Traditional Beliefs ↔ Traditional Games
Progressive Beliefs ↔ Progressive Games
Traditional Beliefs ↔ Traditional Games
Other urls found in this thread:
Shitty post ↔ shitposting
False equivalence ↔ Fuck off.
>smudging the shiny blade
I've done worse for less.
Let me count the ways in which you are shit.
>Traditional Beliefs ↔ Traditional Games
No. Corellon Larethian has been a tranny since first edition. That and a lot of TTRPG websites (giantITP most notably) tend to lean pretty towards the SJW site, and Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/.
>Progressive Beliefs ↔ Progressive Games
The fuck is even a "progressive game"? You mean shit like the "check your privilege" cardgame?
>Marion Marechal Le Pen
As much as I like her mother, fuck her. She's literally a pretty face and... that's it. She's the equivalent of the Israeli army constantly hiring models to pose as female soldiers to generate sympathy from impressionable and stupid young men.
>Having this posterwhore dress up like La Pucelle
As both a Catholic and a Francophile I'm offended and disgusted in equal measure.
Vive l'Empereur
Robespierre dindu nuffin
Laïcité was a mistake
>Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/
Point of order: /co/
>Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/.
I'm afraid that's /co/, user. Send help ;_;
/r9k/ is just a gender-flipped version of angry feminists.
>No. Corellon Larethian has been a tranny since first edition.
Eh, I think Tranny isn't quite accurate for Corellon. He's not someone who thinks he should be another gender all the time. He's someone who wears gender in the same way that people wear hats. Whatever makes him look good at this time.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. It's wrong for the same reason MRAs are not the male equivalent of feminists.
First of all they don't deal in feefees, secondly there are actually rights women have that men don't but not vice versa, thirdly MRAs don't rape the social contract.
>As much as I like her mother
You have a thing for Yann Le Pen? Why?
What does this even mean?
>First of all they don't deal in feefees
Impotent anger is a feeling.
As crazy and shit-flinging as this threadis going to be...
First, MRAs aren't /r9k/. /r9k/ might have MRAs among them, but honestly they're just a bunch of self-reinforcing manchildren who are driving each other deeper and deeper into their pit. I know, I spent months at a time on there unironically.
Second, there is a clear difference between /r9k/ and angry feminists. People don't listen to /r9k/, as it honestly should be for angry feminists as well.
I'm an anarchist and my favorite gaming is OSR. Does this prove OP wrong instantly or were we talking tendencies?
There are at least like three anarchists who hang out in /osrg/.
>First of all they don't deal in feefees
Are we talking about the same /r9k/ here?
>they don't deal in feefees
They deal in literally nothing but feefees.
Anger is an appropriate reaction to injustice. The thing is that anger is a result of their situation, it's not their argument per se. They don't fight things because they hurt their feelings or they want a safe space or whatever. They precieve injustice and see that it's not taken seriously, and that they're even called sexist for pointing it out. This is called "righteous indignation".
Yeah, you're right there. But you forgot to add people don't listen to MRA either. which is why I moved on to MGTOW
You've never actually visited their "women hate" threads, have you?
That makes sense given the OSR community.
Oh buddy. You're not doing the species or the sex any favours.
No, I've visited their whole entire board on occasion though. /r9k/ is all about feelings. Like you're literally saying they deal in feelings and simultaneously saying they don't in another part of your post. I thought being illogical like that was the preserve of women?
You're talking about being listened to, but this is the actual movement of "I'm protesting nobody listening to me by making sure nobody wants or has to listen to me".
>They precieve injustice and see that it's not taken seriously, and that they're even called sexist for pointing it out. This is called "righteous indignation".
This is literally the argument feminists make. You're both two sides of the same emotionally-driven coin.
That's probably the single most impotent political movement ever. In more than one sense!
>but this is the actual movement of "I'm protesting nobody listening to me
It means something different to everyone, considering the movement is entirely decentralized, but to me it's more like dropping out of a society that didn't care about me in the fist place. Going your own way isn't protesting, it's going your own way.
Mind clarifying/elaborating? Just curious.
It's a community built up around a lot of groups that have felt like outcasts and ended up doing things their own way. It's only recently that a really solid community has been visible there.
>"Holding on anger"
>not "Holing onto anger"
To sum up the thread:
>logical fallacies
>retards who don't realize that Corellon's gender is "elf"
>retards who think /r9k/ is okay
>retards who think /pol/ is okay
>retards who think /co/ is okay
>retards who don't realize that /co/ is 110% tumblr, even down to advocating for some of the exact shit that suffragettes fought against
>people who this /lgbt/ is tumblr
Sage goes in all fields.
>First, MRAs aren't /r9k/. /r9k/ might have MRAs among them, but honestly they're just a bunch of self-reinforcing manchildren who are driving each other deeper and deeper into their pit. I know, I spent months at a time on there unironically.
Have we had the beta uprising yet?
That makes sense. There's also a very strong DIY ethic (including zines, which are, historically speaking, punk as fuck).
Yeah. I mean there's a bad OSR and a good OSR, and the bad ones are the horrible restrictive grognards. But even the good OSR people should be at least a little bit weird. You need that in the games.
>But even the good OSR people should be at least a little bit weird
Weirdness is traditional though.
>In more than one sense!
>Going your own way isn't protesting, it's going your own way.
Why would you need an acronym to express how independent you are
Hi /pol/
Go home
>(giantITP most notably) tend to lean pretty towards the SJW site, and Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/.
lol who cares
>tg is tumblresque
go back to tumblr. You were never wanted here
>elf god a tranny
I seriously hope this is BS
immigrants get out reeee
Everyone hates your thread OP. Report and sage.
Of course they are. They're removing their clearly defective genes from the pool.
Memes. Their genes were probably fine, it's the memes that are self-chlorinating.
>MRAs don't rape the social contract
Can someone explain what he means by this
Because it's away for us to identify eachother and share material, experiences and the like? Just because we don't like bitches doesn't mean we suddenly start living under a rock.
>Because there's an acronym for your movement you're protesting
Cool story bro.
why not?
You wouldn't look up from your humble bed to see a queen of European Independence shaming your every sinful stroke as you cum wildly into her fertile loins?
>As much as I like her mother
>liking commies
Get out
>Veeky Forums is tumblr
100% on point. Gamers just eat up SJW shit. I mean one of the most popular characters on Veeky Forums is the ultra-whiteknight.
>She's literally a pretty face and... that's it
She's still better than her litteraly traitorous aunt.
Traitorous how? She didn't sell the country out to third world migrants for votes, did she? She didn't make the graveyard of the old kings into the closest thing France has to Detroit.
>She didn't sell the country out to third world migrants for votes, did she?
>purged her party of every actual right wing dudes
>litteraly gives out old churches to be turned into mosques
>wants to triple the welfare budget, especially for child allowance
De Gaulle and Pompidou did that.
>Sjws and /pol/acks unironically browse this board.
Mods pls remove these fags
And Giscard ofc
Shh, adults are talking, child. Back to your basement.
ISIS is literally Beta Uprising: islamic edition
just look at the "western recruits". The one native german ive seen is literally a fat neckbeard with glasses
>leg-bearded lesbians and retarded manchildren are talking be quiet user!
Literally no one wants you here
>ISIS is literally Beta Uprising
In what sense?
Ah, the classic patronizing "this is serious mum" response. I'm guessing you're 18-21, at that stage where you're so desperate to prove you're not a teen anymore that you indulge this posturing world-weariness, which you think makes you seem mature but in fact just comes across as exactly the opposite. Best not to post at all, when that's all you've got to post, 'kiddo'.
This is some advanced recursive meta patronizing right here.
>purged her party of every actual right wing dudes
If you mean Vichy apologists and outspoken anti-semites, yes. Yes, she did purge the party of the people that would make her party unvotable.
>litteraly gives out old churches to be turned into mosques
U wot m8? FN protested the hardest against that church that was broken down a few weeks ago to be turned into a parking lot. I'll need a citation for this.
>wants to triple the welfare budget, especially for child allowance
So? It makes perfect sense, if you want to cut out the immigrants you want more children.
>De Gaulle De Gaulle was the last of the Great Frenchmen.
>he thinks Veeky Forums is for the tumblr
proof your a newfag from when the nazimod purged this shithole and let the crossboard scum in mass to this board.
the majority of Veeky Forums if you didn't circlejerk in quests all the damn time, is 40kfags, and magicfags, both of which hate the ever living shit out of SJW's and anything to do with outside legitimate Nerd culture.
you sir are either a D&Dfag in which case you are the cancer killing this hobby, or your a filthy questfag, in which case:
Look at them replies and that flame war
Meh. I miss classic patronising, where I'd pay my patronisee enough ducats to feed him for two winters and he'd draw a fine portrait sure to be the enter of conversation at the next hunting party.
It's not so much bait as it is Veeky Forums switching the subject to a more interesting one. Happens all the time.
Is this thread actually composed of /pol/ and tumblr-tier people fighting or it all an elaborate ruse? I can't tell anymore
ISIS fighters from western countries, especially when they are not third generation immigrants but native converts, are mostly failures in life that had no other perspective. Also you apparently get a state sponsored waifu when you fight.
pic related, guy i was talking about.
>Disenfranchised men who are told by their own civilization that they're violent, bigoted, sexist, racist, transphobic shitlords look to a culture that actually rewards masculinity (albeit a culture that's also violent and backwards)
Can you blame them? Though the Arabic world has the opposite problem: whereas in the West it's mostly men rejecting marriage, in the Middle-East more and more women are rejecting marriage.
It's good that we can see both sides of the coin: what happens when you treat men like filth, and what happens when you treat women like filth.
i agree with you, although i dont know how much its culture and how much its about personal failure
i still find it funny to imagine its basically /r9k/ fighting there.
>although i dont know how much its culture
I'd argue about 90% of it is culture. No culture on earth has ever disenfranchised men and robbed them of their purpose as ours. Some men solve this by fighting for ISIS (which has a religous package that offers them meaning and bitches alike), others simply "drop out" and refuse to get married. That's where the "where have all teh good men gone?" crisis started.
If it really was personal failure, we shouldn't see a crisis on such a scale, but on a significantly smaller scale. This might be the biggest marriage crisis since the late Roman Empire.
>i still find it funny to imagine its basically /r9k/ fighting there.
At that point you might as well call Islam /r9k/: the religion. It utterly despises and looks down on women, calling them frail, mentally deficient and the majority of the inhabitants of hell.
Maybe questfags would go to /qst/ if /qst/ had an actual community and wasn't a cancerous meme board.
>Create a board that has no reason to exist
>Allow quests to run on Veeky Forums at the same time
>Wonder why nobody goes to /qst/
It's the same as Veeky Forums: it's a cancerous meme board because we already have two boards doing the exact same thing (/pol/ and /int/, to a certain degree Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums can be argued for as well).
It's incredibly obvious bait. But shitposting is fun
They should have forced quests into /QST/ for some time, I can agree on that.
I ran a dungeon building quest not long after qst was made with no problem until I had to stop.
Then again idk why people dislike quests on Veeky Forums in the first place.
Could you elaborate?
It made much more sense back when most people would have /b/ as their main board and the other boards were really only side-boards, back in the ancient days of Veeky Forums.
Now, boards like Veeky Forums or /v/ or /co/ are likely to be the board that someone mainly browses, with /b/ more of a bastion against outsiders than a real community.
Digital watch - Digital games
Analogue watch - Analogue games
>Gamers just eat up SJW shit.
That's always been true, though. Just not in SJW context you portray it as. Strong female characters in traditionally male roles like warriors and shit are not really that strange in this community. Difference is that's because we're dealing with fantasy aka not reality here.
Tabletop groups - Tabletop games
Online groups - Online games
Should just be the place to shove them after they get going, so you don't have insular threads clogging the board.
>They should have forced quests into /QST/ for some time, I can agree on that.
What the fuck was the justification for not doing so? I mean shit, you created a board with specific purpose in mind and then it make optional?
>Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/.
You don't spend any time on either of these boards if you think they're anywhere tumbler-esque. Seriously, /lgbt/ is pretty conservative.
>De Gaulle was the last of the Great Frenchmen.
>this quote
Well, considering he opened the floodgates for african immigration while closing European immigration, you can already see how honest he was.
To be fair, France actually believed that it was possible to educate and civilize Africans to a European level. They unironically thought they could just assimilate the darkies into being white.
Of course now modern science has thoroughly debunked that nonsense and thus the French colonial policy seems absolutely bonkers from our perspective.
>I'll need a citation for this.
Look up Roubaix old church. That's the one I'm talking about
Also, your post is the typical nu-FN retarded garble. I'm pretty sure you whine about ghetto dwellers getting welfare while at the same time defending the same welfare programs because MLP now endorse them (rather than tax cuts for the middle class large families) for quick arab votes grab. Same, you defend the purging of the last great right wing intellectual (Gollnisch) and defend the fact that she put her lover and an actual gay socialist bureaucrat in his place.
Any fucking right wing politic would be more fit to rule than the slimy fuck that is MLP.
is it me or have the /pol/fugess come back? How can you be agients refugess in europe and yet make shitty threds in every board aside from theirs. Go back to yer own board, we got our own shitposters, we dont need your alien shitposting
>thirdly MRAs don't rape the social contract
Just the Women, am i right!
>To be fair, France actually believed that it was possible to educate and civilize Africans to a European level.
>modern science has thoroughly debunked that nonsense
>is been scientifically proven that black people are less capable than Europeans
Source? I mean, I can recognize a pattern as much as the next guy, but correlation is not causation and whatnot.
Fuck off /pol/ and fucksake Veeky Forums don't respond to the bait, why are we so shit at ignoring trolls?
>and Veeky Forums itself is the most tumblr-esque board on the website that isn't /lgbt/.
Retard detected. We're comfortably torn between /pol/ and tumblr, with a small pinch of /leftypol/ thrown in.
The suffragettes were fucking disgusting, and the hero-worship people have for them is even worse.
Blacks are kinda decent here. Arabs are the fucking scum of the earth tho.
Becoming a religious fantastic still seems backward as fuck to me, but I can see how disenfranchised men would be ripe for conversion into such a religion.
I can definitely see why they'd opt out of an abusive culture though, for sure. And I can see why many people who are sick of how men are treated here would look to women from cultures where men are more valued.
Could be a more reliable way to get women who are actually suitable as a partner, particularly if they keep getting crazy ones.
In not really a mgtow or mra, but sometimes they make some damn good points, as do antifeminists like sh0eonhead.
For instance these days I'm disinclined to date a western woman with a degree (unless it's a stem degree, or maybe business management, then sure) . Most of the ones with arts degrees seem to buy into the man hating feminist feelings>facts koolaid.
>Feminist constantly wailing about how they've been friendzoned, about how nobody wants to rape them (even though all men are rapists) and how they're perfect ladylike noblewomen who clearly deserve it
People fap to Ann Coulter and the Alaskan lady as well.
When you look closer, Daesh is surprisingly similar to the western right
>muh tradishun
>muh women are worthless
>muh we need to expel barbarians
>muh Jews are behind it all
It's exactly what you get when you give /pol/ weapons and let it run amok.
All conservatives want to conserve.
It's surprising that they aren't working together. Aren't they?
>Can you blame them? Though the Arabic world has the opposite problem: whereas in the West it's mostly men rejecting marriage, in the Middle-East more and more women are rejecting marriage.
>US muslim issues
>clearly these are global issues
Wow, how about you impale yourself on a stick?
In the middle east young peopel don't get married because they're too fucking poor and because there's no way to make money in a shithole that's got an economy under military control (if you're lucky).