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JRPG pls go and stay go.
I have some Steven Universe questions for Brows.
Firstly, given we now know items can be used to upgrade gem weapons, and that at least some are forged, can a gem weapon be enchanted?
Secondly, could you buy Gemstone Lore multiple times to get an array of minor powers like Rose and Steven?
Thirdly, would a Gem Power of aerokinesis on the 'local' scale of Lapis' hydrokinesis work? Air 'limbs' a la water wings and water hands included? I couldn't affect as much air as she can water, not by a long shot (no stealing all the air or anything) just do the sort of 'on screen' scale she has excluding the water pillar, just 'around me' for range.
Fourthly, can companions buy items? That there's an upgrade to the Temple Room Access to get more rooms, rather than just letting imports buy their own makes me think the answer might be no, but I don't see anything else in the jump to indicate it either way.
Follow up questions from question one: When update time rolls around is there any chance of an item import? And does it /have/ to be a melee weapon? I was thinking of getting a bow before I noticed it specified melee. Given Pearl can shoot lasers from her spear I assumed a bow would be fine. I’m just curious about these last bits, and it’s fine if you don’t want to open that can of worms, or want to stick to melee.
>Get Out and Kill God Already
>advocating suicide
Now that's just irresponsible
I thought WakfuAnon made SU.
sacrificial bestowment +Naruto summons.
What are some things that grow in power over time?
Why is the Fullbringer tree the best one in Bleach?
Hellsing Vampires
Bad Ideas
Keith Richards
worm powers,Naruto summons, FR Dragon abilities,Tagged skills from fallout. Most vampire Stuff.
Brows collaborated with him on the last update and is better at answering questions.
is Rick and Morty a trap jump? because, like, 10% of the episodes are "the world is destroyed/will be destroyed/ect" and it seems like a trap
Worm Powers.
Hypnos Genes from Resident Evil.
IIRC Dresden Files Magical Things.
Being a Dragon.
Anton's Key from Ender's Game.
Mushoku Tensei Magic with Leaky Limiter.
In Bayonetta, if I separate a soul from body of a person and put it into different body, how are their powers affected if they are a demon or Umbran witch or such
Not really, it doesn't most of the time and you get a free portal gun to use while there.
Anton's key - Ender's game
Kitsune - Okami
None of that is addressed in the source material, so you're going to have to make up your own story.
yeah but how often are Rick and Morty Destroyed/Cronenberg'd by that Episode's antagonist Along the rest of the world? just Avoid going drop in and you'll be fine
Because the Bleach Jump was made by our second worst Jumpmaker before the Quincies were anything besides a laughingstock.
Going Drop-In doesn't make a lick of difference. As pointed out here:
you get a portal gun anyway.
Why do you feel the need to respond to practically every post? I mean I get it when you actually have something useful to say but so frequently you clearly don't have a fucking clue.
>second worst Jumpmaker
That's not fair. At least Bancho tries.
Mib just smeared some shit on a doc and called it good.
There's going to be an update?
I hope they'll add an option to import something as your gem weapon too then, or a canon companion option...
>Firstly, given we now know items can be used to upgrade gem weapons, and that at least some are forged, can a gem weapon be enchanted?
The forged ones are just normal weapons, right? Like Rose's sword? The actual Gem Weapon things seem more like projections made by the gem, like their bodies.
Also, only somewhat related... Does anyone have any idea what kind of powers Sword&Sorcery's Eye of Set would have as a Gem?
Bancho also said his jump is a trap jump.
They might have been talking about Mommy as the worst of all time.
Or possibly whoever did Hellblazer. There's quite a lot of turds in the punch-bowl.
I have never made a trap jump, I have one jump with a appropriately expensive option that requires a "you fail" drawback To afford, and another Jump With a very risky option.
Oh. Yeah. I'll concede that point.
All jumpmakers are bad.
>I have never made a trap jump
Ha, nice one.
I never intend to make trap jumps,what jump of mine is a trap And why?
>and another Jump With a very risky option.
You admitted taking perks in your infinicon jump was a trap.
Mommy, MIB, Bancho, and Megacorp. They're all a fine slurry of bodily secretions we'd have been better without.
>Red, Mommy, MIB, Bancho, and Megacorp. They're all a fine slurry of bodily secretions we'd have been better without.
Megacorps portomancer jump isn't bad really.
Go away, Megacorp.
Nah red does really good at making jumps but she is too easily upset.
Nice try though so here is your (you).
Don't let him hear you, he'll update it to take out the only things you like about it and make it entirely about anything that people complained about.
not a trap, just risky, Getting fully immersed is Essentially A form of Ego death where your persona Replaces yourself,however just bathing,Wearing a normal outfit and Being the real you for a couple of hours Will reaffirm Your personality, it's not a Anyone a trap then power of dominance or some magic systems.
You're up early.
>Complaining about stuff
>Killing god
>Not dropping the hottest album of 2016 with your companions
Nice booty shorts. Best team ever.
They're literally just called Team Skull? Wow... they really got lazy on that this generation.
>they're just an American gang with pokemon
My fuckin sides
> They're a bunch of wannabe gangstas.
I'm into it. It'll be a nice change to beat up a bunch of straight thugs, instead of another anime villain conspiracy.
Listen to that theme though
user they're a bunch of islanders trying to be gangsta, they're trying their best man
When are you going to balance Ghostbusters and PS238?
Pokemon is dead.
Shall we come up with more pokemon ideas?
Nah, let's just make Meowth really gay and call it a day.
Any Drawback that is "you fail" rather than a challenge that can be Overcome is bullshit.
Do anything besides Dragons grow with age in FR?
Oh hush. Surfing psychic Raichu is fantastic.
Yep, because it makes it "if you take this drawback, this is your last jump, hope not sparking is worth it!"
Their first album should be called Straight Outta Memes
Reminder that your biological age resets to whatever you roll each Jump.
Stop shitposting janitor.
Every time.
That was creative at least, I'll give you that.
So pick up something that lets you control your age.
Abilities from different jumps interacting with each other? HERESY!
Your parents are not paying all that money for you to skip class. Go study, asshole. Think of all the overtime your dad, your mother, and your mothers boyfriend are all putting in.
>Think of all the overtime your dad, your mother, and your mothers boyfriend are all putting in.
Off the top of my head, I know Kythons from the book of Vile Darkness, but they're... unimpressive. Also, technically, monsters can advance in hit dice, so that might be resolved into 'growing with age' when turned from mechanics to fluff.
Because they did more in Last bleach chapters than Strawberry's combined Bankai
I think Lifeless Being does that, doesn't it?
No, Captcha, favelas are not a billboard.
Gotcha senpai
Also Narnian Time.
Good response.
Bad response
>File: Generation Kill v1.04.pdf
>Forgot to upload this.
Thanks for the update!
Don't encourage people to indulge your shitposting.
Jumpmakers should not be thanked. If they believe they have rights they may leave. You have to bully and scream at them so they think they are worthless and try to buy your love with jumps.
What can I use the Zerg Defiler Corpse for?
It contains the DNA of all other zerg breeds. So... Go mad scientist with it?
Make robozerg?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Proven tactic a few threads ago is anything to go by.
A question for people who know about Dresden Files, but how does being a mortal practitioner interact with being a scion? Are they stronger than vanilla mortals would be after making their choice to be a faerie/dragon/whatever? Or does the magic of their non-human parent completely ignore and override their mortal magic?
Have any decent jumps come out lately? I meant actually good jumps not half assed mib tier stuff.
Quite a few in thread 1000.
Shadow of Mordor, Rome and Incredibles were all pretty good.
Some good jumps were dropped in thread 1000, and a couple of jumps had shitty trap options fixed a few threads ago.
Incredibles is out? Well I need to see that.
Traveler's Gate
Haven't updated Harry Potter in over 40 minutes and started to get the shakes.
- Philosopher's Stone now costs 100 CP less.
- Wand of Elder has a slight change of wording, a reference to the one purchased being unusually loyal and a note explaining that you can choose it as the wand you get from Ollivander's rather than it just turning up.
- Think that was it. Don't even remember making Wand of Elder 500 CP rather than 600. Guess I have brain problems.
"Good jump" is an oxymoron.
I'm kidding, I love everyone who contributes.
So, has anyone used these shen gong wu things?
Shit's pretty reality fucking.
>Get changing chopsticks
>Get mirror thing that inverts things
>Make sword
>Use chopsticks and mirror to make blade grow to the point as if the current size was 'grain-of-rice' sized
>Porcced to enchant every possible rune and every possible sigil of every possible system on the thing
>Plus a CRAPTON of Naruto's seals.
>Gratuitous use of clones and minions
>Fix some "microscopic" mistakes while at it
>Use changing chopsticks to make it normal again
>Everything shrinks down without issue
>Use 'Absent silhouette' from Kindom Hearts for gud measure to avoid overheating
The Harry Potter jump is kind of like the ship of Theseus, keep making minor updates to it and eventually you'll have completely replaced the whole thing. I'm assuming you're doing this so we won't notice until it's too late that you had gradually turned it into a Cursed Child jump.
>The Elder Wand is now unusually loyal
This is literally the only reason I didn't buy it in an earlier build, I didn't want to use an implement that would abandon me if I lost. I need to go through my build again and see if there's a way for me to rearrange things.
Shen Gong Wu can get pretty bullshit, yeah. They've got stuff like that one locket that controls the moon.
>Not just keeping it giant and hitting things with it
Do you even need the reversing mirror? Couldn't you just shrink yourself down and do all that stuff while you're tiny?
>Using nanobots to inscribe microscopic runes onto things
Now there's an idea...
You'd still need the mirror to grow again.
Why not use both for a greater effect? Mirror and chopsticks on the sword, just the chopsticks on yourself.
No you don't, the changing chopsticks can end their own effect. Though if you use the changing chopsticks to end the growth effect from using them with the mirror you don't end up the right size.
About Anima – what book actually has info on Lost Logia, Dragon Gates and etc.?
Hope you like it. Anyway... Speaking of Incredibles being out, have the new update.
>Conditional discounts on Everseer and Pyrokinesis now.
>Nomanisan has an option to get staff.
>More notes have been added.
Took a little longer than I'd have liked, but various other things distracted me.
Hey! It a great jump to unlock Mangekyo Sharingan.
Seriously. Picking the Orphan origin is worthless since there no discount for it.
Ah, shaddap.
>I can now buy Magnoscopic Vision and Everseer for the same price as Everseer used to be
This pleases me and my budget. Many thanks, IncrediblesAnon.
What about FISS?