Homebrewed Blues Chapter IV: Take A Chance And Roll The Dice Edition
Turns out Uni is the father Sub-Edition
In the last thread themes of the BAs and DAs were discussed, a DGfag is reaching NLfag levels of productivity, we had to explain why the Furious Abyss is bad and talked about what was going to happen to the marines if the HH never happened, the remaining threats in the galaxy were mentioned, and one user wanted to know how you guys picked your legions and much more in the last thread Red Books Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Age of Darkness Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Just how many personalities should I put on the Personality Traits table? There is a lot of those.
Roll a D292 :^)
Bitter is the only option.
Rolled 601 (1d2500)
Real clever guy, aren't?
See thats exactly the problem, theres no way to recreate Kyr Vhalen's performance within the rules. Then add a flavour from each legion. Books 3 and 4 should have given us rites specific to assymetrical attacker vs defender games. The legions are different to each other on the campaign, but not within the actual battles.
Thats literally all I want here, and the stories will keep this board entertained for a thousand years.
Any IW result is going to have bitterness. But how you make sense out of an magnanimous/good natured/artistic Iron Warrior is your problem, not mine.
How are Deredeos in terms of assembly? Does the ammo feed for the autocannons require an inordinate amount of work and bending to fit properly?
That's not true at all.
There's also paranoid and gun-crazy
>"I hate not my enemy, for I must respect them for standing against the might of the Iron Warriors
>Good Natured
>"What if we're the baddies, comrade?"
>"A good fortification is art unto itself, don't you think?"
>There's also paranoid and gun-crazy
Really that should go without saying. They're Iron Warriors.
>artistic Iron Warrior
>Warsmith Pallimodes, what fills your thoughts? You haven't said a single word in this meeting! Do you need help in bolstering the effectiveness of our bombarmend patterns?
>Nah, I already sorted that out, improved it to 287% effectiveness, whilst also making the craters spell my name.
>I'm trying to guess where would the middle finger go...
Those would do it. You diet IFs deserve a gold star for that.
>Primordial Truth - actually the truth.
>"Imperial Truth" - a bunch of lies concocted by pair of scheming cucks, one of them a turk, the other likely a jew.
Really makes you think.
No wonder why they're pals with the Ordo Reductor.
Breakers of Worlds, go!
>Can you do one for Blood Angels? I'm still very new to 30k and the HH novels, only read Horus Rising so far.
Sure! Feel free to read Fear To Tread(all about Blood Angels) after finishing the first four books in the HH series.
Horus Rising, Fear to Tread, Sins of the Father, Virtues of the Sons, The Herald of Sanguinius.
The Unremembered Empire & Angels of Caliban also has some Blood Angels stuff, but you sort of need to read some other books first before that, Vulkan Lives is one of them.
Alright, challenge mode:
meme legion
Says the guy who posts the biggest jobber next to the Avatar of Khaine. We'd know who jobs more but they can't even fight because they're too busy jobbing left and right. Also Lucius is pregnant.
Reverse Vauban I tell you
How about The Ultimate Fortification
With Void shields, AA gun emplacements, surrounded by tank traps and razor wire. And razor traps and tank wire
From Ville to Campagne
IW's substantial artillery weapons.
>Inner Courtine
Auric-Wall, with Iron Havocs shooting from the top.
Lacks back wall, so that attackers cannot use it against the main fort. Can self destruct so it falls onto the moat bellow, which will fill with phosphex.
>Chemin de Ronde (what's behind the parapet)
IF infantry (BS5).
Filled with trenches and barbed wire. Fearless IW troops with attached IF Centurions will ride the Iron fire on No-man's land if needed.
I could swear I wrote that D-strenght.
I'm not the best I could be
>ecimates internally ;^)
Now that's a sweet-enough user.
>Also Lucius is pregnant.
It's not a conventional pregnancy as we know. Apparently Lucius is finding his resurrections taking longer, parts of his personality/soul fading away, and he feels something growing inside of him.
>meme legion
So be it.
Legion, The Face of Treachery, Deliverance Lost, Seventh Serpent, Hunters Moon, Wolf King, Wolfs Claw, The Serpent Beneath, The Tallarn books. That's all I think, but fuck it I guess all of the HH books have some undercover AL dude in them.
Original chaplains best chaplains.
Why does Dynat remind me of Lex Luthor?
Because he's also a slave to baldness. Lorgar and Horus also remind me of him.
So terminator armour during the heresy. The pattern common in 40k did exist during the heresy right? Or was that a later development?
Cataphractii was the older model, tartaros was the new, top of the line model whos development secrets were lost during the heresy.
So how would I want to model, or convert the 40k era terminators into their 30k equivalent? The immediate thing is to remove crux terminatus and imperial eagles and swap out the storm bolters for combis, but what else? Is there anything Im missing?
>The pattern common in 40k did exist during the heresy right?
Dynat looks like Lex Luthor.
I swear I saw a comic where he had hair. Something about younger Sups burned it off or something.
>Is there anything Im missing?
If you're Iron Hands you don't have to convert a damn thing, they have rad Indomitus suits anyway
Yes, it was called the Indomitus-pattern. You don't even need to remove the Crux if you don't want to as it still existed in 30k as a symbol of veterancy. I would remove the eagles, if you're Emperor's Children you might consider replacing them with Palatine Eagles, or if the model is for a loyalist from a traitor legion consider scratching or inscribing the Imperial Eagle onto the armour to show your allegiance.
Any source on the name? I thought Indominus was never labelled as the 40k ones.
It's in the description of the non-Legion Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour on Forge World's site.
>Any source on the name? I never read the HH books
According to the previous Legion book, Tartaros, Indomitus and Saturnine were developed around the same time and were roughly identical. Cataphractii was among the first suits made and is the oldest.
>So how would I want to model, or convert the 40k era terminators into their 30k equivalent?
I got mine all legs without knee pads. Seeing that the MkIV style single piece greaves can be found on the Gorgons, which are based on the Indomitus, and since Tartaros and Cataphractii seem to have similar single piece designs. Felt right. I replaced the shoulder pads with ones from Master Crafted Miniatures, which is about the only place I've found that sells blank, basic terminator pads. All other have Catapharctii style plates. Torsos don't seem such a big problem, since most of them are just winged skulls. If Cataphractii can have decorative trim on them, why not Intomitus? I gave them all CSM arms, mostly because I thought the design without the cable attached to the arm as found on them seemed right and distinct from the Tartaros and 40k Indomitus. Also got me bases for power axe conversions. Replaced the CSM combi-bolters with SM storm bolters, since GW has had no problems calling that style gun a combi-bolter before and it's the only one I could find that's most likely to be .75 caliber. Also easy to convert into combi-weapons, the twin-magazine design is iconic from all the HH art, etc. etc.
Heavy flamers and plasma blasters are easy. Reaper more difficult, since your only option is the CSM one with all the Chaos crap on it. I just used SW assault cannons fed from a back mounted box and replacing the AC barrels with Taurox Prime gatling cannon ones.
Then I'll listen to faggots tell me I need to put more effort into the hobby and buy official FW kits.
What sized shoulder pads from MCM?
>"Of these, the Indomitus pattern is perhaps the most widespread, due to its template being held on key Forge Worlds such as Mars, although Tartaros Pattern Terminator armour is also issued to the Veterans of a Chapter’s 1st Company. Perhaps the most advanced form of Tactical Dreadnought Armour, the Tartaros pattern shares many systems with the MkIV ‘Maximus’ pattern of power armour, and provides greater mobility for its wearer than the Indomitus pattern with no loss in durability or protection."
Straight from the FW site, under the 40k Tartaros armour (complete with crux and all).
Large. Small is Guard. Medium is PA Marines. That's how it's on most 3rd party manufacturers.
Freaky, I was literally just thinking about converting the TDA DW commander into a new praetor.
You got any pics? I'd love to see them.
Is Vengeful spirit fun? Or should I just jump to Pharos or the next White Scars book?
>Or should I just jump to Pharos or the next White Scars book?
>Vengeful spirit
If you enjoy Knights, SoH & DG fucking shit up, I'd say it's worth it. It's really action packed. Pharos & Path to Heaven are pretty good too tho.
Have you listened to all the Garro audios? Have you read Daemonology, The Divine Adoratrice, and Little Horus?
If not, then no, it's a mess that pulls things from too many sources without even giving a hint as to why they are the way they are for those who haven't read them. It was with this book that McNeil was pushed into my 'worthless' pile, along with Ben Counter and Nick Kyme.
Anyone have the book tier list? Which are the must-reads? been out of the loop for a while.
I've listend to one Garro audiobook and that's about it.
I never said he should read Pharos. The other WS book is what he should read.
Just the first four novels. Just those and only those.
Oh fuck off. Haley is the most "tow the line" BL author, by his own admission. He was told that it was the beacon that first got the Tyranids attention because for that one moment, it was a hell of a lot brighter than the Astronomicon.
Yeah okay. I'm sure The First Heretic, Know No Fear, Betrayer, Scars, Meduson, and Path of Heaven aren't worth reading.
Flight of the Eisenstein really blows those all away...
Add "the Harrowing" to the list.
A squad Alpharius also features in the Unremembered Empire.
But then he wouldn't ever read Betrayer, Know No Fear, Scars, The First Heretic or Path of Heaven.
>2/5 for out cast dead
40%? really? its was a pile of wank
Read by author. Don't bother with worthless tiers.
>Haley is the most "tow the line" BL author, by his own admission.
And look where his spinelessness got us? Forcing Tyranids into 30k.
But the thunder warrior was really cool, and sandworm spaceships
First Heretic, Betrayer, Thousand Sons, Know no Fear and Scars are god tier, rest are from okay to meh.
Then go join ADB in bitching about it, because he was the only one against it.
At least Sotha makes sense because when the Tyranids do show up, they made a bee-line straight for it, hence why the Scythes of the Emperor are the first chapter to fall to them.
Note: Know no Fear is pure bolter porn, and it's amazing bolter porn.
Agreed on this. Some 'meh' elements, but Abnett writes fantastic bolter-porn
>Horus Rising is 10 years old
They don't. They go straight for Macragge. It's a splinter of Hive Fleet Kraken that decided to om nom nom Sotha.
I liked that part about unremembered empire too, the plot was dog shit, but jesus did it have good action.
The thunder warriors was kinda cool, he only looked really cool because he was standing next to the rest of the book
>when the Tyranids do show up, they made a bee-line straight for it
And here I was thinking the Tyranids were coming into the galaxy from various directions and going for different targets. Don't remember them all just going straight for that one world.
But hey, maybe next they'll have some primarch go and fuck about in some Tomb World and rebooting some old software that causes all the tombs to come back online, but fortunately it'll take some 10,000 years for the process to finish. Maybe Calgar can visit some viable world at the edge of the galaxy, look at the primitive blue aliens and feel great respect for them and know in his heart that one day his troops might have to do battle with these noble creatures and their advanced technology. And while they're at it, they can shoot down an ork ship above a planet full of birdlike creatures.
And hand some Dark Eldar slave a black-hole-in-a-box, hoping the filthy xeno uses it to fuck up the webway.
thank you for showing me pigeon girl. now I'm following pigeon girl on instagram and the grim darkness that is my life is a little bit brighter for it.
Behemoth did, and it was the first.
All I can find says that it was Kraken that attacked Sotha and from what I can see, only a small tendril dipped itself into Ultramar where the planet's suppose to be. Behemoth was nowhere near that same area and was heading straight for Muhcrack.
Any good transfers or something to give thunderbolts to models? I want to mark some vets with lightning bolts (denoting that they've served since Terra, right?) but apart from what's modeled on the dudes (like MkIII suits), I can't really find any.
Stormcast Eternals have lightning bolt transfers. You get a decent amount of transfers with the cheap three snapfit miniature box.
God fucking damn it, I always keep forgetting AoS is a thing. Those look nice and it just happens to be that I've been planning on buying two sets of the snap-fits to make 6 Chaos Ogres (as like big huge warriors).
Is there any pattern to how the bolts, like how they'd be placed on a person? I'd like to give a dread or two them as well and just a bolt or two on the front might look a bit boring. Maybe like 4 around the sarcophagus in an X-shape? Two with a skull in the middle on the shoulder?
The bolts are rather simple since they go on the shoulder. Check GW stormcast to check them.
I mean like how did Heresy era troops wear the bolts to denote shit? Was it just a bolt on them somewhere, certain pattern of bolts (X-shape and bolts pointing in opposite directions are two styles I've seen), etc.
I sadly don't have a clue.
Rate my list, m8s.
World Eaters Army List
Berserker Assault Rite of War
Legion Praetor - 100
Paragon Blade - 25
Digital Lasers - 15
Archaeotech Pistol - 20
-160 pts
Legion Command Squad - 75
2 additional marines - 30
Lightning Claw - 15
Power Fist - 15
2 Power Weapons - 20
-155 pts
Land Raider Proteus Dedicated Transport - 180
Legion Tactical Squad - 125
10 additional marines - 100
Free Chainaxes
1 Vexilla - 10
Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Plasma Pistol - 35
-270 pts
Legion Tactical Squad - 125
10 additional marines - 100
Free Chainaxes
1 Vexilla - 10
Sergeant - Power Sword, Artificer Armour - 20
-255 pts
Legion Assault Squad - 175
Free Chainaxes
Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Pair of Lightning Claws - 30
-205 pts.
Contemptor Dreadnought - 175
Kheres Assault Cannon - 15
-190 pts
Apothecarion Detachment
3 Legion Apothecaries - 135
1 Jump Pack - 15
-150 pts
Legion Terminator Squad - 175
Heavy Flamer - 10
Sergeant - Thunder Hammer, Combi-melta, Grenade Harness - 27
-212 pts
Land Raider Phobos Dedicated Transport - 225
Heavy Support
Legion Heavy Support Squad - 135
5 additional Marines - 100
Autocannons - 50
-285 pts
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 165
2 Sponson Lascannons - 40
205 pts
TOTAL - 2492 pts
>Free Chainaxes
it's gonna be one of those days...on topic though: is the Proteus an assault vehicle? Might be better to do a Dreadclaw. If you're not feeling like spending all the money on the FW model just eBay the Drop Pod sprues for cheep and make a converted one using a guide online. if anyone gives you shit for it punch em in the dick.
In user's defence, in the last thread he posted that he paid points for his chainaxes and was told he didn't have to.
Anyway, no, only the Phobos is an assault vehicle.
Help anons, I want to incorporate a weathered brass base for my Iron Hands with their black base instead of the weathered silver, give me excuses to do this without butchering the fluff.
Sub-culture of Iron Hands before they united with Manus?
Could give the Praetor a fist instead of the pistol for +1 attack and the ability to properly threaten multi wound models
What about the media an immortals and gorgon terminators?
Wonder if these transfers from the IG vehicles sheet would suit some Space Wolves castaferrums on the right side of the sarcophagus. Has the lightning bolts and the axe works as to symbolize them as the Emperor's Executioners or something.
>Has the lightning bolts and the axe works as to symbolize them as the Emperor's Executioners
Hey, nice idea.
What's the deal with the chainaxes? Wasn't there an FAQ explaining it?
FAQs apply to rules, not memes
I have to see how they fit the dread. The sheet does have the symbols in two sizes, so there's options. What do they even mean? I've seen them on Marine sheets as well. There's also a fist holding a lightning bolt for any Fisties.
Some clarification could have been given for those who still don't get it, even though the wording is pretty unambiguous.
Did something
Fixed typo
What happened to the softcover gamers edition books? i cant find them on the forgeworld site
30k Solar Auxilla 2500
290 Auxilla Tactical Command Section, +3 additional Veteran Auxulla, x2 Grenade Launcher, Dracosan Armoured Transport, Demolisher Cannon, Flare Shield
120 Auxilla Rapier Battery x2, Quad Mortar x2
75 Auxilla Medicae Detachment, +1 Medicae Orderlie
375 Auxilla Infantry Tercio x3, Blast Charges x3
90 Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun
330 Veletaris Storm Section x2
380 Dracosan Armoured Transport x2, Demolisher Cannon x2, Flare Shield x2
290 Auxilia Malcador Infernus Special Weapons Tank, Chemical Ammunition
275 Malcador, Demolisher Cannon, Siege Armour
275 Malcador, Demolisher Cannon, Siege Armour
290 HQ
Am I too troop heavy in here? If so, I can drop a Lasrifle squad and the Medicae.
Do I have enough AA w/ the solo Quad Gun? Or should I pack a Flyer or 2 of my own?
Despite having lots of tanks w/ templates, do I have enough Anti-tank?
Only hypothetical list, I am not made of cash.
Well fuck, I guess that's pretty unambiguous, isn't it?
Cool, I'll give it a look.
Fuck, completely missed that. I'll give the Dreadvlaw a look.
Run two tercios of single veletarii with demolisher dracosan, cut the extra veterans, medicae, infantry tercio and aegis, run a Thunderbolt/lightning and a Knight, or two flyers and some more quad mortars
Reason be? Just trying to understand the army better.
Is 2min squads in Dracosans enough?
Usually run 3 troops in 30k lists at this point.
Just how no-no is the aquila in 30k? I keep hearing only the EC got to wear it, yet FW puts out kits that display it. Where does the line go?
Also, how is one suppose to field MkIV Castaferrums when FW doesn't make them (outside of like GK and Ironclad variants) and the GW one has aquilas on all the sarcophagus options, and the ones I'd like to use are rather difficult to just file it off.
>Just how no-no is the aquila in 30k? I keep hearing only the EC got to wear it, yet FW puts out kits that display it. Where does the line go?
See the Aquila on this EC? This is the Emperor's personal heraldry. This is the Aquila only he and the EC can wear. Normal Aquila is fine.
Its a mark of honor, think of it as similar to having your entire army of Ultramarines having a Deathwatch pauldron, its stupid but if you have a couple of deathwatch veterans here and there then its cool.