Stat me, Veeky Forums
Stat me, Veeky Forums
Who's that dude ?
-10 HP
Now fuck off.
Lv 7 Neutral Good Aristocrat
Lvl 10 Lawful Good Paladin
I was about to stat Dick Cheney until I read the filename.
>any politician ever
>good or lawful
>Bought a Summer home
The hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
8 Con
He needs to take a nap.
Oh that's more fun.
Lawful Neutral Lv 4 Aristocrat, Lv 3 Gunslinger
In what possible way is he Neutral Good? He took all those student donations, ran a campaign entirely on helping the little guy then backed the woman who has been in league from the very beginning with all those he said are the problem.
All those donations now end up in the Clinton Foundation and or his bank account.
>Lvl 10 Aristocrat
>Max Ranks of Bluff
>Max Ranks of Diplomacy
>18 Charisma
>Lawful Evil
>Not a single owlbear statblock
You have changed, and not for the better, Veeky Forums.
Trumpites need to leave
>Bern Victims, weakness to fire.
Lv 5 Lawful Evil Cleric
Starting Benefit: $600,000 beach home
t. Trump
Level 5 sellout
>Pussy Blueballs, cannot fuck daughter
Reminder to vote for someone who has impregnated his daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter & more. Don't vote for pussy, vote for Tomaru.
user, socialism isn't good
He was doomed to fail from the start, his entire campaign was a sham. Did he know about that, though?
>voting for anyone this season aside from Tomaru
Voting for someone aside from Tomaru is like having kids & not fucking them, shameful & a disgrace to your race.
>Making a joke that the man only 6 years younger than Bernie dates women half his age.
If he did or did not is moot, he fell in line like a good house nigger.
Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft.
20 (+5) DEX
12 (+1) CON
17 (+3) INT
3 (-4) WIS
12 (+1) CHA
7 (-2)
Skills Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Keen Sight and Smell. This creature has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Multiattack. This creature makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
>Making a response defending your pussy candidate & not even a good one
I bet you haven't even fucked any of your relatives yet. Tomaru regularly physically loves his daughters & ensures they are well sexually satisfied. Can any of your inferior non-Tomaru pussies do that?
I normally hate anime shitposting, but wholeheartedly support it for this disastrous thread.
But do you support the love for family? Tomaru is more of a family man than any penis /pol/ loves to suck. Most have yet to fuck one of their children, let alone as many as Tomaru.
Just a silly old man who believed Democracy still worked in America.
>Just a silly old man who helped place the final nail in the coffin of the Democrat party and democracy.
Of course it works, all women naturally want to fuck Tomaru. You simply have a candidate who is sexy enough to have everyone vote for a chance to fuck him. Tomaru-based democracy like having 2 horny bisexual women & 1 sexy man decide what to do that night.
>spent first four decades of his life living in dirt floor shack writing shitty articles for leftist rags
>many of which involved navel gazing about rape fantasies
>voted lock-step with Democratic party for most of career, then pretended he was a renegade
>advocates economic reforms built entirely around stealing money and pretending to give it to useful idiots
>intentionally capitalized on millennial grievance philosophies
>spent entire campaign criticizing opponent as a tactless, self-involved, corrupt liar, then publicly endorsed her
>is a total wimp who lets people walk all over him when conflict arises
A 500 million dollar campaign contribution to Hillary Clinton.
>spent all of his life not fucking his family
>voting for some who isn't Tomaru
>still alive
Asking for a genuine response: how can anyone support Trump at this point? Like Hillary is absolutely a dyed-in-the-wool, corrupt, corporate politician but Trump is just a fucking idiot. I can't believe that the Republican party - a party of Presidents who had a view to the whole world and amibition for America - has been reduced to Trump.
>just a silly old man who wanted to use force to remove people's possessions so he could attempt to implement the ideology of the barbarian horde which faced his kingdom down for seventy years and eventually impoverished its own people
this, bernbot lost literally all respect when he bent over and took it up the ass from the literal worst creature alive.
this entire election is shit, i miss rand paul, kind of wish he took over the libertarian party instead of the clinton stooge.
Lvl 8 Chaotic Good Aristocrat.
so heres my question, which would you have as president, an incompetent fool? or the literal devil which actively plans to kill democracy in 4 years?
we at least survived incompetence with dubya, the god damn abomination that presidency was, i don't think we'd survive that evil psycho bitch.
It's simple, they sympathize. When you have a bunch of virgins who cannot fuck their daughters & someone who sexually desires his daughters yet won't even date them because they do not have the balls to break social taboos, they see much in common. They are both pussies & inferior to Tomaru.
What makes him incompetent? Without resorting to ad-hominen and character attacks withotu proof?
The Republicans don't really want Trump either. He's just really popular with the Right's LCD and the media has done nothing but give 24/7 coverage to every thing he says since he first started running.
Trump is only a thing because enough people got tired enough of the Democrats and their pet progressive screeching in everyone's faces about pointless bullshit they decided to listen to all those soundbites of the guy. Even if the only reason those soundbites were played was because the media wanted to make him look bad.
The guy's a reaction, a reaction magnified by the fact the best answer the left had is a woman who literally got away with criminal behavior.
More or less the same way that Sanders almost got nominated, except Trump didn't lose because he wasn't a weak pussy coward. A bunch of people were very, very disenfranchised with the Party Establishment and wanted to bring it down. Ben Carson was too sleepy, and Ted Cruz was basically a neocon in disguise. Trump might be a goofball but he's running for an office with very little power to begin with. The whole thing is basically a message to Congress and the House to get their shit together or never win another election.
Perhaps misguided, but at least he's not a literal criminal like Hillary.
Neutral Good Level 5 Commoner, level 3 Adept, level 2 Aristocrat
I would rather have Tomaru, someone who will lead the country well. He is competent, a skilled person & sexy enough to get your vote. Why would you vote for someone who's unfuckable? Vote Tomaru.
the fact hes far too incompetant to keep his mouth shut and kick the dipshits under his banner under control, and instead spouts memes all day on his twitter, the very fact he can't simply just tell his party to shut up, get in line and stop being fucktards is telling.
Let's not forget
>"Progressive" who only cares about white people, hardly bothering to make the most token attempts to reach out to anyone who isn't
>"Leftist revolutionary" whose positions are nearly identical to his opponent, who basically IS the party mainstream, on most issues
>"Last honest politician" who constantly lied to his supporters, including deceiving them into think the Pope was going to endorse him
>or the literal devil which actively plans to kill democracy in 4 years?
But I don't believe that Clinton does plan that, user. As soon as you start arguing the established power structure (which is not uniform, but in which everyone has a vested interest in it continuing) is part of some elaborate and improbably competent conspiracy, you lose me.
>reeee failed businesses
>reeee he's RAYCISSSST!
>reeee he hates womyn!
I have no love for the guy but I trust him in the White House over Clinton. At least he won't kow-tow to Russia and Iran like Barry has.
thats because you have the I.Q. of a potato and anything new that invades your safe space triggers you.
He seems like a huge idiot who repeatedly fucks up in the public eye. That is the impression I have of Trump, from someone who did not really care about him before this election. I find it impossible to vote for someone like that, and especially so when they've said they would essentially give Europe over to Russia and Asia over to the Chinese.
The Republican Party's entire problem was that it purged everyone who disagreed with the leadership--including attempting to do the same with Trump. If he repeated this process he'd be just as bad as the Neocons.
>>"Progressive" who only cares about white people, hardly bothering to make the most token attempts to reach out to anyone who isn't
Dude literally got arrested in civil rights protests.
So... no?
>safe space
What are you even talking about at this point? I'm absolutely not in favor of censorship in the name of a moral crusade, so where'd you pull this one from?
The Republicans don't really want Trump either. He's just really popular with the Right's LCD and the media has done nothing but give 24/7 coverage to every thing he says since he first started running.
The poltical class don't want him at all, because if he gets elected they realize that no career polititan is safe. Everything he has said has been picked apart and used against him. He says rapists come over the border yet the CDC and a few others have confirmed 75% or more of the females coming over have been sexually abused at one point in their journey.
>Trump is only a thing because enough people got tired enough of the Democrats and their pet progressive screeching in everyone's faces about pointless bullshit
You just described all politics, they are all reactions to what is happening all over the world. When the majority are marginalized they turn towards the Right.
>The guy's a reaction, a reaction magnified by the fact the best answer the left had is a woman who literally got away with criminal behavior.
What criminal behavior? I mean not he did something I don't agree with but what about rigging elections like Hillary, or hiding Government data like Hillary or lie under Oath like Hillary, or directly cause the deaths of servicement like Hillary?
>tfw pussy candidates dick suckers don't know Tomaru dick is good for them
No wonder they haven't fucked their daughters yet.
It was referring to Hillary's criminal behavior.
>When the majority are marginalized they turn towards the Right.
Towards populism. It's not right the world over - see Spain and Italy.
you realize theres threads and threads on /pol/ linking the stupid shit clinton does because they are rabid trump slaves right?
have you looked at any of the stupid shit on the clinton foundation? all the shady shit shes linked too?
do you even try to be educated or are you content simply lying there being part of the reason why the world sucks right now?
This is one of the few things I like about the guy. He says and does some insanely stupid things which would sink any other candidate's campaign right then and there but he just brushes it off and doesn't give a shit. The guy's got a lot chutzpah, which is something sorely missing in Washington right now.
My biggest hope out of his presidency is his "fuck off I'm winning this anyway" will galvanize younger Republicans who'll work to themselves back into the party of "Let's Get Shit Done" and stop being the party of "There are Too Many/Not Enough Penises in Your Relationship".
>you realize theres threads and threads on /pol/ linking the stupid shit clinton does because they are rabid trump slaves right
>browsing Reddit
All that time you spent on your reddit board, you could have spent with family & showing them proper love.
Lvl 6 true neutral Aristocrat
He did literally lose because of the diversity vote, which think is less because of any failure of his own character, and rather is actually proof that the Republicans were right about the minority vote from the start: It doesn't matter how much you offer them, if you don't have the big D next to your name and the endorsement of Boone's Watermelon flavored Wine, you aren't winning the black vote. It doesn't matter if you got ripped apart by attack dogs next to MLK and your opponent famously talks about bringing niggers to heel.
not even, its just anyone who does a bit of digging would see shes a massive piece of shit that belongs in prison.
you wouldn't know that never even attempting to try to look elsewhere but you know, your free to do as you like, enjoy screwing america.
I don't think I'm under any illusions about Clinton. I think she's corrupt, I don't think she'd be a particularly good president and I definitely would take any viable alternative over her on foreign policy. But there is no viable alternative to me.
I don't believe she wants to end democracy in her four year term, at least no more so than any other president - see Nixon, see Reagan - has.
Yes. And unless you choose to believe Clinton is literally the seat of a shadow government seeking hegemony it all falls like a house of cards.
I love going down rabbit holes, but the Clinton ones are just a politician who has been over-analyzed by the opposing party who still can't get *anything* to stick despite investing millions of tax dollars in the pursuit. If anything, the controversies just mean Hillary would be good for a presidential seat because she's fucking bulletproof while Trump can't address a single nobody without sounding like an asshole.
>He seems like a huge idiot who repeatedly fucks up in the public eye.
He seems? Provide examples and then go beyond the newspaper clipping that says he accused all women of bleeding from their vaginas and look at the full quote when he says bleeding from the eyes and nose? It is media deception, user.
>I find it impossible to vote for someone like that, and especially so when they've said they would essentially give Europe over to Russia and Asia over to the Chinese.
The reason America can not afford things for those at the bottom level is because America has to pay for the defense budget of Europe, of parts of Asia. European style socialism is built off the back of American military deterent. Strong, independant countries are mutually benificial, a collection of weak militaries propped up by one expansive one is no good to anybody but it is the reality we have.
>What are you even talking about at this point? I'm absolutely not in favor of censorship in the name of a moral crusade, so where'd you pull this one from?
Democrats getting safe spaces in univercities, preventing conflicting (Republican) views from being shared in centers of learning. You can not enter this room unless you are
>Racial Minority
>Sexual Minority
>Ethnic Minority
Free speech is being sanctioned in the very centers in which it should be free, left-leaning Student Unions are policing what can and can not be said by the studen body.
So did plenty of other people. What has he done since then? The fact that this gets trotted out constantly as some kind of irrefutable proof black people should support him shows how out of touch with them he and his supporters were.
Johnson or Stein. Even Stein would be better. Try to push a third party candidate if you have to, but Jesus Christ do not vote for a criminal. There used to be a time when SITTING presidents would abdicate over being accused of crimes half as serious as hers. If she is elected, the rule of law in this country is over.
Clinton is an 80s republican who doesn mind gays that much.
>There used to be a time when SITTING presidents would abdicate over being accused of crimes half as serious as hers
Only when there's evidence :^)
>Clinton mishandles classified information on a private server she set up solely because she doesn't want oversight
>FBI says "k you're good"
>David Petraeus shares a few details with his girlfriend
>Forced to resign
>Implying the FBI Director was not instructed by the Attorney General who was instructed by Bill Clinton to recommend no charges.
Now now, there's enough Tomaru dick to go around. Just wait your turn & you can ride it.
A thirty party candidate just isn't a possibility in America, Duverger's law holds very strong in the US.
>If she is elected, the rule of law in this country is over.
But how does this follow? "The President is a criminal" =/= "There is no rule of law in America". Nixon was a criminal. I will vote to keep Trump out of office because as bad as Clinton may or could ever be, Trump is the Death of the West. All this America First shit is stuff we've seen and heard before - he's the most successful candidate ever to go with it - but it's his foreign policy that terrifies me.
>implying I don't know that
I dont agree with Johnson but I respect the Libertarian idea. I'd prefer Green but their antivaccine stance is absolutely disgusting.
>Implying the AG has shit to say in the issue when the public knew about the meeting
The FBI and judicial committee holds all the cards in that situation.
No, it was
>Clinton doesn't understand email because she's 70, but no actual classified information gets leaked and nothing bad happens
>FBI: You're an idiot, but you're not a criminal
>Petraeus knowingly gives away state secrets
>Forced to resign
Nice try, though
>not strong enough to fuck his own daughter
Still too weak.
christ you know what, fine screw america, lets let everybody die, let the war with russia happen, lets ignore the high treasonous bitch who sold information to foreign countries, got people killed, everyone who prosecutes her "commits suicide" via the back of the head with a clip of bullets, just screw all of that because shes a god damn woman and thus is immune to literally everything, cannot do no wrong. You are all now white knight crusaders trying to protect some maiden on the internet because she has something you will never touch
Nu/tg/ is real and everyone decent left when the nazimod came through and purged everything, enjoy your cancer ridden shithole.
Clinton was
>First Lady
>Secretary of State
>Still does not know how state secrets work
Yeah, no does not add up.
Yeah people that defend Petreus who literally let a reporter look through anything she wanted because he was fucking her are ridiculous.
I'm just disappointed that there will be no debates between Trump and Austin "I've got class, motherfucker" Petersen
no refunds, now go
>Nixon was a criminal.
Nixon didn't do anything illegal until after he was in office. Clinton's not even elected yet and her rap sheet is longer than his was by a wide margin.
>Trump is the Death of the West
I wonder if all these smug liberals parroting this nonsense are aware they're acting exactly like 08 Republicans screeching about how Barrack is a Muslim Communist demon.
>He doesn't care about non-white people!
>So what if he spent his youth fighting for the rights of non-white people, what has he done lately?
I didn't say black people should have dropped to their knees and sucked his dick, I'm just pointing out that acting like this guy has never cared about minorities is obscene, especially considering he has since constantly pushed for equal rights enforcement as a senator.
The lack of capitals suggest you need to return to reddit. Now try voting for Tomaru okay?
I wouldn't know, because I'm not really in either of those groups. America cannot abandon Europe. America cannot abandon Asia. It's as simple as that.
If Clinton was half as capable as you make her out to be you still would sound like an idiot because she gets shit done in a country that hasn't for nearly 20 years.
I am voting Stein but mostly to give the big D's the middle finger. I'm waiting for more email leaks that just ruin them.
>08 republicans
They are STILL screeching that. Especially at Trump rallies.
m8, old Veeky Forums was nothing like you imagine it to be.
Clinton let the following have access to classified info, which is illegal
>Tech support
>Legal team
Even used an unsecured device on public wifi in places like China, Russia and the Middle-East. He server had less security than a regular Gmail account.
TRUMP was screeching that in 08. Why the hell is that forgiven because he says retarded things even in context?
pls go /a/, you're embarrassing yourself.
>because she gets shit done in a country that hasn't for nearly 20 years.
What exactly has she gotten done, and at such volume that she outclasses everyone else in the government?