Should the Human creature type be revamped?

Should the Human creature type be revamped?

Personally, I think that there should be a "Girl" creature type that would replace Human for cards that depict images of girls. That way, it wouldn't offend people who are not sure whether or not girls are actually people.

For example, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben'a creature type would be "Girl Soldier" instead of "Human Soldier".


I'm sorry what?

No, litterally what.

Why would you make something simple all the more complicated?

The name Thraben always makes me giggle.

Now I'm thinkin bout Thraben girls


This thread is gonna be fun.

Because not everyone thinks that girls are people. Putting the Human creature type on Girls is WoTC shoving their opinion down their customers' throats.

First of all, that's clearly a woman. Second, this is bait.

Stop repeatedly making this thread and go back to the trump rally after-party.

>Not everyone thinks girls are people. Putting the Human creature type on Girls is WoTC shoving their opinion down their customers' throats.

Where the fuck does this loop of fucking logic come from?

Am I being trolled? Are you this delusional?

>Am I being trolled?
Is this really a question? You're absolutely being trolled.

Replying seriously to a troll thread for a second, Identifying genders as part of a card type would only serve to further complicate card classifications.

What if it's female? What if it IDENTIFIES as female (such as emrakul, who has no distinguishing characteristics whatsoever in a humanoid sense).

Thanks OP

Emrakul is a 15/15 Time Walk with Annhilator 6, Flying, and ProColors.

Clearly not a female.

It's referred to with female pronouns on all promotional info and in-card references

Girls are not female humans though. Girls are a completely different species.

This is the worst bait I've seen in years. .5/10 made me reply

But Emrakul is strong and scary. Girls are weak and pathetic.

Jesus guys, it's obviously a joke thread.

Hey man(?), I don't write the lore, I just regurgitate it. Emrakul is a pretty lady if she wants to be, I ain't gonna mess with no 50 foot tentacle beast.

>Am I being trolled?

>that elesh norn
Pretty spicy, I'd totally take her on a moderately cheap date, buy her exactly 3 drinks, then invite her back to my house for popcorn and dark souls.

good form, I chuckled

This isn't the first time you've made this thread

>not female

You had one job...


Depends on the specie.

Girl IS a species

THANK YOU for Correcting the Record(TM)!

I don't think that would work out as with trannies already in the game, we are going to have genderqueer, genderfluid, and agendered characters on the horizon.

Pre-Kaya and that one Mardu tranny? Yeah, sure, that's fine.

Post-Kaya and that one Mardu tranny? FUCK NO.

This is a really low effort joke.

This is now a Thalia thread.

Post best MtG girl.

Well done OP. You got me. 10/10 Would rage again.

Nigga you have gone full retard

Are you trying to do satire? You don't seem smart enough.

In my opinion, as well as the opinion of many others, girls are not humans.

>American school system, hard at work

This is what weirdos who are into bestiality say to try and make themselves feel like they're the same as everyone else.

"So what if I fuck cows? All those guys fuck girls which are also not human, so I am totally normal, right?"

It's really sad user, you should probably seek professional help.

No because of this card

I don't think the eldrazi titans identify as anything user.
The gender pronouns was just something WotC gave them so we didn't have to call them 'it'.

It would obviously be a Boy Girl Soldier.
Actually just give the card Changeling.

> WoTC does it
> Girl cards are overpowered
> Girl Power deck wins tournament

Emrakul doesn't identify as female, or anything for that matter, as far as we know. We know nothing about how Emrakul thinks or feels. All we have to go off of is mortals' attempts tr personifying the thing. The Zendikari saw Emrakul as Emeria, a female, and Jace "saw" Emrakul as Emeria because that's the best his mind could do to put Emrakul's attempt at communication into a form he could comprehend. Emrakul's gender is nothing but a label assigned to it by society.

Calling Emrakul "her" is a recent thing from BfZ. Before that it was always either "he" or "it."

t. Beavis and Butthead

>Am I being trolled?
maximum trollverdrive


I completely agree with you OP but why stop there? Why not streamline the entire process and add specific racial subtypes for those of us who see other races as subhuman. For example, pic related would be "Jew Cleric" or "Kike Cleric" rather than human cleric, Zulaport Cutthroat could be a "Slav Rogue Ally" and Snapcaster Mage could become a "Chink Wizard"

But he's Catholic

>loves money
jewish enough for me

Legendary Creature-Desi Wizard

Legendary Creature-Nigger Girl Wizard

Teferi is African, not Indian. Zhalfir, the location of the Mirage block and Teferi's place of origin, was based off of Africa.

So he's also a Nigger Wizard.

Oi, dont shit about my man Mangara. Easily one of the best designed cards in the game.

I've played enough games where gender was part of the mechanics to say that at the end of the day it's just a mechanic, nothing to go up in arms over unless you really want to know the gender of this celestial messenger sharkhorse dragon.

See this is why we need the nigger subtype: to forever end this confusion in the fanbase.

>Implying Mangara is a woman
Please tell me you're baiting me and you're not actually this stupid.


Yeah, this is just depressing

"fucking TROLL"
"epic bait!!"

it's a joke you fucking spergs