Is there a pdf of OD&D floating around anywhere? Like, the first book(s) published back in 1976?
Is there a pdf of OD&D floating around anywhere? Like, the first book(s) published back in 1976?
Yes, torrents of them exist.
Look in the OSR general trove
I appreciate it and pardon my ignorance/obliviousness
There's all kinds of nice things in there
If you still can't find it ask the thread and they'll tell you what folder it's in
Nevermind, trove got gassed again
I'll try and get the books off my old laptop and onto a mediafire
>>this post
^those 3 are the complete Whitebox
And that's basically everything I've got.
>Empire of the Petal Throne
>OD&D - V1 Palace of the Vampire Queen - Wee Warriors (Lvl 1-5)
>OD&D - V2 - The Dwarven Glory
>OD&D - V3 - The Misty Isles
are all over the file size limit.
But you can get them off the OSR Trove when it goes back up.
Oh. There's also a PDF with all 3 Whitebox books that's *slightly* over the file size limit.
But it's literally just concatenated onto eachother.
Oh jeeze, thank you very much. this is very appreciated
I didn't know this existed. Pretty nifty.
It's odd how weapons in OD&D all dealt 1d6 damage, even those that were two-handed. (unless I misread something) Doesn't give any incentive to choose one weapon over another.
Basic D&D gave weapons some disparities, but still had a few odd ends, like two-handed battle axes dealing only 1d8 damage. (In contrast to two-handed swords, which dealt 1d10)
>Doesn't give any incentive to choose one weapon over another.
Axes and Hammers could also be thrown. (also Javelins, etc.)
Beyond that you were expected to use the Chainmail combat matrices, so you had to chose your weapons around you opponents armor.
Unless you rolled the Body Weaponry psionic power and just swatted everyone and everything with your Magic Dagger Hands +5 of Optimal Combat Matrixing.