Veeky Forums confessional

Admit your Veeky Forumsrelated sins and be absolved.

My group has a meme-fueled hatred of Dark Souls on principal and all refuse to look at even a single iota from the whole series, and I routinely copy-paste entire blocks from those games.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't actually play traditional games.
I sometimes participate in games on Myth-Weavers but that's it.
I'm mostly here to shitpost and pretend I play traditional games because I'm too autistic to actually find a group.

Same except all my friends are normies so the closest we get is risk.

Same but the closest I get is monopoly with the family during Christmas/new years.

I post a lot on Veeky Forums.

All my stories are invented, I never even played a tabletop game once in my life.
I'm just here for the story and the threads about weapons.

Almost all the roleplaying I've done in the past few years has been in the form of play-by-post games
Some of them are based on a cartoon about small neon horses.
I mostly play and run play Dungeon World, Fate, and GURPS
I don't feel bad about any of it.

I began writing a quest on Veeky Forums.
Due to the poor reception and because I had no clear idea how a plot, I pretended my computer grilled to avoid having to resume it to not give the shitposters the satisfaction of knowing they won.

I bring a large binder with all of my old notes from my first campaign in it to every session. It's all a ruse, as I haven't prepared anything for any session I've run in the last six years of GMing.

Being a traditional gamer is overrated. Risk and Monopoly are banned in my household because my uncle and I are both TGers and about near fistfight each other when we try to play those games.

The last game I played with my family was Candyland.

I do the same with games I repeatedly tell them to play and they never do, like nier and the Witcher

>Some of them are based on a cartoon about small neon horses.

One of the best campaigns I ever played in / ran was in a Savage Worlds module based on small neon horses.

I often reuse elements and ideas from Japanese VNs and anime in my session.
Like an isolated village having a harmless ritual that actually comes from a bloody sacrifice, or the idea that a closed room does not obey logic.

Me three
The group's swell.

I mostly come to Veeky Forums because of Quest threads.

Why is this in a confessions thread? That's something worth bragging about.

>I'm free to rip off large sections of popular existing media because my group is full of shitheads who will never be the wiser.

As a DM i can't plan for shit and tend to rip off a lot of games, animes and stuff from Veeky Forums that i find cool

I like to mislead my group as to what the basic premises and goals of the game are, because I like playing with the meta like that.

I was a That Guy in a game and flirted horribly with a female player until she left and I was kicked out for ruining the game with my bullshit and being a general creep.

I've been here for years but I don't play any traditional games

I think age of sigmar is 1000 times better than the last 3 editions of warhammer fantasy which was a clusterfuck of a game just like 40k and I hope they'll simplify the latter too

Nice abs ;)

>last three

>hating on based 6th edition

Related I shitposted all throughout the death of Warhammer Fantasy, despite not having bought any product in years because I stopped played in 6th edition

The closest I've ever gotten to playing a tabletop game is talking to some guy who used to play 40k

I haven't played a game in about five years now, between everyone I know moving away, shitty experiences at the college gaming club, and the few people I know working part-time (read: random ever-changing work schedules).

I still learn new systems, theorycraft characters, and worldbuild/design campaigns, because at this point I really don't have much else. I post frequently pretending to be a GM or player with a question about an upcoming game because I don't want to admit that everything I've touched in the last half-decade has been theorycrafting in a vacuum.

Literally here to hookup with ca/tg/irls.
If they existed.

I'm thinking of dropping a wargame group I've been playing with for the last 5-6 years. We primarily play a team based WW2 game, and this game, it is so entirely fucking frustrating trying to keep my idiot teammates from dropping the ball repeatedly.

>Hey, I'm going to pull out of this hex in China wiht my communists, can you have your guys cover the gap?
>Sure user
>Pull out
>Japanese just walk in.

The closest I got to actually use my tyranids figurine was when a guy at school constantly told me that tyranids were shit and that Chaos was awesome because bla bla bla elite units that has 2+ save and that special character who makes other units.

When I challenged him, he told me he didn't have an army, and then he never spoke to me again.

I use Veeky Forums as a form of escapism from the shitty political situation of the United States, as well as my only real method of social interaction.

I don't think I'll ever put my setting down on PDF/paper despite people saying they enjoy it because it's not good enough for me to put my name on it- I'm afraid someone's going to find one of the plot holes or stupid shit I've conveniently ignored and shitpost me into the ground for it- plus there's pretty much an OC donutsteel around every corner.

I settle for mediocre systems I hate because I can't find a system that captures exactly what I want to do in an RPG.

I'm afraid at blowing up at a player because of my personal mental issues or finding that one That Guy that finally presses my buttons hard enough for me to lose my cool- which always goes three steps too far, is not fun and will probably make me look mentally deranged.

I also can't stand politics in my games because it seems every other member of my family is highly opinionated about politics and they don't shut the FUCK up about it.

I half-ass all of my preparations and almost never get to the game on time, despite being the DM, likely as a form of self-loathing I have to put off for my players.

One time the game got cancelled because one guy broke up badly with his girlfriend who was also playing at the time. I should have been sympathetic for him, and I really wanted to be, but I felt nothing and was actually glad I didn't have to run that week.

I'm beginning a gamebook my father is encouraging me to complete because he sees I enjoy my hobby (college student, living with my parents over the summer to save money, deliver pizzas as a temp job), but I don't have the drive in me to really start.

I say I want to run an ERP game, but I could never do it in real life because I have no idea what power levels I'm going to be up against and I don't want some creep propositioning me for sex or asking for a weird-ass fetish I can't stand.


I once ran two semi-popular quests here on Veeky Forums. After that I followed up with a third one, which died because literally nobody responded to the second thread. Then I followed up with another quest which died in thread 8. That was a year ago.

Half a year ago I tried again, but this time quit after 8 posts because two people told me my quest idea was shit and put "stand completely still and die due to exposure" in as their option for what the character should do next. The thing is, I would actually have made the character a zombie if that got the majority vote. Imagine that, a kawaii zombie schoolgirl.

I now want to run a new quest but my faith in my writing abilities has been destroyed.

1. Go to /qst/. This isn't REEEEEEE GET OUT, but an honest recommendation; /qst/ is for quests, so you won't run into as many faggots that want to troll quests into the ground for being on Veeky Forums. A more accepting audience means more enthusiastic involvement.
2. Try something radically different. If your last one was something with kawaii schoolgirls, try gritty mcgrit's vengeance-quest. Lube up those mental gears with different scenarios.
3. Revel in anonymity goddamnit. This isn't tumblr or redit, there's no name or history attached to your posts beyond the ones you temporarily adopt with a name/trip. Start three, four, five-hundred different quests if you want to and drop any that don't work out or you end up not giving a shit about. Anonymity isn't just mean to shield shitposters, it can be used by everyone. Why torture yourself trying to produce a perfect quest when you can just throw every idea at the board and see what sticks? Practice makes perfect and you aren't honing your writing skills posting dem feels.

Sage for not a confession, forgive me padre.

I put obsessively romantic characters in all of my games because it's a low-grade form of my fetish, which is yandere.

There are two types of players in my games: The people that do everything, and the people who let everyone else do everything, and I'm not sure which group I'm more frustrated in. The people that do everything also have at least one guy who obsessively plans or rules-lawyers. THAT guy always drives me up the fucking wall. When it makes sense, I have his plans work out, but when he fucks up I lower the boom.

I have shitty taste in pizza, which can be summed up in one word: Pineapple.

I'm a gigantic fucking pansy when it comes to characters being killed because I don't want to piss people off, but I also try to set things up so that the character wishes they would have died instead, because I enjoy watching player character suffering, especially for my own player characters.

I hate high magic in general, because it basically amounts to 'lol I don't have to think about reasonable restrictions because magic'. I especially am fucking infuriated by player characters who are obsessed with becoming more magically powerful so that they can jerk off to their own power. This partially stems from the fact that I had a friend who was obsessed with warlocks and necromancy and stuff like that in D&D because he had a bad home life and was smart rather than strong.

My biggest beef with 5e is that they still only nominatively balanced the classes, and my second biggest complaint is that the DM is STILL expected to fix all the problems with the rules himself, rather than being able to pick it up and run from first level to twentieth without worrying about the Wizard or Cleric solving the whole setting while the Fighter/Rogue swings his sword/dagger 33% harder. Man, the guy at my LGS is great, but what he sees as needless rules or more splatbooks getting in the way of the game I see as more resources for people to draw on that aren't more spells.

>Go to /qst/. This isn't REEEEEEE GET OUT, but an honest recommendation; /qst/ is for quests, so you won't run into as many faggots that want to troll quests into the ground for being on Veeky Forums.

It seems to me most of the anti-quest fags have gotten the hint that their unwelcome backseat moderation gets them banned:

Jesus fuck

Despite thinking sandbox campaigns are almost always terrible ideas, I've run one, and think it's one of my better campaigns. In my defense, it wasn't started out as a sandbox, it just kind of went that way.

I trolled and ridiculed the aos players relentlessly, despite having never played a game of whfb. The game had started to grow in my flgs, so I gave it a shot to make sure all the criticisms had merit. They didn't. The game was a blast, and I now have a small army of sigmarines, despite that being one of the aspects of the game I made fun of the hardest. All this even happened before the general's handbook was released, which made the game even better. I haven't apologized to the aos players at all.

I once ran a shitty-ass quest so hard into the ground that I'm pretty sure the next weekend quest thread felt the shockwaves. I then proceeded to start up another quest six months later out of wanting to take another shot at it and then decided to stop without warning because I was bored and literally only eight people cared about it.

I ran a short-term Ryuutama campaign that lasted three sessions. For those three sessions, I was happier than I had been running any Dungeons and Dragons campaign so far, and still carry the bitter resentment of the players getting bored with comfy adventuring time with me somewhat.

Half of the reason I don't write adventure paths, make homebrews, or run campaigns is because I don't want to make an idea my baby only to watch it get eaten by braindead maniacs on the internet.

I want to run Mouse Guard but am too much of a faggot to risk being called a furry. I had a gay furry as a friend once, and I didn't like playing with him when he brought it up.

I'm a ForeverDM, but very rarely do I ever find a game I'm interested in playing in, preferring to work on my own settings and campaigns, not willing to trust my characters to many other DMs. I also seem to have a curse that every other game I join/run collapses nearly instantly.

I could keep going about how much of a shitter I am, but I've already burnt through three posts, which probably say more about me than anything else.

That's an odd combination.

I secretly hate my gaming group.

They're great people, but have the attention span of a fly and the same propensity to aim squarely for the biggest, freshest shit when it comes to games. The only one who actually has the dedication to finish building and painting armies they start is also a cheesing git who can't stand to play anything but tournament style.
The rest of them can barely remember (if they even bother to try and learn rather than expect someone else to teach them) the rules of anything so never get past the simple intro-game level.

Because of this I hardly play. More than some people here but no-where near enough to justify the expenditure I have on this hobby.
I also can't travel because of physical impairment so I'm stuck with them.

I unapologetically like Cestree.

>all these "I don't play traditional games" posts
No wonder this board is so shit

I was in a similar situation as this once.
>teammate tells me he's moving, and to move my piece into the gap
>tell him it's the other team's move before mine
>he does it anyway, making a gap
>other team moves in
>he blames me

I went behind the other players backs and did something that could potentially sabotage their plan and work against them.

I'm a degenerate furry and I shoehorn furshit into my games. My main space opera game has anthro animals n shit, but my group is fairly normalfag and they don't seem to really care - one of them even decided to play an anthro wolf cause he thought it sounded cool (other than basic bitch "nerdy" stuff like comic books he's into, he's pretty normie).

In their games I try to be beastraces, if possible. In one player's AD&D game I played a Gnoll and in another's Exalted game I decided to be a Dragon King.

I've been wanting to run a game, but I'm so unconfident in my GMing ability that I don't have the drive to flesh out the details of my own game and setting.

I want to write something: a quest, a novel or even a fanfic, but I lack the backbone to handle criticism.

I've never done more than skim through Dark Heresy 2E. All my knowledge from 40k comes from 1d4chan.

You can't improve without criticism user, only embed your errors.
It's the same with only hearing good things about your writing, except that has the added bonus of making you feel like everyone is patronising you to spare your feelings.

There's a comic called "Tails Gets Trolled" which taught me pretty much everything I know about writing, I'm not joking one bit when I say that.

If you bury your story in various layers of irony, drama, comedy, and darkness, then it's really hard to classify it as a genre other than "post-ironic". Any flaws are instantly brushed off as intentional jokes or moments where the author isn't taking themself seriously.

But that changes your story entirely so it's only applicable in specific scenarios, it might not be of any value to you.

Yeah, but I want writing to stay a hobby. If I begin taking it seriously and really develop things, it stops being fun.

Sometimes I just want to close all windows, go to Youtube, look for a snowstorm sound, and put it on repeat and see what I end up writing.

I'll probably try that. "Probably".
I just want to write cute stuff to be honest but my characters always end up killing each others.

I have absolutely no interest in playing W40k. The setting has grown on me enough that I want to seek out the novels, play Dawn of War, maybe try out Rogue Trader or Dark Heresy. Heck, I want to buy miniatures and paint them up.

But only for decoration. Magnus miniature when

I want to actually join a game on roll20, but all the negative talk about shit groups has made me feel apprehensive. Plus, my college has a tabletop gaming club so I might hold out until the semester starts to check them out. But I really want to fucking play ergh it's been 3 months since my last game


I got some friends who play but they only play fucking 4E and yeah, I'm not stopping that low

Well, that among other factors.

But seriously, to most of you (i.e. the people, check out gamefinder or roll20 or whatever and get in a game. It might take some work, but it'll be worth it in the end.

And no, quests don't count. They're basically old CYOA books run by someone online, and shouldn't be treated as an actual game (though in theory they could make for a bridge between being a player and becoming a GM, which I feel everyone should try at least once provided they stay on qst).

I have a theory where the quality of a role player can be determined pretty reliably by A) how similar/dissimilar the character's traits are to their own, and B) How positively/negatively the character is played overall. I've found it relatively successful, though almost useless for online games, but can't be arsed to publish it.

I also hold fear for more rules light players - the kind that insist on only playing rules light stuff and are unwilling to try things over a certain complexity because from what I've seen, those kinds of people really struggle adapting to bad situations and coping with life. I know there isn't a causation relationship, but I still worry for them. The same can be extended to quests, but people don't tend to announce their quest participation IRL, wheras you can see someone playing Fate or DW.

Finally, I backed Dungeon World. If I knew what it would lead to, I would never have done it.

You sound like such a little bitch lmao

Liberal arts major identified

I bet you could do an unironically fun rendition of that sort of thing in Golden Sky Stories.

my favorite campaign was a time travel with neon horses. Ended up almost destroying the space time continuum and there was even a 5 year time skip because we ended up 5 years behind our timeline so we had to lay low and with new identities until our past selves got sucked into the time vortex.

>When I challenged him, he told me he didn't have an army, and then he never spoke to me again.
Holy shit.

And he was always talking about how Lucius Bile is awesome, how Abaddon can rape anything the Tyranid have, how every chaos space marines has centuries of training.

>I shoehorn furshit into my games
Honestly, as long as it's not openly a sexual thing or impeding play in some other way I don't give a shit.

As a DM I make my games pretty easy because my players are sore losers. I don't bother with giving enemies HP or anything, they die when I feel they've impacted combat enough for my needs.

As a player I don't have anything for this, I'm the best player ever.

As a GM I stopped a campaign after the first session despite my players telling me that they liked it.

Also I wanted to start a fallout campaign, my players were really enthusiasts about it and put many efforts into their character creation.

It's been 2 years and I still didn't play the first session, and I probably never will.

I'm... I'm so sorry guys...

I'm planning a new campaign anyway

>Liberal arts major identified
Nope. I'm in the college of Engineering, actually.
I'm just really bored and mad for no reason and want to whine on Veeky Forums about the worst parts of me and my gaming career because the opportunity was presented. To be honest, I probably present everything as worse than it actually is, I just decided to go on a rant.

/mlp/ or somewhere else?
If /mlp/ then which ones?

A good 80 to 85 percent of my entire setting and plot is just Malazan Book of the Fallen with the serial numbers filed off.

The remaining 15 to 20 percent is pretty much anime cliches, including but not limited to: Intelligent sword spirits, red/blue miniboss team, villains who switch into their final form when they are defeated, hot spring/beach episodes, stupid hair colours, and super cheesy attack names.

Oh, and waifus/husbandos. Dozens of them.

I receive nothing but positive feedback and raving adoration from my players and I don't deserve any of it. None of these themes work well together, it isn't well written, the NPCs have no actual depth. The setting is mostly incoherent mythology that attempts to sound 'epic' while having no substance. The inspiration sources constantly clash and end up forming some sort of hideous narrative/stylistic chimera that has no real direction, theme or moral. I am a hack.

I wish my players would hate my campaign so that I could stop running it.

You got a pdf?

>The setting is mostly incoherent mythology that attempts to sound 'epic' while having no substance.

My players are talking about how interesting/fun my games are, and how weird yet non-self-contradictory the aspects of Divinity/higher beings are.

Most of the Cosmology they know of is me bullshitting on the spot and spending literal hours out of the sessions to arbitrarily connect it to another piece of background lore.

Also, my players are convinced I'm ripping sections from Dark Souls and some anime.

The worst part is that when I am, the players are convinced I'm being original at that juncture. And when I'm not is when they suddenly link it to some obscure moment in some Vidya that I've never played but must surely know for some ungodly reason.

Between the Cosmology and the player's actions, I'm planning on literally destroying the world sooner or later in a campaign simply to remove most of the clutter.

Not him but I found my own group through live stream groups

That was an eternity ago though

I love furbait races and I will want to play as one regardless of the game. If I can't, I'll just play human because I hate traditional demihuman races.
I also have at least one furry option for people when I run games. Usually I just make halflings into bunnyfolk for that.

/MLP/ the board has a real rule light system they use to play games on their board. Look up the FEMTO thread.

Even if you don't like rules-light, most of us have connections to other groups. Go in, make a character and a friend, and see what happens.

I'd back that up. So long as it's not magical realming, super speshul or whatever, it's not a big red flag.

furries have half regained their rep now that most of the first generation realised everyone was cringing at them, and the second generation is trying to repair the damage done. also otherkin exist and have filled the cringe vacuum. tl;dr as furries, we're sort of acceptable now. yay

Brah I'd play you fallout game -ftf or online?

I absolutely HATE Warhammer 40K. More than any other thing involved with table-top games. There is something so stupid about it to me and it's entire presence i abhor so much that any time it is ever brought up at my LGS or by a friend i quickly change the subject or actively avoid the offenders till they stop it. I dislike it So much so i almost exclusively shitpost in every 40K thread I see on here. The fact that almost half the threads on this board involve that fucking topic pisses me off more than anything else.

They've started cleaning up their act, but their own fringe elements remain. It's bad when they actually get their hands on power within the furry community, as evidenced during RainFurrest 2015.

Ear to the community says that the "baby furs," a diaper-wearing subset of the community, got their hands on the leadership positions of this usually respectable con. On top of the reported fiasco, there was uproar in their artist community because a lot of the well known artists within the community were being kicked out of convention spots in favor of a seemingly strange scatterplot of a select few knowns and a whole lot of unknowns. Only in hindsight did it become apparent that these chosen artists were ones who illustrated diaper-fur art, and so were allowed convention tables over more popular and vanilla furry artists.

I don't actually look down on artists for doing furry art in addition to their other works; it's hard enough to make a living as an artist and the furries are happy to give them money. So my issue is less with the fact that these specific elements of the furry community are disgusting and irresponsible people, but that they run roughshod over the very people who help support their community, rotting their own fandom from within.

Part of the "Original setting" for my tabletop group is copy-pasted from Drakengard and Nier, right down to the BBEG and his goal of resurrecting his semi-dead race and a batshit insane prince and his sister who he doesn't know wants to fuck him.

I absolutely hate the trope of "le humans are speshul and can adapt to anything" when it comes into play in a multi-racial setting with elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. The genre of "humanity f-yeah" grates on my nerves to no end because its literally wank.

I write quests because I'm an indecisive twat of an author who can't make his own decisions for his own characters. Because, fuck me, running my own stories as a quest gives a certain...autonomy that my characters wouldn't normally have if it wasn't a quest. Or at least that's how I feel when it comes to the central protagonist. I can write side characters just fine. Main characters...not so much without crippling autism.

so what niche do you make humanity fill if not the jack of all trades?

>we're sort of acceptable now
You're still weird as fuck and extremely gay
No really, why does 90% of furry have to be gay?

beats me, i'm straight. it does tend to be that outcasts all flock to the furry fandom. and obviously, gay people are still kinda outcast.

The only Veeky Forums I play is Battletech.
And by "play Battletech" I mean I have a running solo campaign in Megamek/MekHQ centered around my invincible Mary Sue.

I also like to world build.

they'd be less outcast if they stopped sharing their fetish with everyone. Same as furries.

Perhaps I phrased it wrong. I don't necessarily hate that certain archetype, because...yeah, humans are all-rounders. Thing is, they can't surpass the other folks in certain things. Elf ranger beats human ranger, etc.

My main reason for disliking it is how I've had players in the past try to emulate Commander Shepherd and try to turn their characters into special snowflakes that everyone had to kowtow to in order to bring about the universe's salvation. That pissed me off, and I don't play humans anymore as a result.

usually i make it so humans are the most pious. generally they're the shortest lived of all races and as such have put the most stock in an afterlife, so i tend to have them have the most powerful priests and paladin, but then on the other side of the coin, other races have had longer lives to ponder said spiritual questions and as such could also have stronger faith. who knows really, that's just the best idea i have, desperate dying fools.

One of my players tried to GM for the group, something I as the forever DM welcomed.

Suffice to say, I was a terrible player, and probably the reason he won't GM again.

This sin keeps me up at night Veeky Forums.

Well yeah, because those faggots are blatant trolls. The ones that actually know what they're doing try to ruin quests by posing as players and doing lolrandumb stuff, having the character commit suicide, and other actions that kill the game before it gets off the ground.

I've done it myself to a couple of the really shitty quests. Just the flavor-of-the-month ones that were and would continue to be shit regardless of what anyone did, though.

I was a That Guy in a DC Adventures/MnM3e a few years ago.

I played a female character mimic who was from another dimension. The That Guy part comes in when my character happens to be a insectoid, 18 armed, 27-breasted broodmonstergirl in disguise. In character she butted heads with my friend's bara character for a chance to get on with a noble guy (who turned out to be Count Vertigo). They decided to make a deal to make it a three-way.

Most of the players were having fun (minus the whole part with Agent Holiday trying to find Dr Psycho), but that's only because most of us were being That Guy (a cocaine-snorting speedster being another) much to the DM's pain.

Gotta go into more detail, bruhs.

A lot of Elves and Dwarfs are long lived because they made deals. These deals get them benefits, but also has things they have to give up. Humans could be the fully free race who gets to choose and do WHATEVER they want.

I have the attention of a goldfish and like to write stories about things that interest me. This results in me changing characters all the time in a game just so I have a reason to share the things I write. I'm told I'm a good writer and that my work is worth reading, but I still feel bad about it.

I DM because since I started it's the only time I've ever received genuine compliments.

No, pineapple is amazing and anyone who tells you otherwise has shit taste in pizza

I have little to no creativity and I often make my characters based on other characters or advises my friends give me.
Out of all the characters I've played, I've only managed to roleplay one of them actively with a proper personality. I barely talked with the other characters and acted like a yes-man.
Our DM decided to make me the MC of our new adventure to get me do something, but I'm still having difficulties not being awkward as fuck.
I think it's because I worry too much. "Am I acting too edgy? Is this character portrait too ugly and lacking details? Shit, what kind of voice should I use? How should I act? What kind of backstory does my character have? I have no idea what to say! WhatshouldIsayIdontwant tosoundtoostupidohgod"

Have a few drinks before you RP

I fucking love wh40k and wh fantasy lore, but absolutely despise the tabletop game

Ah, and one more thing : I actually never played any d&d

Me too user
I love 40k because of Dawn of War and have never once considered playing the war game

Whicch kinda makes me more or less of a lurker in search of a good lore piece or theory.
(mfw why am I posting so much replies)

I cannot play characters that do not sexually interest me in at least some small way.

[spoilers] Forgive me father for I have sinned.

I'm the DM of my group and constantly pretend I've actually prepared for the session. I look at my "notes" during play, I joke about how the players are "shitting all over three hours of preparation" when they do somethings random, and when they ask me how much work I spend on each session I shrug and say "a couple of hours".

It's all complete bullshit. All of my preparation is done based on half formed ideas and written down in the 15 minute train ride to the hosts house, and the majority of the session is me improvising.

It's fine my players are all new to the hobby so they don't notice. [/spoilers]

this desu

I like introducing new players to tabletop because it gives me another chance to get really in depth about rules and character creation.

I secretly hope that the new player will like those parts of the game as much as I do.

They never do

My group don't believe in caster supremacy but we always end having problems over casters ruling everything in 3.5/PF, I tried a couple of times to point out the problems but they dismiss them with "lol no, internet is wrong, must be other thing", rinse and repeat

I tried to step up and become the DM and DM other systems but they end coming back to the same stuff