Does anyone haves links for downloading the different Draconomicon Books?
also, Dragon anatomy General i guess
Does anyone haves links for downloading the different Draconomicon Books?
>different Draconomicon
I thought there was only one
i think there was one for 2e, one for 3e and two for 4e.
>One per edition
You got my hopes up, but why does forth have two?
Chromatic vs Metallic.
Because Wizards really wanted as much money as they could get from 4th, and they know some people will automatically buy every splatbook.
>MFW I was like that, but then 4th came out and I realized how futile my actions were
>Dragon anatomy General i guess
I've always seen them as like the big cats, but with a reptilian outer coating
Dragons are assholes m8, don't bother.
>Dragons are assholes
>Human propaganda
You're just jealous of my hoard bro
Okay, so I have a world building idea.
Zombie apocalypse, except with dragons instead of zombies. I mean, more the general idea of interpersonal narrative among a small band of survivors against a backdrop of dragon apocalypse. Like The Walking Dead, except instead of a horde of undead its great and terrifying beasts that fly around and breathe flame.
That was literally what happened to me.
>Reign of fire
Could work, as long as you don't have the reason the dragons took over something ridiculous like that movie
I'm thinking that the dragons in my scenario are actually humans that transformed for mysterious reasons.
They retain their self awareness, but become drunk with power. They were able to take over because they combine human intelligence with a form that defies both square-cubed law and conservation of energy.
>I'm thinking that the dragons in my scenario are actually humans that transformed for mysterious reasons.
That...gets a "Huh..." reaction out of me, I have no better way to say it, I can sorta see it working but it feel odd
Would have to see how you handle it before making a more elaborate opinion
Even to each other, familius.
Well, it's like...
Imagine if every person that wants to be a leader, and I mean *really* wants to be a leader suddenly got their wish. If your heart is filled with enough desire to be the one in charge, you have only to speak the word to light the spark. And your heart will be consumed with fire, and you will become a dragon.
But then there were too many dragons, so they decided to fight it out to decide who should be the lord of dragons. Their war turned the world to ash.
Now, only the biggest and most terrifying dragons remain. And there are only a few groups of humans left in the world. And those humans struggle with the question "Who among us is fit to lead us?"
That makes more sense, wouldn't compare it to a zombie apocalypse though, single powerful monsters Vs many but weak monster
Anybody remember this guy?
No, what the fuck is that?
I have the idea that the wing's leather of draconic creatures reacts not only to air, but also ambient magic, creating much more lift than ordinary wings would.
Replicating this principle is what created flying tapestries and the orichalcum which propeller airships are made of, in my setting. And once a way to store and discharge mana was created, leyships with magic turbines
That sounds more a kaiju apocalipse, kinda like if godzilla or pacific rim monsters won, than any zombies. Actually, there was an episode like that at the godzilla cartoon.
What the fuck
that has to be a joke right
Given some of the books out there, probably not
I don't got those, but I've got these for ya
>I have the idea that the wing's leather of draconic creatures reacts not only to air, but also ambient magic, creating much more lift than ordinary wings would.
I've always assumed that'st the default
Some Asian-American dude wrote a book about how dragons invented firearms because they got fire. Then they fought chaos-dragons or something.
It's part of the ancient spacemen-genre of speculative fiction. As in he proposes it's actually shit that happened IRL.
Any for the metalics?
Nope sorry thats all I have
He actually believes...
Okay. Sure.
>No one wants to talk about dragons
I need this in my life breath weapon?
I can envision a sharktopus, but adding the dragon into it is rather hard