How is Fight! the Fighting Game RPG?
How is Fight! the Fighting Game RPG?
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Anyone got a copy of it?
Not as good as Strike! The manual laborers trying to force their employer to give them better working conditions through the use of work stoppages RPG.
Does Fight! The Fighting Game RPG have air dash?
the Round 2 supplement
Stop shilling Strike!
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
Has anyone actually played FIGHT!
Would it be good for a Mortal Kombat style game
here's a video of some people using it to play a Mortal Kombat style game
haven't watched it yet so I can't really speak for its quality
I like it to represent fighting games in a table top format.
I really want to run a post 3rd strike Street Fighter game in it.
I like the idea, but I think it gets a bit twisted up in itself trying to represent actual mechanics. I tend to prefer games which stick to themes and conveying the feeling, but I can see why it would appeal to some people.
I'll be checking it out and maybe running it. Looks neat!
Same here I was looking over the special move section and it's almost 30 pages of trying to replicate every fighting game move Launchers, Cross Ups, Anti Airs,Knock Downs and Juggles
It just feels like it's spending a little too much time on crunch and not enough on trying to simulate the atmosphere of the genre
It's a common flaw with projects trying to adapt something from another medium to tabletop, in my opinion.
Instead of fully investing in an adaptation, capturing the themes of the source material but making full use of an RPG or boardgames unique strengths, instead they labour themselves with trying to translate specific mechanics or elements in ways which are faithful, but aren't actually conducive to creating the same tone and quality of experience. I can understand the logic behind it, and why some people prefer that to a looser adaptation, but I'll always prefer an RPG which is focused on working well as an RPG rather than simulating aspects of the source.
For fighting game stuff I'd likely default to Legends of the Wulin, although it's my crunchy combat system of choice and I've yet to find better (Although it is not a system for everyone and it's burdened by god-fucking-awful editing).
A game in a similar theme possibly worth reading is Thrash. I'm not sure which came first but I remember them sharing a bunch of ideas.
Personally, I don't really like either that much, because of the same reasons as I think he was making a joke, friendo.
Although, Strike! as combat focused generic system definitely could work. The closest genre to fighting games where the players form a team would be a beat'em up, and it's fine for playing a game in that style.
Thrash came first. It started as a re-write of the Street Fighter rpg by White Wolf, but got further and further away from that with each succeeding version.
I think combat in a Fighting Game rpg would look something like this
Everyone sort splits off into 1v1 fights with occasional overlap until the boss appears
At that point, you may as well play Yomi or BattleCon, and use something really simple (FATE /FAE?) for the noncombat part.
Yomi has boss-raids even, IIRC.
You know now that I think about it Strike! and by extension 4e would probably work fairly well for a Fighting game
You have tactical movement, relatively open ended narrative out of combat stuff, and special moves
At-Wills are basic special moves Encounters are supers and Dailies are Ultras
I haven't played Ledgends of the Wulin yet but I bet it would be great for conveying the feeling of a fighting game world.
For portraying the mechanics however Yomi or BattleCon tagged onto a simple system like FATE could be really interesting... hmm...
That said I wonder how easy it would be to make custom characters for either Yomi or BattleCon?
That would be pretty awesome I think, and easy to refluff moves to be what you want them to be.
Why are you still shilling Strike!?
Because despite its problems it is a decent system that works for certain types of games and certain groups
Also talking about a system doesn't automatically mean someone is shilling
maybe I should give it up and go homebrew up something in ORE
ORE would be great for that simultaneous action that you see in fighting games
everything in fighting games is fast paced action that would be totally lost in most systems where you have long multiple minute rounds filled with large amounts of dice rolling