Last thread: Fantastic resources:
CYOA General; Power>waifus edition
>user doesn't know true love conquers all
But can true love conquer Russia... In WINTER?
But I truly love power.
What if...
Power is my waifu (ellipsis)
Love resupplies itself so yes.
Russia is a cold, heartless place where the very concept of love is completely foreign to them. Love of another, love of country, love of life, love of themselves, Russians know none of this. Only vodka, track suits, squatting, and the pointless suffering one must endure day in and day out with no forseeable end in sight nor desire to avoid it.
Rolled 1, 62, 55, 28, 28, 94, 110, 3, 112, 65 = 558 (10d160)
Reposting since i changed the design and i posted when the thread hit bump limit.
Any constructive critique welcome. Tell me if there's anything you don't like.
What i'm going to do already: Adjust the text in the boxes, change the intro to the houses and to the options, beach house image and add descriptions.
Working on my first CYOA. The object of the CYOA is to basically become a great conqueror like Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, etc. except with more magical influence.
I'm currently trying to hammer our a decent list of magical items to pick from. The items at the top can be bought multiple times (to hand out to important generals or agents, for example), while the items on the bottom half are unique. I'm trying to strike a bit of a balance with items that empower just the user and items that affect an entire army. Of course, once I add a pricing system, the scope of these effects will factor into the price.
I would love to get some criticism and suggestions on this list.
Rolled 148 (1d160)
Rerolling one of the 28s
Looks pretty great, actually. Love how cool and varied the houses are. The crashed plane in particular is awesome but I'm not sure how that actually works. Something underground would be a good pick as well, I think last thread someone mentioned Hobbit houses? I would like something like that. Also, is the bottom right house a real life pic? Maybe put through a filter or something? Just seems a bit funny.
Picking only 4 options out of that list is super tough, but that's sort of a good thing. Not sure if drawbacks fit with comfy cyoas but as a number-crunching type I'm always a fan of ways to trade options and points from one category to another. Some way to earn extra points is a plus.
Can I get an Hephaestion to my Alexander?
The companions/generals/wizards part is largely done already so I won't bother /cyoag/ with it, though I guess I'll still consider suggestions if you have any urgent ones.
Well, it's a crashed plane house, jut like the image suggests. You can actually do it in real life and purchase an old plane to use as a house.
The house in the sky that looks like a half dome won't be huge, i guess it will qualifie as a hobbit house.
The beach house is a real life pic. I'm trying to find one that fits but haven't had any luck yet so for now it's this one. Points you save over the CYOA will provide you with chances to get more stuff, such as the house options.
That looks like a dome.
Half dome.. I'm sorry for being retarded.
I wanted to add an underwater house but i'm not sure about this one.
Forgot to add, the bunker in the jungle is an underground house.
Thank you, ant-kun.
It is time to sleep.
What did the deleted post meme?
Can we just get one thread without user posting lewd shit. Fuck.
I just mistyped the same thing 3 times.
oh user...
Look in the fateverse, and especially through fanmade servants if you want to see interesting magical weapons.
>Any constructive critique welcome. Tell me if there's anything you don't like.
It's 1000 pixels wide.
How is Link sleeping "lewd"?
I thank you for your suggestion, but there's no way in hell I'm reading through hundreds of pages of shitty anime donut steels for maybe a few interesting ideas.
If you have any specific ideas that you'd like to see used in the CYOA, please feel free to share them, but just linking me to a fanfiction archive isn't very helpful.
Not him, but how is that a bad thing?
Look at the filesize.
It will be even higher once the text and images for the rest is added.
Does it need to be that big?
I still don't see the problem.
Are you a time traveler from 1992?
What's everyone's favorite 1-page CYOAs? Personally I'm not a huge fan of the expansive PDFs, I've always loved the ones like this where it's just a few impactful choices or point buy rather than an elaborate multiple point buy.
I won't be bigger, i just have one image to change and add text.
not all of us are amerifats with monitors as wide as our bellies
A spear that transmutes the blood-vessels it strikes into minuscule iron needles that proceed to flow to the heart. Tearing their arteries from the inside-out, and beating the shit out of the motherfuckers heart.
This kills the man.
>I won't be bigger,
Well that's better than worst case scenario...
Surprisingly, most of them are actually very reasonable and adher to their respective myths. I don't blame you for not wanting to go through them though.
I've always liked the idea of the Dragon Teeth given to Jason by Medea. Maybe a small bag of those, that replenishes itself daily, would work?
A typical small 15" monitor has a display width of more than 1000 pixels (1024x768 is common), and even relatively cheap monitors tend to have 1920x1080 these days.
I understand that you're just a jealous third-worlder (hence immediately starting to insult Americans even though nobody even brought them up) whose mom won't buy him a real computer, but you could've just said so from the start instead of pretending it was some kind of real problem.
Nice to talk to you again, Slavislav Slavislavov.
Your eyesight must be incredible to read comments on your postage stamp sized monitor.
My monitor is 18". I fail to see the problem
If yours is even smaller i'm sorry i can't really help you..
That's a good idea, I like it.
Maybe a bit too specific of a description, but I can work with that. I'm trying to keep out any "instakill" items, though I guess if I added some drawback or limitation it would be a good addition.
I've always had a soft spot for CYOAs like this one.
It's cute as fuck. The art is clear and consistent, the theme is very straight-forward. The options are simple, but varied enough to get your imagination going. It restricts you just enough to make you consider your options, but not so much that you feel locked out of certain ideas. It has plenty of neat possibilities for interplay and synergy between options. It doesn't really have any "best" or "worst" options that aren't simply a matter of opinion or interpretation.
Simple, clean, and charming.
A Bastard-Sword that sets the wielder's spilt blood aflame. The wielders wounds are seared shut, at the cost of excruciating pain and permanent scarring. This prevent's external bleeding, but does not stop deeper cuts from being internally damaging. May burn whoever struck you.
file size matters too retard
Anyone else getting homo vibes from Dylan?
У кoгo-нибyдь ecть гopячий чaй? Tyт eщё oдин зaгpaничник в aпaтию впaл.
Does anyone have hot tea? I have an another foreigner who's fell into apathy.
Agreed, man.
As far as that CYOA goes, my usual build is meant to cause insanity in my foes, so I think this time i'll do something different:
>Martial Arts, Enchantment
>Kitsune, Dragon
>Fear Aura, Leadership, Dungeon Dungeon
I'm a magical fucking samurai whose gonna fuck shit up with his dragon princess BBFF and I'm gonna protect ALL DA OLD WAYS my people have cast aside!
Also, reposting this from last thread because I have a new build idea:
>Fireplace, Bookshelf (stocked with RPG books), Other (this badboy
>Candles, pastries, alcohol, hot drinks
Apparently, we're allowed to say occupants of the comfy room don't age and time can stop.
This in mind, I present the ultimate gaming room! We got everything we need in here.
How dissapointing. I thought you posted a hot sultan husbando but it's just a piece of furniture.
Man that sounds comfy.
>Couch/ fire place/ bookshelf
>Animal my dog and some magical being. Dragon persons sounds toasty.
>bedding/ hot chocolate/ alcohol/ radio
my perfect library.
that would have been under companions. And besides, if it's to be a proper gaming room, I'd make it a mechanical Turk.
Like a real, functioning, clockwork robot one.
Actually, I might include that, he can be my assistant GM to help keep track of numbers and such.
Don't worry guys, I fixed it!
Best time.
Most comfy.
>Large Windows
>Bathing Supplies
All high-quality and comfy.
>animal: adorable cat and dog
>other: bara fitness trainer who rewards me with lewd
>Workout equipment
>Fruits and pastries
The perfect comfy home gym.
I love this cyoa.
>not changing your to you're
you blew it
lewd things are blase.
cute things are lewd.
this has been going on for fucking ever and I'm sick of it.
looking good
How autistic are you exactly?
Many, many years ago my friends and I all mistook the speaker in the foreground of this shot for his monitor and thought the joke was he was an amazing Counterstrike player on such a tiny screen.
Maybe this is the true power of Slavislav Slavislavov?
Hindsight is 20/20.
Not even on the spectrum, just heterosexual. It took less than two minutes of effort, stop buzzwording.
True CS players need no sight. Only hearts and massive amounts of rum.
Now i gotta know, what are the perks of picking what looks like a crashed air frame of a ww2 torpedo bomber?
>implying editing a cyoa to include waifus is normal
>implying you're not autistic
What are you even trying to accomplish by editing the third page of a WIP cyoa?
No. You will not post a 20 page cyoa in this thread. FUCK OFF.
Dark City is only 16 pages, but I do actually have a legit 20 page long CYOA here. Should I post it?
If you do, your penis will rot in your sleep. Post smaller cyoas if you have to repost.
anyone have some mad science cyoas?
Corollary to that, what is everyone's favorite PDF CYOAs?
pls do
Do it, you absolute mad man.
Though I definitely understand the 1-page preference my favorites tend to be longer with more inter-connected decisions and just a lot more options. I like some really long ones but the best of all probably has to be Domain Master coming in at a svelte 3 pages.
The design on this is sort of weird.
Is Experiment #13 supposed to be easy mode?
Yeah. I call it, "My Garage."
File size is to big for Veeky Forums, though.
Don't threaten me, warlock. My inquisitors are tracing your IP as we speak.
Have I got a treat for you.
Too many to choose from.
Something came up. Got shit to do. I'll post it later tonight, promise.
I don't know what Strife was thinking when they made that. Mage is easy mode too, tho.
This is the first page I saw, and everything in it is perfect as a comfy CYOA of its own, so I made the necessary adjustment.
Why are you acting like you don't do the same to every non-female-inclusive CYOA you see, legbeard?
Wait until the fixed version of the full CYOA to find out!
Yeah, ones that aren't super short and simple, but aren't ridiculously long either are the best.
Realm: Not-So-Evil Hangout
>Affinity: Dark and Illusion
>Size class: Giant
>Race: Celestial and Undead
Boss perks
Race One: Average Undead (Vampires)
>3 Recruiters
>3 Scouts
>2 Agents
Race Two: Average Demonic (Succubi)
>1 Recruiters
>1 Harem
Minion perks
>Talented (Musician)
>Specialty (Charisma)
Realm perks
Plan is to have lair for dragons, vampires, succubi, and other fun-loving creatures of darkness to hide out. Recruiters will spread rumors about this domain in dark circles, but it's hidden so only people who really want to can find it. So like a not-so-secret secret club. Lair is always changing and visitors are watched closely because we don't need any hero types causing mischief. We'd have more fun playing tricks on invaders and trying to bring them to the dark side than actually hurting anyone, except the occasional blood sacrifice of course.....
Purpose: Conqueror
Skill: Alchemy
Princesses: Golem, Elf, Orc
Perks: Dungeoneering (Arrow Trap, Pit Trap, Shadows), Monster Heritage (Golem), Childhood Friends, Leadership
Time: Midnight
Weather: Snow
Options: Bed, Electronics, Bathing Supplies
Companions: N/A
Gifts: Hot Chocolate, Candles, Fruits & Pastries, Alcohol
I'll keep the peoples supplied with a lot of the items from my pocket dimension. This will vastly help the war effort. We'll take over the world with grit and science!
There's a difference between making those alterations in your head, and actually putting your grubby paws on someone else's cyoa. It's extremely disrespectful. If you want more waifu cyoas, how about you make them yourself?
It's not like he's destroying or replacing the old one. Honestly it's not that big of a deal. Kind of autistic, yeah.