>What is /AWG/? AWG is a thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /HWG/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.
Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome.
>Examples of games that qualify Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamorka, necromunda, mordeheim).
>Places to get minis (copied from last thread; feel free to edit for the next one if something here is wrong) Perry Brothers, Warlord Games, Reaper, Mantic, Gripping Beast, Avatar of War, Raging Heroes, The Assault Group, Khurasan
Anyone know about a space fleet game than used of the same ships for the factions and had a bogey system to simulate a kind of fog of war? Kinda recent.
David Powell
+knows about a space fleet game than uses a pool of the same ships for the factions. Heck.
Connor Nguyen
Hey, what's a good, balanced game that could be used for tournaments, that can use the same models as Frostgrave?
Michael Baker
Ethan Collins
Does anyone here know of a good set of rules to use Neanderthalls and Cro Magnon and maybe mix in a few dinosaurs?
There's a whole miniatures range out by Warlord Games called Savage Core that has me wanting to make a game of tribal bashing.
Anyone ever try Demonworld? Or the miniatures at least, they're still around too being made by Ral Partha Europe. I think both Ral Partha and the original creator (company at least) of Demonworld might be dead but both got resurrected some time back. Ral Partha mostly known for having lots of rpg-centric 28mm miniatures and being the UK-based producer of Battletech miniatures, though their ranges are only up to when it was still FASA/Fanpro, pre-Catalyst Game Labs.
As far as I can tell, the miniatures range is basically '90s style Warhammer but in 15mm. The game though I have no idea about, but the only other fantasy wargame I know that was aimed at 15mm(though also designed for 28mm) was Armies of Arcana, and AoA is quite simply what happened when a bunch of people didn't like 4th edition warhammer and just kept developing 3rd edition forward into a more refined form.
Joseph Martin
Xavier Ramirez
Anybody uses minis from boardgames to proxy in other systems? Any good examples? Im interrested in both worlds, but funds are limited so im checking some options
William Gutierrez
>Refined HeroHammer
You have peaked my interest. I really miss OldHammer threads
Liam Clark
Never played and have no interest in the game, but the miniatures are excellent. Posted this image last thread, but repostan here: Demonworld orc warband + ogre.
They are large 15mm, more akin to 18mm, but very detailed and fun to paint. Can recommend.
Christopher Brown
just curious - did Horizon Wars ever turn up any where please ? was hooing it might have been in the Dark Wars Osprey folder that turned up earlier, alas - no :-(
Levi Davis
Also, dark elves I painted as gift for a friend.
Julian Smith
Not trying to shill my own game, but I wrote a version of In The Emperor's Name specifically for fantasy skirmishes.
ofdiceandmenrpg.blogspot DOT co DOT uk/2016/07/the-generic-fantasy-skirmish-game-now.html
Give it a look and let me know what you think!
Joshua Sanchez
Took you long enough. I've been wanting this since you released the stats for 'bolds.
Chase Wood
Looks nice!
Jordan Fisher
No shit! A whole bunch of stuff came up, and I couldn't get it finished. But now, there's a shitload more Warbands, I tweaked melee to be a little more dominant, and I've got proper Campaign rules in the works as we speak.
Ethan Powell
>good, balanced game that can use Frostgrave minis Maybe Coreheim? Fan-balanced Mordheim.
>used for tournaments Not sure about that, though.
Sebastian Ward
Gonna shill Endless Fantasy Tactics which I saw posted in the Gencon thread, it seems like a fun enough triviality? I don't know shit about the game but I like small nerd enthusiast operations.
It's like if you took 6th edition, got rid of magic item lists but also put in a build-your-own unit system that's really robust with covering a lot of variety with different units instead of unit+options. Then add tons of monsters available to everyone so you can do themed stuff. And made magic actually balanced but still very useful.
You're still removing individual figures for casualties but fights were designed to last longer than clash/lose/wipe whole unit out in overrun, so fighting is more of a grind than stacking up modifiers to win big as fast as possible.
Anthony Walker
It feels like I'm looking at some battle between East vs West cartoons.
Camden Morris
>Righteous forces of honourable and true fantasy fighting to repel the deceitful advancement of weaboo hordes.
Gavin Thompson
Have any of you seen a skirmish/survival wargame that tracks ammo?
I was thinking it might make for some interesting tactics if you have weigh the choice to use suppressive fire versus worrying you might not be able to scavenge enough ammo to replace expenditures. Scare ammo seems to be fairly common in survival horror type video games, ever seen it done in a wargame?
Jacob Moore
Is using 15mm minis for an RPG a good idea? What if you didn't plan on using a grid and instead wanted to do measurements? What about 10mm?
Liam Taylor
Their height rules are a bit wonky, still gives me trouble. And their "Design your own avatar." rules... don't really allow that. But yes, it's a fun game.
Has me toying with the idea of making a 40K version.
Have a look and a giggle. mega:///#!WAtHUQjZ!8C3kG7M1TOyydHVa91jVU6G1AHsorHCGxYabWfJ_PgA
So I'll see you in 2019 with the campaign rules then?
Cooper Baker
Depending of the implementation, those things tend to drag the game and make it or bloated or more time consuming. If you get a way to make it simple and fast to use it could be cool, perhaps weapons with x actions for game unless some power up replenish the munitions etc.
Zachary Lee
Fingers crossed!
Nah, I'm hoping to have them out relatively soon. Not putting a date on that, but still, keep 'em peeled, you sarcastic fuck.
Honestly though, thanks for the inspiration to get them done!
Cameron Baker
15mm for RPGs is fine, 10mm is a bit small I'd say. 15mm is about the sweet spot for if you have limited tablespace, like needing to fit a fight into a 2'x2' space, but still want individually based miniatures, and can also have large creatures without taking up tons of space.
Image kinda related, but I have no idea what game is being played here though as the blog I stole this pic off has been dead and gone for years. But it's 15mm miniatures. on a small map/grid thing.
Matthew Murphy
Well thank you too, buddy.
Easton Wilson
Brandon Ross
Cute as fuck.
Mason Cruz
painted more cartoonishly, this would make an adorable Advanced Wars setup.
Now i must plot.
Daniel Price
Tell me about Kensei, does it let me field large armies of Samurai and let me recreate the entire Sengoku Jidai?
Joshua Bailey
Anyone has tried Attack Vector: Tactical ?It seems fun but I will not pay 60 kids for something than isn't as fun as full thrust.
Charles Hughes
Coreheim died off a little and now the team's working on Wyrd Wars, which is essentially the same thing but so far is getting better results.
Evan Rodriguez
Saga and its ilk. Age of Sigmar though balance is questionable.
Logan Jones
Song of blades and heroes, you can go from tipical melee to murderhobo style dungeon crawling.
Angel Sanchez
>Saga I guess the Frostgrave 20 Merc box set would work well as Anglo-Saxons, and the Barbarian would probably make a decent Jomsviking Warchief or something.
Nathaniel King
>peaked my interest. I've seen this a lot recently and my autism wont let me not say.
It's piqued, not peaked.
Andrew Edwards
I've been thinking of getting into some dungeon crawler games akin to old Warhammer Quest. Anyone got any good links to suitable tiles for that? Kinda want to avoid playing on stuff I just print out because good looking, well made boards get more attention from other players.
Isaac Thompson
Jacob Walker
You need to let people bee, user. Not everyone wants to wrack they're brain looking for the right word. No need to get your Snickers all twisted over charlie tans who think they can spell. They're a diamond dozen in this doggy dog world, and you will literally go crazy if you respond to all of them. It'll just reek havoc with your calm. Repeat after me: "I could care less."
Not the best picture (as usual, working on a lightbox). Not sure what to count the bigger guy as for SoBH, I'd rather stick to a profile.
James Russell
What's the cheapest game to get into if I want individual bases?
And how differently do these two types of games play? Does the former actually feel more tactical and the latter more strategic?
Hell, if you're feeling REALLY helpful, I'd love a sci-fi recommendation for each of the above, AND a fantasy recommendation for each.
Logan Bailey
it was done in the eye of terror 40k mini game, things like bolt rounds and grenades/rocket/plasma flasks were tracked so the shitty weapons could be spammed but chaos space marines weren't owning everything in sight.
Brayden Gray
I'm looking for a futuristic game.
The middle ground between Warmachine, Infinity and 40k.
I want something a bit above of skirmish, so APC can be reasonably.
Logan Jackson
Fuck, I'm sure I've seen a caveman rules system before and for the life of me I cannot remember it's name.
I think North Star stocked it, so maybe try trawling through there to see if there's anything.
Ethan Campbell
What game encourages customization and fluffing out your army to the greatest degree? I'm talking, you stat out all your models, give them names, give your army a name and a backstory, etc.
I know you can do the fluff elements of that with (almost?) any game, but I'd be really curious to see a game where that's part of the point.
Obviously army-size would need to be small (say, 20 at most) so you can keep track of everybody.
Carson Morris
There was an user recently on /hwg/ who was using Risk minis for wargaming.
I've also found Monopoly buildings can make good cheap terrain for smaller-scale games, you can get bags of them off ebay for basically nothing.
Dylan Green
I just spent a hundred bucks on classic bretonnians for frostgrave
now I'm considering spending another hundred bucks on bits and bobs to sort of half complete my collection
also the old grail knight on foot is like forty bucks and I kind of want him for a sellsword captain
The Realm of Chaos books (slaves to darkness, lost and the damned) had some fairly in-depth warband creation/progression rules for the original Path to Glory.
been yonks since I've looked at the rules, though
Lincoln Gray
>frostgrave How cheap can you get into that? Supposing you want to buy two armies of 10 models each, and some passably decent-looking terrain.
Assume starting from zero, with no paint, no nothing (except an exacto knife I use for Gundam models and for making gimmicks for magic tricks).
Christian Parker
I'm not even that user but you are the worst.
Gabriel Hughes
>Cheapest Single Base Game Burning Plastic. Uses cheap ass plastic army men. Song of Blades and Heroes with 15mm or less minis.
>Cheapest Large Mini-Miniature Army game Not really sure. 6mm figures run pretty damn cheap, and 10mm are only slightly more expensive. Basic Impetus is well liked over on /hwg/. You could probably find the Living Rulebook of Warmaster somewhere. It's Warhammer Fantasy at 10mm scale.
Anthony Jenkins
Very cheap. The frostgrave soldier set is a bargain for how nice it is, and random wizard models from reaper are under five bucks. Terrain and monsters for the scenarios/random encounters will be the hangup, but scratch-building and RPG miniatures can cut costs and still look good.
Much like Mordheim, it's as expensive as you want to make it.
Jaxson Peterson
>Spent $100 for frostgrave Frostgrave doesn't deserve that deep of an investment.
Depends on how autistic you and your friends are. I started out playing Frostgrave with a bucket of cheap army men. We dotted the army men with a dry-erase marker to be able to tell what was what. We also used VHS Tapes, Books, and Cans for terrain, and Packaging Peanuts for treasures. Worked well for us.
If you absolutely have to have real minis that are painted, you're probably looking at a $80+ investment. Making terrain is easy, fun, and cheap so I wouldn't suggest purchasing it.
If you wanted a chance to have a cheaper game that'll give the same experience, go for Song of Blades and Heroes. You can use smaller than standard (28mm) minis which are waaaaayyyyyy cheaper and you get a shit ton.
Aiden Cruz
frostgrave is the excuse
I just want perry brets
Robert Turner
If you're starting from zero I would try and play it in 15mm.
#minis 2 warbands from 15mm.co.uk = 13£ Couple of monsters for flavor = 5 to 15£
#terrain Wargames vault has some cool paper terrain, you can probably get enough from the free samples to fill a board, or you can buy some more complex stuff for a buck (specially if you wait for some Dave Graffam Models sales). If you wanna get fancy 15mm.co.uk also sell a cool 5 resin building pack for 35£. Alternatively, use lego.
#paints I really like coat d'arms (old citadel range), they are cheap and come in pots. A basic set of 5 - 6 colors will set you back 12-15£ Vallejo can be found everywhere and they're also cheap (go for their model color line, not the game color) You'll suck at the start, so just get some basic colors and experiment. You can always strip and repaint them later.
My recommendations are EU centric, but if you're in the US you'll have access to khurasan and splintered light, both of which are a charm.
Grayson Jackson
I know of a free game that you may like but I can't recall its name right now.
Owen Collins
Tomorrow's War maybe?
Isaiah Kelly
I think gruntz is a sci-fi game with warmachine like unit cards.
Ayden Collins
Not too much. You can split the official troop box and get 10 dudes for $15, and then get an apprentice and a wizard from a company that does cheaper blisters for $6 total, which should leave you at a good price. However with Frostgrave you will really want lots of wandering monsters to fill in the bestiary and especially terrain. The game is kind of barebones otherwise.
Jeremiah Miller
Look for Tusk (I think) - its a mammoth-hunting wargame that had a minis range, if I remember right.
Mason Martin
no, sadly.
it's like a poorly made WHFB for japan
great mini's though.
you want a classic: CLAN WAR
huge fucking armies
Elijah Rodriguez
There's some rebased descent stuff in my Kings of War armies, but that's about it
John Lopez
Try In The Emperor's Name. It's made for 40k skirmish, but it's super easy to write your own units and equipment (or just rename shit).
Connor Martin
so, do we want a copy pasta of our downloads and shit?
this is from the old thread. we can add to it.
/awg/ For the best wargames! those missing gems unseen by the herds!
Endless Fantasy Tactics: mega:///#!WAtHUQjZ!8C3kG7M1TOyydHVa91jVU6G1AHsorHCGxYabWfJ_PgA
Elijah Howard
No stars in sight
Mason Thompson
See also Clash on the Fringe from the same developer.
Matthew Morris
Might like Mercs, but the warband sizes are predetermined, I believe. Buy a box of 8 and you're good.
Austin Rivera
SAGA is a historical game, but otherwise that should be fine. You should try to put all of the links in one pastebin, and see if you can put some other things in there like the other ASoBaH books, as that thing has a million supplements.
Austin Jenkins
SAGA is a historical game, but doesn't it also have hero powers that are often somewhat supernatural in what they do?
I think it's worth having here, as it doesn't get much talk in /hwg/ because it's less simulation and more balance/tournament-oriented in its focus.
Gavin Mitchell
Lots of historical games have somewhat supernatural things going on. I can't even begin to mention the amount of times in Bolt Action where my dudes could rush past tank mounted machine guns unimpeded. Talking about the game is fine, but I feel that there isn't a point when there is already a thread for it.
Levi Stewart
Does the print version of frostgrave look as terrible as the PDF? If so, damn. I thought Osprey was better than that.
Josiah Nelson
Thoughts on Dust Warfare/Tactics?
Christian Baker
Nah, for some reason the PDF is just terrible. Book is nice- more pictures, nicer page layouts.
Isaac Parker
Nice looking walker's but plagued by distribution woes and.
I hear they're coming out with a new rulebook/unit cards but it may be too late for them now that Warlord has jumped into the weird world war 2 scene.
Nathan Reed
Oh god the models. Nop!
Hey this could work.
Damn it!
Why do this taunt me. I might as well return to Second edition.
Xavier Allen
Aus21 / 16 Burger Dollars puts this right outside "impulse buy" territory, got any AARs to go with the demo?
Jacob Harris
Sorry, were you refering to the Twelve Elements post? I deleted it when I realized the guy I was talking to wanted a game with fully customizable stats (which TEoW doesn't really have).
Anyway, yeah, the minis are expensive because all of them are in resin. I've bought some of them and they are generally very good quality. A couple minis have some lines across the surface (not mold lines, something else), but they are pretty much unnoticeable once they're painted up.
>Oh god the models. Nop! Tomorrow's War doesn't have official models.
Nathaniel Clark
> AARs
After-Action Reports, basically battle reports.
Charles Smith
Unfortunately, no. I've demoed it in the past, but I don't have a local game store near me and haven't gotten to play it in a while.
But, it is an alternating activation (I move a model, you move one, I move one, etc.) game where pyschology plays a pretty big role and it's pretty easy to get taken out (most models early on only have 1 hit point, though an injury chart ensures that they won't necessarily die after every fight).
I'd like to try it out again soon, since I will be getting a new job and moving to a different area.
Nathan Thompson
>Oh god the models. Nop!
ItEN doesn't have official models either.
Henry Lopez
So far from the demo rules, it looks like it's Mordheim with Mouse Guard dice mechanics. I'm really interested in this, but I'm worried that there are gonna be some really broken set-up characters. Seriously, 6 dice on one guy? Damn.
Jaxson Anderson
A bit concerned about that myself. I'm hoping some kindly user with too much monies and not enough spending sensibilities picks up a copy and releases it to the awg trove.
Side note: Someone should set up one centralized Mega, with all the stuff stored there rather than in a bajillion links.
Jace Martin
So did Frostgrave seem any better after the creator's two FAQs about the rules? Or are the rules still pretty ambiguous?
Is there an official Errata yet?
Jace Wilson
I think it would be nice if /awg/ had its own version of /hwg/'s list of places to buy miniatures.
What's better about Mighty Armies? Is it that it's less generic?
Oliver Scott
are those hinterland miniatures, or whatever the name of that one guy who makes the lady-rifles from last Turn-of-century?
nice, very!
Jayden Kelly
That was a lot of it, yes. I'm a giant manbaby that needs some level of handholding.
Gabriel Turner
Yes they are. Thanks!
Elijah Reed
Just gonna rattle off some games I think fit with /awg/.
Heavy Gear Warzone Ressurection Bushido MERCS World of Twilight Empire of the Dead Wargods of Aegyptus Godslayer Jovian Chronicles Freebooter's Fate Cutlass!