We've done, "Describe your campaign in a sentence.", "Describe your campaign in ten words." and "Describe your campaign in one image."
Let's try, describe your campaign in a haiku.
A suffocated cycle
Blind mighty children reignite grace
Incompetence hunts
G-ming for some noobs
Rogue Trader first module
Never finished
My bag can devour
My DM has forgotten
lol gg ez
You ask for haiku
yet can not make one yourself
commit sudoku.
There are multiple formats yo.
A generic plot
Dragons are evil and shit
But we're having fun
Warp lanes sour for us
The trees strike as we seek profit
The aussies want meth
Oh shit, were fucked
I really hate dragons, man
Whole world is now dead
Hundreds of pages
A world lovingly crafted
Player's do not care
Maybe they would if you got your apostrophes right.
We fucked up badly
Our GM thought we were dumb
He was quite correct.
Magic Girl NATO
Steals wishes away from kids
In third world country
I though maybe someone wouldnt get it.
Roses are red violets are blue
haikus are hard
my campaign is in shambles
haikus are really
fucking annoying to write
campaign's been dead for years
A group most courageous
Plagued by incompetence
Boss dead in first round of combat
Disappointing quest,
chaos magic is not fun.
Self-Insert Sherlock.
Aliens are here
We were just medieval dudes
They want our space rocks
Summon Monster Spells
Wolves and Monkeys everywhere.
All kobolds will die.
Shit, what did I fuck up?
Shattered empire.
Angry captain, ragtag crew.
GM trolls with plot.
First five syllables
And then seven syllables
Then end with five more.
Our Group Wants Grimgar
Game Master Said Okay Play This
Shit Kicked In By Goblins
Ancient evil stirs.
The Goddess' chosen few?
Not who I'd have picked.
Unlikely runners,
Mixed pink, black, and GTA.
Aztech likely pleased.
Is one of them Souflikar?
Dude you suck ass a Haikus
Angels from heaven
Gods died, fall to my setting
Bored of this campaign
Don't want to play game
Would rather sit, watch Game Grumps
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
A-suf-foc-a-ted-cy-cle (7)
Blind-migh-ty-chil-dren-re-ig-nite-grace (9)
In-com-pe-tence-hunts (5)
Rescued a princess.
We have played Veeky Forums for years,
First finished campaign.
Creation mythos.
Divine character's player
Has to drop. Fuck me.