the time
I wouldn't say "all the time" but some of them are capable of improvisation. Usually though they have their heads waaaaaay too far up their butts about how codex does not support X.
Raptors use camo.
>Wearing camouflage when the Imperium has planets ranging the full spectrum of ocean worlds, tropical jungle planets, arctic planets, barren planets and earth-like planets.
Plus there's only so much camouflage an 8 foot tall super-soldier can use
Who needs camouflage on the battlefield when the enemy has nothing that can really hit you hurt you faster than you hit them?
Not to mention that there's only some situations where marines need to use camouflage. Assassins and scouts exist for a reason. You don't ask the IG to take down a warboss in a surgical strike after all. Specialisation is a thing.
>They specifically ship xenos to make use of their camo
Only part of that pic that's remotely good is the sub-lasgun
Gotta train somehow. Practice cages will only get you so far
Oh yeah, forgot about them.
Is that why Tau keep fucking them up?
>Shooting the Space Marines first
>Shooting as accurately as Space Marines
Maybe if they're ambushed. But anyone who's ambushed by powerful weaponry is going to start losing bodies fast.
>hurr durr I'm retarded and hate ultra marines because 1d4chan told me so muh matt ward
I hate all marines.
Scout marines use camo cloaks.
The average space marine is an 8 foot tall super soldier capable of taking hits from most conventional firearms and carries a gun that shoots rockets. They do not need camo as they exist to shit on infantry and light vehicles. Ever seen the average 40k battlefield? You know giant empty plain cramped with 5 combatants per square foot? In those scenarios camo is useless. It's not like modern times were we all engage each other at a distance. In 40k everyone rushes straight into the battlefield to get face to face(other than the tau who can barely hold their own against a tiny imperial force). Large scale comabt situations in 40k basically did a 360 degree turn and ended up in what essentially is medieval combat- your levies are the bulk of your army and do the most fighting and then your brightly colored knights come from the flanks and ride down the enemy currently engaged with your guys
It's not like 40k has no urban warfare.
Well then you'll be happy to hear that only a few chapters have outright disdain for camouflage. The bulk of them use it when they actually need it, it just never comes up because camouflage usually just makes miniatures look bad.
Guys, I think I have found the resaon we don't see camouflaged smurfs. They are so good at it they pretend to be other legion, which is supposed to be good at camo and general confusion. AND ARE ALSO BLUE.
Yes, the camoflaged smurf are the AL, and they are so good at it that they camoed in two primarchs, prentended to kill one of them and go double traitor.
And you all know this to be true due to smurf power.
The most effective battle tactic Space marines use is the use of drop pods to slam right into enemy forces.
How the fuck would camo be useful when you're hurtling from the sky in a METAL BAWKS to land right on top of the enemy.
Raptors use so much camo there are a lot of people that don't know that their colors are Blu and yellow, and their iconic green armor is just for jungle environments.
Yea but in urban warfare it's typically infantry vs infantry, tight cramped spaces are have no WAY of letting bigger vehicles and weapons squeeze in to counter these guys. Plus they even carry on their own huge weapons. Name a more commonly deployed super infantry smaller, better and more available than a space marine. Also are Terminators are thing.
Actualy, in the Blades of Damocles, the Tau comment on how the marines make no effort to camoglage themselves which makes them quite an easy target.
Farsight located and ambushed a group of them because of this and killed ll of them except their geneseed medic.
>Plus there's only so much camouflage an 8 foot tall super-soldier can use
Not to mention the heat signature from their armours power pack making detection trivial.
That entire book was fucking inane though, so was the entire series.
>Ethereal surviving a departo munitorum attack
>Shadowsun is the most respected commander in the T'au military next to Farsight (pre-succession) but all of her subordinates still shittalk her
>Shadowsun literally pulls a *it was a hologram* *teleports behind you* on a space marine Chapter Master
jesus that series was fucking appauling
Mk6 corvus masks heat signatures, though
A deathwatch space marine took out 3 crisis suits with a bolter only receiving scratches on his pauldrons apparently.
Also farsight is the last one to talk about not using camo, aren't all of his forces bright red and covered ribbons?
>he doesn't know that Space Marines are primarily heavy shock troops
>space marine Chapter Master
Cato wasn't a chapter Master. Num was a Captain, though.
shadowsun killed Corvin Severax in blood oath with a ghostkeel and a body-double
>Also farsight is the last one to talk about not using camo, aren't all of his forces bright red and covered ribbons?
That was to honour the fallen of war of the Arkunasha. To show that he will never forget them. So he has a vaild reason.
>A deathwatch space marine took out 3 crisis suits with a bolter only receiving scratches on his pauldrons apparently.
Dude, you confused me with your confusion.
"Blades of Damocles" is a novel about the first Damocles Crusade when Farsight and Shadowsun worked together against the first Imperial invasion of Tau space.
>sentimentality is a valid reason for exposing yourself to fire
you really don't know that much about marines, do you?
Nice on the honoring the fallen but space marines are the same way
Also it's from a book known as last chancers
I'm talking about the Damocles series in general dude
muh feelings are valid but your feelings are not
duh, this is TIDF you're talking to
"Camouflage is the colour of cowardice"
No, the space marines do it as a macho thing.
linked the wrong post. That post is meant for
the dorndex wallstartes isn't a thing, and most marines do not share his views
why did you quote my post
any Ork boy worth his salt can stomp any muhreen
I was talking about purity seals but the colors thing is understandable, also in a firefight knowing your allies are especially giant walking armoured fire hydrants must be useful
The Ultramarines quoted him when the subject of camo was brought up.
except the ultramarines have a vast library of camouflage in the codex they study
There must be a lot of ork boys not worth their salt
Oh wait they're recent codex already told me that
According to Cato, the idea of painting over their armour would shame them. The enemy must know who is fighting them.
The marines with him agreed.
it's almost like whoever wrote the novel doesn't know about the fluff
It was Phil Kelly. He is an old and major studio desginer and codex writer.
>You don't ask the IG to take down a warboss in a surgical strike after all.
That kinda thing is the exact forte of stormtroopers/scions.
>Space Marines are retarded for being proud of everything their Chapter stands for
>but it's okay when the Tau do it because it's to honor their fallen :(
Fucking Taufags
>The commander zoomed in on the ruins below. The vivid yellow squares of Imperial drop craft marred the cityscape, smaller blue shapes dotted around them like the buds of Kan’jian peak-blossom. Not for these proud gue’ron’sha the notion of camouflage. They would rather announce their presence loud and clear in the hope their sheer belligerence would intimidate their foes.
>For this, they would be made to pay.
>‘Let the blade fall,’ transmitted Farsight over the cadre-net. The response was instant. Three by three the battlesuit la’ruas bailed out from the Orcas as they passed over the gue’ron’sha beachhead. The Mantas dispatched larger teams of five, shield drones circling around them in wide circles like electrons orbiting a nucleus.
-Farsight locating and engaging marines (Blades of Damocles).
and? he doesn't write for space marines. Closest he's done is the 2012 chaos book.
He wrote the Damnos warzone book, though. It was about Ultramarines vs Necrons.
>Camouflage,’ said Kaetoros, ‘is the colour of cowardice.’
>‘Dorn’s words rather than Guilliman’s, but still true enough,’ said Sicarius.
two wrongs don't make a right, dude
>The warrior lords of the Adeptus Astartes did not believe in adapting their colours to fit their environment. Ultramarines were Ultramarines, no matter the war zone. They were forever resplendent in the same lustrous blue worn by the primarch Roboute Guilliman, the Chapter’s forefather and author of the sacred Codex Astartes. They would sooner peel the skin from their flesh than change their proud heraldry.
>Amongst the muted ochres and whites of the Tau sept world the Ultramarines stood out, bold and stark, each flash of rich blue the sign of an invader intent on conquest. To a soulless race such as the tau it would perhaps seem illogical, even foolhardy, to present such obvious targets. But the Ultramarines cared little for the reasoning of cowards. Let the enemy know the Space Marines were coming and tremble, for they brought with them death.
>By contrast, the tau warrior caste had already displayed the ability to adapt their colouration depending on environment. Some of their warsuits were protected by stealth fields that rendered them all but invisible to sensors, shimmering like mirages even to the naked eye. It was a disturbing thought.
>To the xenos mindset, to go to war in so obvious a fashion as the Space Marines was to invite disaster. For one outside the Emperor’s grace, it would be impossible to comprehend the glory of the Angels of Death –the pride and the conviction that came with the right to bear the heraldry of the primarchs and the martial excellence it represented.
Here is the whole bit from the novel. Ultramarines shun camo as cowardly and shameful.
>Camouflage is the colour of fear... I have no need to hide from my foes... I have no fear of death. My colours I wear openly, they proclaim louder than any words, "I am proud to live - I am proud to die".
-Chapter Master Carab Culln of the Red Scorpions
Don't care, actual sources from various GW and FW books prove him wrong.
Red Scorpions' refusal to use camo is a DIVERGENCE from the Codex.
He is GW
It's almost like cato is a glory hound
Is that implying IG are cowards?
and GW employees still get shit wrong
you mean they retcon things.
I love marines and I love cuckold.
Are you cucking the Marine or is the Marine cucking you?
All sorts of questions.
I love watching his 30cm long titancock rail my wife for the Emperor.
Codex divergent chapter I would assume?
Who doesn't?
Hurr durr I don't understand Napoleonic Warfare and the fog of battle.
Hurr durr I play cadian not mordian guard
Dead people I assume.
>I noticed a plothoole in a setting meant to provide background for plastic toy wargame for children
bravo OP, I'm sure everyone is proud of you
That's a laspistol with attachments, user
>Implying children can afford the game
Astartes routinely fight enemies who have advanced optics or alien senses that make traditional camouflage meaningless. May as well look good, in that case.
>camouflage variation
>Imperial Guard 1st Regiment
>"The Big One"
Oh boy new army idea
This. Space Marines are functionally similar to the MI from the Starship Troopers novel. They don't operate operationally in operational operations. They deploy in small squads of single digit individuals and blow the shit out of everything there, then leave.
The entire point of Guilliman's reforms was he thought 10000 strong armies of these guys steamrolling through planets was a bad idea.
Even IF marines didn't use camo their primary usage in fluff is a squad of marines dropping from the sky onto a rebel governors palace or an ork camp and slaughtering everyone there with fully automatic rocket launchers.
Hardly a situation where camouflage is relevant.
>exotic scifi planet has terrain that differs from the greens and browns of earth
>One Marine
>Three XV8s
Yeah alright
Enemies advanced enough to be a threat have sensors that penetrate your shitty painted camouflage.
Enemies not advanced enough are not a threat.
See also comments re: actual Space Marine tactics.
Also, painted camouflage is fucking pointless when you can wrap yourself in cameleoline.
Lastly, camouflage is, and has always been, authorized. Instances of camo Marines exist, sparingly, from Rogue Trader on and are mentioned in the fiction.
You're a dumbass.
Last chancers, LT Karge I think his name is
Usually the painted camo is cameleoline somehow.
then why does he also have a much smaller laspistol holstered at his waste?
Their parents can.
>normal man without infra-red goggles or anything but with a plasma gun