>Unconventional dungeon entrances
Unconventional dungeon entrances
The dungeon is a giant's internal organs and digestive system, preserved through magic and buried underneath a mountain. The only way to get in is to crawl through its anus or vagina/penis
A van with a hole in the bottom parked on top of a manhole.
The dungeon is in your mind. You just have to know the name of the dungeon and that it is and exists in a mental state and you can visit.
Loot comes in the form of spells, techniques and secrets.
The dungeon is a Prison, and you have to break in there before you can even start.
Looks like he's crawling into a giant earth elementals asshole. Now I suddenly understand the appeal of Eyes of the Stone thief
I've done this to the party before. It was okay. No magical realm claims, they were interested by the description of the stomach as a vast lake of pooling acid that released rolling clouds of foul vapors into the air.
The classics, I love it!
You know they clearly referenced that manga in the show, right? It's not an accidental parallel.
They reference a bunch of shit, like the clapping scene at the end of Evangelion or Sailor Moon
I'm pretty sure I'm not claustrophobic but I've heard way too many stories of climbers and spelunkers getting stuck in rocks to try to force myself through a hole so small I have to deflate my lungs to get through.
My last campaign turned into a Shadows of the Colossus type game, 9 fuckhueg creatures that 'needed' taking down to save the world. One was a gigantic fish monster they could have fought directly, or entered to fight from the inside and take on the "dungeon" a la Lord Jabu-Jabu. They chose B. And I assumed they would have allowed themselves to be swallowed, risking some damage along the way, but they hacked their way through the monster's gills instead. I was impressed.
Inside they found the digestive tract full of various oozes, the party cleric dying to one directly when they went all Gungho into the next room. They also encountered a lot of Gibbering Mouthers refluffed into stationary teratomas made of various fish parts and pointy teeth that would bite at them if they got too close. The boss-brain was some really potent psionic monster that I fluffed into a stationary core with some defensive nodes that puked out ochre jellies every few rounds. The mindflayer named Bob died in that fight, and was not missed. Its remembered as the most disgusting dungeon of that campaign.
I also had another dungeon built by a madgod of knowledge where the entrance was shifted space around one side of a tesseract, floating in a giantic make locked under several feet of ice. The players had to let the Colossal Amphitere monster melt the surface with it's fire breath to even access the entrance.
Gigantic *lake under several feet of ice.
Best entrance
So is the entrance the mouth or...?
There's a secret entrance located lower down, but you're going to need to make some high difficulty diplomacy checks to get access.
The dungeon is carved within a seemingly random jumble of bricks, only noticeably for being magically fixed in their places. You have to shrink yourself down to the size of a pencil tip to properly explore it.
>Motivated half by an uncontrollable hunger and half by an uncontrollable appetite of a different kind
I get the feeling the challenge is less convincing her and more surviving the rough treatment and getting crammed down the right hole
>Tiny dungeon
Love these, having to fight something you usually can kill in one blow as a boss is always oddly fun
What do you think is the most fun boss in those instances?
Honestly? Haven't played something like that often enough to get a good opinion, but I've always been partial to the idea of house cats being the equivalent of dragons when you're that small
Depends on the size of the PCs, but a cat as is good, as is a spider if they're even smaller
Re-enact Alien with praying mantises
The dungeon isn't across the bridge. The dungeon is the bridge.
One cannonball or boulder or explosive spell and that entire setup is fucking ruined
It's a magic boat
That was already posted nigger, read the thread before posting
Not him, and smaller than I'd like the PCs to be, but that's a brilliant idea
>Hard mode
>You have to get in and get out without waking her up
>At least unless you want to try and make a VERY hard diplomacy check
What do they refrence fron Sailor Moon?
Oh, can it. It's 2016, no one's impressed.
More the magical girl tf but sailor moon kinda coined that..
>Current Year
I wish I could say I never had to play this. But I'd be lying.
>I wish I could say I never had to play this.
Now you make me want story time of the train wreak
>everyone lives underground/in caves because of big apocalypse in the backstory
>the dungeons are the large, and supposedly abandoned fortifications at each of the many entrances to the underworld civilization
>the reward is the many rare to the underground society materials that exist on the ruins of the surface
Thanks for outing yourself, /pol/
Please, try to have a response that isn't canned next time.
>leave the ranger's pet outside the dungeon
>don't actually fight the final boss
>just lure it outside and he'll eat it for you
I've never considered myself particularly claustrophobic, but fuck that noise.
That's more an unconventional dungeon than an unconventional dungeon entrance. Although I suppose it's making an unconventional entrance.
I don't think I want to know who the hole in OP's pic was made for.
Anal vore fetishists
Pic related
Why is it always the vorefags that want everyone to know they're into it?
Good news is, that's confirmed fake, bad news is, I can honestly believe something like that's happened before, I've met some weird fellow vorefags
I am never the first one to bring it up, but given Veeky Forums is an anonymous image board I have no qualms talking about it here if the subject comes up
I only do it for the (you)s.
Less wanting to announce it and more just not giving a shit about talking about it here.
If it comes up I'll talk about it, same as any subject I like on Veeky Forums.
he meant the river, not the boat
ideal to defend
An enormous barrelshaped dungeon that is rolling around. You have to stand at the right spot in order to get into the entrance rather than being flattened.
>imma plunder that booty hole
>ruins of an ancient, highly advanced civilization that tried to escape the end of the world by shrinking their cities and hiding in a tiny magical shelter
>wiped out when a few regular insects found a way into the shelter before they were ready to reverse the spell
>they left behind some amazing loot, if you can escape with it
Erosion doesn't work like that.
>inb4 "It's magic REEEEE"
or a crazy king who wants shit to look pretty paying with the blood of his subjects
Oh, good one.
I'm btw.
man, I love ancient ruins like that
It's a magic river.
>le outgroup membership boogeyman meme
>Pet is still hungry and becomes the new final boss
I'm not sure that would explain the shrinking or the magical bricks.
I still don't know if this is referencing something or not.
The tarrasque is not incapable of reproducing, it's just that no one yet has survived the dungeon.
I'd try to brave her depths
That was a pretty nice story. Simple and a little cliche, but it carried itself well enough to make it fun.
Could I get the picture in that screencap, if you've got it? It'd be perfect for an upcoming session.
Not even the same guy but here you go.
Shit, thanks.
If you care about such things at all, I think my version's a little bigger.
A spiraling ladder, simple and unadorned. It goes down for what seems like miles, enhanced by the difficulty of descending it. A strange bass tone steadily increases as you go down but at such a slow pace it's almost imperceptible. At the bottom it's nearly deafening but ceases completely the absolute silence when you place your foot an the ground at the end of the ladder, which now shows no hint of spiraling.
An NPC inverts and becomes a person-shaped doorway into a hyper-dimensional dungeon.