Incursion? Honestly, I haven't really touched demons since the new dex. The randomness in the old Codex was fine for me because I was playing tzeentch. I had a 50/50 shot of getting the half I wanted, all my demons had a 50/50 chance to save, the horrors had a 50/50 chance to hit, bolt generally had a 50/50 chance to pen, ect. It was silly and fun, and both me and my opponents really enjoyed those games. Even the sperg lord because there wasn't much to sperg about.
My old favorite moment was in a 3v3 game of chaos vs imperium with 750 points each. I dropped a unit of horrors right behind a Russ, maybe 4" to spare from other units and terrain. Rolled a hit on scatter then blasted the main gun off shooting into its ass
That's exactly my point, though. My lists are pretty much standard. When I lose, I lose because instead of getting even a little less than average, I missed 90% of my BS 4 shots, wound once on 3+, and then fail just as many 3+ saves from return fire.
Here's my all comer 1000 points
+++ Sisters 1k (1000pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Saint Celestine
+ Troops +
Battle Sister Squad [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
····Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Battle Sister Squad [2x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Flamer, Battle Sister with Heavy Flamer]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
····Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
+ Fast Attack +
Dominion Squad [4x Dominion with Meltagun]
····Dominion Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Melta Bombs]
····Immolator [Dozer Blade, Laud Hailer, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
Seraphim Squad [4x Seraphim, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers]
····Seraphim Superior [Bolt Pistol, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs]
+ Heavy Support +
Exorcist [Storm Bolter]
Exorcist [Storm Bolter]