Where do I go from here?
I have had some luck, especially since adding the Support Squadron for the added support
I really do love my Deathwing but they seem to be a unit that everyone plans for and deals with pretty easily.
Should I pick up more bikes, specifically a Ravenwing Command Squad and move my Terminator onto a bike to lead them?
Otherwise I can look into greenwing to have better board presence and an actual chance at the mission.
My meta normally plays at 2000pts so that is 500 I have to play with and I am okay with taking one of the HQs from my Deathwing out since they haven't been to great.
My opponents play Space Wolves, Necrons, KDK (used to be CSM) and Dark Eldar.
Interrogator-Chaplain (175pts)
>Terminator Armour, Auspex, Mace of Redemption, Storm Bolter
Librarian (130pts)
>Psyker Level 2, Terminator Armour, Foe Smiter, Force Axe
Deathwing Command Squad (275pts)
>1x Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Deathwing Apothecary, Deathwing Company Banner, 5x Deathwing Terminators, 2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
Deathwing Terminator Squad (300pts)
>1x Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 6x Deathwing Terminators, 3x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
Ravenwing Attack Squadron (190pts)
Ravenwing Bike Squad
>2x Grav Gun, Combi-Grav, 3x Ravenwing Biker
Ravenwing Land Speeder
>Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Attack Squadron (185pts)
2 Ravenwing Attack Bikes
Ravenwing Land Speeder
>2 Multi-Meltas
Ravenwing Support Squadron (245pts)
Ravenwing Darkshroud
>Heavy Bolter
3 Ravenwing Land Speeders
>2 Heavy Bolters