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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers, when were YOU the Yandere? And to whom?
Ok, you have made some rulings here that have no basis in the setting. Normally, Mages discarded the need for foci of one sphere every Arete from 2-10, making them actual will workers at arete 10. Even the technarchy overcome the need for foci for two spheres every Arete from 6-10, again becoming true will workers at Arete 10. Making the jump totally restricted until level 10 is reached has no basis.
Likewise the "Any spheres you do not buy into with CP at the beginning is forever barred to you? What The Fuck?" WHY?
The resources/sanctum/etc options. One thing WW did was higher levels gave you more then linear progression. 50 CP is a 1000 square foot sanctum, ok. But spending 250 CP on a sanctum should/would give you a lot more space than 5,000 square feet. at that point, you are looking at an estate and grounds.
ditto resources. spending 250 CP on money should not get you 75,000 dollars a year; at that point you should be getting something like "Batman's Real Superpower" where you have millions of dollars that replenishes every decade, or millions every year.
Affinity spheres. You never said what they were or who has what affinity spheres in text.
The "Locations" I am not a fan of having locations being time periods you need to pay CP to choose. Make starting time a free choice, &/or think up some actual locations to start in, like "A chantry base of your faction," The Umbra, a trade expo with technocratic presence, a renaissance fair where the Hermetic Order are recruiting, a small town with rumors of strange happenings, etc.
The Crossover drawback, make it 50CP, only apply to one splat, and can be taken at a higher level for more splats.
So Jumper, how do you interact with your origin's parents, especially if it's a minor? Do you ignore them entirely? Do you call them every once in a while?
>Ascension of the Hentai Moon
So if I grant the Force to a bunch of random people, most of them will inevitably fall to the Dark Side, right?
Would X-Men Movies Super Speed let you slow down how the world feels to you, like making it feel like the world is moving in slow motion rather than like you're going faster.
>Allabilitiesthatmight be classified as‘Magic’ are sealed away, and you cannot take any itemsthatregisterasmagicout of yourwarehouse. Taking thisdrawbackmakessure you will notdieofoldageinthistime.
Might be classified as magic? Do you mean things that are explicitly referred to as magic? Because there are a number of things that *might* be classified as "magic". Psionics, Warp shenanigans, The Force, X-men mutant powers, fiat-based perfect memory, immortality, regeneration, Stargate technology, etc. Anything vaguely supernatural, in fact, *might* be considered "magic". Of course, locking all of this would make sense, but it's not clear if that's what you mean.
>Yourspaceshipsareunavailable to you, be theythe Light of Terra, the Sajuuk, or anything in yourorbitaldockyard.Yes, smartass, thisincludesthe Fortress.
Is this a general ban on out-of-jump technology? Because the Sajuuk is a set of blueprints unless you do something with it.
Myself and some of my companions pretend to be Yandere for each other in various combinations when we're bored.
We get bored a lot.
Dahak Jump WIP posted end of last thread. Reposting here for more commentary.
>Ascension of the Hentai Moon
It's a Dahak Chronicles, Mage: The Ascension. Generic Hentai Crossover! Everything mentioned in the last thread!
A Good, Old-Fashioned Six-Shooter [600, Discount for Drop-In] – It’s a revolver. Not an ordinary revolver, either. This comes with six bullets, and only six, that cannot be duplicated at all. Though you will get a ‘refill’ of any you’ve spent later on, their special properties are spent when this gun is fired. What are these special properties? Well, the bullets fired from this particular gun will completely ignore magical or supernatural defenses, and strike true against an enemy as though nothing were there, and always doing more damage than you’d expect. It does nothing to prevent the wound healing or makes the bullet itself any stronger...but sometimes, a good shot between the eyes of the Immortal who was boasting about being ‘invincible’ just a second before is all you need. These will restock each week.
It will be done this weekend.
Someone fires something at you, to no effect. What's your immediate reaction?
Deadman Wonderland and every single jump afterwards.
My 'alternate personality' and I became one.
Shimoneta Jump when?
more like chumpchain: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahagahaahgahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahhahahahagagagahahahahahahahahaha edition
If anything that might be classified as Magic under Ascension rules is banned then you're fucked. Because you can't use the life 0 consensual effect "humans maintain homeostasis" or forces 0 eyes. Because remember, literally everything in Mage is technically a product of the magic.
>Someone fires something at you, to no effect. What's your immediate reaction?
Why did you just try to kill me?
Depends. I either play along out of convenience, abandon them, or actually bond. My goals decide, really. Like in Harry Potter, my parents were shitty pureblood assholes, so I played along without any real bond. But Musoku Tensei (Can't spell that, you know what it is) I remained pretty close to my parents until my tail dropped off and I started adventuring.
Have you seen this man?
I need that, what jump is it that you are making because I really need that gun. Also could we choose how the gun looks?
Pretty much the picture you posted. I just stare at them angrily. Then the mass of my intimidation perks drives them insane.
Balefire right up their urethra. Maybe use Magicka resurrection if I regret it. At this point I don't know any other way to respond.
I walk over and assert dominance.
I don't think that would work. Revive affects the dead, Balefire makes someone have never existed in the first place.
Boktai and yes.
If there was any sort of bond, then I stay in contact for the decade, but I prolly wouldn't tell them about the Jumpchain unless we were really close.
"Did you hear that? I could have sworn someone just tried to shoot me!"
sighing I turn to them and ask "don't you have media or storytellers? that kind of thing is not going to help you. now apologize"
Why would it?
Fantastic, Chiappa Rhino 60DS it is then.
Magicka Resurrection revives someone no matter what. Double Period.
What the hell is that?
See: .
I would also like to know this.
haha very nice my man
>Balefire makes someone have never existed in the first place.
Incorrect it makes you retroactively killed them. The only way they never existed is if you use enough power to retroactively kill them at a date earlier than their birth/conception.
If you only Balefired them enough to kill them last Tuesday, Magicka Resurrection won't have a problem.
A futa, see /d/ for reference and then pour bleach in your eyes.
Oh god, not this again.
Yes, revives. This is not revivification. This is altering history.
But that's a fair point. I guess I just assumed that they would be completely unmaking them, because otherwise Balefire isn't that necessary, but they could be half-assing it for some reason.
I hear about Balefire a lot here but where is it from.
Wheel of Time. It's not a perk, it's a spell.
Wheel of Time.
>Though you will get a ‘refill’ of any you’ve spent later on, their special properties are spent when this gun is fired.
>These will restock each week.
So after you fire the six shots, you get a supply of six normal rounds each week?
So? The person who balefires someone remembers them. And again, you can revive someone no matter what, even if you coudln't remember someone or if they've been deleted from reality. Fiat>Conceptual Retroactive Hax.
No, it's the six 'special bullets' with the same properties. That wording was meant to indicate that duplicating the bullets or firing 'ordinary' ones wouldn't include the defense bypass. I'll edit that in a bit.
Wheel of Time. It's one of the top-level weaving spells, made from Air and Fire if you want to take specialties to make learning it easier. It retroactively kills someone, and if enough energy is put into it they never existed in the first place. However, despite altering physical evidence (up to and including reviving the dead should you unmake someone to before they killed that person), memories are untouched. Also, in the Wheel of Time universe itself, it's got potentially universe-wrecking properties, as time is cyclical (thus "Wheel of Time") and removing something from the weave that way can have big consequences when time cycles around to the next incarnation of the universe. Messes up the pattern. That probably wouldn't apply in other worlds with different metaphysics, though.
Revive someone from the dead, not revive someone from never existing. That sets a dangerous precedent that you can use Revive to alter history. Furthermore, Revive doesn't have fiat levels of power. It was a dumb non-canon power grab in an SB-made jump. Normally we deride those, I'm not sure why everyone defends this one.
>a revive option that was wanked by its maker to give an unparalleled power that can tell entire settings to fuck itself or revive godbeings to do as you will with them
I dunno user, you tell me why it's defended.
Cool. Drop-in is definitely shaping up to be my favorite perk tree. I'm curious to see what you'll have for "Monster Traits", or whatever they're called.
Ironically, given that the world is one where all lewdness is banned, the jump would probably be too lewd. Go ahead and take a crack at it, if you want and think you can do a good job at making it not-lewd.
I know, but other times SB tries to wank powers to an absurd degree the thread rejects it. I don't understand the double standard.
Take a look. It's on the home stretch.
Oh, are you upset someone's revealing your hypocrisy?
Few people do defend it, when I saw that bit and asked about it here it ended up triggering a hour long shitstorm of everyone shitting on that jump maker for it.
>because otherwise Balefire isn't that necessary, but they could be half-assing it for some reason.
Where Balefire shines is the "what they did after you retro-killed them is undone, except the memories"
So if someone shoots you, and the collateral damage from the ricochets kills someone else, you can balefire whoever killed you so they died 5 min ago, and all that is undone. It is an efficient method of limited reality warping.
You do NOT usually WANT to kill someone that far back, lest you end up creating something like Exalted's Time of Cascading Years or some other Temporal Breakdown.
Cool, thanks. I'll look at it soon.
No, see I'm just tired of hearing about it.
Yeah, but this is a spite killing. "You shot at me? FUCK YOU, BALEFIRE!" I assumed they'd be erasing them from existence due to that being the greatest expression of contempt.
Ahahahaha. You imply the common jumper here even will think about the consequences of fucking a world like that. Or they'll just go to Drakengard and go "lol paradox immunity" before proceeding to do it more, just to spite you.
Do you have an audio sample of "YAIYOOH!"? Also, how loud does it have to be? I probably shouldn't use it while infiltrating an enemy base, right? But maybe I can use perks from Youtube or Musician to make it more normal.
>Go to Nightmare Before Christmas
>Become a boogeyman
>Go to Bokati
>Take Unleash the Plague
>Use the plague power while in boogeyman form
>Any attempts to destroy your bugs just ends up making more bugs
It's like a hydra, but a thousand times creepier.
That's 'Taiyoh!' user. And it has to be a yell, though if you have some way to muffle the noise you make, it can work. It's not a hard-and-set limitation, just something of a mythology gag from the game since Django does it every time he recharges. He's very enthusiastic about the sun.
I lack an audio clip at the moment, sadly.
Whatever floats your boat, user.
Make sure to get Queen Administrator in Worm, too. That would get rid of the "too many bugs loses cohesion" flaw in being a Boogeyman.
It's fiat. For one jump. I don't know why it bugs you so much. Just get over it.
>Few people do defend it, when I saw that bit and asked about it here it ended up triggering a hour long shitstorm of everyone shitting on that jump maker for it.
I don't have a problem with it, it IS Magicka's shtick, after all.
>revive godbeings to do as you will with them
It revives, that is it. It gives no control, and they are not required to feel grateful.
Yes, you can revive the dead God in Highschool DxD as an example. Whether that solves more problems than creates is a toss of the coin.
Personally, I like it to resurrect Companions, since I do not assume they auto-resurrect. So if they die, you either need something to bring them back, or to pay Jumpchan CP for a Companion Import, which can import a companion from anywhere.
It actually does work in the game. You just claim it's not canon because you can only cast it in multiplayer on other wizards. Your claims always focus around this but ignore two points:
1. It exists in your spellbook in singleplayer. It just doesn't do anything because you don't have other wizard palls around.
2. You claim it should only work on wizards while ignoring that's just a gameplay conceit, all while claiming the revive shouldn't work because it's a gameplay conceit, being a huge hypocrite.
>You are now strong enough to tear a human limb off with a swift motion and a strong grip using only one hand, and can lift a house-sized boulder with one arm.
One of these things is not like the other...
Namely that a house-sized boulder would weigh several hundred tons at least, even considering the smallest house -- which is mainly hollow...
Because it's dumb fiat, and also hypocritical of this thread to use when we give other SB power grabs so much shit.
If it works on other people, then why are there multiple points in the game where "oh no, that guy died" is an issue? It's either not canon and just a gameplay abstraction, or it is canon and only works on wizards.
Not really user, if it can do the later it can do the former too.
>not revive someone from never existing. That sets a dangerous precedent that you can use Revive to alter history
You are assuming immortal souls can be unmade by temporal shenanigans.
You are coming dangerously close to shitposting here.
You never played Magicka.
You're assuming they can't be. Who said the soul is immortal? Hell, we've got lots of perks that operate on the complete opposite assumption, letting you destroy them for power.
Honestly I think it's the shitposter who does the whole "Everything bad is SB everyone who I don't like go to SB SB is to blame for everything SB is a monolith and everyone who came from there to here is bad." since it only ever happens during a long whiny rant about minutiae and for/against power as an attack on a jumpmaker, which is his favorite tactic otherwise.
Just off the top of my head, there's the bit where the King is in that weird augur rig about to drill into his head, and you have to stop it from doing so. You can't just wait for it to kill him and then revive him. So that's evidence against it. Further, there's the bit where you have to go get information from Fafnir and you get into a fight with him instead and Vlad gets all angry when you kill him because now he can't teach you the spell. If you could just bring Fafnir back, that wouldn't be an issue.
You should use ellipses less, user. But yeah, the idea is that you can rip a human apart and lift something huge. I didn't feel like doing math. If it's a problem, I'll clarify it later. Right now, I'm preoccupied with finishing this four month long jump.
Yes, and the latter is at least one OoM above the former.
No, Magicka was made by a Spacebattles poster. And for the most part I think it's a great jump. Just that one bit about Revive is stupid as all fuck.
This is probably not the time or place to discuss the role-playing tendencies of my Companions and myself.
Seriously though, I have hunted down specific Companions and maneuvered events so that they would become entangled with myself and my group. That might be construed as slightly Yandere.
I usually don't worry about my origin's parents. I probably should, but it's simpler to imagine that the Jump Coordinator finds some version of a universe where I don't have a family to complicate matters.
Then again, part of it is just me being a lazy writer.
Who the heck is flinging magical spells at me? I'm all but immune to magic but surprisingly vulnerable to mundane forces.
You mean how Quicksilver seems to be able to just walk around at a normal pace while everything is frozen?
You have the reflexes to make everything seem to be in slow motion, but I'm not sure about the other part. Probably?
Investing in time manipulation would be a good idea.
Actually, I've been thinking of changing it from a generic super-speed ability to personal-scale time manipulation, since that actually seems closer to Quicksilver. But he also does stuff that seems more like super speed, so eh.
Because we just had someone use Dragonball Z "precedent" to make a jump that gave you 20 points to play with. You've gotta die on every fucking hill nowadays because if you don't the fact that you didn't can and will be used to justify stupidity.
Well, Quicksilver has aspects of both, so eh.
>Select all pictures of street signs
>Gives one lone palm tree.
>Okay, Captcha.
Heal them due to the bullet wound? I don't like seeing people suffer, user.
Actually, I don't use ellipses that often.
Yeah, I can appreciate different parts of a work. I'm not so limited in my thought processes that I have to be either 100% in favor of or 100% opposed to something. Something you're clearly not familiar with.
Only 287 more posts to go!
He took it back you nigger. Unnecessarily I might add, since the jump had several other problems that the thread ignored to focus on an issue that was purely cosmetic, since each point translated to 50 cp, meaning that you had 1000 cp anyways.
From what it looks like he can accelerate his own personal time and can selectively extend it slightly past himself; this would let him listen to music as if it was as fast as he is, let him interact with things both as normal and at extreme speeds, and have things that he stops touching return to slower speeds after he stops touching them (such as altering the path of bullets in FP and keeping the people he throws alive in Apocalypse).
He is moving at supper speed it is just that the way he achieves it is through a combination of personal time manipulation and minor physics breaking.
Poking cops knocked them out, and his punch sent Apocalypse flying. That does not sound like time magic to me.
I thought it was kind of weird the bit where he's rescuing Magneto where he explains that he needs to brace his neck to keep him from getting whiplash from moving him around at such high speeds. But somehow the arms and legs aren't going to flail everywhere and get ripped out of their sockets? And later when he's rescuing people from the Xavier mansion he's just throwing them all over the place. He starts out bracing them properly, but as the scene goes on he starts literally tossing them. So I guess he just likes that extra bit of safety, and when he's in a rush he skips it?
>Supper Speed.
So he's as fast as he needs to be to get to dinner?
He can also move at around mach 2000 or some shit. Which is fine if it's pseudo-time manipulation/kinetic absorption/whatever, but if you go down that route be prepared to deal with the shitposting.
Well, presumably he has some control over the interface between his momentum-defying state and the rest of the world. So it's probably more an inertia manipulation power than time manipulation. The listening to music could just be excused as him having modified his Walkman. I vaguely recall in his intro scene him having hacked his game of Pong to play at hyperspeed so it can keep up with him.
As I said time fuckery would explain how he is able to interact with things both at super speed and at normal speed. He interacts with some stuff at normal speeds by extending the time acceleration to those things but he can also not extend it to them and affect them as if he was moving at extreme speeds.
>inertia manipulation
That's an interesting take on it.
Are there any Jumps that let me interact with Jumpchan?