How weaboo do you like your games?
I think you really can't have a great game without at least 10% weaboo, Hell, Tolkien's novels were at least 20%.
How weaboo do you like your games?
I think you really can't have a great game without at least 10% weaboo, Hell, Tolkien's novels were at least 20%.
I'm not having fun if it's not at least 50% weeaboo.
>Tolkien's novels had weeaboo influences
Explain. Do you mean that elements now associated with weeb players/games were present in his works? Because you must be having a laugh if you're looking at the reams of Japanese media which was inspired or influenced by LotR and think that this makes LotR retroactively weebish.
>because of Japan, feats from classical mythology are now "weeaboo"
Only nuking them twice was too lenient.
Maybe he is talking about the more "high flying" stuff from the stories that take place before LOTR and The Hobbit?
In which case he is not saying that Tolkien took inspiration from Gurren Lagan but that, to the modern reader, it would seem to be at that same "holy shit!" level.
I think he's just shitposting and trying to trigger Tolkien fans.
>Gurren Lagann in my Tolkien.
Please explain further.
Tolkien was a huge fan of shows like Evangelion and Record of Lodoss War, and he couldn't resist inserting a waifu for his mary sue Aragorn.
Also, Bilbo was so tsun-tsun for the dwarves that it almost made his later dere-dere unbelievable.
I remember summarising The War of Wrath for a colleague who hasn't read The Silmarillion. He started laughing and asked which anime I had been watching.
I suppose I can see that, but I stand by my point that it's a bit silly to declare it retroactively weebish. The Silmarillion was, as an earlier user alluded to, primarily inspired by classical mythology with a generous helping of the Bible, and comparing that to animanga simply because of scale or whatever you want to call it is a tenuous link at best.
Plus, by that logic, a lot of Marvel/DC comics, especially Golden Age Superman, are more weeb than a large portion of actual weeb media.
Anything more than Samurai Jack is where I tap out. I'm all well and fine with influence. But grorious nippon oozing everywhere just ain't my thing.
Don't forget all that thinly veiled sexual tension between Gimli and Galadriel and the clear nods to Studio Ghibli's frequent themes of naturalism and whimsy with Tom Bombadil.
What about all that sexual tension between Frodo and Sam? I mean, I'm not usually into yaoi but that stuff was intense.
Obviously the weeb didn't come first, it's retroactively weeaboo due to the natural overlap there ended up being.
Tolkien'd work is not my area of expertise. Maybe pic related can help me illustrate where someone who is grasping at straws can draw a comparison from
What, you don't want to play a glorious nipponese fantasy campaign?
>The guy implies that the Japanese haven't already done the same thing
Oh I'm laffing
>From the west, Eärendil 'The Blessed' in his powerfully hallowed Elven airborne ship Vingilot, aided by Thorondor and the great Eagles, duelled with Ancalagon and the dragon fleet for an entire day.
>However, as Fëanor was being escorted off the battlefield, he knew his wounds were fatal. He cursed Morgoth thrice, but with the eyes of death, he knew that his elves, unaided, would never throw down the dark towers of Thangorodrim. Nevertheless, he told his sons to keep the oath and to avenge their father. At the moment of his death the passing of his fiery spirit reduced his body to ashes.
There's LITERALLY NOTHING wrong with weebing up a fantasy game. LITERALLY NOTHING.
tolkien and the bible did ridiculous shit before the nips so there's no real connection
Weeb aesthetic too shallow.
Classic Japanese fantasy work is better.
Only real weeby thing I've played/run is a short JoJo campaign, which ended up being pretty fun.
I think OP's either b8ing or doesn't understand what weeaboo actually means.
Yes, but did they do...
>Going past 100%
>Protecting her smile
>Powering up because you remember you have friends
I don't think so. Though the Bible did to 'the pleasure of being cummed inside' with Onan.
Did it ever do
>He's fast!
Or "rival turned ally"?
I don't remember, but I know the latter is in there somewhere.
>Or "rival turned ally"?
He went from prosecuting everyone who followed Jesus to dying for Jesus.
>Powering up because you remember you have friends
I'm pretty sure that's all Aeneas had going for him. That and his mother being Venus.
Tolkein's novels never had Japanese influence and anyone else that says so is only baiting or retarded.
Shit, man. I don't know. I was in an Evangelion game for months before a player went full sjw and ditched us, so...maybe 70%? Now I'm in a reboot of that same AdEva game. We're pretty damn weeb.
GATE is such a GOAT series
>went full sjw and ditched us
Please do tell.
You know that interview where Miyazaki says that almost all japanese animation is made by people who can't stand looking at other people and that's why it attracts so many otakus? That's completely true.
People who make and like anime are entirely fixated upon cliches and tropes and everything must fit into their notions of how it should be. They go 'this is the protagonist, so he's gonna act this way', 'this is the love interest, so she's gonna act this way', 'this is the villain so he's gonna be this way'. They don't study people and then say 'let's make this character act like this because there are girls that are this way', or 'this is how my friends parents are, let's make the old couple that act like them'.
To be fair, that's the only anime that sells. Anime that isn't made by weebs for weebs doesn't sell as well, doesn't sell as much merchandise and thus disappears. The market gets what the market wants.
So one thing I wanna get out of the way first: I absolutely hate how weeb means "anything Japanese or Japan-related" instead of it's originally meaning: "someone that thinks Japan is the best thing ever and is completely inaccurate in their portrayal of it"
That being said, as a Japanese major I love having campaigns in Japan/Japan-esque settings. It's for this same reason I love WWII AltHist and cyberpunk settings as well. Typical battle shounen-influenced games are fun as well because it allows for a lot of strict laws and rules to be put into place. Powers tend to be more imaginative as well (following in the tradition of crazy superpowers in Japanese manga). However, sometimes people will go out of their way to make catgirls or waifus or other borderline cliche shit that is just plain cringey. So I would say I like about 20% to 60% of a Japanese influence in my games, depending on the type of the game and the setting. 40% is my sweet spot.
You are factually wrong and the only reason retards still stay that is because they have no idea of how modern anime industry works. So you are fucking retarded.
Glad you got that one thing out of the way first or things could have been awful, thanks for your opinion.
That's how most Western developers design their characters too, unless you're suggesting the typical sheltered coastal American middle-class bubble liberal has more wordly experience than the Otaku.
I guess they have more quips? People make characters they understand at a personal level, and the fact we've got so much shallow fuck-bait or diversity pandering says a lot about those lifestyles.
In the IRC chat we all hang out in, outside of the game, he went on a tirade about Frozen whitewashing or some shit. Nobody else really cared or agreed, and this one asshole kept arguing with him despite everyone trying to get them to leave each other alone, so he fucked off to tumblr and cut off all ties with everyone in our circle of internet friends.
>How weaboo do you like your games?
I play L5R. It beats the weeaboo out of my players.
I fail to see the purpose behind your response.
No, it's not a problem exclusive to anime. Western animation and fiction suffers greatly from it as well.
I like your style.
was gratuitous to announce it like that. came off as self-important in a silly way, like you are at the head of the japanese culture round-table opening with the order of business for the night instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums.
>GATE is such a GOAT series
>Didn't you mean GOATSE series?
Hold on, he might be. We haven't actually gotten confirmation of the new chairman yet.
>I'm so fucking retarded holy shit
Please keep your brainless generalizations and conjectures to yourself from now on.
Exactly, which just makes me wonder how people are this unaware the issue is from us raising a generation of sheltered, pampered pink-haired man-children whose only exposure to social interaction is with their clique of social outcasts and online buddies.
I mean it isn't hard to see a trend of desolate personal lives in most prominent "SJW" developers, writers or producers (Anthony Burch being the most famous example.)
I just find this current "definition" of weeb to very annoying and just demeans those who like Japanese culture to simply those of uneducated children.
To expand on this story, Paul persecuted Christians until post-resurrection Jesus appeared before him and asked him "y u hatin", at which point Paul was struck blind by resurrected Jesus's glory.
Then, after three days, his sight was restored by a Christian living in Damascus, and went on to become an apostle himself.
Paul is now recognized by the Catholic church as the patron saint of
missionaries, theologians, and gentile Christians.
Let's see... in that story we have the hero being superpowered after coming back from the dead, a rival being defeated utterly by that hero before being tended to accepted into the fold by the power of friendship. The ex-rival then found honor himself later on.
Seems animu enough to me.
I don't disagree, honorable chairman of the board
because baby boomers were actually even more sheltered than millennials could ever reasonably hope to become anymore
if the left is full of blind zealots then the right is just subsisting on fairy tales at this point
Have you ever just decided to go 100% weaboo on a character?
>pampered pink-haired man-children
Women are mostly the problem though. The men just go wherever the pussy leads them.
>if the left is full of blind zealots then the right is just subsisting on fairy tales at this point
The irony is that Jack Thompson is saying pretty much the same thing as Anita Sarkeesian, and both tradcons and feminists want to make men providers once more but without making them able to demand services of equal value from women.
Tradcons, SJW and Muslims are unlikely allies, but allies nonetheless.
Friend had a druid that was full weeb, named Toyota Mitsubishi. Got crit to death on the first night by a battleaxe when his character became a deer, was a hoot.
isn't l5r actually weeaboo as fuck, though?
>>He's fast!
They might not have said it until afterwards, but the angel of death did take all of Egypt's firstborns that one time.
"Now kid, i am going to stand here and watch you smoke ALL those cigarettes, one behind the other. You don't get to leave until you are done"
It's weeaboo in the classic sense of being designed originally by someone who doesn't know jack shit about Japan.
But it's a fantasy setting with social rules and expectations that can be extremely harsh on characters who act out of turn, and combat mechanics that are brutally lethal. Power of friendship won't help you when you get stabbed to death in half of a combat turn because you directly insulted a lord in front of his bodyguards. It also won't help you if you end up forced to commit seppuku or face off against an actual monster.
>people actually believe this
>This is what japs actually believe
You are stupid if you think most Japanese people actually believe this.
Why don't you ask your new overlord?
>STEM education.jpg
That was a particularly stupid drama considering the natives the characters are based off are actually fucking white. They're SCANDINAVIAN natives for crying out loud
In case you're not baiting, no. You also need to check your definition of weeaboo.
One character is Sami. The rest are Norwegian, or otherwise Northern European. The Southern Isles are possibly Denmark and there was some place mentioned that might be England.
Yeah Finnic people aren't really that white. They weren't raped enough by Mormon-looking steppe retards. And if Disney really wanted to accurately represent them they'd all be wearing their sick blue and red clothes. Not that I give a shit what Disney thinks a frostbitten Sami person looks like though.
Sami and Finns are two different ethnic groups.
It's especially retarded because the people in the AdEva game weren't even involved in this stupid spat, and we'd been friends for years prior. Suddenly we were all toxic shitlords by association.
Sounds to me like you dodged a bullet.
I want every character to have 2D character art, I want martials to actually do things, I want lots of colors, I want fun characters, I want honorifics, and I want waifus.
Your taste is absolutely good
Get the fuck out.
This. I know that the Irish didn't froth at the mouth after every Japanese scroll they could get their hands on, that doesn't stop the legend of Cú Chulainn from being the single most anime thing I've ever read.
Who is this semen demon?
Ram, from Re:Zero. It's actually pretty good.
It's a character from REEEEEE:Zero, basically a story where /r9k/ makes an isekai protagonist.
You are fucking hilarious. Have fun with your shit taste and your shitty edgy isekai you goddamn retard.
>It's actually pretty good
Unless the fall season suddenly introduces something really good out of left field, to me it's without a doubt AOTY 2016.
Come at me bro.
Fuck that's good. Thanks, I needed to smile today.
Purely memes. Toyota isn't a robot at all.
Suzuki does sound like a robot when you take what he's saying out of context.
Oh, it's a girl? Never mind.
>out of context
And there's your problem. Honda doesn't really act like a robot. He at least likes girls and isn't pessimistic about life.
>Oh, it's a girl? Never mind.
Oh, you're one of THOSE guys. Here's a trap for you
Is this more to your liking user?
>Toyota Mitsubishi
I unabashedly allow my games to approach 25% weeb.
maybe more
You sound very upset.
Honestly like 90% of my character names are just words in other languages. I named my elf fighter "longbow archer" in Welsh.
I like my games extra weeby.
I play Maid, GSS, and Exalted. A bit of L5R and Wulin too.
Now we're talking! That head certainly looks very pattable...
>that filename
I take two words that maybe could pass for a name if you didn't know the language, put them together, and roll. Call it he Gundam method.
>tfw can't find Sumerian translations for "anger wagon" to name my barbarian
It hurts.
Well the guy's name was Bwahir Saethydd which isn't even proper Welsh. Nobody even knew it was Welsh except my roommate.
Okay, okay.
Ram and Rem are DEBATABLY girls. Rem has a "horn", and Ram USED to have a "horn".
I do that a lot too, except I translate it into Finnish and pick a random word that looks good.
I have had actual Finnish players who didn't realize. Finnish is such a fucking gibberish language.