What's your stance on drow PCs?
What's your stance on drow PCs?
They fucking suck.
They're like elves but worse.
I think drow are pretty cool but ive never had a pc play one.
As a dm i'd have to work with the player so that we are on the same page on what to expect.
Literally depends on the setting.
In mine, they're mostly insane or at least have a personality quirk due to being tainted by the goddess of evil.
>But throwing off the oppression of my evil kin-
Your evil kin that lie in the mountain literally eat babies and sacrifice people outside of the mountain for power. They've been so tainted by the goddess of evil and chaos that they can't even hold a civilization together without help from dragonborn or people who exploit them. Most people who live outside the mountain don't even know how bad it really is, which is your only saving grace, really, because there are about a hundred drow in the whole world that don't live directly outside the mountain or in it.
You need to list a psychic compulsion for your character to fulfill- I'll approve it if I think it fits. In exchange, if you fail a saving throw against arcane magic, you can re-roll it once every short rest.
They are okay in evil campaigns and campaigns that take place outside of any settlements.
Outside of that when a player tries to pull the ''good drow'' shit i tell him his character is now a wood or savage elf.
Perfectly fine, but when in towns they have to disguise, or not enter.
I also lock them from classes a drow wouldn't be. Like a barbarian.
What's your stance on My Dick?
Depends on the setting.
I think they've got less bugs than windows PCs, but a lot more spiders.
If you're doing standard drow than mention to the PC that they're going to be reviled by most right thinking surface dwellers. If they're smart they'll invest in a fucking robe to cover up their shame or if they're dumb and autismal as fuck they'll drizzit their way into interesting social strife.
>having a goddess of evil
Shit DM. Personally, I'll take a Drow PC over a Dragonborn PC any day.
>I also lock them from classes a drow wouldn't be. Like a barbarian.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read on Veeky Forums.
In her defense, it took thousands of years of people not listening to her for her to finally flip her lid and go full nutbar.
Besides, I picked the setting up from someone else and ran with it because they wanted to quit DMing.
Either edgelords or sluts there's no middle ground
Edgelord sluts?
Why not slutty edgelords?
You know I used to think shit like this was the stupidest thing one can imagine. Evil races that literally kick dogs, have sex slaves, want to eradicate everyone else... oh for fucks sake, how childish are you.
But then again, we have islam and ISIS.
So. I don't know what to think anymore. It's clearly not childish anymore. It's scary and real.
I like playing my drow sorcerer as a very, very disoriented foreigner with a romanian accent. Also very ruthless and scheming.
I'm not even going to claim it's good writing, it just makes sense in the context of 'trapped in a mountain where your mind is slowly eaten away by dark magic and the only company you have is people who are as crazy as you or worse'.
Which is pretty much a thing for high fantasy people take for granted because PCs want to kill Evul people without reservation for that sweet XP.
The notion that this is a recent thing is pretty funny.
>Evil races
>Islam and ISIS
You *almost* had a point. Then you conflated ideology with race.
Well, you could take the view that the fractious and violent nature of the arab race makes them the ideal carriers for the disease of Islam.
You could make the same argument with blacks given how much of a war torn shithole Africa can be. Or there's SJWs who right now are probably telling a white man that his race is evil because of colonialism.
What I'm saying is you can have an evil race, but it's more often than not going to be through supernatural means like with the mountain dwelling drow being driven mad. Ideologies like Islam are not the same as a race and not every arab or black subscribes to Islamist ideology. So if you have a race that's evil across the board based on ideology, that's some extremely lazy writing and you would have been better off with corrupted by evil gods.
Welcome to real life, where most people don't go along to get along and live in ways that are incomprehensible to your typical sheltered white neighborhood bubbleboy liberal.
ISIS is almost cartoonish, though, they throw gays off buildings and blow people up with dynamite, and one of their executioners literally uses a Bleach sword he bought off ebay and scrawled Islamic writing on.
I don't use the shit standard drow so they're fine.
You *almost* weren't a historically ignorant faggot, but then you forgot that ISIS is repeating a cycle that has taken place in the Middle East since the onset of Islam, by nature of its creed and history.
First, you'll have a unified Islamic overarching empire (ISIS specifically wants to establish a new Caliphate). Eventually, it will fracture, decay, and fall apart. At its nadir, a new country or tribe takes over and re-establishes the Caliphate. This has happened more times than I can count offhand with the Middle East. Only this time, there was no faction ready to take the reigns and unite the Middle East. None of them can do a thing about Israel, the United States controls the governments of most of the West-compatible ones, and the Saudis are too weak despite their wealth and influence to do it themselves. In these circumstances, it was inevitable that a non-state actor would try to perpetuate the cycle, and would find the support to make a go at it, because it's something the people of the Middle East are accustomed to. The ideal solution would be to propel a US ally into the leadership position, but the powers that be have waited too fucking long and benefited too much from keeping the ME fragmented, and all of the nations we could potentially use are self-destructing.
My point being, ISIS exists as a direct next logical step of Islam in these circumstances. If the ability to reestablish caliphate is denied them, the Muslims will do it themselves with violence. It's the way of their religion, just as Christians and Christian-cultured nontheists will remain passive cucks turning the other cheek and practicing understanding until they finally chimp out and go full crusade.
>because of colonialism
"You shone a beacon of truth, justice, science and technology out into the world for hundreds of years!"
"How dare you? You should be ashamed, you fucking white male!"
>if you have a race that's evil across the board based on ideology, that's some extremely lazy writing
It's true. No race is going to be evil in its entirety, and so there are always going to be exceptions to the rule - but certain things are going to hae affinities, and some of those affinities are going to at least appear unsavoury to our subjective morality.
And so to answer the OP's question, that's why I don't object to drow characters, as a rule.
This is why Iran should be in charge. Persians aren't Arabs, and US-Iran emnity is a political construct driven by American politicians sucking Israeli cock.
>supernatural means
What about worshiping an eldritch black stone from the depths of space, that they're all required to enter the AoE of at least once in their lives?
Subhuman nigger trash. Also their religion is wrong, they cannot even make food for themselves, their women are sluts
This is very true. Race is something a person can't help, but they can and should be held accountable for the ideology they chose to adopt (unless they're threatened into it). However, that's just a matter of physical traits, Arab culture has problems that can't be solved just by forcing them to adopt democracy.
But nothing you said equates ISIS and Islam to being a race. That's my problem with the comparison. You can't say ISIS and Islam are comparable to an evil race because they are a group and the ideology that group bases itself on. That group, however, doesn't encompass all Arabs, nor is it its own separate race.
Hey I didn't say they were right to criticize colonialism, I was just sort of getting to the point that historic actions/ideologies are not the same thing as races.
If this eldritch black stone had a role in the creation of or the current state of this race, and it itself (or the entity it draws power from) is an evil entity and directly influencing the thoughts and actions of every member of the race, then yeah. That makes sense, really.
Lawrence, is that you?
>Hey I didn't say they were right to criticize colonialism
I didn't say you did, mate. I get you. I just like to take in the absurdity of their stance. It's like suddenly the whole world has come to hold the Enlightenment in disdain.
>and US-Iran emnity is a political construct driven by American politicians sucking Israeli cock.
Well, let's not forget that we don't absolutely dominate their state in every possible way. Don't go overboard in your jewhate, Paul, there's realpolitik to consider.
I've never seen why Drizzt would be such a rare and unusual occurrence. It sucks being a drow. It sucks more being a drow male. It sucks the most being a drow male commoner. If you're talented enough to have PC stats and a PC class, why not just leave? Sure, the surfacers hate you, but everything in the Underdark hates you too. You don't even have to be morally repelled by drow culture, too. Maybe you just want to skip the beatings, so you choke your mistress to death, take a bunch of your warrior homies and form a bandit gang on the surface. Or if you're a Bard you can be ruling whatever the local monsters are within a month.
Please stop false-flagging SJW, /pol/ is a board of peace.
I had one back in the 80's.
We were playing in the Greyhawk milieu. He was a male Drow. The idea was that a number of males were rebelling against the matriarchal rule of Lolth by worshipping the elder elemental gods. They formed a secret order of monk/wizards and fighter/clerics who were trying to overthrow the matriarchy by destroying Lolth.
So my character was a monk/wizard who escaped a purge by the priestesses of Lolth and had to flee to the surface world. He joined an adventuring party, hoping to gain strength and allies to return to the Vault and defeat the church of Lolth.
So of course, after passing through the classic Slavelords / Giants / Descent to the Depths adventures the ended up in the Vault of the Drow and eventually the Queen of the Demonweb Pits, where the party defeats Lolth.
The matriarchy was overthrown, but overall Drow society was still a mess...the leder elemental gods were just as evil as Lolth was after all...
Fine as long as they worship Elistraee. The one God the Drow have who realizes that shits all retarded because of her moms spider fetish and she's gotta fix it with swords and nudity.
I had drow just be working class elves along with some other barbarian elves in a setting once, now a half-drow ended up in Barovia from that setting. It's been pretty good since Barovians hate him for being a dusk elf, dusk elves hate him for not being a dusk elf, vistani are cool with him, and other people from D&D realms are super suspicious of him.
Never seen one, no issue with it though
was just going to post this myself
>"You shone a beacon of truth, justice, science and technology out into the world for hundreds of years!"
Really? We're just going to ignore the atrocities committed in favor of lionizing rapists, deliberate destroyers of culture and happiness, and entire peoples?
>unified Islamic overarching empire
Which is not ISIS, regardless of what they want. Strike 1.
>Eventually, it will fracture, decay, and fall apart.
How many Empires have actually survived since their inception to the present day?
Strike 2.
> At its nadir, a new country or tribe takes over and re-establishes the Caliphate.
I.e a tribe that now has no opponents capable of dominating them establishes a functional state. When has this not happened in other nations after the fall of kingdoms/empires?
Strike 3.
>This has happened more times than I can count offhand with the Middle East.
It has happened more times than can be counted everywhere.
Hey man, I respect anyone who actually wants to play as Drow with all the level adjustment and sunlight bullshit.
Sure, why not?
>I've never seen why Drizzt would be such a rare and unusual occurrence.
I think probably because if anyone deviates from the norm they get purged in some fashion. Keep in mind Drizzt was not only pretty much protected and covertly had some alternative morality instilled in him by Zaknafein, but he also inherited his mad skills which kept him alive.
That sounds pretty cool bro. Kinda like a Slav Elf gangster?
Also on topic: one thing I want to run in a game sooner or later is a Drizzt clone. No, not really - just a drow pretending to be one to infiltrate surface society and do drow stuff. Let the party think she's praying to a different God and still getting spells from Lolth and all that sort of stuff.
Fuck that. She still only opens her priesthood to women and treats men as second-class citizens and concubines, but because she's sparkly and FREE and loves dancing in the moonlight people still fall for it. A CG-lesbian-focused faith is still unwelcoming to male drow, and worshiping her is basically being a cuck even if it is fun to watch the all-girl drow orgies.
Vhaeraun is where it's at.
>Belt of genderchange
She accepts all Drow...with a little creativity
I can hear the fatty, outraged SJW sigh in this post.
Everyone rapes, sweetheart. Everyone destroys other people's happiness. The Cherokee were committing genocide long before the palefaces came along, the Aztecs systematically murdered their neighbors and called it peace. Don't be so naive as to think for even a second that there were peaceful little hippy cultures where everyone was happy and enlightened until suddenly the big bad white man showed up and started murderraping people.
TL:DR don't be a cuck, Chuck.
>Which is not ISIS, regardless of what they want. Strike 1.
Reading comprehension, strike 1. This is what ISIS is working for, not what it has accomplished.
>How many Empires have actually survived since their inception to the present day? Strike 2.
The United States of America. Also, congrats on ignoring the unusual cyclical nature of Middle Eastern politics, you really must have chosen something worthless to major in to talk with such authority about nothing.
>I.e a tribe that now has no opponents capable of dominating them establishes a functional state. When has this not happened in other nations after the fall of kingdoms/empires? Strike 3.
A state which takes over all of its neighbors and attempts to spread Islam worldwide. Yawn.
>It has happened more times than can be counted everywhere.
Not with the same regularity and the same exact pattern of behavior. In Europe, a kingdom that falls is generally absorbed up until very modern times, but only the Middle East goes from tiny fractious states to ONE supreme power and back again over, and over, and over again. Even in Europe at the height of its various empires, they were mostly outward-focused and never achieved true dominance of their region the way that, say, the Ottoman Turks ruled the Middle East.
I know you're trying to defend shitskins and claim that ISIS isn't about Islam, but Mohammed specifically commended that the Quran be spread by the sword, and that is what they will do whenever they have the power to do it in whatever land they are in until the day comes when there are no more Muslims.
Thank you for trying to Correct the Record, but we don't need your tumblrisms here.
>female supremacy in any form.
>becoming a woman just to join a religion
1) You were claiming that everyone criticizing colonialism was doing so because the people doing the colonizing were white. That's obvious bullshit when you look at even what happened to the aborigines on Australia.
Then there is, just for an example:
Well we know who's NOT a Drow
>Ask Social Science
Are you serious?
Starting an all female group this fall, and two of the players so far are new players, whose only exposure to D&D so far are the Drizzt Do-Urden novels, so both are interested in playing Drow girls. got me thinking to set a campaign in Menzoberranzan.
Aren't drow girls all bisexual dominatrixes?
I say go for it, you'll probably have to prepare a lot of social encounters though
Don't play D&D so don't care.
Not quite sure yet, but i'm thinking it's likely to be a breakout or an 'escape from society' sort of story though. We'll see.
Ok let me explain this race thing in terms you'll be able to relate too.
Get it?
Sure a wasp can't help being a wasp but it's still a fucking wasp.
Rule #1 of Veeky Forums: You never have to explain yourself to anyone.
We all have shit taste here, user.
>Asking question that can't agitate anyone for past 10 years
Either you are too old to be still here or you are too young to remember.
One of my longest running characters ever was a priestess of Eilistraee. Only girl in my group, made teenage boys feel weird by playing a butt naked character. Good times.
>This has happened more times than I can count offhand with the Middle East.
You only have two fingers?
I like this way more than 'tits....' etc
Not him, but I can think of three or four times it's happened.
>implying many colonies weren't vastly superior and knowledgeable in different fields to imperial powers
>Not with the same regularity and the same exact pattern of behavior. In Europe, a kingdom that falls is generally absorbed up until very modern times, but only the Middle East goes from tiny fractious states to ONE supreme power and back again over, and over, and over again. Even in Europe at the height of its various empires, they were mostly outward-focused and never achieved true dominance of their region the way that, say, the Ottoman Turks ruled the Middle East.
That's not how either Europe or the Middle East worked. Modern Europe came about because in the Middle Ages crown kingdoms became institutions, and if and when one was conquered by another that kingdom was incorporated as a separate state under a ruler who also happened to rule another separate state. This stems from the diplomatic and cultural legacy of Charlemagne and the Ottonians. Before then European states were no different in that they were fractious polities that sometimes ate each other until one or more super states appeared to reunite large swathes of territory for a short time.
The Umayyad Caliphate was a rarity no different than Charlemagne's kingdom. The Ottomans never achieved that level of expansive control and unity, and their only major acquisition beyond the petty Slavic or Turkish kingdoms of the Balkans or Anatolia was Mamluk Egypt. The rest, mostly in North Africa, were satellite vassal states with some colonial presence, while the Safavids and Moroccans commanded the rest of the Middle East.
It only happened with the Umayyads and Abbasids, and I don't think either really count as neither came about from the ashes of a crumbling empire but through civil war.
You only get one.
Depends on the PC.
My default answer is usually no.
However, I have been persuaded otherwise in the past.
On the topic of the Sham Caliphate, the most recent PC of Dark Elf race I allowed was basically a heretic who was fleeing the theocracy of the Spider Queen. His family had been part of a secret community of faithful of... something else... bit the webby Inquisition recently came!e for them.
That is the manliest looking elf I have ever seen and he doesn't even have a beard.
Zaknafein is probably the most macho drow you'll find in the Forgotten realms novels.
Please, tell me more.
If he hadn't died like a bitch. Gromph is the fuckin' daddy.
Drow society is strictly matriarchal. The women are in charge, and have sex with each other, usually only using men for reproduction.
Once males get to a certain skill level, they are usually killed.
Nah, drow women usually only fuck each other as a status thing. Males are less threatening, because they can't stab you over position. Where are you getting these cool ERP memes from, bruh?
Gromph is as based as you can possibly be as a drow male.
Not true, males trained as wizards have a bit of power, not as much as the priesthood but still pretty high up
Do we have more of this, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time
Give me a decent backstory and I can see if i cant make it work. Give me a stat line and I'll want to fire you out of a cannon. I'll instead politely decline your PC and ask you to choose one of the other two concepts you had typed up for me to choose from.
>Give me a decent backstory and I can see if i cant make it work. Give me a stat line and I'll want to fire you out of a cannon.
Honestly, that's probably should fit for more than just drow. Even if it's "barbarian seeking whores, ale, and whores with ale"
Well, I'm playing one now, so I'm pretty okay with them.
Sure there is.
>"Why are you so interested in the brewer's daughter, anyways?"
>>"Her eyes are so beautiful."
>"Which set?"
I have an all-Drow game that quickly turned into Hotline Menzoberranzan.
That's all I have to say on the issue.
That sounds amazing.
All-evil parties have great capacity for fun.
>They fuck n suck
I have no stance on them.
All they are is an idea, one that is not inherently bad or good.
I only hold stances on players; if a player has shown themselves capable of playing a drow PC without being disruptive or hugely annoying then I let them. If they aren't, I don't.
Simple as that.
Yeah, but Gromph Baenre was an Archmage.
What the fuck, are you me?
>Dm keeps handing me animal companions, unfitting items, and makes other drow hate me, and makes the entire character about the race/class combo
>I just want to do cool magic and fuck up bandits/bad things for cash and fun
it's actually really annoying.
>It sucks more being a drow male. It sucks the most being a drow male commoner
>why not just leave
R.A. Salvator is actually exploring that in the new Drizzt series. Drizzt is back in the Underdark and Jarlaxle who leads this band of Drow mercenaries on the surface and hates the fact that when he returns home he gets treated like shit and Archmage Gromph Baenre to a lesser extent want to use him as this sort of inspirational symbol to get all the males to basically go fuck this and either leave or attempt a coupe
I try to craft my game/setting such that any race my players choose will be, not necessarily welcomed but not be so out of place that it will interrupt gameplay or make me say "no, you can't play the evil elf guys." To this end I try to come up with a few ethnicities for each race, such that it's not just "Dwarf culture" and "Elf culture" but different societies of each. Because otherwise they're just another subset of humans who happen to look a bit more different.
married one
Maybe try being on the board for more than 15 minutes and you'll see something even more retarded.
>drow beta uprising
Why did anyone respond to that guy?
>What the fuck, are you me?
Maybe. My character is a drow who was born on the surface and raised by a human innkeeper - basically the human-raised version of Sandwich Stoutaxe, she's got essentially nothing "drow" about her other than the sunlight sensitivity and appearance. She's basically just your stereotypical CG plucky thief that happens to be a drow.
Also, stealing that picture. Yoink.
To be fair it is more of a side plot but it is a long time coming
The recent series is really pushing the fact that all the important male drow characters are getting fed up with being treated like shit despite their power and accomplishments