/cyoag/ CYOA General

Resources: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu


Fresh new OC

How many marijuanas did you inject?

Jacob is the best option.

Hubber. Seems like the only one that is kind of useful without screwing me somehow.


I struggle to choose because I think about the fact that I'd lose a friend in 1-4 years and I love doggos.

Pierre though, since I'm a paranoid fuck any way, might as well be correct and have a doggy to console me.

Then I bawl my eyes out 4 years later.

>Tied to a canoe, force fed and smeared with honey until bloated, then set out to drift in a middle of the lake where you'll shit all over yourself from indigestion and insects attracted by the shit and honey will eat you alive.

I like the houses but most of them are all very magical. I kind of wish some of them were more normal, like the houses in the comfy cyoa.

I like the Beach House the most.

Her thighs are thicker than her head, what the fuck else do you want?

Poor, poor Diego.

Mark all the way

first 2 pages?

Aircraft is a normal house, only the food isn't.
Tropical island is normal, only lost.
Appartment is normal, the rooftop which isn't part of it is not.
Bunker is normal in a hostile environment. The food isn't.
Asian house is normal.
Castle house is normal, you can't grow crops or tame animals because of the soil. Glowing water can happen naturaly.
Beach is normal
And as mentionned you can pick your own house without any magic if you don't like the other ones.
S-sorry you don't like it that much

I still have to modifie stuff in the first pages but here you go. Point system is random for now


> black: +3 points
Nigga, that's racist.

I know i added some magic in the CYOA but i have to be realistic on some points. You deserve a reward if you want to take the black color.


Veeky Forums Isn't the place for it but i don't consider this choice worthy of costing points if you know what i mean. Just like the fat option.

Leave it it's fine.

If you think a skinny white bitch like you can walk in here and try to spread your ridiculous delusions then you've got something coming to you. Ain't nothing wrong with being big and black. Ain't nothing wrong at all!

You do understand that… Ah, what the fuck ever, not going to argue with white trash.

Where'd this ghetto youth come from?

>Ain't nothing wrong with being big
Depending on your definition of big, I might have to disagree with you.

Somewhere that's not /pol/, which is where you should retreat back to.

I agree with you, but personally you couldn't pay me enough to take it.

Why are some races normal fantasy races and others star constellations?

>halfblood (demon)
>skilled (knight)

>holy mage
>united kingdoms

Restoring the Gods and meeting them would be interesting, but I'd like to stay in fantasy land. So I'd join Restoration alliance if they'd let me stay. Otherwise I'm with United Kingdoms. I don't see any reason to support the leonines over any other race and I like fantasy land of castles and noble estates more than whatever the People's Army is doing.
So once I joined a side I'd be flying into battle casting spells and healing people who need it. Plus I can fight with a sword when I need to too.

>Call somebody white trash for not finding you attractive.
>Get super butthurt when you're called a 'ghetto youth' of all things and demand people leave the board.
Man you're really good at being a hypocrite.

I was not going to change it anyway.

Please look at your behavior and perhaps you will understand why the black option awards free points. Let's stop right here because this isn't /pol/

Same for me friendo but i try to make everyone happy.

>I was not going to change it anyway.
Figured as much. Just nice to have reassurance sometimes.

I'm not African nor European, just disgusted with degenerates thinking themselves not a complete waste of air simply because of their skin colour.
> white trash trying to chastise others
Fuck you.

I don't think the black option is the "black" option. That seems to be the exotic option. I think the black option is specifically referring to very, very dark subsaharan africans.

who is this semen demon?

That's the price for your desires and good laughs.

>I'm not African nor European
Doesn't matter, user. You used a racial slur after trying to whine about racism, then when somebody used a milder one against you, you claimed they were the one that needed to leave the board. That's the very definition of hypocrisy, no matter what kind of loser you are.

I dunno.

I'm looking for some extremely cringy pics for my cyoa. I'm talking extremely, extremely embarassing stuff you'd rather kill yourself than have a loved one find it stuck between your fap folder.

Something like this but worse. Think of it like a cringe Genie.

>Please look at your behavior and perhaps you will understand why the black option awards free points.

"It's wrong to be disgusted by my racism, in fact your disgust justifies it!"

Not even him but, I swear sometimes.

>Call somebody white trash for not finding you attractive.

Yeah, because that's what's happening here. Not that he equated being black to being blind, generally ugly, unintelligent, fat or just generally objectively negative in some way and others are rightly annoyed by that. Then there's the "ghetto youth" comment where we all know what was meant. Fuck off.

Just look at .
You're too much of a degenerate to try to address you like an actual person.

Look up delitization. Maybe that's spelled with an 's' instead of a 'z', but try both.

See , homeboy.

I'm not him; I didn't use "white trash." As if that's a response to what I said.

You're still a whiny, oversensitive baby. How you would have survived in the past when nigger was used like a pronoun is beyond me. Get over it, author's work reflects their opinion about how ugly you are. An opinion most would agree with, though they'd skirt around it.

>white trash
Hypocrisy at its finest. :^)

The black option IS the "black" option.

You can be disgusted by my racism, i don't care user.
By getting to insults he just proved my point that everyone choosing the black color should be paid. Maybe i'll award even more points because it takes courage.

>ghetto youth
Wasn't my comment. Not that he was wrong :^)

Now please let's keep /pol/ in /pol/, Veeky Forums is made for games. If you don't like my cyoa, don't read it.

>Only Sagittarius can be Psions


>Now please let's keep /pol/ in /pol/

I thought you were against hypocrisy and that being a hypocrite automatically made your arguments & opinions wrong.

It was never used a pronoun; it was always a slur.

I honestly doubt the author is giving me 5+ points (3+ and at least 2 saved) for making my husbando look like this. That's ridiculous.

>It was never used a pronoun; it was always a slur.
Look who's new to Veeky Forums.

I honestly can't believe you find that attractive.

>>It was never used a pronoun; it was always a slur.
>Look who's new to Veeky Forums.

So if everyone on Veeky Forums used White Trash "as a pronoun", it wouldn't be a racial slur?

Less race discussion, more cyoa.

You can't stop it user.

> By getting to insults he just proved my point that everyone choosing the black color should be paid
Wow, you're a real piece of work, aren't you?
> please let's keep /pol/ in /pol/
Fuck off to there, then.
First you propose to keep /pol/ in /pol/, then you say that /pol/ opinions should be accepted without question anywhere on the board; and that's not mentioning that Veeky Forums is generally very con-/pol/. If you weren't a /pol/tard, I'd be amazed at your mental elasticity.

Yep, in the context in which we use it on Veeky Forums. Same with calling everyone fag. But I take it you'd blow a gasket regardless, what with being from tumblr and all.

> tumblr bogeyman
You could do everything you could to pretend that you're not /pol/ and you would fail. Fuck off back to your containment board.

>you propose to keep /pol/ in /pol/
I'm not the author, stupid. I've been mocking you whiny cunts since the start because I agree with them, but that's not my CYOA.

>I honestly can't believe you find that attractive.

You can't believe I find a conventially attractive guy attractive because he happens to be black? Okay.

On an unrelated note, do you happen to have something against big dicks, rich guys and loving partners too? You know, would you throw some points my way for picking any of those?

See >conventially attractive
For Kenya, maybe.

> mocking
Your lack of self-awareness is astounding. Do you actually wear a fedora IRL?

I don't care if you're from /pol/, tumblr, reddit, /b/, 9gag, funny junk or any of those shithole toilet websites.

You're both really fucking shitty people.

You're getting triggered in a CYOA thread and derailling the thread. If you wish to keep talking about it just make a thread on /pol/ and i'll gladly join telling you how worthless your color is and why someone deserves a reward for even having the thought of ever picking it. KEEP /POL/ IN /POL/

I'm the author, see my answer So are you. There are mutiple posters and i'm not and some other posts.
Does it surprises you that a lot of people share my opinions?

>I honestly can't believe you find that attractive.
This is what racists actually believe.

The poor thing doesn't know what words mean. How sad.

Listen, user. Whether or not you agree with me or think it's funny is irrelevant in regards to whether or not I'm mocking you. My intent is all that matters.

I can try.

Author here, picking the black option wouldn't allow you to get the rich guy and loving partner because well, conflict of interests.

And I repeat that you should fuck off back to your containment board. What the fuck did you expect after inserting your /pol/ opinions into a CYOA?
Maximum overtipping.

Then delete your cyoa; you knew what you were doing when you added that option. You knew what you were doing when you responded the way you did to other posters. You have consistently failed to follow your own advice, moreover you have done so purely out of willfulness. You have not shown Veeky Forums or /cyoag/ the same courtesy you expect it to show you.

Take your own advice; don't expect others to just willingly and easily follow your commands just because you want them to.

If you've only instituted that rule because of them whining at you, then that is hilarious.

The only way to stop it is to create a even bigger shitstorm user. And the only way to do that is to be a attention whore with unparalleled unwarranted self importance treating /cyoag/ like your personal blog.

How new are you? Do you not know of the old "Kill X" CYOAs or the Jewish Conspiracy CYOA? I hate to tell you this user, but they fit in better here than you do.

That's fucking hilarious


>He thinks he can bully people out of making CYOAs he doesn't like

Or I could just post this.

Wait. Is this /pol/tard actually gloating over how some CYOA might have an edit made because its author became angry with nasty evil tumblr bogeymen? You seriously need to get out of your basement at least every once in a while.

>finally get a K6BD cyoa
>the author is a /pol/tard
>finally get another husbando cyoa
>the author is a /pol/tard

I love this place. Kill me.

I thought we were supposed to "keep /pol/ in /pol" and not doing so made you a shitposter that actively contributed to the reduction in quliaty of both this thread, all others on other boards, and Veeky Forums in general. Or is that only when people don't share your political opinions?

Don't tell me to follow rules you don't care about or follow often, if ever.

I have to say, the thread quality degenerated even further and faster than I'd expected at first. It's never just a shitty argument around here.

Sometimes an author's work reflects his opinions. You can or can not agree with them.
Of course i knew what i was going and never tried to denie it.

Trust me i'll put it in the CYOA.

I'm laughing because you being a whiny bitch about it sabotaged your own goals.

>unironically using the phrase containment board
>not realizing that every board is a containment board
>making such a big deal out of sneaky /pol/ posting without realizing that ignoring it would not have drawn so much attention to the matter and derailed the thread
good job

Hey, if it's what it takes to get his peepee hard more power to him.

Christ you people are so stupid.

Don't worry. We'll fix it once it gets released. Shouldn't take more than 5 min. in paint.

You have a hilarious inability to tell posters apart.

Impartial authors are nice, and good debate. But people have to take things personally these days.

Oh look, /pol/ support team. Like a Swiss clock.
> Sometimes an author's work reflects his opinions
And these opinions belong in /pol/, just as you said. Now kindly fuck off to where you belong.
> Trust me i'll put it in the CYOA.
All right, you actually made me giggle. No wonder you're a /pol/tard.
But do you actually wear a fedora IRL? I need to know.

I think it's because we've had an invasion from off-site, from all the other shitty CYOA communities polluting the thread.

No worries. That's what paint is for. ;^)

Next you'll say its homophobic not to find someone of the same gender attractive?


I don't think you can call any of this "sneaky /pol/ posting".

Indeed I Is; I Is Idiot.

So you agree that saying "keep /pol/ in /pol/" is bullshit hypocrisy and undermines your entire argument?

I knew you weren't the same person; it didn't and doesn't matter.

Your next line is going to be: "I wasn't him, either!"

And? It would be 5-10 minutes in paint to change it. It's the principal of the thing.

> /pol/ has been shitposting here for years, so you should accept us being here
No. Fuck off to where you belong.

It was pretty sneaky until redditanon decided to start crying.

Newfags seem to think that /pol/ is not a giant meme and that all the cool oldfags like /pol/. Case in point, a french "girl" newfag makes a controversial cyoa and spouts /pol/shit to fit in.


>I'm going to attack everyone around me until they change to suit my opinions rather than accept that people here accept opinions I do not like.

Still with the bogeymen. You understand that you're not making a good case for yourself, don't you?

It began with an innocuous +3 points for a black skinned husbando, if the autists on the left side of the "spectrum" hadn't made a big deal out of this then it would have just passed under the radar harmlessly