Stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
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Deus Vult / 10
Cleric/Monk multi class with a high carisma
medium humanoid
10 hp
AC 10
Can use any cleric spell at-will as an epic level caster
Can use any divine abilities from Deities & Demigods at-will, as a greater god
also needs something to account for carpentry skill
Proficiency: Carpentry
Undead creature
Jesus was the one major religious figure that Deities and Demigods did NOT provide stats for, this book here
There's a game called... Testament, I think? It has stats for biblical figures like moses and jesus.
I dunno, some of the shit he said and did makes me think he might be NG, maybe even CG. Definitely good-aligned, though.
Jesus was only Lawful in a cosmic sense. I'd say he was mostly NG.
Peter was LG though.
Makes sense; in Christianity Jesus is literally God on earth so statting him also means statting God.
Maybe Jehovah/Yahweh, but not him. Jesus is more like an avatar.
Also God was Lawful Neutral (sometimes dangerously close to Lawful Evil) up to the New Testament. Then he goes full hippie and becomes all love and peace.
Speaking of gods in role play
Has anyone made stats for the Kek pantheon?
Kek, Moonman, Garrison and Trump would be on the good side
Who would be on the evil side?
CN greater god
domains: chaos, numbers, magic
CN human bard level 5
dual wielded +5 light crossbows
N human ranger level 5
+5 heavy crossbow (shotgun)
Proficiency: painting
N human aristocrat level 10
+5 light crossbow
guards are 3rd level fighters who have grappling feats and are all armed with +5 light crossbows
Here you go lad
>Not CG
Would nail to a cross/10
Tomaru would be the villain.
Tough one. He can cast ressurection spells, so he's at least an 8th level Prophet, (which would also allow him to cast the spells).
I'd say put him as a 10th level Ranger/10th level Prophet.