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Tyranids Work for a C'tan, Prove Me Wrong Edition


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s) (Updated 8/11/18)

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So do we know yet if eldrad suceeds with his plan or not?
I know somebody mentioned already having the codex and the box set last thread. Is the beginning of the end happening or not?

Calgar is a fraud!

Can anyone suggest a good/free mobi reader?

Expect Eldrad to accomplish his mission by the skin of his teeth, while getting all of his friends and allies killed in the process. So GW can keep wanking the "Eldar are a dying race" and "Space Marines are unbeatable heroes" memes while still going ahead with their hamfisted plot advancement.

>Orks are a melee race

If they were I4, they would've gotten you those quints.

from other thread
that, very much that.
khorne renegades, a bunch of savages who give no worth to their lives. going for full horde with enforcers that give them drugs, plus some artillery/vehicle support that doesn't really care what it its

To be honest, I would like something new, and before my old LGS closed, I had something else I enjoyed, which was demons. However what I enjoyed most about them has been replaced with "muh random xD muh psykers xD" in the new Codex. I can't take 5 man horror squads anymore, and if I could, they'd be useless because they made them psykers. It's literally the thing I hated most about them in fantasy and why in didn't play them, and then they bring those rules to 40k. Now, I have a bunch of horrors that are either completely useless or total cheese. That's not how I want to play.

Besides, every other army I want to play, like Deldar, is arguably worse than sisters.

This is the Necron list I am bringing against my Blood Angel friend in my first game beyond Start Collecting Formations.
I can provide the Blood Angel list if it would help with advice.
A Deathcompany Dread in a Drop Pod, Sanguinary Priest with Sanguinary Guard, two Tactical Squads, Baal Tank(?))
Last thread I saw some mention about Immortals and was wondering if they are worth bringing in my Astartes heavy meta.

Is it the tesla that is good?
Should I have that on my barges instead of gauss?
How will the Lychguard work against assault dedicated marines?

Here is my list:


Overlord (135pts)
>The Nightmare Shroud, Warscythe


Lychguard (150pts)
>5x Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield


2x10 Warriors (235pts each)
>Ghost Ark, 10x Necron Warrior

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge (120pts each)
>Gauss Cannon

Triarch Stalker (125pts)
>Heat Ray


My friends plays Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard and Khorne Daemonkins.

I've heard Necrons aren't great in melees and I don't much like Wraith's models
I was thinking about using my second Barge and some Praetorians in formation with the Stalker to bring me close to 1500 and then I could fit in some tomb blades or immortals.

>I fail to see how a stealer brood w/ lord and glands for (at most) 20 S5 w/ rending isn't going glance an AA to death.
It's hard to hit things when they are far beyond your reach and you're dead

Wait just a ticket. Vanilla veterans in an Aquilla Kill Team wound on 2+ and re-roll wound rolls of 1. Fugg, that sounds amazing. You can even give them Stalker pattern bolters for dat der Heavy 2 Sniper rounds that wound on 2+ with rerolling 1's.

returning old timer
can I still play all death wing in current rules?
I realize it will probably suck, but is it legal

>His entire list is just Aquilla Kill Teams with Divination Librarians

Going to pick apart your list a bit:

Overlord (135pts)
>The Nightmare Shroud, Warscythe
Lychguard (150pts)
>5x Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield

Easy, put it with the 5 lychguard and assault things that shoot, you should devour tactical Squads with them.

2x10 Warriors (235pts each)
>Ghost Ark, 10x Necron Warrior

Even easier, you have some amazing transports bring your warriors to an objective and rip apart anything you can reach. Use their durability added with the Ghost Ark's firepower to just hold parts of the table down.

Annihilation Barge (120pts each)
>Gauss Cannon
Triarch Stalker (125pts)
>Heat Ray

Barge works its way towards a "scary" piece of armor like a tank and hit it with gauss.

Let the stalker walk behind one of the warrior units and hopefully it will Heat Ray a Transports so the warriors can get right to the contents.

I just play against necrons a lot though, so I can't tell you how other units are.

Yeah ok when you put it like THAT..

I guess at least he killed 3 dudes. Next time though.. I'm playing him better and I'll hunt down that sergeant and take his skull. Would be amusing if they got a feud going, and everytime I play my buddy those two models HAVE to make a beeline for each other.

I guess they were just initiative 2 slow

Why do they wound on a 2+? You mean if they're armed with weapons strong enough to make them wound on a 2+? Cause SM and Cult Mech could already wound marines on 2+ and reroll to wound with grav cannons, except they could reroll ANY roll to wound so even lightly armored targets weren't safe.

No you need a delivery system on the table turn one.

You could take two squads of scouts and a DW CAD to bring in a DW strikeforce/ Redemption whatever but you won't get the perk of no scatter that RW provides.

I play a 40% Ravenwing 60% Deathwing list and do alright but honestly terminators suck and they get killed way to easy for what they are.

>86.4% chance of wounding anything
>1.73 wounds per Stalker bolter

They all come with Special Issue Ammunition, which includes Hellfire (2+) rounds.

He's reffering to the poison (2+) special ammunition. Not as competitive as grav cannons, but from a competitive standpoint DW would do better as a support army rather than running it alone.

nah people just exaggerated his achievements
>held a gate by himself against orks
he had SOME help
>tore a daemon limb from limb
he probably just killed it

Oh. You mean at AP5. Yawn. It's not like you're going to wound spam armored targets to death when your models cost 22 points.

I feel you. My two armies are SoB and Deldar.
However, I've not had the problems with sisters you're having. Post your list and maybe I can help you out?
I tend to do ok with Sisters, even versus eldar/tau/demi-company FoTM stuff, they're not a bottom tier codex by any means.

6s to wound are ap2.

Well, there's always AP3 Vengeance Ammunition rounds if you want AP (it has Gets Hot, but with rerolling hits that's only 1/36 chance).

Or if you are doing Stalkers, each marine is putting out Heavy 2 shots that have AP2 on To Wound rolls of 6.


To be fair, the vets can also take gravguns. Taking the termie makes them relentless, and essentially makes them the same as grav devs (though not cents) versus 2+ targets, which will allow them to generate 9.722 wounds. Even against a unit with 3++ saves, they'll still generate 3.241 unsaved wounds.
Still not bad by any means. Not competitive by itself, but it certainly can do some damage if you ally it in with a much stronger force like C:SM

Relentless models do not confer Relentless onto their unit. Only S&P does.

Oh shoot, that's right.

the random isn't so bad (i confess i've played both sides of this argument depending on the week and how badly the dice have fucked me) but the structure is largely changed i admit. have you seen the incursion? not gonna fix that msu thrist but it's very worthwhile

my favorite moment from the warp storm is getting first blood from khorne by killing a spyder

perhaps combi grav guns instead but i mean by the emperor user, do you really need to kill everything that hard?

thanks bro, really appreciated. will start looking onto those websites, hope to post some updates soon

guess I'm buying new models
thanks user

The company anvil industries also just did a big release called 'regiments' where they put out a ton of guard scale bits like legs, torsos, heads, guns, backpacks, ect...

If you wanna ape blood pact there are also perfect blood pact heads available from maxmini

Have fun with your giant horde army user.
pic related is mine

In the Kill Teams that include Vanguard Veterans, such as pic related, is there any point or use in the jump packs other than just taxing points? The BRB says that in order for a model to use its jump pack in either the movement or assault phase, the entire unit must use them - which, as vets can't, means never.

Incursion? Honestly, I haven't really touched demons since the new dex. The randomness in the old Codex was fine for me because I was playing tzeentch. I had a 50/50 shot of getting the half I wanted, all my demons had a 50/50 chance to save, the horrors had a 50/50 chance to hit, bolt generally had a 50/50 chance to pen, ect. It was silly and fun, and both me and my opponents really enjoyed those games. Even the sperg lord because there wasn't much to sperg about.

My old favorite moment was in a 3v3 game of chaos vs imperium with 750 points each. I dropped a unit of horrors right behind a Russ, maybe 4" to spare from other units and terrain. Rolled a hit on scatter then blasted the main gun off shooting into its ass

That's exactly my point, though. My lists are pretty much standard. When I lose, I lose because instead of getting even a little less than average, I missed 90% of my BS 4 shots, wound once on 3+, and then fail just as many 3+ saves from return fire.

Here's my all comer 1000 points

+++ Sisters 1k (1000pts) +++

++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Saint Celestine

+ Troops +

Battle Sister Squad [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
····Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]

Battle Sister Squad [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
····Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]

+ Fast Attack +

Dominion Squad [4x Dominion with Meltagun]
····Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Melta Bombs]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Laud Hailer, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]

Seraphim Squad [4x Seraphim, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers]
····Seraphim Superior [Bolt Pistol, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs]

+ Heavy Support +

Exorcist [Storm Bolter]

Exorcist [Storm Bolter]

New player wanting to build a 1850 list thinking of vulkan sternguard two tactical a dreadnought devastator with lascannons and terminators in a redeemer. I'm 150 ish points short wondering what would be good a VINDICATOR? Or predator maybe another squad?

The whole unit benefits from Heroic Intervention. I think that's the one benefit.

Vanguard vets get jump packs regardless, they're stated as jump infantry.

If you're rolling 90% 1s and 2s, you need new dice. Check your dice to see if they're even; but I don't believe that dice are the reason you're losing.

Your list looks pretty standard, yes, but its also about how you play. Bad dice rolls are bad dice rolls, they'll be bad no matter what army you're playing.

Right. It's also already included in their price.

I knew about that, but re-looking at Heroic Intervention, I'm realizing that it is basically saying that the entire unit gets jump packs for the Assault phase (minus Hammer of Wrath). That's really not that bad at all.

do people usually have a few sets of dice? i got 3 and usually swap between 2 but i don't notice a difference or see any as lucky

No idea, but having 90% rolled, on a 33.3% chance is highly abnormal over the course of a game. This is obviously not the case if the 90% was hyperbole.

I ordered some more just there because my smites were taking way too long to work out, but really you don't need more than one dice set I don't think.

It's not so much that I'm losing. I've been playing this army for as long as I've been playing the game, which was very early 4th edition, and I've done very well in the local tournament scene, which is thankfully mostly 1000 point games. It's when everything goes well, I'm in a position to pounce, and my dice kill me. It's those moments that really bother me, the moments that I've played a dozen times before and crumple to a handful of 1s and 2s. I don't want to just be a better player, I want to be a better opponent.

My general strategy is to spearhead up one flank with my exorcists split in the back front armor facing firing lanes to cover as much area as possible. In corner setups, I'll park them in said corner and move out diagonally and/or keep a reserve to abuse the long table edge to come in on a hard flank.

In older editions, I'd often keep one troop in reserve for late game objective scoring, but the randomness of 7th combined with the 3+ reserves makes it less useful.

All this Kill Team Talk made me pick it up. Also I am going to rework my army list. What are some good point values to hit.

Has anyone else bought large dice from games by James
People think they're weighted because 90% of the time they end up rolling higher than 4's and it gets annoying when people accuse you of microwaving them

People have done studies on what dice give the best results and the best dice are hard corned dice that are a bit larger than regular game dice.
Casino dice supposedly give the best results

Is anyone else worried about the rumors for 8th edition? The series of campaigns leading up to "one minute to midnight" and such?
It sounds a bit too close to the End Times to me.

End Times are coming, which is good because then the rules can be redone from the ground up and the game can be rebalanced.

You mean like Age of Sigmar? The game that took a year to get points values? The game in which a goblin hurts a dragon on the same roll it hurts another goblin?

>Is anyone else worried about the rumors for 8th edition?
First, stop going to clickbait websites. They just make shit up.
You won't have anything to worry about 8th edition. The psychic phase won't be as bullshit, superheavies will get toned down, grav will get nerfed, D weapons will get nerfed and several other changes are slated, including old rules that were removed from the 7th "copyright patch" edition.

40k is on the up and up thankfully. The only problem is how long will it take them to fix everything?

I'm a little bit worried but fuck it. It didn't stop the Fantasy guys from playing their game and 40k is less susceptible to sweeping changes than that because it makes them some money. Plus 30k is a thing. Nothing wrong with playing in the old 40k timeline.

Just in case, I'm compiling a list of all the tweaks to the lore I want. If the lore's going to be different anyway, it'll be different in a way I like. They better not get rid of Slaanesh.

yeah that

Something something everything is something something nothing is

it does, however, mean the squad can only embark in the new flyer since jump infantry can't into transports.

Any Necron Players that could take a look at Thanks.
So I should keep the lychguard away from other melee units and just teleport them into basic troops? That seems a bit wasteful.
I am really looking forward to fielding my Ghost Arks. They seem like pseudo tanks with their salvo and I can just see how good they will be for my warriors.

Different user here,lychguard are not bad at melee,T5 with a 3++ and reanimation makes them really durable. However their swords are only ap3 which doesn't ignore sanguinary guard 2+ armor save. It will ignore tactical marine 3+ armor though.

All in all it seems like a pretty good list,annihilation barges aren't as good as they were in the previous codex but they are still decent,just remember that jinking means tesla doesn't work.

If I want to make a terminator armor techmarine, should I use Grey Knight terminator armor or Indomitus terminator armor?
Techmarines get 2+ armor so terminator armor works just fine, shut up it looks cool.

Is it wasteful to make my Chaos Lord of Khorne just deepstrike and torch motherfuckers with the burning brand? no CC, just pyromaniac. How could I protect him better using this tactic? Sacrificial wound terminators?

Christ. GKs are one of the few armies that got worse with plastic. The old metal GKTs were great.

>drill gun barrel
>it's as crooked as Hillary

Deep strike lords cost a million points whether you do jump pack or terminator

But why khorne? Tzeentch would help him more with invulnerable saves, or nurgle for toughness

Oh that's lovely.

Cause I'd be running a Khornate-focused CSM list and I'd need the guy to make Berzerkers Troops. Unless I also take Kharn, which I'd be very tempted to cause with a cultist blob as a meatshield he can literally jog across the board and still get within axing distance.

Lord with Jump Pack isn't so bad though, 110 points total for jump pack and brand. Rolling with a 5-man Raptor retinue with 2 flamers or meltas (105-115). Consider the turn they arrive from deep strike the burning brand will be aimed at a really nice target to take advantage of the AP3 and 20" combined range. You can reasonably expect at least 5~ MEQs to bite the dust. Plus isn't there a rule that says ICs can shoot at a different target than the rest of the unit? If that's the case, melt MEQs with one, turn your meltas towards a tank.

Also lovely.

It will still probably hit its targets by some magical means and any techpriest that talks against that bolter end up being squished under Imperial Armoured Crates DLC™

Just dusted off my demons and threw together a 1000 point list. Note that I don't have Kairos. I like having the option of a LoC crashing through melee if needed, and Kairos kinda fails there. I also don't want to rely on special characters.

Anyway, will people hate me if I use this without summoning?

+++ Tzeentches and Cream (998pts) +++

++ Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Warp Storm Table

+ HQ +

Daemonic Heralds
····Herald of Tzeentch [Exalted Locus of Conjuration, Psyker Level 3, The Endless Grimoire]

Lord of Change [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Paradox, Psyker Level 3, Warlord]

+ Troops +

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [11x Pink Horrors]

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [11x Pink Horrors]

+ Heavy Support +

Daemon Prince - Heavy Support
····Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Daemonic Flight, Mastery 3]

i would say drop a greater to get the impossible robe on the prince but you'd be over 3 points. people will probably like you more since you're not summoning. kairos while good isn't mandatory. i would look into the expanded tzeentch powers since you'll be using a lot of those.

ugh, that looks dated but then i've never been a fan of grey knights

Not even one of those 40k hipsters, but I prefer the OG GK look.


F U C K I N G. S A V A G E.

Next time use the tip of your crafting knife to score a tiny hole in the direct center of the barrel. Use that to guide your drill.

>Corvus Blackstar can hold jump pack infantry and is an assault vehicle
Deathwatch are gonna be fun.

they're about the same, the highlights on the apothecary are too extreme which makes it seem less detailed/cartoonish. a GK plastic terminator painted similarly to your example would be nearly indistinguishable

That gif feels me with Knight thoughts.

>That gif feels me

>Stalker Bolters
>+5 Points Per Model

I meant fills me.


I know, m8. Was just having a giggle.

Mr. Knight, please don't look me like that. I know you and the other patterns aren't meant for sexual actions.
I figured you were. I just don't want to be labeled as a Knight fetishist.

Don't make me post the Sexy Knight!

>heavy bolter
>adds 2 shots and Heavy for 10 pts

>x2 Stalker bolters
>adds 2 shots, Heavy, and Sniper for 10 pts
>can still keep Special Ammunitio
I'm not seeing the crime here. You still get a bolter or bolt pistol (or storm bolter, or...) in your other hand.

Too late, it was always too late.

>I just don't want to be labeled as a Knight fetishist.
Nothing wrong with being a knight fetishist.

And this is why the AdMech won't let us have nice things.
I don't know, user. Something tells me that I'm not sure I want to be one. On the topic of Knights, if there are Psi-Titans could there be Psi-Knights?

Here, have a badgermin.

Well GW KT is 200 points. HoR is 250 generally with their special codices.

As for normal games, go in increments of 250, up to 1750 or 1850 (some people play 2000).

Okay you win. Is it wrong that I expected badger noises? m.youtube.com/watch?v=I6eTdPG3jo8

the endless grimoire won't work unless you leave your LoC as a ML1 psyker, he can only roll up to half his powers on the table and the endless grimoire is an over-priced and currently sorta useless relic as a result.

Use paradox on the herald and put the impossible robe on the lord of change

That being said, LoC and Tzeentch DPs are incredibly fun to use MCs. Might be a little much for most 1k point lists to deal with if you use the robe, but if you're intentionally checking summoning you may as well splurge elsewhere.

Alright. I have another DP built, too. I need to. Magnetize the wings, though unless something drastic happens, idk that there will ever be a point NOT to have a flying Prince.

Then what? Go for Flamers and Exalted flamers? I kinda want to keep it Tzeentchy. Maaaaybe ally Thousand Sons, but CSM aren't too great atm.

burning chariot or screamers

I think I can salvage my old metal screamers from my time damaged chariot, though they're kinda sad looking. I only have the three. How many is typical?

> How many is typical?
I usually run 6-9 at 1000pts with a herald and grimoire of true names + cursed earth.

Herald on a Disc, I'm assuming?


I'll have to try it out at some point. Not sure what I'd drop. Times like this that I miss the old 5 man pinky squads more than normal.

posting because it makes people REEEEEEEE

from shop playtests its actually pretty balanced, you have to sink points into it like a mother to get much benefit over a standard knight.

>regular knight weapons
Dude dude dude, what if, dude listen to me, what if [spoilet] we gave it a giant, strength D force sword?

>Tfw chatting with local eldar player and he bitches about exorcists
>"your stupid tank can fire like 3" higher than terrain"
>shrug to and don't mention shields or jink