Ships SOON(tm) edition
Previous thread Do you plan on magnetizing your ships, and if so, to what degree?
Do you already have people lined up to play with when the game ships?
Ships SOON(tm) edition
Previous thread Do you plan on magnetizing your ships, and if so, to what degree?
Do you already have people lined up to play with when the game ships?
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First for "anyone have the reconquest phase 1 PDF?"
>Do you plan on magnetizing your ships, and if so, to what degree?
Magnets errywhere.
>Do you already have people lined up to play with when the game ships?
Yep, one for each faction. We all pitched in on the kickstarter. That seem to be the case for a lot of pledges. The 3,900 or so backers is probably translating into more like double that many people actually getting stuff from the kickstarter.
I know a few other guys who've pledged, but I don't see them as often.
A lot of the ship pieces just seem way too small for properly sized magnets to hold them together at all.
Are there any particular magnets you're going to be using?
I think these are plenty small, user.
>sphere magnets
If I tried to articulate the PHR heavy guns with these, what would happen if I used a:
a) disk magnet in the well and a ferrous ball on the gun
b)ferrous disk in the well and a ball magnet on the gun
c)disk magnet in the well and a ball magnet on the gun
Maybe the spheres + countersunk rings?
That possibly too, but I'm more concerned about, if using both ring/disk + sphere, if that will snap-to the guns along the magnetic field.
I want them to be fully articulated, but without the possibility of them falling off.
>fully articulated, but without the possibility of them falling off.
No such thing
Well, a disk magnet embeded in the gunwell, with the ball-joint on the gun replaced with a ferrous ball would allow for full articulation.
The problem is, however, that even with neodymium magnets, I don't think ferrous metal would provide enough magnetic force to resist constant handling.
Like I said. It's a trade-off.
Are there any lore-books for this game? Like, is it just the background in the rulebooks that we have to go off of?
I've been looking at this game and quite frankly from what I've seen I love the setting.
Fair enough; guess I'll just need to find exceptionally magnetic ball bearings.
Pretty much, yep; all the lore and setting info can be found in the rulebooks.
on average, how many magnets do you expect to use for each ship?
I was looking at the PHR sprue and counted about 40 of them, at that point it's probably cheaper to just buy another ship.
Thanks m8. Really useful stuff.
Decided to paint up my PHR as a school of fish, and I found the perfect accessory for those smooth armor plates.
I cannot wait a moment longer for this to ship.
Where's my space pew pews, Hawk? Where's my fucking space pew pew I need it.
>somewhere in that squadron is a flag bridge with a star-trek command chair and the middle-age catsuit sporting cyber-vamp lounging in it plays "Barracuda" non-stop over bluetooth speakers throughout the ships.
>crewed entirely by marcus barros-types
I keep hearing the 20th thrown around. Not sure how legit, by a man can dream.
>mfw I've got so much plastic and metal lying around I have no idea where to start
>I have made the classic blunder
>My DFC will never be finished
The 20th is when the prerelease is, so that's probably why you keep hearing that.
Well then yes, that would be why I'm hearing that. Thank you for the clarification.
I honestly think we should really get our stuff before the 20th. They're in the shipping phase now, right?
Stuff should be arriving very soon.
From what Hawk are saying it sounds like they're getting stuff packed and shipped as fast as they can, doesn't seem like they can do any more. It'll get there when it gets there, unfortunately.
At this point it's probably more dependent on the efficiency of your particular postal service than anything on Hawk's end.
Also, my fellow murricans will probably be getting it a few days later than other folks, considering the company is based out of country. Patience is a virtue and all that, I guess.
I heard they were having some issues with getting printed materials in (rulebooks and maps, most likely)
They probably already have enough rulebooks to sell a limited number of starter sets at Cardiff, and are waiting for the full shipment to arrive before sending out kickstarters.
They said shipping should start within one to two weeks, take at max one week to ship around the world, and 2-3 days after that to get to where you are depending on your country.
Our of interest, when did they make that announcement? That would help us get a timeframe on when stuff should start arriving.
About a week or so ago, where they said two to three weeks, so we're down to one or two weeks.
I'm going to be honest, I think the Ajax is the most aesthetic of any ship, of any faction, in the game.
Everything about it is beautiful; I hope it ends up being useful in game.
My only problem with it is that like a lot of PHR ships it sorta looks like it has an underbite.
They look like bayonets to me
I wish PHR could ram
>ey, you talking to me?
>That's what I thought.
>Ain't no one as beautiful as me.
I guess ramming doesn't really make sense in DFC considering the actual scale would mean even ships that were literally touching bases would still be super far apart in reality.
Yeah, that's a thing in space combat games.
I've been referring to those mounts as Mandibles. I don't think it's a problem.
The scale is way bigger in BFG and you can still ram (with some skill) other ships
I fail to see the problem.
I mean the scale that distances represent. In normal games you'd call it the ground scale but it's in space so fuck knows what it would be here.
According to one user's maths last thread, if the ships were scaled according to the ground scale they'd be about half a millimetre in length, this is why ramming seems a bit impractical.
BFG (and 40k-universe games in general) tended to be much more laissez-faire about this sort of thing, but Dave and Hawk love their meticulous scaling.
That is because 40k runs on rule of cool and is literally space boats. Why ram when you can accelerate a projectile to some fraction of C?
BFG is basically space Jutland with some old skool stuff, mostly ramming.
Does anyone have any modern Dropfleet gameplay vids, btw?
Thinking of hopping into that to add to the Dropzone stuff I've got.
Gonna repost the math I did, just for those interested.
4' by 4' (1.21 m by 1.21 m) table is defined to represent a 1000 km by 1000km area
model scale is 1mm to 10,000 mm
Using the Beijing for reference, it is 142 mm long, making it 1,420,000 mm long in real life, or 1.42 km long
Making the model in scale with the table would make it about 1.72 mm long.
Yeah, they were meticulous about distances in BFG since they made it too.
Because my ship is a bayonet going a significant fraction of c
>6-12 pieces of rice on each side facing each other
I could crash that
Not that I am aware of. Latest thing I know of is some info on reconquest 2 on beastsofwar channel on youtube.
>Because my ship is a bayonet going a significant fraction of c
You're crashing that ship with no survivors aren't you?
>hey man, did you bring your fleet?
>>sorry dude, left it at home; don't worry though, I stopped at the grocer on the way here
>Ah, frigate spam?
Yes, the nanite rises
If I removed those augments, would you die?
It would not be extremely painful
You're a big cyborg.
Thanks, I've been working out.
For your unaugmented self
This dude walks in and slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do?
Roll for a shitton of falling masonry holy fuck
>yo babe, see the gun on this scorpion?
>It ain't compensatin
I see this pic and I'm immediately reminded of the myriad of names for what's his face from Mass Effect 3.
You mean this?
>going a significant fraction of c
No it isn't, and the ship could not survive such a collision anyway
>Big McLargeHuge
Probably try to protect him from her
Why are you dating Medusa jesus christ get it together.
I had not seen that before.
>Blast Hardcheese
>implying a Medusa would even let Chad Cyberdick 2.0 get that close
user is probably dating a Valk.
Looking at adding a second Dropzone faction once I get my UCM to about 2000 points.
Which faction would you recommend for interesting variety?
Not that many people seem to play Resistance. Plus you can use some UCM stuff with them if you run an Allied list.
This, Resistance is a lot of fun. Dropping bombs the size of main battle tanks onto buildings never gets old.
I highly recommend you give them either the SHINY AND CHROME treatment, or go full GLA from Command and Conquer.
Bulk Slabchest and Beef Swoleson were Mt favorites
Hm, they do seem pretty interesting.
What would you suggest as first purchases for them alongside the starter and a command card deck?
No survivors
You'll want a command unit, so either an Alexander or the fuckhuge Hovercraft thing with the salvaged Scourge guns.
Freeriders used to be crazy good but I think they got nerfed. The best bet to start out would probably be to flesh out the starter set, probably with some technicals/wagons and perhaps some Cyclones for gunship support.
>no survivors
>implying that's a problem
To add to this (which is all great advice) I'm a huge fan of technicals. Yeah, they die in droves, but rocket technicals can chip away at anything, thanks to the Shaped Charge rule, so your opponent will HAVE to deal with them at some point - and holy fuck they're dirt cheap.
However, if you're even slightly autistic about proportions, you'll probably have to do what I did and clip off the gunners. They look absolutely ridiculous compared to the trucks they're riding in. It's like a grown man riding around the back of a tonka truck.
Hm, thinking of just grabbing starter, cards, Alexander and Barrel Bomber (potentially also usable as another Lifthawk for the Alexander) at first then.
Also, do Force Recon use the Praetorian minis?
Cause I have both Archangels and Praetorians already.
I do kind of like that the Resistance are two (or three) armies in one. You can go full technical and cobbled-together vehicles, full "modern" military, or a mix of the two. Oh, and that's not going into the allied/feral thing.
how many years has it been since the scourge invaded? 70ish?
Not to mention the tunneling units. Grabbing an objective and legging it into a burrower is rude and immensely entertaining.
>cunt makes a break for his rat tunnel
>drop a Thor bombardment down his metaphorical wind pipe
Why so salty user
>mfw kickstarter comments go full autism
Wew, the normies are even worse than /v/
Got a link/screencap?
>that guy arguing that the people who are mad the Kickstarter comments aren't just a vocal minority
Modern numales disgust me
Why are they still all commenting there months after the KS closed rather than on the Hawk forums? Are they that terrified of hearing some non-backer pleb's opinion? Are Hawk even still listening there?
I dunno, but I fail to see what the issue is. If Hawk wants to sell a few boxes at an event that might, you know give them some more exposure and advertise their product, I think that's a great idea.
I mean jesus fuck I paid to support a project that looked interesting, and in doing so I am entitled to a shitload of goods at reduced prices, not to mention unique items available only to backers on KS. I don't really think I have much to complain about.
I dunno, their butthurt seems really silly, and is casting a bad light on folks who are completely out of fucks to give.
Yeah force recon is Praetorians, their transport option is just a Raven as well.
The scourge invasion started on May 3rd, 2507, D-Day for the reconquest was June 6th 2670
Hawk's forms are silent as the grave.
To be fair, Hawk does have a communication problem.
Just two updates a month saying as little as "here's what we've been doing, here's the status of what needs to be done, and here's a rough timeframe for what's going to happen" would have been great.
But they aren't, they're just somewhat slow.
I think they have quite a small staff, which makes constant communication a bit difficult.
It's understandable, but maybe they should've hired like one guy to do PR/social media or whatever.
While I would agree with you if we're talking about daily updates or constant social media interaction, I don't find it believable that Dave Simon, or some other Hawk can't sit down once every two weeks and type out a paragraph or two.
I'd rather use Pandoras for BTLs.
>not using ships with burn throughs in every slot
Other than Pandora you can't do that with PHR.
St. Petersburg looks fantastic. No weapons conflict.