Normies on bitcoin thread

Normies on bitcoin thread

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>Invested my $50
What's the fucking point?

yo homie there's this shit called chainlink or some shit like that idk
this nigga found the oracle and she had sum problems and he solved it or smthing

Get out as quickly as you can.


Umm no blacks.


I’m the pro at this


Mel mugga my nigga, got shit figured out

>Posting Coinbase stats on your story
I'm guilty of the same thing but normies flock to my dms for advice


and to think they'll make more than most of /biz by just buying and holding



>I invested 50$

What the hell are they even talking about
this is actually a very good explanation of chainlink

I have Like 12 more of these lol

those aren't normies those are monkeys

Well imagine doing that 5 months ago lol

Fucking niggers

Don't forget. We find the replacement for BTC and get in on it before the normies get dumped on as they're all jumping over each other to get in on the new hotness

Oh man I cringe at the retardedness of the normies... These are the people taking my damn money from my alts.

Fucking bullshit.

>mentions bitcoin up 20% in a day on facebook
>has conversations with girls he hasnt heard from in years
Looks like being myself has finally paid off

Still not as bad as having a family member selling amway.

>He stays in alts during a BTC bullrun

You're even dumber than the normies

it's a scam dude u never get the actual coins u just get an address

Why does this make me so angry, wtf is wrong with me?

>dis russian hacker nigga made smart contracts and shit

Burgers have taxes faggot. I don't fuck around with the IRS.
Say you trade to BTC bullrun and you made 10k from alts and then BTC flash crashes to way less. You now are the hole for 3k to the IRS and it doesn't matter that BTC took your money.

Because people are (probably) going to profit effortlessly on things that you spent years of daily study in

Clever boy

Jesus fucking Christ does he not understand literally anything about blockchain technology. It's like he thinks there's some Bitcoin company out there that holds real physical bits or some shit and only gives you a certificate of ownership. Maybe if you're in an exchange like a retard. This motherfucker probably thinks physical gold is the most important thing as if the value isn't propped up as hard as the dollar is. Literally everything is fiat to some extent.


If BTC crashes then the alts crash too, so there's not really any point in not going to BTC. There are too many threads of people saying "Ah yeah I had 20 BTC at one point in alts now I am down to just 1 BTC in alts"

It's the BTC Singularity, sooner or later all alts will drop to 1 Satoshi

Nice just bought $50


Wrong, you pay taxes on whatever hits your bank account.


Ronnie is the ken m of crypto





>"Nigga we been gubb gib ma zib zab"
Fucking trash

nigga what...?
im so confused at this point....








At least $100


>mfw they'll be posting normie versions of "pink wojacks" on facebook when BTC crashes hard.

Fk these normies are cringe pathetic. Bandwagon riding pieces of SHET REEE

dream on buddy even if they make 10 times there money I still have them beat badly. Plus u know I'll make 10 times too.

Randy is no Normie, he knows how to leverage his 401(k) and made 50% gains by this point

Randy's my nigga with dat GBTC, comfy hedge against my dying alts

told you its pajeet currency

Who the fuck makes these wojacks?

and who is going to give you this "millionaire" money may i ask? some dum shit who still buys it when taxes hit it? when people become so upset about the currency they start to kill the profiters because everyone will eventually notice its just a another pyramid scam to move money from one people to another, leaving the other(your hunter/killer) with nothing before they go inside?

you think you can hide when you got a lambo on your street and you boasted about your profits in bitcoin in the local bar?



this thread makes me realize just how fucking stupid the average person is.

I really don't want to be a part of this anymore.

Some of these normies are smarter than a good portion of Veeky Forums. Now they may type like monkey but there's a reason they at least have some other success in life while a lot of you are NEETs, it's because you don't yet see it but you are dumb people.

Yo bro you can go to the address to get yo coin just follow gogle map

Dawnn Lee has a better investment thesis than 90% of the fuckers here

>petra dollar
REQ confirmed to enter final stage soon


this makes me want to sell so bad. these normalshits are the biggest challenge to hodling right now I swear to god


normie arguments are the best because it shows how fucking retarded buttcoiners are, in the simplest of ways

>"lmaooo nigga tf u buying monopoly money for jus so u hope some otha nigga will buy it from u too lmaooo"


Think I need to set up a "free" seminar that leads into a $5k personal coaching course on "Investing In Crypto Currencies"...

Off to make my landing page and FB ads. Wish me luck /biz

>”you know user I’ve had the crush on you for the longest time??? I just never knew how to express myself to you”

>now teach me how to bitcoin

This is the real way to make money. There's far more money to made in brokering normies into crypto than trading shitty altcoins

Just imagine how dumb the average person is. 50% are even dumber.

like pharaohs and sheeit

LMAO Veeky Forums buy land in the North Pole!!! We can literally dig up BitCoins!!!!!
Fucking bell either this guy is trolling or is the worlds dumbest mother fucker

Most viewed post on Sweden's largest general internet forum right now:

"Just took out a $30,000 unsecured loan to buy bitcoins"

This one is talking about gold etf, not BTC.

Isn't BTC haram?

Bitcoin is the devil.

Bitcoin isn't fucking ready for this shit.
So many tears. So much blood.
Brainlet-tier faggots are about to collide with Autist-tier technology and it's not going to be pretty.


That post made me want to throw my physical bitcoins that are in my wallet right now in the trash

*monero slides in with some darknet drugs quietly*

monkeys are below average intelligence though.

Damn Renee dats one woke SisStarr!!

Poor Ronnie.
He's probably part of a concrete foundation in some construction yard now.

Fucken hell when i was a teenage dickhead back in 2001 reading fucken PIlger and Chomsky I sounded like like a fucking NIGGER!

calm down guys, these people couldn't even explain how real money works either

Holy shit. Niggers are getting into bitcoin. Time to abort this mission.

top kek

>the year is 2054
>every child has their wallet QR engraved on their forehead at birth
>e-begging pajeets turn to real begging, hoping to be the lucky pajeet to smuggle away 0.000000000000001 BTC to feed their family for the night

Please tell me this isn't like the moment when Joe Kennedy got stock tips from the shoe shine boy.

BTC price will eventually correct and then they'll leave, right?

Stop telling normies everything

>be me
>old fag on the chans
>always seeing stupid shit string addresses post god damn everywhere
>some nigger decides to buy in 50 dollars worth of btc when it was at $250 two years ago
>I tell myself what's the fucking point
I finally got in much later but there is a point to this shit