Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
TIERS ARE USAGE-BASED. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific Metagame.
Who else rode the gravy train and traded their bauble when they hit 30 buckaroos?
Also OP try to wait till 7 am pacific time cause thats when most user are awake and shitposting
>tron is tier 2
all is right in the universe. It felt wierd to me that a deck based on the urza lnads was the best deck for a month or two. I play it, but i'm aware that's its really not top tier level. does anybody Know some spicy tech that helps Rg Tron shut down Dredge?
My mainboard in case anyone cares. I upgraded the oldamog to newlamog and plan to get a second. I feel like All is Dust tends to hit more 'targets' then O-stone. and sorry my phone is a potato. I know
Do you have eyes, can you read?
Tron is a good deck and can be the best deck in any tournament under certain conditions.
Graveyard hate
Shit list. Get groves and sanctums, don't run more than 1-2 ghost quarters, put the wails to sb, run 4xpyroclasm and/or lightning bolt, 4 Wurmcoils beats dredge along with all other beatdown decks, no Emrakul or put that shit to sb for control, 1-2 World Breakers to get some use out of excess lands. Relic of Progenitus is maindeckable but Cage also does things vs snapcasters, Nahiri and Abzan/Kiki coco.
yeah i run a playset of relic in the side, but i fell like there is something else that does better then trying to blank them.
Thanks for the tips. gonna try to world breakers, what would you say to cut for them. And i found that using wail to ramp into ugin on turn 3 is an even better play then Karn. For affinity I swap out the wails for more 'clasms, and for infect I do the reverse. Has bolt hit the sweet spot for replacing 'casm in the meta? And really? not Emrakul? how the world has changed
Not in RG.
now that you've mentioned it, i haven't casted her once since the eye ban... Newlamog does work though
Without Eye you can't ever guarantee Emrakul and you don't ever want to draw it since you only get to cast it nowadays if you're already ahead at which point it's purely academic. It's only good vs autistic draw-go piles where your life total isn't pressured, games last 20+ turns so you most likely will draw/search it with sanctum eventually and none of your other threats stick (unless it's t3 Karn when they're not keeping mana leak/remand up).
I'd run something like trons+4 groves+2 sanctums+forest or two, eggs maps scryings stirrings, karns, 4 clasms/bolts depending on meta, 3 stones 1-2 ugins 1-2 world breaker 1-2 ulamog 3-4 wurmcoil. I'd personally skip sideboarding for Infect altogether since even if your opponent floods and you draw like a god you're still unfavored or if your meta is heavy with it along with generic aggro play Spellskites mainboard, cutting some combination of ugin/ulamog/2nd forest.
>I'd personally skip sideboarding for Infect altogether
Aha! that's where the wails come in handy! I find that infect players tend to clump all theirs spells on the stack together instead inf resolving individually, so i get to hit that glistener elf (im still fucked if they drop the two drop whose name im forgetting right now) and emty their hand at the same time. Yes i still tend to lose as is the nature of the deck, but at least i have maanged to ass grab a few FNMs because of it. and skites are in the side. my phone/camera really sucks so i couldnt grab the side board too
Thnks for the tip aobut Emmy, I stopped playing modern after Oath for a bit, and have only gone to a couple of events with it.
as for the groves... one day i can replace karplusen with them. but it is not this day
>the pictures are gone
That's not quite Modern, you know.
there is quite the story behind that pic
only bad infect players do that. don't count on your opponent being bad beyond fnm. I once had a fish players call me a dick for "slow rolling" mutagenic growths for lethal but good form is good form.
honestly, i'm not expecting to go beyond FNM in modern. I have fun going once a month or so, but my ma main format is legacy . It's super weird going down in power level.I'm really not sure what is good or is super narrow
Is Lantern Control something that still can be done reasonably viably?
It was always flavour of the motnth, and wiht dredge being the current flavour, you may not wna tot mil oyur oppenantns
sorry im drunk
Are you having a stroke?
I just want a unique deck to run. I've been looking at alternate wincons, but thise are all slow as fuck.
Even if I run plenty of mana rocks and a ton of Clockspinning, delay, and other token reproducers I'm unlikely to get a win from Azor's Elocutors.
Would it be possible to do Laboratory Maniac in Dredge or a Biovisionary/Populate deck?
unless you can dredgeyour intire library, lab maniac isnt a good choice. but lantern control can be a viable alt winocn if your meta allows it
after 3 steel resrves i imght as well be
You have two options: Be unique or be viable.
If you're too concerned with being unique, forget about being viable and just play something. Otherwise just play a viable combo deck like Living End or Scapeshift.
Living End was a Woo Brew at some point. Not that guy BTW.
Yeah, but you're not likely to stumble on the next Living End. Unless something just came out in EMN that everyone overlooked, the format's been around long enough that most, if not all, of the viable combo options are known.
Fuehrer Woo's Splendid Reclamation brew is a consistent T4.
not necessarily, at LGS and FNM that's definitely true, but at places where magic is played more casually (I've experienced this kind of thing at a local coffee shop) you'll run into a lot more unique, creative, and all around fun decks. for example, there's the owner of the shop, who runs a squirrel deck which has won at an 8 person table. or one guy who ran a U/G bounce deck, using bounce to either abuse ETB triggers or as temporary removal.
You're not being "unique" if you're just marching in Woo's footsteps.
I more meant that new decks are possible with new cards.
What are good sideboard cards for blowing out zoo and emozoo? My anger of the gods dont seem to be fast enough
Is there a combo deck that has a good matchup against infect?
And since Tron is back to T2 and getting smashed by Burn + Infect, you can now go back to playing Jund all the time.
Spellskite blocks 3/3's and doesn't let them use their pump spells
Engineered explosives is still 3 mana overall but you could drop it turn 1 activate it turn 2 if you really want
Ahhh yes the skite, completely forgot
There's also Porphyry Nodes if you're in white
depends if you count abzan coco as a combo deck. also elves, but it's bad against most other decks.
If anger isn't fast enough when it's preceded by whatever spot removal you run then to be frank there's nothing you can do, sometimes they just draw the nuts like Infect t2 kill through removal. Spellskite is okay, but realistically the 3 health save isn't relevant unless you can show some removal and/or lifegain afterwards.
I'm assuming Anger means you are Jund. If so, just hope for a game where you 1 for 1 them. If they have only one creature on the board at the end of their t2, you likely will win the game.
Anger is weak against infect. Ideally you want cheap spot removal in their 2nd main phase to make them spend potentially multiple spells just saving their guy. You Bolt, they Vines, you Bolt, they Immense.
So I've been working on a Modern Storm deck, but it's my first time making one can you guys take a look at my deck list and tell me what i need to change? It's a variation of Jon Finkel's storm deck
>4 Gitaxian Probe
>4 Sleight of Hand
>4 Serum Visions
>4 Thought Scour
>4 Manamorphose
>4 Pyretic Ritual
>4 Desperate Ritual
>4 Pyromancer Ascension
>4 Goblin Electromancer
>3 Past in Flames
>3 Desperate Ravings
>3 Grapeshot
>1 Quicken
>4 City of Brass (originally Scalding Tarn but this is cheaper)
>3 Shivan Reef
>4 Mountains
>3 Islands
>3 Empty the warrens
>2 lightning bolt
>(dunno what to put here but i was thinking about some sort of enchantment removal to counter cards like leyline of the void)
Don't play Storm.
Have fun facing 3-4 rounds of discard and going 0-3 and out.
Ravings is bad, drop them and Quicken for 4 land. Drop a Grapeshot for something, maybe another land. Also Electromancer is the old. Thing in the Ice and Bedlam Reveler are the new hot fire.
I played my friend's storm deck last week at my lgs and i went 4-0 in the tournament. And for the discard there's past in flames to cast everything again from the graveyard. I know it works consistently because in the first round of the tournament I played against a mill deck and it even helped the ascension/ past in flames combo.
>I know it works consistently because in the first round of the tournament I played against a mill deck
That does not instill a lot of confidence in your local meta.
>4-0 in one tournament
>Mill Deck
Listen to what you are saying. No discard deck is going to take Past in Flames on T1 and by the time you get to 5 mana, you'll be hellbent.
Next up you are using a tier 4 deck to justify your deck selection that nearly any tier 2 deck should win 2-0 against. LGS tournaments reward high variance decks that play "unfair" matchups. You could be an LGS hero on Tron but look at GP results for Tron. This is a competitive thread, not fairytale thread where all the unfair decks get to play Christmasland shit.
Look at how many discard decks are in Tier 1. Then look how many decks have a faster clock than Storm. Playing Storm is a good way to get a quick bounce out in any GP
Storm is one of Mill's worst matchups purely because you feed their Ascensions and PoFs hard.
electromancer is a key part in the deck. I can net mana from manamorphose and get ascension out for 1 red. Quicken is there to bump the storm counter, but i can drop it. As for ravings i could try 3 thing in ice instead.
Storm existed before Electromancer, and certainly isn't required for the deck. Thing and Reveler do a fantastic job in the deck.
There is literally no reason to play storm over ad nauseam any more. Storm is sorcery speed, takes half its deck to combo off as opposed to two cards, meaning you don't get access to protection like pact of negation and slaughter pacts and loses to hate much easier than Ad Nauseam does as it relies on both the graveyard and many more spells, making spell hate much stronger against it. Furthermore, Storms combo pieces are dead outside of the combo where both of Ad Nauseams have uses outside of the combo.
Forgot to tack something onto this post. You know how many decks are playing Grafdigger's cage right now? Any deck worried about the Dredge deck and that card is usually in multiples. I'd bring all of them in against Storm, which hoses their strategy.
I already have the 3 of thing in ice i need which ill main boad, but im on the fence about bedlam I have 4 of them but I dont know how consistent it would be.
Pucatrade is beyond fucked. The shill scheme has gotten so bad that I can't even get people to send me a bunch of $1 Rares anymore unless I give them an extra 15% on top of their market value.
I regret not just giving my cards to channel fireball at this point. At least I could have actually gotten cards back out of the deal...
Why doesnt anyone play darkness against zoo/suicide zoo/etc? Does it stop infect as well?
Because people would rather kill the creature than prevent its damage for one turn.
Ad nauseam does.
Add this to your shitty meme decks
I mean if they set up the kill turn 1-2 its usually hard to kill their board with 1 mana, especially when theyre on play.
You tell me. Lucky I got my wurmcoil engines from there before people realized it's a fucking piece of shit scheme.
..... it doesn't even seem that bad. I mean being in blue and running counterspells are a bit demented in modern, but other than that, well, not too shabby. It has gameplan, it beats and folds to any real mid range deck.
I have been playing some GW Hatebear variant for about 2 years now. I haven't yet had a chance to play in an event with the new Thalia, so I have no idea what number is correct, but this is what I'm planning on taking the next time I can make it out.
Why you do this?
You're pretty spot on. Midrange sucks but I've got half my sideboard to transform the deck a bit and it has helped my midrange matchup immensely.
stop forcing this meme
Post SB
Why no Loxodon Smiter?
"Hey look someone has goyfs and they're not in jund! Time to steal their deck list and keep posting it every day"
Hunt Master a shit! SHIT!
(Current board, it's always fluctuating while I figure out what's best at my store)
So I have two different ideas for how Hatebears can look. Death & Taxes Lite (pictured above) and Beatdown Bears. Beatdown Bears is the version that just cuts the Wingmares, Arbiters, and sometimes even the Paths depending on environment in favor of mainboard Finks, Smiters, Crusaders, whatever.
They have roughly similar purposes, but I've found that at my store, trying to fuse the two just leads to a diluted attack plan. Either go for the heavy aggro, or go for the manipulation. Both CAN work, but it's harder at my store. Don't really know why.
My issue with this deck is that you would rather play black over red to get discard along with counterspell route and as black we could switch madrills to tasigur or angler. And since we are running black green, we might as well add abrupt decay and get rid off some other coutnerspells and drop simic charms. Then it's easy to figure out red is actually where we want to be, because bolt is so much better than conditional counterspells, so we drop blue and go for bolts and Io and behold we can now run terminates as well! After that it's completely different deck and original deck was completely obsolete from the beginning.
I actually ran a list that fused both and did quite well, winning an IQ. Lemme get it...
2 Aven Mindcensor
4 Leonin Arbiter
4 Loxodon Smiter
4 Noble Hierarch
3 Qasali Pridemage
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Voice of Resurgence
2 Wilt-Leaf Leige
2 Kitchen Finks
3 Collected Company
2 Dromoka's Command
4 Path to Exile
1 Brushland
1 Gavony Township
2 Forest
4 Ghost Quarter
2 Horizon Canopy
2 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
2 Stirring Wildwood
2 Tectonic Edge
4 Temple Garden
1 Engineered Explosives
1 Mirran Crusader
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Spellskite
1 Gadock Teeg
1 Hushwing Gryff
2 Choke
2 Rest in Peace
2 Stony Silence
1 Dromoka's Command
But god knows, if we some day get a real counterspell in the format, I would swap to BUG in a heartbeat.
I'm a little surprised to see another variant that does the Collected Company package. Seems like everyone and their mother likes to stick with Aether Vial. I see the arguments for both for sure, but it's nice to see I'm not the only one that toys with it.
On that note, I often see versions of the deck like this that focus way more on going wide with 2x/3x copies instead of focusing on 4x of a smaller amount of things and I've always wondered why.
What makes you prefer structuring the deck this way? As opposed to shoving 4x of the cards that can best attack an environment you're going into?
I have a small advantage on that I suppose since I literally only play Modern at my one store, and the sample size is small enough that it's much easier for me to do.
Is this just better for going into an unknown field?
looking for any input on this budget grixis delver list for my first attempt at getting into modern from standard
Do you run Slaughter Games in your side? I run two for Tron, it's a very popular sideboard slot. Very cheap price wise but can really fuck an archetype up.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. But please continue to meme on about jund
My style is this: What do I want to see each game, and what card do I not want to see at the start but would not mind seeing down the line. It also allows me to build the main deck towards the meta.
For example: I ALWAYS want to see Arbiter, Heirarch, and Smiter (Though Voice is going to be joining in the x4 Slot soon after testing)
However, drawing a Scooze early is just bad news bears because I'm not getting the full value out of it. Thalia is Legendary so I never want to see multiples of her. Wilt Leaf is the game ender so I rarely want it opening hand..
However, if I'm expecting alot of Living End or Dredge in my area, I cut down the counts of certain cards and bolster up my scoozes. The same with my pridemages if I expect affinity.
Rule of thumb with my list is: Four ofs with the backbone, everything else is flexible depending on the meta.
That's the glory of the hatebears: even the maindeck can be more efficiently attuned for hate.
I guess that makes sense. I've never really felt bad drawing a Scooze early on even against non-graveyard-centric decks, but I understand your points all around.
I'm also always about 4x Thalia because she has such a huge target on her against the decks that care about her. But I suppose if I'm on the Wingmare version, going down to 3 still seems okay.
I like your points though. I may have to tinker with mine a little more.
Funny how easy it is to learn about decks even if you've been playing them for a while. Thanks!
No problem! I had to break the bears down because the modern scene in my state is unfortunately kind of shit. Jersey is a Legacy/Vintage state.
Gonna build em back up now that I have a job!
Awesome. Sorry Modern is so soft around you. Best of luck!
What do you even name with it considering any PW or Ulamog if no Path wins the game on its own?
Pod, Treasure Cruise, DRS, Artifact lands unbanned when? I want full-retard format.
And Eye, how could I forget Eye?
Who /5cgoodstuff/ here?
implying modern isnt a full retard format
Ooops, All Spells has Laboratory Maniac as its main wincon, no other deck does though.
CoCo/EE lists just switch back to Pod and get more consistent.
Too much. Dig unban would be enough to give control a fighting chance.
Jund would need a toolbox to stay alive if any of these other unbans were to happen. S'okay, but not if it's the only big unban.
>Artifact Lands
Fuck no. I want to play modern, not "play affinity or lose".
but modern is already play affinity or lose
The only reason you dont see so much affinity is because they know they need to be careful about how much they win or else the #hate will rain down too hard for them
We will ride eternal, shiny and chrome. I can't wait to see what mistakes they make in Kaladesh. Every time they push an artifact from 3 mana to 2, we get a little stronger.
>tfw i just want instant/sorc play to be a thing ever
>kala is bound to break afinity somehow
>wizards doesnt care about anything other then appealing to their loaded polls asking how much people like creatures
What the heck happened to They used to be the best card search engine. Now I'm search-homeless.
Someone made a semi-clone.
The EMN card scans they have aren't as high quality as the older scans that I think they might have taken straight from Info.
so what will Wizards ban next to "liven up" the format?
Nothing is overrepresented right now.
The top decks are:
A completely different GRB
The only thing that's exceptionally frequent is Red, and the only thing they could do to cut down on that would be to ban Lightning Bolt.
>and the only thing they could do to cut down on that would be to ban Lightning Bolt.
Oh my god I can't even imagine the shitstorm
They're going to ban Bolt, Goyf, and Ravager to show the world how fair 20 mana by turn 4 is.