So Veeky Forums what do you think of dungeon world? What are its strengths and what are its weaknesses?
Dungeon World?
DM section. All new DMs should read it, and not in the snarky "what to do wrong" way. It's great advice.
-combat that is neither fast nor tactical
-separate attribute scores and modifiers when there's no reason
-attributes that don't fit for a PbtA game
-the bonds do nothing
-experience, as compared to Apocalypse World
-probably other things I'm forgetting
The GM section is good. Some of the flavour text is decent.
Everything else is schizophrenic, badly designed shit.
It's decent as a Babies first RPG, MAYBE?
I don't know. I've heard both great and terrible, and great but terrible, things about it just like every other RPG on the market. Hell, I didn't even know about it until I started watching one of the live games Adam runs on Twitch.
Dungeon World is made for 40 year old neckbeards who seem to think the only roleplaying game is existence is D&D 3.5. These grognard fucks refuse to even look at an RPG besides D&D/shitfinder because most of the time when you ask them why you should play Dungeon World they compare it to Pathfinder
> Dungeon World is faster than shitfinder
> Dungeon World has less rules than shitfinder
> Dungeon World is made by indie designers not a big bad game company like shitfinder
> Dungeon World has better classes than shitfinder
And so on, ad nauseum.
Yet, when asked what Dungeon World does that is UNIQUE or GOOD they immediately get blown the fuck out when they learn that other games do what Dungeon World does, except better.
Not to mention the huge amount of Dungeon World shilling that has been happening on this board in the past couple months, even invading other generals.
I have taken a look at the game; it is a poor remake of Apocalypse World, made by developers who barely understand Apocalypse World's mechanics or flavor, and proceed to shit themselves by tacking on D&D mechanics like hit point bloat and then jack themselves off when they manage to bullshit a 16 hp elder dragon into seeming threatening by outright lying to the PCs.
They basically went through AW with a thesaurus and rewrote the moves into cringeworthy crap. "Read a sitch" (situation) is now "Discern Realities".... fucking really? It uses the D&D stats despite having no reason to, other than to cash in on that precious precious "it's D&D but not D&D" quality points, which is the only fucking thing Dungeon World has going for it. It's more popular than Apocalypse World because it's high fantasy, which is THE most popular RPG genre. It's a shitty rip-off of a good game readapted for a genre that plebs enjoy and play en-masse. Where there is not a single thing the game does that is unique or sets it apart from other RPGs.
It's not worth playing.
>Some of the flavour text is decent.
You mean the whole "let's try to be as edgy as Apocalypse World without saying 'fuck' because that might offend the 12 year old kiddies and SJW hipsters who play our game"?
Seriously now...
> Let them cast their sidelong glances. Let them call you “warlock” or “diabolist.” Who among them can hurl fireballs from their eyes Yeah. We didn’t think so.
I mean fucking christ, all it's missing is a:
> nothing personell kid
The spell list is a straight rip from D&D, too. They didn't even bother changing "Unseen Servant" and "Magic Missile" even though they had to go thorugh a goddamn thesaurus to name the basic moves.
>It's decent as a Babies first RPG, MAYBE?
There are better options:
> D&D 5e
> Savage Worlds
> Fiasco
> Fate Accelerated
> Burning Wheel (maybe)
Hell even World of Dungeons is better.
Some. Not the majority, and certainly not all.
The spell list is a part of 'everything else'.
Ultimately it's a hack that doesn't understand the thing it's hacking or the thing it tries to emulate, all the while trying to be both at the same time.
>GURPS Lite if you want to get into that monstrosity
>Fellowship if you want actually good fantasy AW
>B/X because the rules relevant to your PC fit on half a page
Most games that aren't 3.finder or ancient grog artifacts are perfectly suitable as a starting point.
The rules feel like a weird combination of artificial and loose, especially the GM rules. For what DW does you might as well just use a 1-page rpg like CRAM.
>40 year old neckbeards who seem to think the only roleplaying game is existence is D&D 3.5.
>not the most die-hard DnD fanatics who trash any other system on principle
You fell at the first hurdle, cuckpai.
>World of Dungeons
What the hell is that? Is that like a "person of color?"
So it's not made by the same designers as Apocalypse World? I haven't played either, but what makes AW better and DW worse?
Nope. Apocalypse World is written by D. Vincent Baker, who is a brilliant man without the ego to go along with it. He based Apoc World off of Mad Max type settings with a Firefly-type of character drama. That is what the sex moves, Hx, etc are for in Apoc World. People think it's ERP; it fucking isn't, it's meant to represent intimate moments between characters affecting their relationships.
Apocalypse World is gritty, lethal, and every failed roll makes things worse. It's meant to escalate drama, not be an engine for hp-bloated easy-mode D&D. If you fail a move in Dungeon World you take some damage or "things get worse" or via DM fiat you can lose an arm. Apocalypse World has harm moves where when you take damage you roll and the GM picks some things that happen to you in addition, such as stumbling, dropping an item, bleeding out, etc.
Combat in Dungeon World is a shitton of moves, Apocalypse World uses this countdown clock thing to escalate it. Combat in Apocalypse World is also far more entertaining rather than being "lol I hack and slash the dragon and describe how and that's all I fucking have to do because I still roll the same goddamn move"
Here's an example of Apocalypse World combat:
And here's the infamous 16 hp dragon essay where the DM makes up a bunch of bullshit , refuses to describe how fucking BADLY WOUNDED the dragon is, and Reddit cucks pass it around like describing the battle well somehow changes how the mechanics work. Which it does, if you fucking ignore them:
It's a three-page game.
Note that Apocalypse World 2e, a.k.a. Fallen Empires is a Fantasy hack by the man himself, so you get the full Apocalypse World goodness with a couple of extended combat moves for all your Fantasy needs.
>Fallen Empire
This sounds kind of cool so far.
>separate attribute scores and modifiers when there's no reason
If you take out attribute scores, you have to put in a table for when your modifiers can go up. That's clunky.
>attributes that don't fit for a PbtA game
This one's silly. Attributes in a PbtA game are supposed to fit the genre, and everyone knows what the attributes that fit the "deeundee dunjun crawlan" genre are. Changing them would break theme.
>the bonds do nothing
Except be the basis for Aid & Interfere. But yeah, otherwise that mechanic's a little weak.
>what makes AW better and DW worse?
Hot opinions, man. Lots of hot opinions. Usually a lot of words that add up to "I'm bored of dungeon crawling" and "I liked Apocalypse World before it was popular." Like this guy:
>every failed roll makes things worse.
>when you take damage you roll and the GM picks some things that happen to you in addition, such as stumbling, dropping an item, bleeding out, etc.
That's exactly the same in Dungeon World. See GM moves, Dungeon Moves, and Monster Moves.
>Apocalypse World uses this countdown clock thing to escalate it.
No, that's fronts. Combat in Apocalypse World is generally one or two rolls and then adjudicating what the rolls mean. Combat is not a big focus for AW, and it shows.
>No, that's fronts. Combat in Apocalypse World is generally one or two rolls and then adjudicating what the rolls mean
I believe he's referring to the battle moves which to be fair to you are in the optional rules sections so you may have skimmed over them but essentially function to pace and gradually escalate combat. 2nd edition has also expanded significantly on the move rules and there are now I believe 3 different kinds of combat with different moves for each.
Out of interest what games out there do what Dungeon World does better, Apocalypse World aside which I agree is superior.
Just don't expect D&D fantasy. It's still post-apocalyptic, just that the apocalypse hit a fantasy world, not a modern world.
The game is still very recognizably Apocalypse World, but Baker tweaked it where necessary to get the feel right.
Well, we'd first have to establish what it is that Dungeon World does.
Because it doesn't really do much of anything.
>If you take out attribute scores, you have to put in a table for when your modifiers can go up. That's clunky.
Or you can have moves that increase your modifiers. 5e more or less already does that.
>Attributes in a PbtA game are supposed to fit the genre
Attributes in a PbtA game are supposed to represent different approaches. D&D's attributes do not do that.
>That's exactly the same in Dungeon World.
No. There is no equivalent to the Suffer Harm move.
>No, that's fronts.
No, that's health. You have three segments before you're fucked.