Hey do you guys go to FNM?
Ocasionally if several of my friends who play mtg are available. Depends on if I like the block as well. New innistrad is fun but theros and bfz were both very boring
I used to religiously, but stopped when the sets became less interesting to me.
Don't play Standard or Modern, and I don't care for limited.
so no.
depends, my local shop has a tuesday and friday event one being modern the other being standard and it switches between the 2 every week, so i'll play fnm if it's modern.
Nope. Mostly because by interpretation of the only store in our town, "night" means "we're starting at 4pm". I'm working the usual 9-5 and even if I manage to cut my work 1 hour shorter by skipping lunch break, it would still require me to somehow transport myself instantaneously halfway across the town.
No. I think the last time I did was in 2008.
No. I don't think I could associate with the fuckbois I have seen at the lgs near me.
Pretty much every week.
should i buy one of these duel decks or a premade deck from this dan guy if I'm very new and trying to get into this game? my coworkers play casually during breaks and lunch and I'd like to play too. they told me to buy an intro pack called eldritch moon but i thought i'd ask here first. my budget is $50-100 because i don't even know if I'll like it. i watched them play today, it was pretty cool
posting this here because there is no casual thread and the other thread told me they were more professional than casual
Intro packs are okay, but severely underpowered by design so even a newer player can see "Oh hey, I can cut these cards for more copies of THIS card!" to improve the deck.
Duel Decks function fairly well right out of the box, and are good if you're just wanting to dip your toes and don't know if you want to really get "into" the game too deep. 40 bucks will buy you two Duel Deck packs, which each come with 2 decks. I'd recommend you drop 20 dollars on a Duel Deck, and about 10 on sleeves so your cards don't get fucked, and go from there.
any suggestions as to which one? the guy with shallow graves is getting fucked every game by the guy with dangerous knowledge every time
>budget of 50-100
Grab a few intro decks of different colors and a few packs if you're feeling colorful. Don't be afraid to mix and match, that's half the fun in playing casual. The easiest to play imo is White/Blue and Green. Try all the colors to see what you like.
Each one has a theme
White - Humans and angels and generally "cleric"-style play. A bit of lifegain, a bit of control, and a lot of spamming cheap and weak creatures.
Black - Zombies and demons and evil shit. Specializes in debuffing enemies and spot-removal, with a little bit of life drain.
Blue - Spells and spell accessories. Pure control, generally weak monsters with cool abilities. Make your opponent have to recast every monster spell, negate their sorcery spells, have a lot of draw power.
Green - Big guys for you. Specializes in semi-expensive monsters with high stats, has great lifegain potential. Lot of spells to buff your guys to stupid porporions. Best friends with black.
Red - Hyper-agressive gameplay. Nickel and dime your opponent to death, lot of cards that give your opponent the choice between Lose and Lose with some of the cards.
Tried it once. Wasn't worth the effort since most FNM players at the store I went to are artistically competetive. They literally could not comprehend that I used shit like Gideon's reproach or dazzling reflection since it wasn't "optimal" (also partly because I had foil sets of both from a friend).
I don't go very often, but that's a mix of "I don't play Standard" and "I don't work for free".
>4pm FNM
What the hell? Does the shop close at 7pm or 8pm or something?
Why the hell do we continue to get shit for promos? Not too long ago we had serum visions and path to exile. The fuck is crumbling vestige doing here? That's not incentive at all.
Not since Standard became pay to win with Planeswalkers and multi-rares.
>Unironically complaining about Planeswalkers