Stat them Veeky Forums
Stat them Veeky Forums
High charisma left and right.
High intelligence middle.
Zero wisdom all around.
King Robert Baratheon
Str 20
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 8
Cha 16
King Stannis Baratheon
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 6
Renly Baratheon
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 10
Int 9
Wis 9
Cha 20
-10 hp all
The lot of them are level 9 fighters
System is an OSR one, where you have brutal mechanics like mortal wounds and insta-death poison, but which focuses on conqueror-level and domain-level play. It also has pretty good rules for warfare and battles.
The DM is an absolute maniac in terms of how much thought he's put into the setting and NPCs. Although his passion his political intrigue, constant badgering from his players is convincing him to reluctantly allow in more supernatural stuff.
Kek. Sad but true
Real steel, cast iron and copper.
>Implying Stannis is dead
>implying Stannis isn't Azor Ahai
>implying Stannis the Mannis isn't the end game.
>wages an entire war over his waifu
>not a PC
I can't wait for Stannis to BTFO the Boltons
Old Stannis could take old Robert np.
Grum has officiated the details of the series ending to the producers in case he dies, it is safe to assume everything that has happened in the show will happen in the books.
I imagine ending is more or less the same but how they get there is different. Book STannis is more or less successful getting Northern men to help him out so he'll probably succeed at the Battle of Winterfell. Shireen also isn't with him so I imagine her mother/Melisandre will be more responsible for burning.
Multiclassed Aristocrat/Warriors. Robert is Chaotic Good with low Wisdom. Stannis is Lawful Neutral with low Charisma. Renly is Chaotic Neutral with high Charisma, who flubbed a saving throw.
But could prime Stannis take on Prime Robert?
>The lot of them are level 9 fighters
Robert not being a barbarian
Stannis not being an anti-paladin
Renly not being a diplomat
three strikes
>Stannis an anti-paladin
Stannis is a paladin. He's too pure for Westeros.
lol no
Better Robertbowl
Prime Ned Stark vs Prime Stannis Baratheon, duking it out for Robert's affection.
Level 2 Weaponmaster
Agility 6
Constitution 9
Dexterity 7
Strength 10
Intelligence 5
Perception 5
Power 8
Willpower 6
Level 3 Dark Paladin
Agility 5
Constitution 6
Dexterity 6
Strength 6
Intelligence 9
Perception 8
Power 6
Willpower 10
Level 1 Warrior
Agility 6
Constitution 5
Dexterity 8
Strength 7
Intelligence 7
Perception 5
Power 10
Willpower 7
Well, if we're not counting the fuckery that was the show. Ned is presumably one of the greatest swordsmen to have ever lived, managing to slay Ser Arthur Dayne. Even Barristan Selmy didnt want to fuck around with Ned... and Jaime only 'won' because he didn't actually fight him with swords, he shot him up with crossbows.
The show just shits all over that though.
Stannis wins the fight, Ned wins Rob's heart
Didn't Howland Reed need to save Ned's ass? Ned being a badass is just a reputation he has because of that and he doesn't want to show off his skill so it makes people come to conclusions on how amazing he is
That was the show. We're not entirely certain of what happened during the books.
In the books howland reed was a goddamn magical swamp ninja though.
Ned only survived against Arthur because he had a crannogman on his side, one that supposedly has the greensight.
Jaime is better than Arthur Dayne, but he doesn't recognize it because of his idol worship of Dayne. Ned was a better than average swordsman, but it is hinted that Howland Reed did some fuckery at the Tower of Joy.
>See over half NPCs ever written into adventures.
Weapon focus: Warhammer
Charisma 15
Neutral good
Neutral Evil
Spell focus (fireball)
Bad will saves
Lawful good
Weapon specialization (Longsword)
Charisma 20
Strength 18
If not b8, then hi D&D
I'm calling bullshit on Stannis with terrible will saves. Dude was nothing but sheer willpower. Breaks before he should bend and all that.
All of them are shit tier rulers.
>People giving Robert high con/dex/agi/whatfuckever
He got mortally wounded by a fucking boar while drunk. I mean he did kill it with his bare hands, but still
he was also old and fat
guy was probably a bestigor
>poor will
"He will fight to the bitter end and then some."
We are pretty certain. Ned is pretty explicit when he says that he would not be alive if not for Howland Reed at the ToJ. We don't know exactly what Howland did, but it saved Ned from something.
And what's to be expected? Ned was a pretty good swordsmen, but he was going up against three of the best of the best with just some random jamokes at his side.
-10 hp
I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?
Chaotic Good / Lawful Neutral / Neutral Evil
But D&D said that Stannis is evil and Renly is the ruler Westeros needed.
Maybe they think Westeros needs an evil ruler.
Dude on the left looks like RMS
I think you mean his boar hands.
Their interviews are honestly fucking mind boggling.
He also said divergence will happen
No no Ned says the same thing in the books "Without Howland Reed he'd [Dayne] would have had me"
>Arya cares about Needle because it's a weapon of vengeneance
>not caring about its the last thing she has to remember her home and her family because that's gone to shit
Was hoping for this post.
go back to your forge, donal noye.
Well Donal isn't wrong
>implying he is not going to die and burn his daughter in a shitslide known as books
>said 5 people at once
I think he's making the point that all three brothers declared themselves kings when there was a supposedly more rightful candidate already on the throne.
>and then the Others killed everyone
Are there any systems for long-running campaigns that account for the character getting old and becoming a depressed fatass?
It's a quote about Renly:
>“Look at me!" he would shout as he ran laughing through the halls of Storm's End. "Look at me, I'm a dragon," or "Look at me, I'm a wizard," or "Look at me, look at me, I'm the rain god."
>The bold little boy with wild black hair and laughing eyes was a man grown now, one-and-twenty, and still he played his games. Look at me, I'm a king, Cressen thought sadly.”
this doesn't make any of the other kings any less retarded
Stannis is the rightful heir.
He should be burned alive for using clearly evil magic
>suggesting we burn kings alive
Sounds like something an EVIL MAGE would suggest tbqh fampai
it's not blood magic
the lord of light is more like a neutral entity
I say we burn him anyways
So why didn't Renly join forces with Stannis, letting him do all the hard work of actually winning the war, and then getting rid of him when the time is right? Stannis was willing to make him his heir and he's an excellent commander. And nobody would really mind if Stannis was replaced by the massively more popular Renly if an unfortunate accident happened to him.
The Lord of Light is Bloodraven.
There is a bit of weirdness with R'hllor's powers.
Melisandre in the books uses both shadowbinder shit and fire priest shit. So she's not the best example of what a Red Priest can do.
Benerro is a better example, and he just does general fire manipulation.
Because Renly was a shit strategist.
Shut up Preston.
But he is lawful and thats good
Renly was not a smart man.
A charming one, but not smart.
More like awful, amirite?
Because he knew he could win against his brother.
He knew that brother forces are going to join him.
But he was killed by a shadow deamon for maximum grimdark and edge
Renly wanted to be the charismatic leader loved by the people that he believed himself to be, he couldn't do that if he was only aiding another person.
Your PC is a noble man of a small house in the Stormlands, bordering the crownlands.
You have seen the court a couple times in your life, seen Robert and the royal family.
Robert dies, who do you follow.
if you dont pledge stannis after the declararions of ned stark you deserve to die
>pledging to the evil sorcerer
I would much rather follow a gay
Stannis. Renly just seems like a dipshit, and I'm of the every vote counts mind. The more backers Stannis has, the more likely that Renly will lose his.
Maester detected.
Stannis, if I'm a Stormlander, I'm following the guy who is a military leader over the fop.
Stannis held Storm End's, defeated Victarion's fleet and has always done his duty. The throne is his by every law in Westeros, I don't trust the gay who would against his elder brother
By openly disregarding the rules of succession, Renly becoming king would encourage any asshole with military support to try his shot at the Iron Throne.
>inb4 muh right of conquest
>with just some random jamokes at his side.
Really? Like Ned wouldnt take his best, most trusted men to rescue his best friend and now kings fiance, and more importantly, sister?
Northmen may not "technically" have knights, as they didnt buy into the faith of the seven. However, anybody accompanying Ned would have not only been trained since childhood, but have significant combat experience by the end of the rebellion.
Ned wasn't a bright man
But he also isn't retarded
Came in to post this.
>previous campaign
>netural evil
Nigga Stannis is the most Lawful Neutral man Westeros has ever seen.
Usurpation doesn't mean what it used to, I guess.
> not a single Owl Bear stat
I'm proud of you Veeky Forums, you're finally growing up!
Yes, but they're retards.
Not at all. George has given his general idea for what's going to happen, that hmuch is true, but the show is under no contractual obligation to adhere to it, and have already deviated from the books on numerous occasions.
One, Two, and Three, respectively.
Even with the Synergy Rule, all of them together are barely Seven.
Renly would likely have made the better King of the two. Stannis was completely incapable of compromise and negotiation, things that a King have to do.