
It means /pol/ is, was, abd ever shall be part of Veeky Forums

Shills aren't welcome here. Either buy a self serve ad or fuck off back to r/shekels, kike

They are going to donate money to Hillary's campaign regardless of what booster pack sells more. This really shouldn't be surprising; if you have ever played the game before you would know that it has always been left-leaning politically.

> I’m mad and I want to tell you about my political views.
>Certainly. Please email [email protected]

That's rich, become a sour political ad and then accuse others of entitled whining. I hope they die in poverty.

Not voting for Trump, but this appears to be a violation of campaign finance laws. Did they run this by a lawyer first?

It means that even creators of CAH have some moral standards.

>those faces on the packs aren't shooped
wow they're not really hiding who they're going for here aren't they ?
and exploiting mindelss retards while they're at it

When a liberal hears different opinions, they explain their own point of view but ultimately agree to disagree.

When a conservative hears different opinions, they hope the other person dies in poverty.

>wow they're not really hiding who they're going for here aren't they ?

No. That's the entire joke, they're donating all the money raised to Hillary regardless of who wins the fundraiser.

>Cards Against Humanity will tally up the sales of both packs, and depending on which pack gets more support, we will donate all the money in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Slav here, back in the old days we had this questionnaire people were randomly asked to fill.
Quest 1 was "What party you vote for?" Question 2 was "Why you decided to vote for The Communist Party?"
I think this is the same principle here.

>campaign finance laws
Funny joke!

There's no law that says you can't donate money to political campaigns.

Are you surprised?
These are Cards AGAINST Humanity, after all.

>a sour political ad
How is them clearly saying "we support X political party" a sour political ad?

Because it disagrees with them.

Unless they're publicly traded they'll be just fine.

>either candidate adhering to financial laws

Another slav here and that's bullshit.

Communist brainwashing was awkward, but a minimal effort was made to not make it obvious.

This is an obvious tongue-in-cheek joke and the bias is obvious enough that only literal retard would interpret it as something along lines of "subtle and subliminal manipulation".

Almost makes me want to demonstratively burn a copy of the game, complete with recording published on youtube.
The only thing that's stopping me is that I don't actually own one and don't feel like buying it just for that.

Politics: This board is for the discussion of traditional games, as in the actual games themselves.

Why you think Veeky Forums would have any commentary about a company making political donations is beyond me. Traditional game developers exist all across the political spectrum, as do traditional gamers. We don't sit around and sperg out over our political differences like you inbred goobers over at /pol/ or /r9k/ or whatever godforsaken board you just strolled in from.

Tell me something please: the people really like one of these candidates or just go with one because hates the other?
I mean, you take one by election or by descartes?

When a conservative hears different opinions, they hope the other person dies in poverty. Hopefully because of their stances on gun control, so they can gloat about their fully auto shotguns, while imagining the dead person burning in hell.

When a liberal hears different opinions, they scream about how racist/sexist it is, demand to know why there isn't a safe space against that sort of hateful talk, wonder why it is you can discriminate against their baskin-robbins flavor of the month gender, and sit down to color in their coloring books for an hour or two.

If you're going to stereotype user, at least stereotype fairly.

Do it!

Maybe you will inspire others to do the same and launch an avalanche of protest burning!

>Cards Against humanity
It's only good as a ice breaker at a new group of people

When a conservative hears different opinions, they explain their own point of view but ultimately agree to disagree.

When a liberal hears different opinions, they say they were raped

They're both the most unpopular presidential candidates in modern U.S. history, but both sides see the other side's candidate as an existential threat to the future of the country, so it's do or die.

>all these "liberal" peaceloving people shilling for an ultrahawkish warmonger

>there were no other parties in communist times
what are block parties

also you could make your vote invalid or vote no depending on the system your local soviet franchise had

probably Radio Yerevan or what its called

>Conservative and Liberal mean Republican and Democrat

I fucking hate race is class systems.

If someone actually owns the game and hasn't burnt it yet, I doubt this will be the thing to push them over.

I mean, it's sucked dick for this long, it reached 37 a long time ago, not like anyone can really say "boy, I really noticed the quality of CAH went down when they released the expansion about Clinton and Trump." It is, after all, mad libs for frat boys.

If you don't have the game, of course, it's not like it's worth buying to burn.

>probably Radio Yerevan or what its called
Ah yes, those are good source of political humour.

Amusingly, nobody in actual radio Yerevan seemed familiar with them when questioned.

>all these "liberal" peaceloving people shilling for an ultrahawkish warmonger

That's still one step removed from the candidate calling for "second amendment people" to literally assassinate his political rival if he loses the election

Hey guys, did you know that people that disagree with my very narrowly defined political inclinations are evil and stupid? Let's not talk about games, and instead shitpost about politics for hours and not change anyone's opinions.

But that's not what he said at all. He suggested that if Hillary wins and stacks the Supreme Court with pro gun-control justices, THEN the people might do something about it if the government tries to take away their guns (ownership of which is a right enshrined in the constitution).

>all these "liberal" peaceloving people shilling for an ultrahawkish warmonger
Well what do you know, liberal progressives are less likely to be taught to turn the other cheek.

So they need to choose between something that they dont like and something that they hate?
Basically this?

Exact political environment varied by country (but was always predominantly communist). We only had 1 other party - Christian something. Basically what priests, nuns and overly religious people were expected to vote for. It had no real political power otherwise.
And yeah, the propaganda was very blatant sometimes. Radio Yerevan is hyperbole obviously, but sometimes it was not that far from the truth.

So basically they had nothing to lose in pissing you off

i dont care a bit about american interior politics and who shot whom, what i care about is actual real war and the implications it has here.

Trump gets elected - americans get shot

Clinton gets elected - americans get shot AND more MENA places get freedom`d, creating more refugees/ incentives to go to Europe and thus more terror attacks happen here.

i care about the lower body count Trump will have, thanks a lot.

He's just pointing out the obvious.

What do you think gun owners will do if a gun grabber President actually tries to stack the supreme court with gun banning people?

Well, I can always burn other people's game...

>forced elf

God, you're the cringiest fuck in this cringefest of a thread.

Trump has regularly said he wants to attack ISIS, and Iran. He also wants to expand the military to support this. He is not an isolationist or peace-lover by any means.

And if he's the back-seat president that he's made some claims about being, then his GOP buddies will support much the same.

>liberals agreeing on anyting ever

I'm sure they'll think twice about making you mad when you get arrested and someone buys a replacement game after you've given them free publicity