The Deathwatch Codex has been released. It's time to examine the new lore and art.
Are you up for some Xenos purging?
The Deathwatch Codex has been released. It's time to examine the new lore and art.
Are you up for some Xenos purging?
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Normally I roll my eyes and NEW SPESS MAHRINE
But I think Deathwatch are cool
So is anyone else curious as to why most of the DW stuff seems to be fairly priced money wise and then bikers just have a retarded price?
>BT in Deathwatch
Yes, and?
>putting a zealot in a pragmatic task force
dis gon be gud
Don't the Deathwatch have a "banishment" angle to them?
If you can put a Space Wolf and a Blood Raven in the same team and turn them in the best bros, of course you can teach a zealot to follow a strategy thatvos not charge at the guy accused of heresy.
How many Marines from a chapter are typically in the Deathwatch?
You obviously don't know the four tenets of the Black Templar.
1. Purge the Mutant
2. Purge the Heretic.
3. Purge the Xeno.
4. For the Emperor.
Seeing as the Deathwatch is all about number 3. Having a BT Zealot among their ranks, isn't a big surprise.
And that's all the art in the new book? Any comments on its quality?
Its tresh.
>Any comments on its quality?
Its actually good, a bit too clean for my liking but its good art.
Moving on to the lore.
Turns out what people said about the Deathwatch being the chamber militant of the Ordos Xenos is wrong.
They are two separate organization that tend to work with each other. However, the Deathwatch will not hesitate to go after Ordos Xenos inquisitors if they are suspected of using Xeno Tech.
>suspected of using Xeno Tech.
Its a ok when deathwatch uses necron swords.
Or shields made of soulstones.
This is a map of the Xenos threats across the galaxy.
>Turns out what people said about the Deathwatch being the chamber militant of the Ordos Xenos is wrong.
Several codices and novels endorse the fact the Deathwatch serves the Inquisition.
Also, by your pic, it seems the DW are now more puritan than inquisitors themselves.
I dunno you guys, but for me there's a subtly smell of 'retcon' in the air.
Choose a watch to join, anons.
This image is strangely adorable, for some reason. You can almost hear the marine going "OhfuckohfuckohFUCK" as he pumps his stubby little legs to go full throttle.
Most fun is having a Raptors sneeki beeki operator sniper in the same kill team as a Space Wolves sneeki beeki operator knife maniac. Two violently different sides of a coin.
I mean that's the whole point of a proper kill-team anyway? To get members of wildly different backgrounds and skills operating operationally together and relying on each other's said skills?
According to this, out of all the hundreds of chapters, only one Space Marine chapter refused or is refusing to send marines to the Deathwatch.
Which chapter is it?
Silly marines. The Eldar and Tau do not hate mankind. Also all those primitive races you wiped out did not.
right, right; what about the harlequins? did they dance the marines pants off? did eldrad succeed?
Is that force commander hair gel?
>Iron Hands are leaving their "flesh is weak" attituded.
The codex does not go into that event. If you want to learn the lore buy the box set.
I love these banners, brilliant designs.
Its Artemis from inquisitor rpg.
After their ordeal with the Sapphire Prince, they reformed their chapter and changed their ways.
How to win against the Eldar? Troll them into going full aggro.
Newfag here, what the frak happened?
>The Eldar and Tau do not hate mankind.
...Grey Knights?
I don't want to spoil it. Download the Clan Ruukan supplement from the 40K general OP links and read it.
Can you share pfd?
Does that guy have a heavy bolter with an underslung flamer?
>Tarellian dog fighters
Self fulfilling prophecy.
Bonus points for however draws the connection.
You got rused, son.
> Deathwatch and Grey Knights team up to relocate an Ork WAAAGH! to the eye of terror
Ding ding. You got it.
They would never pledge men to the Deathwatch to begin with. It's probably the Astral Claws or someone similar who just decided to give the =I= the finger.
Rad Scorpions?
Monkey business is serious business.
doubtful, but not impossible
That's what a Chamber Militant does - the GK and Sisters aren't a part of the Inquisition, but they work very closely with them, and often work together, but if there's, say, a demonic incursion, the GK aren't going to wait around for an inquisitor.
And Radical inquisitors going too far is old lore as well - nothing new here, no retcon
>A truly disgusting fate
What do they mean by this?
> Retards try to shoot at a SPESS MONKEY ship
> Get shot at by 20,000 fucking LASCANNONS
All I can hear is deafening monkey howling and hooting noises as the deathwatch runs away
That's some grade A warcrimes over here. The Exodites did nothing wrong. They are blameless of that craftworld's crimes.
It ain't a warcrime if the victims aren't human. This. This is just animal cruelty.
But it worked. There are two things that piss off the Biel-Tan: Orks and killing exodites.
damn deathwatch doesn't play around
What if you kill Exodites by channeling a Waaagh into their system?
>Thought for the Day: DON'T START NO SHIT WON'T BE NO SHIT
Wolves and Ravens don't have any particular enmity against each other. Wolves and Dark Angels do.
If you mean the Space Wolf. Yes, yes he does.
You are probably thinking about the Blackshield. Blackshields are Deathwatch marines who, rather than just repaint their armor black and drop their left pauldron, repaint their whole armor, there by severing any ties they had with their parent chapter. The reason for this decision can include banishment from his chapter or a penitent exile, but can also include having his chapter wiped out or have everyone in his chapter turn traitor but him or if you really want a special snowflake, turn traitor but then turn back to the Emperor
As a general rule though, no. For the most part, marines are chosen to join the Deathwatch either by an inquisitor of the Ordo Xeno or by a senior marine who has connections to Deathwatch. Many chapters see seconding to the Deathwatch as a high honor and worthy of praise or celebration. Other chapters see it more as a solemn duty they must uphold or as another form of inquisitors nosing into their business. Only a few chapters see seconding as a bad thing, and that is mainly due to having veteran brothers drawn away from their own campaigns.
Actually, according to the FFG lore (Honour the Chapter), Space Wolves have a dislike for the Blood Ravens.
>cautionary lesson
Oh, but that was sly.
Being Xeno servents of other Xeno? Thats pretty disgusting.
Why would the Dark Eldar recruit Slaaneshi cultists as their servants, though?
Why are space wolves such cunts? Do they get along with anyone?
The grey knights should have just nuked them from orbit, fucking furry demonic fucks
How did freaking Rogue Traders get info about what's going on in the Dark City? That's troubling.
they like to play with fire, did you know that fabius bile is a local celebrity or that lucius is a fan favorite in their fight clubs?
>Do they get along with anyone
With the White Scars or any aggressive chapter.
Dark Eldar contacts. I think a couple of the RT supplements are set in Commoragh and enable you to create a wych or kabalite character.
Are they all Mongolian warriors?
>C'tan Shard
Le wat?
Also is it wise to destroy the vault containing a C'tan shard and thus unleashing it on the galaxy?
>Inquisitor Gao
Devour humans. Gao gao.
>TTS!Lucius doing a show in Commorragh.
Thanks for the images, asshole.
Xeno slave traders which might make them get cozy with a kabal and gather info that way, they got a carte blanche from the emps to do whatever, literally "Im a rogue trader, aint gotta explain shit".
>no Blood Ravens
>Orks invent a way to break the stalemate with the Nids and perhaps win the war
>The Imperials come in to ruin everything and loot it
Oh Zog off, you blasted humie gitz.
Eh, it's been seen before, but note that it's "shadow", not "aura" or "strength in the warp" - the shard is so anti-psychic that it trips off sensors
There's a (fairly well-known) reason they don't get along with the BR, but they're actually pals with the Knights iirc
Both use xenos mercenaries, for one thing
Seeing pictures of the Imperium's aircraft is always hilarious. They're always these absurdly-designed, unaerodynamic flying bricks.
>Deathwatch for Farsight to leave before trashing his home
Craven gutless cowards.