>Your local game store changes its name to "The Region of Dissimilarity"'
Would you stop going?
If not, what sort of name change would make you start avoiding the store?
>Your local game store changes its name to "The Region of Dissimilarity"'
Would you stop going?
If not, what sort of name change would make you start avoiding the store?
Mine's already got a pretty cringy name. I still go there on a regular basis. With no steady job for 2 years and no gf for almost a year, it's my only reliable source of human interaction. The fact most of my friends live in a different town doesn't help either.
I wouldn't care if my store (pic related) changed their name to that. In fact, it would be pretty damn hilarious.
>Famous Faces and Funnies
>Get your Fun On
>Ready Set Fun Games
The Region of Dissimilarity is infinitely better than the three fucking names they cycle through. Seriously, they keep swapping the sign and my bank keeps sending me fraud notices since the transaction name is always wrong.
It's called kerning.
No, it's called Megafucks, you dingus.
I don't know what you guys are on about, it's just a Jeep.
Wtf is keming?
Check out these wild kerns bro
>missing the joke this hard
Damn, that's nice. My FLGS is a shitty little box with a concrete floor and staff who are mediocre at best.
And a name change could only help. Fandom II? Where's Fandom I? Am I missing some tragic backstory?
I don't go anyway, so no I guess.
Hehe. Well, my LGS is pretty cool. FNM tends to have at least 50 participants. Standard/Modern/Legacy tournies are only $5. Drafts are $15. Prereleases are only $25. It's a pretty great place. More than enough room for a big tournament, multiple RPG sessions, and a couple of large miniature games all going on at the same time.
>If not, what sort of name change would make you start avoiding the store?
or C.O.C.K.
and it could change its name to Anal Prolapse Super Store and I'd still go there.
Closest one to me is about an hour away.
So I dunno user, when do I -start- going?
>Furries United
>The Elegan/tg/entlemen
>Fedoras & Games
>Implying you wouldn't go to every one.
House of FATAL
I laughed, thanks
only to mock you. :^)
"letter spacing"
No, that's kerning.
Is this isn't Jacksonville, Florida? It looks like one I know of there.
For the last time, it's Megafucks.
the difference is just a matter of letterspacing
This looks a lot like FLGS in Jacksonville.
You may actually be autistic
Be nice. It's entirely possible that he hasn't realized the joke yet.
Naw, son.
That's actually a pretty funny joke.
To the extent that mispeling misspelling is a funny joke.
Who the fuck is Miss Spelling? Is this another dumb keming joke?
I was thinking Cool Stuff, Inc, in Jacksonville. FLGS didn't have that many tables last time I was there.
I don't know anything about what kind of magic Miss does.
>le magic miss
Oh. I get it now.
Well played.
Nope. Central timezone.
Mine is called "Sports Collectibles". Started as a place that sold sports stuff and slowly began shifting towards MTG
i should hope so.
for the last time: it's called *keming*