Order of the Stick 1048 Parental Bindings
I actually find myself curious as to what Julia has been up to all this time.
Last we saw her, she was acting like a slut, so probably whoring up Cliffport
Thog edit.
It was originally going to just be the first panel but then I realized there's probably some plot significance to him being the last oathspirit, cuz it's kind of a weird thing to bring up out of nowhere. Presumably this is going to be some method of surviving the world being destroyed or something.
The scrying thing is probably relevant too - up until now, his scrying setup had been enough to get past even the proper epic anti-divination stuff.
Wasn't that because he was using the power of that area he was in or something?
I think you overdid it a little. I would have left in a "visit Julia" at the end there. Still, nice thorough thogging.
Roy really should have learned some magic. I mean really now, if your father is a fucking decently levelled wizard you should at least have a decent grounding in magical theory and preferably a level in some obscure minor arcane class or a spellsword class of some kind.
I mean that's just being sensible.
Yeah, agreeing with , maybe even the whole text - it's not a terrible joke.
Overall though, solid non-sex/meme Thog
He came from a family of warriors and his little brother died in a magic accident. He wanted to honor hus family and spite his father.
True, but he wasn't going up against the gods themselves.
8/10 pretty decent thog
Then he should have become a Warblade, rather than a Fighter.
In the Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tails it's mentioned that his father wouldn't pay for a PHD program at Fighter College, hence his plain class as opposed to Warblade.
This is while speaking to his 4e counterpart, a Warlord.
Also, Burlew does not let charop inform his storytelling.
Wait, but didn't Roy want his dad to fake the celestial judge thing? Because otherwise they'd be executed.
....who's Julia?
Roy's Sister.
Low level Wizard.
Depends if they would've even been caught in the first place. The way Shojo described it they didn't have a clue about who blew up the gate until they found Eugene meandering around the mess.
Why don't they port this to 5e?
Same reason they didn't swap to 4e or PF.
Screw up the narrative.
Because that was the first joke they made in the comic.
And he's not a hack, unlike the people in these threads with "advice" for him.
Wait, isn't Eugene only able to visit Roy because of the Greenhilt sword? I remember that being brought up at some point, but not if it was confirmed or denied.
If so, the whole "visit Julia" thing kind of falls flat, but then again it might not. Hell if I actually remember.
Post some of the GOAT OOTS comics.
>Back when the comics actually explained stuff without being shitty and boring because there was actually stuff happening and developments happening
Jesus, what the fuck has happened to you, Rich?
Start of Darkness as a whole tbqh
>implying that WORDSWORDSWORDS infodump is any different from any other
You're just looking for an excuse to shit on him.
>if modern Veeky Forums was around back then
>Actual development of the plot
Go to bed, 10wpm user.
(And true.)
I can read fine. I have no problem with Burlew's verbose style.
But there isn't any real difference between that infodump and more recent infodumps. Veeky Forums bitched about the speech Durkula gave.
>But there isn't any real difference between that infodump and more recent infodumps.
If you can't see the difference in the level of plot detail and progression covered by vs the last three web comics, there's no hope for you.
But for the sake of argument, go ahead and post a newer that's "equivalent," in your retarded eyes.
How about comic 1000, twat? This conversation Eugene is having with Roy is just character-driven fluff, not serious plot like Shojo talking.
>Unironically listing "Muh Rules: The Arc" in the same breath as the Sapphire Guard arc
Consider suicide.
OOTS was never great, but it was, for quite a long while, at least not terrible.
Thanks for proving my point, faggot. The two sequences are identical, you're just being a contrarian fuckwit because you don't like the direction the story went.
...man, warlord would have worked fantastically for him.
>My point is that a story around the context of a politician trying to do good things in the complicated seat of his office is exactly as good as a story where random rules get evoked purely to inconvenience the protagonist, to the point of turning hordes of high level clerics into literal bystanders while voter fraud occurs in front of their eyes because MUH RULES
>This is why the writing is equivalent
Kill yourself too, faggot.
I love that speech. It's perhaps my favorite in the whole series.
Druid actually.
u wot m8
>xykon choking a bitch out
Why won't any variation of D&D, or any other game, give me good rules for strangling people?
Is it so wrong to want my fictional violence to involve breaking peoples arms and choking the life out of them?
Probably still at school in Cliffport. Maybe she's hit level 4 by now?
He appears to have a basic knowledge of spellcasting and I wouldn't be surprised if he took some cross class ranks in Spellcraft. It's the main reason V agreed to join his team in the first place.
Also as team leader and tactician he'd need to be familiar with what V and Durkin are capable of. I'd say Elan too but he may just ignore his casting, since he never follows the plan anyway.
Also he intentionally became a Fighter to spite his Dad. Why would he change his mind now?
She needs something with a connection to her family for him to appear. And being a Wizard herself and the favored child she probably inherited all his old magic items.
>strips that change their meaning after Start of Darkness
I dont know. Self preservation? Putting the living ahead of the dead? Being a better teammate?
He didn't have to like it, but he should at least see that putting his INT stat to direct use in helping his party and getting himself some ranged capability is just sensible.
This one too
I assume that's why he's trying to get his sword to do a ranged attack now. But hes not specced to do ranged damage, and at his current level anything he could multiclass into would be useless.
He's also just as stubborn as his Dad. He's not going become a magic user, ever.
>It will be worth it
It took me a moment to catch on, but think about it as though he were addressing the person in his reflection.