Post your godly things
Post your godly things
Anything smaller and a bit more subdued?
Not all gods should be gigantic monstrosities
I'm kind of fed up with the idea of gods walking among mortals in a smaller form. It's nice to see something enormous and clearly divine/otherworldly once in a while.
I really like this one
Jerked it to this image so many times already
I kinda like how every single one of his mouths manages to have that shit-eating grin.
>It's nature I ain't gotta explain shit
For some reason I think "Spider goddess" looking at that
I guess I found the inspiration for Shadows over Innistrad
Funny, to me it's more Mother Night
>8 limbs
>for some reason
i wonder
...I was honestly thinking it had more to do with the spindlyness of the limbs
I never see this image posted in these threads. Does that mean everyone already has it?
I've never seent it before.
Flip this image horizontally or so help me I will become the myojin of infinite rage and burn down your house.
i don't actually play mtg i just like this picture... so... i don't really understand your post sorry.
I think he's pissed because the pictures line up with the color wheel ...or at least they would, if it was mirrored.
oh. well mirroring the images will likely trigger someone else. i didn't make the image though.
Get out of here brony
A bit of an odd request.
Does anybody have some designs featuring a faceless (or masked) humanoid, with some sort of runes or where the face should be?
It's a clip from "the wall" that movie pink Floyd did
if you want the specific song/scene, look up 'Goodbye Blue Sky'.
i know this isnt the place for requests, but the thread topic is too similar to pass up
i remember seeing a picture a while ago of a very massive cosmic being creating the earth with all sorts of structures and parts as almost as if the the earth was a massive puzzle to put together.
i know thats very vague, but if anyone has anything similar, please try.
here is something in return
>"Whatcha gonna do?"
I think some lewd user on here wrote a fapfic about that image
Post beautiful goddesses.
Not beautiful. Rejected.
Not a goddess at this point of time. Disqualified.
Appeared like that during 3rd impact, so nyah.