Should the traditional games industry be subsidized by the government?
Should the traditional games industry be subsidized by the government?
should you have even bothered making this thread?
Get rid of quests, they said. They're drowning out all the real threads, they said. It'll improve the board, they said.
No. Let the free market handle it. We don't need Obongo whetting his beak in anything else.
Lower prices on physical sourcebooks and 40k models would be nice but communizing it is not the way to go.
Remember to sage
/v/ memes, he posted.
You're fucking retarded.
It's a luxury good industry, so no.
It's also an industry that won't have most of its staff replaced by robots, and has a niche that can't currently be replaced by complete commercial packages (vidya) due to the large social interaction component so should hang on well enough by itself.
Not directly but particular projects/new games should be able to apply for cultural grants, subject to restrictions drawn up by civil servants with some knowledge of the industry. Similar to independent cinema and the like.
>Should the government
No, I feel like the very moment the government gets involved with something, that's when moral crusaders come in swinging a stick. Do you really want hilary going on about how we need to limit swords in d&d?
Which government?
Doesn't matter really. Traditional games are luxury, not a necessity. It's fine if they subsidize healthcare, education, and public works and utilities, but there's no reason for government to have anything to do with a luxury market. It's a waste of public resources that could be better used on the aforementioned things.
Full disclosure that I have no fucking idea how the US government works, so I don't know, maybe they do fund random shit, but in my country, shit like this is unheard of.
At the very best it could profit from tax breaks, but no subsidies at all.
State subsidies for culture and entertainment are the worst things who ever happened to culture and entertainment.
Should OP be regulated by the government?
That would make a lot of sense.
I don't mean publishers, definitely not those like Hasbro or GW.
But what about other subsidies?
When a group meets at their local library every week to play, that's government subsidy. When a community center is given to a RPG convention for a weekend every year free of charge, that's subsidy. When a teacher oversees an afternoon games club at school, they're getting paid. And that kind of support should be offered everywhere, at schools, at libraries, at community centers, in the mayor's office, ...
And not just for roleplaying, for any sensible hobby that is not fully commercialized. Anything is better than hanging around malls, and nothing builds community like doing things together.
Prisons are much more expensive than parks and libraries. And what happens when teenagers are marginalized in the community and must turn to more excluding circles for socialization can easily be seen in poor urban school districts.
I'm not saying it's roleplaying subsidies or prisons. But I am saying it is either things like roleplaying, or things like prisons.
>It's fine if they subsidize healthcare, education
Fuck it's not.
"Free" healthcare is inefficient, not free, and is a waste of money
It should be private, with the poorest people just getting treatment from MSF or some other charity if they can't afford normal one
public education is trash too.
Get back in the gas chamber, questfag.
Literally today I have just seen a bunch of /pol/ shitposts on Veeky Forums. Why? Has someone been posting Veeky Forums bait shit over there?
Where the fuck are the mods?
yes it is.
"Free" healthcare is efficient, not free and a good way of spending money.
It should be public, with the poorest people also getting treatment from the government and public education is fine too.
Should anything NOT be subsidized by the government? Why would anyone be able to do anything without The government intervening? The government should choose the books you read, the woman you marry, the school you attend and the job you work at. Anyone that disagrees is an horrible egoist that can't compromise his "personal freedom" with the common good and should be shot.
>is efficient,
While I'm not against the idea of single-payer healthcare, I've seen the poor excuse for health-care that exists in most single-payer systems.
I had to wait 2.5 hours to get seen by a doctor for a fucking stab wound to the gut, and that was after a half-hour of waiting.
This was the nail in the coffin for my absolute hatred of Britain, alongside getting robbed three times, getting a ticket for assault for defending myself the last time, and just generally mocked because of my Texan accent.
>poorest people should get free shit
Fuck off commie
Maybe they should try getting a job?
It's really not that difficult to stop being poor, unless you live in some socialist hellhole.
>the woman you marry
>the job you work at
Seems like I might come out ahead in this super sarcastic hypothetical system of yours.
>>inb4 The mods ban everyone that's against public healthcare for offtopic in Veeky Forums while the libtards 'tard on undisturbed
Happened once and will happen again.
Dare I ask why this thread exists? No. It's a shit thread.
You get ugly landwhale, and job is in a coal mine :^)
Seems like an improvement to my current situation to me, mate.
So unemployed then?
Your entire board should be wiped from the face of Veeky Forums. You cancerously shitpost across every board, and then blame conspiracy or libluls or the fact your politics are just too damn edgy for normies when people rightly bitch you out for it.
Bringing /pol/ back was the worst mistake moot ever made. Everyone in this thread, including me, should be banned for offtopic on Veeky Forums.
Sure, mining unit 354367874578. Enjoy your wedding night with Nbudu.
Good ol West Virginia
So poor people shouldn't get an education?
Well, I'm glad they won't have any healthcare, so when they all turn to crime, they'll die.
I now have a job and a wife.
The system really works.
The trick to getting by in this country is keeping your had down. If you keep to crowded areas to avoid getting caught alone, you'll be fine. Failing that, if you have to defend yourself, you kill him and leave the city.
Dude, you'd have to wait in Texas too unless you are wealthy or in fuck-all nowhere. Any urban hospital has wait times in the hours, but in the US we have the privilege of trying to convince our insurance that a stab wound really did require an ER visit while the hospital sells the debt and a financial firm takes you to collections.
Well, nothing's stopping them from getting a job to get money, or getting some useful skills.
>I need college degree to be successful
What board? What are you even going on about retard?
I've only been either Here Or on /d/ since 2008. You're The only shitposter invader here.
What is this, Mega-city 1? I could understand just staying out of bad neighborhoods in a city, but stay together in a group in the whole city or you might be mugged or worse? What do your police even do if that is an actual problem if it is real?
>It's really not that difficult to stop being poor
Yeah! Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps like all us rich people did!
Are you allright bro?
I love how you say that, but you literally can't just get more skills or a job - and you definitely blame NATO, free trade, the Democrats, etc. for the economy or unemployment.