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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
How big is the cargo ship you get in the 40k jump?
More like mammaries, amirite? Eh? EH?
I wonder how hard it'd be to create a retrovirus which made our species futa and female.
I've gotta admit, it's the most effort I've ever seen put in by a troll. They tried so very, very hard.
I still don't know how I managed to make this jumpable. It felt like a drunken dare until 0.9ish.
Boktai work continues as soon as I am done reading Anima books.
I don't think it's a troll. There is that drive of lewd jumps after all. It just seems like the kind of person who posts in /cyoag/ making a jump.
It makes me happy that I have access to angelroids. Thank you.
It's actually not bad. It won't ever make it on the drive, but it's not bad.
The saddest thing is that there's been like 3 generic porn jumps. The people who make them are really uncreative with the jumps they make.
It's a DD jump from last year. Hell yes it was only posted to troll.
I see we should have waited longer for a new thread so you would have hopefully died by the time it was made.
You going somewhere, user?
Maybe. But they're so bad at it that I'm assuming it was intentional.
Is it wrong that I am amused that a porn jump is made by someone known as DD?
It's wrong to keep talking about it.
I'm sorry user, I'll stop triggering you now.
People can talk about whatever they want. If you don't like it, start talking about something interesting. Like what jumps people are making.
Yes user, you can go on a long, long rant about your hemorrhoids too. That doesn't mean it belongs here.
Are you kidding? Most of the perks have nothing to do with lewdness, a large chunk of them are outright ridiculous (conjoined conjures is being sold for 400), and it offers a free slotless Companion if this is your first Jump. It's a textbook example of what not to do.
I'm looking forward to Boktai, actually.
Which background are you guys going to go for?
You're very welcome, user.
Honestly, I've never had a problem with lewd jumps. Veeky Forums in general is pretty accepting of lewd content, or at least it used to be back in the good old days.
Remember when they said Veeky Forums is impossible to troll? I find it kinda sad that just posting a jump from a lewd setting (even Monster Musume, which is a decent jump and apparantly just disliked because the author trolled the thread) causes anons to sperg out so hard.
What's the worst that would happen if lewd jumps were allowed with proper quality control? People would talk about lewd things? Oh no.
i like that it sets the table, i dont need the details i can make those myself. the perks are both general and specific enough that i kno what they mean and i can go from there. i'll end up jumping it.
He's probably the one that posted it.
That is exactly what the ban was intended to prevent, yes.
Besides the anons who are anti-lewd all the time, there are those of us who are okay with lewd, but don't want it to consume the thread.
Because that's what's happened every other time it's happened in other generals. It becomes this pervasive, ever present thing, and sometimes I just want to talk about things that aren't dicks and tits.
Plus, it's not like there aren't a ton of lewd applications for otherwise benign powers. If you need a jump dedicated to lewd, then you're not very good at lewd.
Old fashioned and lazy trolling again.
It's precisely because we knows damn well how much we like lewd stuff that they're banned from /jc/. Otherwise it would be All Magical Realm, All The Time.
It's a slippery slope, user. Once /jc/ starts making lewd jumps it's a downward spiral. We won't be able to stop. We're wise enough to know that.
Better than this new wave no effort crap we've been getting. Lousy millennials.
You know that shitposter who pops up whenever someone mentions Tamamo no Mae? Imagine that was every single thread forever. That's /cyoag/.
I would like a perk to find people who are into your weird and fucked up fetishes, though. That's about the only thing I can't get elsewhere.
Telepathy will let you do that, user.
Undead are friends, not foes.
Yeah but that's not very romantic.
And isn't romance the weirdest most fucked up fetish of them all?
You need to man up, user.
How can you call yourself a real Jumper if you can't even grab Telepathy and build a perverted AI-driven Cerebro for the sole purpose of finding your fucked up brethren?
They're horrible lays, and for that reason alone they should be dismissed.
Dullahan are exempt from this.
Dullahan are just zombies with removable heads.
On conjoined conjures, the other perks in cardcaptor are fairly low to mid powered. If it were being offered in a higher-powered jump, it could be at 3-400.
Why I Choose You from Captain Planet can do this.
What's that I smell? Is that the smell of a butthurt skelly?
Taimanin Asagi jump when?
Just telling you that if you like dullahans you should give regular zombies a chance too. Don't be racist.
>the other perks in cardcaptor are fairly low to mid powered
Okay, now I know you're baiting.
> Build an advanced AI with the power to scan people's minds.
> You've made sure it's absolutely loyal to you. At no point will it ever divulge your secrets.
> Eagerly it wishes to begin its first task.
> "I want you... to find all the people in the world with these lists of fetishes!"
> "w-what?"
You didn't know that the minute he started posting about a lewd jump?
Zombies are to dullahans as Fiats are to Ferraris. If I'm going to drive something, I want the ride to be worthwhile.
>"What is my purpose?"
>"You serve butter."
That's so old it's not even bait anymore. It's a fossil.
You just have to be friends, user.
I have a question on the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
Can I pierce points of death at range with throwing knives?
What about them is high-powered? There are good utility perks in there, but nothing that seems to grant anything close to the potential/power as something like Naruto, One Piece, Touhou, Blame, Worm, or SMT.
I don't know. I see a pattern of lewd cyoa comes out -> user talks about lewds. Non-lewd cyoa comes out -> user talks about non-lewds.
It's just... remember Veeky Forums working out the specifics of the rape factory? Or the spider capacity of a drow vagina? I feel like Veeky Forums used to face the lewd, let the lewd pass over and through them, and where it had gone only discussion and OC remained.
I'm maybe not articulating this right, but I just feel that we've lost something. and I know that /jc/ is different than Veeky Forums as a whole. But I've seen this all over the board, that anything remotely lewd is met with screams of "nice magical realm faggot" instead of the fun discussion and creativity we used to have.
If we allowed lewd we would become like /cyoa/ general and we would end up talking about lewd 75% of the time.
Awesome. I'm asking for the sake of my ultimate assassin build.
I'm going to combine the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception with Rakansen from Wuxia and Transporter from Worm to give me the ability to instantaneously kill anything within my line of sight using enchanted throwing knives and the monomolecular wire from Hellsing.
>fun discussion and creativity we used to have.
We lost that a long time ago, friend.
A LONG time ago.
I don't know if you're aware, but that perk is soft-banned. Nobody likes you taking it.
We're not the board as a whole and we don't care what other threads do. If you hate our standards go back to the general, it's right there.
Nah, it's from QQ, by the same idiot trying to make a Bleach jump on SB. DD at least had a vague concept of balance. It seems that shitposters are dragging stuff over from QQ again.
What's really hilarious is that DD left in his hissy fit without giving drive clearance to anyone else, so the lewd drive is dead and they just post their crap in the thread.
That reminds me, has anyone tried to make their own folder that links to the official JC folder so the non-signed in view doesn't include his drive in the top bar?
>Nobody likes you taking it.
Nobody likes anyone doing anything in these threads that isn't arguing, your point?
Get over it.
I know, I know. And it really kills me. But I don't think it has to be gone forever. We have some good stuff here, just tainted with too much knee-jerk shitstorming and accusations of trolling. When we're that easy to troll, trolls appear.
I know /jc/ isn't the board as a whole, but I feel that it's a bit of a symptom of the board-wide culture. Ignore that part if you like. And I do like /jc/. I'm talking about the standards and culture of Jumpchain, and how I feel that some of them restrict good OC and that it's not a good trade-off. We can have a discussion about this without people getting mad or shitstorming. I know we can.
Well, see, the issue here is you're correlating the board's experience as being applicable to a single thread. And by that I mean, aside from there being some cultural differences due to the decrease in sample size, the fact that we're only a single thread means that any upheavals effect us more than the rest of the board.
If /jc/ turns lewd? The board couldn't give less of a shit. They'll still have about fifty other threads at any given time to talk about other shit. And indeed, I've seen magical realm threads dedicate to fetish sharing as recent as last week. It's not that big a deal.
But if we want to talk about jumpchain? This thread is all we have. We can't really go somewhere else to talk about jumpchain.
And it's not as if we're making this shit up about how we'll only talk about lewd from paranoia. We actually have precedent on this. It's happened before, in other threads. For some reason, there's a significant portion of people who can't keep it in their pants once the floodgates are open. So it's better if we keep them closed.
.Ensoul allows you to create sapient magical items that possess any of your magical abilities and are completely loyal to you.
Moon Battery doubles the power of all of your magical abilities and rapidly regens your mana at night.
Final Judgment causes a person to permanently lose all of their memories regarding their most loved person.
Interference makes you immune to all illusions and continuous magical effects.
Generous Donation allows you to permanently give one of your magical abilities to another person.
Spirit Sight allows you to detect ghosts and spirits regardless of how they conceal themselves.
Spell Sensitivity allows you to sense all magic across a city-wide area and makes your magic and your relatives' magic impossible to hide from you.
Ctr-Z undoes ALL damage and negative effects inflicted by enemies on the environment except for loss of life regardless of scale after you beat them.
Safety First makes all of your spells and magical items impossible to wield against you.
Danger Sense gives you precognition for when your family, friends, and companions are going to be in danger and how to avert it, as well as knowing if they need immediate help and their exact location if they do.
We've been like this since the start. This isn't new. Go away.
Yeah, well fuck them.
Schools out for the weekend, he's in a bad mood, and he has nothing better to do but troll this thread.
I honestly support them making another Bleach jump, but holy hell are they bad at it.
>We've been like this since the start.
>implying we can't change for the better
Probably just don't WANT to change for the better.
>Ensoul allows you to create sapient magical items that possess any of your magical abilities and are completely loyal to you.
Shit, really? Can I choose not to make them be sapient?
>We can have a discussion about this without people getting mad or shitstorming. I know we can.
The problem is that if we start discussion of lewds, we never stop. It would overtake all other discussion, forever, all talk of builds, jumps, and writefaggotry being subsumed under a neverending sea of hedonistic debauchery. You think I'm wrong? See /cyoag/. They've been totally taken over by the /d/fags, and we won't be next, thank you very much.
A good argument about the board/thread culture. I appreciate the point you're making, but there's a couple things I don't get.
Firstly, talking about lewd Jumpchain would still be Jumpchain. But maybe people feel that's not so, so I won't push that point.
Secondly, if a bunch of people are talking about lewds, what stops other anons from talking about other things? We have an infinite amount of talking space here. The thread can support more than one conversation at a time. I just don't really see it as a loss of non-lewd conversation, just the addition of another lewd conversation.
>Secondly, if a bunch of people are talking about lewds, what stops other anons from talking about other things?
The inability for the lewd-talkers to keep it in their pants. They would do anything they can to turn any conversation lewd and everything would go to shit.
It's not a good idea to take the mystic eyes of death perception without tons of mental stability and regen.
I certainly hope you don't mind crippling aneurisms all the time that only get worse as you go.
Why would you bother? Their loyalty to you is absolute. I mean like "the NPCs of Nazarick" level loyalty.
>You think I'm wrong? See /cyoag/. They've been totally taken over by the /d/fags, and we won't be next, thank you very much.
I see both kinds of conversation there depending on what kind of OC is posted. I feel like that's a bit of an overstatement.
Not to mention:
>Hey jumpmaker
>Pls add lewd option here
>what do you mean you don't want to put lewd in your jump
>lewd is allowed now
>jumpmaker do what I say or I'll rant about it for 50 posts at least
Because I don't want my tools to be sapient. I just want them to be tools.
This. We've already got enough entitlement bullshit running rampant, this would make it worse.
Looks like you get to choose if you really want to have them alive or not with that whole being/item thing.
Just don't bother feeding his bait, user.
I doubt people would start requesting that big dildos become an item option in Harry Potter. Things would still need to fit the setting.
This issue with arguments like that is that those same people would, by their very nature, find something else to shitpost about. A better solution is that people who want lewd jumps can make their own thread.
> I just don't really see it as a loss of non-lewd conversation, just the addition of another lewd conversation.
Hah! Not to be rude or come off as a prude, but I conclude you haven't seen the lewd in the /cyoag/, dude.
Oh god, you're the MGE shitposter popping up again.
Is it possible to put forth an opinion on this subject that isn't regarded as bait? I haven't insulted, been rude, or even used any logical fallacies that I'm aware of. I just have a different opinion on this, and I wanted to discuss it and see the thread's reasoning on this subject.
>Things would still need to fit the setting
Have you seen the flood of "your setting isn't special, it doesn't matter, jumpers get special treatment" posts lately? Those anons don't care about whether something fits the setting, they want to be catered to.
No, but they'd demand lewd charms and items. Magic big dildos, for instance. Or maybe a prophecy where if you fuck all the named grills in the setting, you win some shit.
>it's on the top of the list.
>it can't meet your gaze.
what's a good way to get sick transitions between forms? Like, most shapeshifting perks could probably get you most of the way there, but if there happens to be a perk that does it that would be better
They could certainly try. I somehow doubt they'd get much of an audience for it, though.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and they'd get twice the audience of /jc/. Could go either way, really.
Thanks for the politeness, see for my opinion. Seems to be a bit of a boogyman to me.
Yes, yes. Anyone who disagrees with you is precisely the same person. Get over yourself. I'm not in favor of this thread being contaminated by lewd shit, I'm in favor of this stupid fucking argument being resolved.
Power Rangers and Inuyasha have stuff like that.
That's how it's always been. We're not a diverse community, we're actually a hivemind and it's always one single person who shits on everything. Always one person who spends every minute he can plotting to drive away jumpmakers and kill /jc/. Haven't you been listening to the Red Knights?
We have a lot of boogiemen that the mere hint of their involvement crushes a lot of conversation.
Hence why we mostly just powerwank and not much else.
Ended up idly having a look at the Les Miserables jump.
Noticed that there's a note at the top saying that "For the Duration of this Jump, everything you say will be sung."
Not actually seen the musical but I can only assume that it's not constant singing, just looked at the trailer of the movie and there are clearly some speaking bits.
Anyone know why this is/if this has come up before?
It's an SJ-Chan jump, there's going to be quirks and such that make you go "bwuh?"