How easy is it to get a gun in the Imperium? Can civilians get lasguns? Legally I mean.
My second quesion is - why some criminals are sent to penal legions and some are chosen to become space marines?
Does Imperium even have movies and vidya?
How easy is it to get a gun in the Imperium? Can civilians get lasguns? Legally I mean.
My second quesion is - why some criminals are sent to penal legions and some are chosen to become space marines?
Does Imperium even have movies and vidya?
>ow easy is it to get a gun in the Imperium?
Very easy, just commit heresy and a gun WILL be promptly provided to you.
Yeah, pictos, holovids and voxshows are a thing. Don't know much about vidya.
Couldn't tell ya about the penal legions or SMs
I think your first question would depend greatly on the planetary governor, or your ship's purpose, culture and captain.
What if I'm a loyal Imperial citizen who just needs some guns to kill other loyal imperial citizens in brutal turf war (Is it still turf if it's in hive city?)
>How easy is it to get a gun in the Imperium? Can civilians get lasguns? Legally I mean.
Pretty easy I guess. At least for the most common weapons like rifles, smg or shotguns, the population is supposed to help defend their homeworld if it's invaded by xenos or heretics.
Also it might depends of the governor, some would think that a population would be easier to keep under control if they have no access to weapons.
>My second quesion is - why some criminals are sent to penal legions and some are chosen to become space marines?
Well I don't think many SM chapters recruits criminal, it's usually considered as a great honor.
The maximum age to become an astartes is probably around 20 years old anyway, since the body must still be in its growth.
Depends on planet
Based on rulebook prices, hilariously easy.
There's really few laws that matter in the Imperium. Obey your superiors, attend church, don't steal, don't blaspheme, and don't waste the emperor's currency.
Anything outside of that, I'd imagine, is fair game.
>don't waste the emperor's currency
There is no Imperial-wide currency. Currencies are minted and backed at sector-level or lower. Laws about destroying currency would also be set there, rather than being part of the Lex Imperialis.
Being told to sit in the BLUE chair for a wasteful proposition would be sector or system level feature, not an Imperium-wide one.
Emperor's currency is a term for life.
The emperor's currency is another term for your life...
that's badass
My bad; I do now recall that Thought for the Day.
But, if not wasting human life is an Imperium-wide law, it is the most laxly enforced law of all. The Imperium wastes human lives quite a bit and at every possible level.
It's not wasting if it happens because of following orders
Depends on planet. Feral wielders for obvious reasons have trouble getting their hands on the tech.
Hivers though can get a hold of them very easily in nearly all scenarios. There might be some weapon limits on Segmentum Solar hives where it's relatively peaceful, but on the whole the Imperium is very militaristic, and every notable planet has a PDF, so there will be guns SOMEWHERE and therefore trade in guns, legal or illegal.
On the other hand, just getting a gun is easy. Getting something beyond a laspistol or stubber is going to be trickier. Bolt pistols for instance aren't just lying around for anyone to use, they're expensive to make, maintain and supply with ammunition.
Thrones are an Imperium wide currency. No, not the actual chair but coins and notes marked with them. They are on the other hand, usually for interplanetary use as using them in system is a bit pointless, and they're often for big shit than a single gun. Rogue Traders can bathe in them, citizens might see one once.
Dpends on the planet. There are probably places where guns are outright banned from civilians, planets where guns are sold in general stores, planets where you're requited to carry gun, and obviously palents with less extreme stance on guns.
Merica Prime. A planet notable for the use of the Eagle emblem in nearly all conceivable places, but also a regulation made by the founding colonists that require all citizens of age to carry a projectile weapon at all times in public. Receiving your very first stub pistol is a coming of age ceremony, and for some reason a crate of recaf is thrown into the ocean every year.
>How easy is it to get a gun in the Imperium?
Depends on the world.
On a fortress world you get one and train with it every damn day.
On a hive world you will always have shady dealer around who can get you one.
On a agri world you would need one to keep pests away anyway.
Just to give some examples.
>Can civilians get lasguns? Legally I mean.
Again depends on the world.
Mostly, no. Few would care if you got one iligally, tho. As long as it is not too obvious.
>My second quesion is - why some criminals are sent to penal legions and some are chosen to become space marines?
Depends on the chapter and the world and the criminal in question.
Many chapters recruit from feral worlds were anything we consider "criminal" is a decent warrior, thus a potential recruit.
Others recruit from underhives, where pretty much everyone is a criminal if said individual wants to stay alive.
Penal legions are either made up from prison worlders or guardsmen that fucked up hard. Or in times of dire need by recruiting everyone in the prisons for more fighting hands.
>Does Imperium even have movies and vidya?
Sure, why not?
Space Marines recruit criminals all the time. Some of the first founding legions were made almost exclusively of criminals during the great crusade. They have to take them pretty young though, and they only take the toughest. So really it's whoever gets to them first. Once they're a space marine they're pretty much outside the law though. Space Marines can do pretty much anything they want besides real heresy. A lot of Space Marines don't even worship the Emperor as a god, just venerate him as a very powerful man.
You are so heavily mind-scrubbed and hypno-indoctrinated by the time you become a space marine they don't really care who you were before.
try 12-14 years max age
>how easy
Real easy. In the whole galaxy, there is only war. In the hive, there are nearby spaceports supplying nobles with armed security, support and maintenance for the Arbites and various "peacekeeping" groups, active, reserve and retired soldiers, sportsmen, collectors, smugglers, pawn shops, vast criminal networks and Sumpers. There are also a whole lot who don't advertise in the Grimdark Yellow Pages.
So, yeah. Real easy.