How could you justify all or at least most alien races who evolved under totally different environmental factors than humans finding humans to be the most attractive sapient species on average? Would they me more likely to view interspecies relationships as just bestiality?
How could you justify all or at least most alien races who evolved under totally different environmental factors than...
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A race able to reproduce with other species could find humans attractive
No, for you see... Love Can Bloom.
Speaking of Xenos Love, When the Fuck is someone gonna finish Heretical Love? That shit was... well, it was Mary Sue Harem spank material bullshit, but it kept me laughing throughout, and taught us all some important facts about the Rape Train.
I wouldn't justify it, that sounds dumb as fuck, why would humans be the most attractive to other races?
Compare it to humans.
Every race finds white women to be the most attractive. They are considered the highest tier of women, especially blonde haired white women.
Now apply this to aliens since most non-human races are just "We made black people green" or "we gave Asians pointy ears"
Why would they NOT be?
Seriously! Just take one fucking look at yourself, man! You're fucking AWESOME! I'm fucking awesome!
What advanced alien race wouldn't look down on this tiny oasis in space and think "FUCK YEAH!"?
All alien races evolved from species that have short breeding sessions, or are fish that almost never have penetrative sex, or are hermaphrodite slugs who find each other repulsive because they are solitary predators.
Humans on the other hand can reproduce any day of the year, have very obvious sexual differences between genders, and unlike most animals have sex that lasts for hours.
Humans are sex gods, but other races really couldn't fuck humans.
It seems like the aliens would be inclined to think they were fucking awesome, for roughly the same reasons we are inclined to think that we are fucking awesome.
>especially blonde haired white women
>not dark haired white women with blue eyes
The same excuse that ST uses: creator race that by all counts looks closest to Humans, and created the races in their own image. Averageness, balanced by exoticness, is by definition attractive for very real evolutionary reasons.
A precursor race looked like humans, and while creating other races it hardcoded "be attracted to this type of appearance" into their DNA or something like that.
Image isn't even accurate, all sapient species in startrek were engineered by a precursor species.
They even left breadcrumbs so the people if the galaxy could work together to learn the truth ( if they co-operate).
This is why other than extremely radical/foreign life forms, like those made out of pure energy or inorganic life, all species have the same humanoid layout with a few minor differences.
>Why would they NOT be?
Because life would evolve to be attracted to features that indicate better chances of raising offspring. Small chance an alien species evolved in an isolated environment would be attracted to a species outside of it.
I won't. All species humanoid evolve under suspiciously similar factors. Thus convergent evolution.
Now, how do I justify all those planets perfectly suitable to be ruled by humanoid shape?
For the purposes of reproduction, I dunno, that's probably going to be a tough justification if they aren't immediately and obviously compatible. For the purposes of companionship, with or without romance though? Confidence is incredibly attractive, and in most sci fi scenarios we appear in collectively, the human race is ludicrously, monstrously confident. And while that confidence comes with some pitfalls, another thing that humans do in space settings? We make friends and we stick to them like the societal virus we are.
The steve-dave nebula is under invasion and we have a bro race that lives there? You better believe that the human 301st fleet will be jumping the next gate to help kick those fuckers off your turf.
Unfortunate enough that the enemy has touched down on your planet for a ground invasion? The world will light up as Earth ordinance shells from orbit, teleport arrays draft out your refugees, and drop pods scream from the sky with ground troops, mechanised divisions and supplies. That last stand point will not fall while a human lives, and with our history including bloody trench warfare, we will fight for every inch of that ground until the enemy is pushed back, and off the planet.
We're confident, we're loyal, and if you become our friends, you will put up with our rampant commercialism and banging your hot space ladies. But you will also never be short of a friend when the chips are down, and that bond is how you get closeness and a sense of attraction.
Huh, I rambled more than I intended there, over-romanticising time, gooooooo
Transhumanism, Eclipse Phase-style. An alien can 'wear' any body they choose, and when dealing with humans choose to wear high end transhuman bodies designed for their species...which are incredibly attractive, because why wouldn't they be?
(If humans need to go to an alien habitat, they'd need to buy or rent local bodies, which means being incredibly attractive tentacle monsters.)
I prefer the Deathworld approach to alien species. We're such psychotic bastards that we are just seen as the prime mating material and since humans will fuck ANYTHING and everything, we are the most attractive.
humans find even the most alien aliens attractive, and it goes in the opposite direction as well.
Although if I ever had control of a settings lore you could bet your fucking balls there wouldn't be one rubber forehead alien in the setting and xenofuckers would be gross fetishists at best.
In Star Trek all humanoid species were "seeded" by a single precursor race. Several of them remain genetically compatible.
Okay, assumptions incoming
Assuming humanity was engineered by another race, we could be Engieneered to breed, and assuming there are strands of DNA we haven't figured out yet some of them can be the genes required to breed with another race
Now perhaps the people that wrote our DNA ages ago decided that it might be a good idea to add more species to our grab bag of DNA incase anyone out there is threatened win extinction
we are able to breed with everything, because we are a fallback plan for some alien race trying to preserve itself
I also am fond of the red dwarf approach which is: All aliens are GELFs, automatons we made or otherwise detritus of human existence and there are no true aliens.
Cont. I just realized that, if that were the case, Humans would valuable in the sex slave trade. Also, the ability for stockholm syndrome might have been planted into us for just that reason
Like the Asari.
You remember in ME2 there was a bachelor party on that asari planet, consisting of a human, a turian, and a salarian, with an asari stripper on the table between them?
If you sit around long enough the human remarks that it's weird that the asari look so like humans. The turian and the salarian then dispute this, claiming that the asari look like females of their species. Male salarians don't really experience sexual attraction but it's implied the salarian has the hots for her.
So the answer, of course, is space-babe mind-control
Without the psychic disguise they look probably like this
sans most of the necrosis and reaper plumbing, probably
This book is pretty interesting if you're looking for human/alien relationships
It's asians actually
In other words, aliens would find us attractive for the same reason we would find them attractive.
I keep seeing people say this on /v/ and I have to keep telling them its fucking wrong.
Those three guys saw what they wanted to see in the asari stripper, the asari do not have some mind control bullshit or else people would of realised very quickly that no one species description of the asari match up to another's.
They were also drunk.
The thing is... most aliens really wouldn't evolve under "totally different environments". You need optimal environments to even make life in the first place.
On top of that, there are very specific needs that lead to a creature developing intelligence that's comparable to ours (needs to be a social animal, needs to have the use of thumbs to develop and use tools, needs to be bipedal facilitate constant spacial awareness).
We are the optimal form, because what we live in is pretty much the only optimal environ.
Think of how similar we are to monkeys, yet it's exceptionally rare for a person to be attracted to them, and that's usually more because the person's into some fucked up stuff than it being a really sexy monkey.
So probably some alien fetishists might be into humans. On average, naw.
inb4 convergent evolution
inb4 the people who say this forget to realize that that requires similar environments to happen in the first place, and "intelligence" isn't an environment.
Your chart says it's middle easterners.
>needs to be a social animal
> needs to have the use of thumbs to develop and use tools
>needs to be bipedal facilitate constant spacial awareness
Depends on the environment, dickhead. You don't need constant spacial awareness if you have few to no natural predators. Or if the species were to live predominantly underground, they wouldn't need be bipedal either.
>We are the optimal form
Not even close, you HFY nigger. We still birth retards and get cancer. We have imperfect memories and die of old age. We suffer from bias that causes us to deny facts in favor of more comfortable lies.
vulcans don't find humans attractive often (sarek only married a human as a result of his function as ambassador to the federation), and humans usually find vulcans attractive.
That's not even true, though.
Convergent evolution simply requires a trait to be beneficial to survival in both environments, or potentially in "all" environments (see, pattern recognition, language, higher cognitive abilities), it doesn't necessarily require that the environments be similar or identical, though that would certainly create more opportunities for it.
It's kinda like how multiple different civilizations on earth can independently develop bows & arrows, or spears.
The concepts rely on what makes an optimal weapon, rather than whether or not they all shared the same conditions that make that weapon good. Things that are simply effective because that's the nature of materials, and physics, are likely to show up in many more places.
To that end, primitive hunting or warring aliens are very likely to have developed something nearly identical in concept and design to a spear.
To this end, if certain survival traits are similarly useful, it stands to reason that other aliens would have those traits... however, those traits are things like fine-manipulation graspers/fingers, and large, complicated brains, rather than tits and hips.
>How could you justify all or at least most alien races who evolved under totally different environmental factors than humans finding humans to be the most attractive sapient species on average?
Narrative convenience.
Again, depends on the environment.
>It's kinda like how multiple different civilizations on earth can independently develop bows & arrows, or spears.
Place an intelligent species underwater and they aren't going to invent bows and arrows or spears.
>To this end, if certain survival traits are similarly useful, it stands to reason that other aliens would have those traits.
Just because they are useful doesn't mean they will have those traits.
Flight is so damn useful a species that didn't evolve to have flight now uses it regularly.
If convergent evolution depended so heavily on usefulness of traits, why did humans never evolve the ability to fly?
Shit I wish birds were more intelligent so we could listen to them be confused at how useful flying is and how humans managed to do all we did without the ability to fly.
Asari internet defense force, please...
Well, some people get off to tentacles, so maybe it works in reverse.