>Playing D&D in the coffee shop
>Coffee girl keeps giving you dirty looks
Playing D&D in the coffee shop
Well why are you playing in a coffee shop? You seriously need to hide your power level.
Maybe you should try not playing dnd
She's just judging you for nothing playing a better system.
You think she's a GURPS girl?
Maybe it's because you're taking up a table or maybe more and only buying a few things for the few hours you're there
I remain unfazed. And I won't tip her. Not a single cent.
Why would she be giving me dirty looks? I showered.
>be ashamed of what you do for fun
/a/ plz leave
>I won't tip her
Not even a slight grab of the fedora?
I'm glad to see she's turned on by D&D
Though being so upfront in a public place is a little embarassing I get her number
Probably because you're taking up her table space for hours on end without buying as many drinks as a few hours worth of customers would.
I fuckin lost it
Well how legit pissed someone can be at that is based on how busy the place is.
>being so autistic you can't perceive the social consequences
I bet you're the kind of fuckwit who goes around telling people how much you like MLP.
In high school I played at McDonalds and the manager was super cool about it. He'd even give us free small sodas every session!
But, McDonalds doesn't have servers working partly for tips. If you're going to soak up table space don't do it at that sort of place.
Assuming this is in the U.S., a large portion of jobs as a server are only worth it for the tips and it's got to be at least a little frustrating knowing you'll have less opportunities to actually make money when you're doing your job.
>I roll to seduce
Rolled 17 (1d20)
Who gives a fuck what cunts who work in coffee shops think? Oh no, she won't come over and talk to you about how much she loves Blood on the Dance Floor and how J.D. Salinger gets her.
Woe the fuck is you.
Well the good news is she gave you a free coffee.
Bad news is she spelled your name with only numbers and they don't even spell out your name.
She must be kind of stupid.
>other people shouldn't talk about the things they love with other people
Fuck, based on how aggro and strawman you got there you're probably a troll.
I'm done feeding you.
>Dumping wis
Took me a second
Wizards don't use Wis to cast spells B)
>makes a strawman in opening greentext
>calls strawman on the user he's replying to
>"hurr ur trol"
Nice memes.
But my argument stands. You can wriggle and squirm all you want, but the fact is that the negative consequences of being shunned for doing something unpopular usually outweigh the negligible benefits of enthusiastically sperging about it to strangers.
If you don't get this, you have brain problems.
Rolled 15 (1d20)
"Ay yo girl, you shit with that ass?"
ugh you caught my hypocrisy so I'll feed you one last time so I can learn to argue better.
It's about execution
Now go back to /a/ where you can brag about how well you hide the things that you love like you're ashamed of it or some shit
Where is the chill?
oh my lord their isn't any
You know the roll was good, but you just upped the DC with that line...
d100 to see if she has a poop fetish 8 or lower gets it
Rolled 5 (1d100)
"Baby you know I got that good good, you know that sexual healing. Let me get it wet girl."
Servers can eat a dick though. After busting my ass in a kitchen for years, I really do consider them scum who will rub it in your face when they make hundreds of dollars in tips and then bitch and moan when they're making minimum wage, and I absolutely adore not tipping them when I'm eating alone.
She has a poop fetish.
You have wooed the coffee girl.
Congratulations Charlie.
>You have wooed the coffee girl.
8% of the time, it works every time.
>Well the good news is she gave you a free coffee.
>Bad news is she spelled your name with only numbers and they don't even spell out your name.
>She must be kind of stupid.
This is perfect.
Reminds me of some shit that happens to me in games
>be cleric in-game, autist IRL
>doing a mini-dungeon forest lair thing full of pagan spirits that are hanging out near an altar of the faith
>clear out most of it
>get to a dryad sitting on an altar. DM describes her as a sexy forest spirit
>she compliments my character, offers him (and only him) a chance to "rest", since he must be weary
>check hp, spells. I don't need rest. Even if I did, we're less than a day's march from town
>she says something about how powerful and confident my character looks
>Only have 8 charisma, I don't get why she's so insist on me resting. It's probably a trap, I just killed all her buddies
>she seems really insistent on having me rest there, disappointed and hurt-looking when I refuse
>DM later wonders why I didn't take the chance to bone the dryad
Assuming you're American, do average coffee shops really get that busy on a regular day?
In Australia I rarely if ever see a shop with every table taken even at 12-1 unless it's one of the really popular or trendy places.
The only way the server could get angry for that reason is if EVERY table was full and you were denying other possible patrons spots.
Just don't tip the bitch.
Nah, the devil is in the detail. I do food service and bust my ass all day, only getting about 12 bucks on average in tips. It's better than some other places I've worked, where the average was more like 6. The latter was a tourist spot though, and a lot of those people don't really understand the concept of tipping.
There's also the noise to consider.
Lure her into an abandoned building and sacrifice her to Satan.
That's what D&D players do, right?
That was about thirty years ago, nowadays we kind of just shout really, really loudly in their ears the glory of Satan.
Even with our most half-assed unprepared sacrifices to the archenemy, my group at least tries to subject the offering to drugs, blasphemy, and rap music beforehand.
Granted, some bitchy waitress isn't likely to get me that much XP anyway, even if she's kinda cute, so it's a wash. I can usually find a better mark hanging out near catholic schools. Sometimes I don't even need to cast a spell to get them in my van.
They must be playing in South Korea and Japan, where gaming stores are few and living space is minimal. No dining room table D&D in East Asia.
I often played in bars.
I don't need to hide my Veeky Forums power level that much, I just treat it as a fun activity that I do with friends and community building, which it is. The minutia of characters and lore aren't needed for laymen any more than you'd talk about the lore behind Monopoly.
My /a/ stuff I keep on the downlow. It almost inevitably leads down the lewd path. I'm going to Comiket tomorrow. I have told noone.
>The latter was a tourist spot though, and a lot of those people don't really understand the concept of tipping.
It's because you don't understand that tipping doesn't exist in many countries of the world. It's North American/Some European Countries thing, pretty much. There's no tipping in Australia or China, frex.
I see you too have played Shadowrun: Dragonfall
>tfw you want to bone Glory
>dirty looks
What kind of 'dirt' are we talking about?
This is dwarven slang, right?
Oh man. I was enjoying that, but I'm going to have to restart my game.
Tried to make an ugly as shit lady-orc cybered adept. Getting my shit kicked in with the "Test" run with the asshole, wimp, and foreign elf. I'm not well enough equipped and can't talk myself out of the situation.
Also, it doesn't play nice with smartphones. Probably better I stuck to PC play.
Shadowrun has always seemed, to me anyway, to be a game where insane specialization is needed. Not so much in Harebrain's take on it, but its still there.
>I've learned to always put points into Chr and nuyen into better guns
>8/10 would use as Dwarven flirting
No one has ever busted their ass in a kitchen, true story. Robots will do your job before they do hers, and literally nothing a chef does except make the food not shit matters. Servers actually have to provide an experience, anyone can learn to cook.
>avg of 12 bucks
>shitty avg of 6
Nigger, PLEASE tell me you're talking about $ per table, and not shift.
I've done the service industry jobs. I've worked my ass off for a pile of loose change from grown-ass adults. And I am NEVER going back.
I will, however, tip well when the server is deserving of the top and actually treats us like humans.
>No one has ever busted their ass in a kitchen
A lie
He's still an edgelord fuckhead for shitting on server but kitchens are hard work.
hot work too. fuck ovens and stoves man.
I worked in a kitchen that used to be a maintenance closet or some shit. 3 people, an oven and a fryer
>literally nothing a chef does except make the food not shit matters.
yeah and that takes a lot of work dickhead
fuck off, serving is the easiest shit ever, all you do is carry shit and say stupid jokes for tips
>I see you too have played Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Unfortunately, I have not played any Shadowrun vidja games, despite my fondness of the setting.
I was just using "Archenemy" in its use as one of many names or euphemisms for Satan. You know, like "The Adversary", "The Beast", "The Devil", "Lucifer", "Beelzebub", "The Prince of Darkness", and so on and so forth.
Fuck working as a dishwasher. It was one of the worst work experiences of my life
>16 years old
>friend hooks me up with a bussing job at this big German fish fry place
>3 weeks later
>normal dishwasher guy never shows up, get pulled to do dishwashers by myself.
> on that Catholic holiday where you can only eat fish
>8 hours, place was constantly full
>so many dishes
>literally formed a head high wall around me
>had to work with a home made dishwasher
I quit on the spot after my shift was up, got a job in retail instead.
>Those paps look as soft and rare as gold. Mind if I bite to test the purity?
I worked at a dishwasher for some SA immigrant's ribhouse once. Fucked my shoulder up because his shithead son was standing in front of the dishes tray and wouldn't move, so I had to reach for it at an awkward as fuck angle.
Couldn't come to work the next day because of it, had to go to the A&E, and they fired me for it.
Joke's on them, it was a job given to me by a government agency and when I complained about it they got screwed so hard they had to shut the whole place down.
Yes, per shift. Some places around her, the boss takes the tips which, in some cases, the workers are too afraid to say shit even though it's illegal as fuck.
Yes, it is because tipping doesn't exist where they come from. It's not a concept they understand, which I'm perfectly fine with.
Shit, I've tip shared with some other servers and the bartenders before, but that's a whole new level of stupid.
Were you at least getting minimum wage? I got about $50 a shift, on average, but I was earning $2 an hour for serving wages.
You live in a Tea Land. Coffee shops in the US/Canada get filled up pretty often.
t. former coffeesman from ameriburg
>playing shadowrun in an illegal club
>drug dealer keeps giving you dirty looks
Coffee shops in north america tend to be pretty busy all day
>go to swedish coffee house
>waiter keeps giving you dirty sanchez
You've obviously never served at a busy restaurant before. It's not easy work.
Neither is working in a kitchen though.
He said a better system
There are definite peaks and lows depending on local events and stuff.
Found the person who can't cook for shit.
Nigger you cant be serious.
>Playing Traveller on the ISS
>Astronauts keep giving you friendly smiles and water bladders
>can't actually roll dice because lol no gravity
>game gets ruined when we try to use RNG from a calculator
>end up earthwatching
There's a thin line between "she's giving me a dirty look" and "she wants it dirty once her shift is over". Pretend you're playing Werewolf and that's your primal attraction working on her.
I don't know if it's the knot, the fur, or the muscles, but good lord do female Rpers love them. Can't count the number of times I've been asked to play as one.
tfw no qt FATE gf
Have fun! :3
I'm going to put this in a location description to let players know that they are coming up on some fucked up shit.
Rolled 12 (1d20)
Rolling constitution to prevent explosive diarrhea from the entire pot of coffee I drank myself as she looks on
GURPS is the better system, its just kind of a bitch to run and its hard enough to find GM's as it is.
Or. You could just be respectful of the societal expectations of an environment.
The girl isn't shooting you dirty looks for playing tabletop, she's shooting you dirty looks for blatantly disregarding the fucking unwritten rules of what a coffee shop is and isn't for.
This is not about 'powerlevel', this is about societal expectation.
You don't go into your FLGS and start playing soccer there.
If you want to play D&D in a coffee shop, fine, but there are consequences for that, as the other user said.
Those might range from stares to exclusion and there's nothing wrong with that.
What's your CON save?
Why didn't you murder the Dryad too? One Job.
>playing Deathwatch at cantina
>waitress keeps giving you salsa and shots of tequila
>You don't go into your FLGS and start playing soccer there
First, it's called football, second
>what a coffee shop is and isn't for.
lol what the fuck? Why exactly can't you play a DnD game in a coffee shop? It's literally the same thing as having a conversation with dice and shit.
God forbid one or two buys a coffee at a dead hour while we clean up around them.
Saved so I can fap to dem titties.
>No one has ever busted their ass in a kitchen,
It ain't exactly heavy manual labor but I'm sure they put it more ass busting than the servers.
>Robots will do your job before they do hers
But I can already order online, pick up my food or use a tablet/computer to order inside.
Her job is already being outsourced to ipads.
I don't see Apple grilling my sirloin to perfection anytime soon.
>Joke's on them, it was a job given to me by a government agency and when I complained about it they got screwed so hard they had to shut the whole place down.
Statism is no laughing matter.
>salinger ref
Never heard of magnets?
I don't see apple bringing me my duck magret and my bottle of red bourgogne anytime soon either.
>you've never done 9 hours in a kitchen
>with maybe 7 minutes total in breaks because the orders just keep coming
>you've never burned your hand so badly you almost passed out, but couldn't afford to because there is no one else to do your job
>you've never cooked food to perfection, only to have it sent back because the server couldn't read their own fucking writing
>you've never been about to clock off when the manager popped his head in and asked you to stay another 6 hours because the next chef isn't coming in
But, and for this I feel most sorry for you:
>you've never been forged by the fire of the kitchen into a closely knit team, and knocked off after 15 grueling hours, craving nothing more than bed, only to end up drinking cold beer on overturned milk crates for the rest of the night with some of the best human beings on the planet.
Enjoy your catty, cut-throat world of waiting.
Great thread OP
>Order shit online with iPad.
Thanks for bringing me that bottle of red bourgogne
I wish people would stop acting all superior over doing jobs like stacking shelves serving or whatever. I worked in retail for years (just got out, thank god). It's demanding, yes, but it's nothing to brag about.
Is this some sort of sunk cost fallacy? Is it a mental shield people erect so they don't have to confront the fact that they're a glorified menial slave?
I ask politely what the problem is and try to fix it. Not sure why the hell I'm playing in a coffee shop, though, I generally hate anything that involves being around large groups of unfamiliar people.
Its the knot. I know a girl who has one of the bad dragon werewolf dicks.