Lich Queen Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Lich Queen Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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If someone had sex with Sylvannas, is it necrophilia?
So what would an alternate universe where Jaina helped Arthas at stratholme, travelled with him to northrend, and ended up taking up Frostmourne while Arthas travels back to the Eastern Kingdoms to warn the Alliance of the coming of the dead be like?
ask Koltira
no but it is a warcrime to have anything to do with the psycho shit.
so if Jaina became the lich queen.
What happened to Arthas? Does he serve her? does he service her?
Well my eyes are probably going to gloss over every night.
post more treue kolour Jaina
Full of massive boners belonging to the players. Laura Bailey already gets me hard as is.
Lich Bitch Jaina would be so much more interesting than Arthas... Who I'm guessing, would now be a Undead stripper servicing Lord Proudmoore.
of course Jaina would pick the scrub class
If Vol'jin really dies like a bitch in legion I'm out.
Bye, then. Good luck with whatever you do next.
Why are spacegoats so sexy?
What? I haven't played since MoP but if they spent all that time developing his character and making his ascension to Warchief only to throw it out two expansions later then I'm glad I quit.
He gets to make one shitty decision before dying.
>all that time developing his character
>Gets the title at the end of MoP.
>Does nothing in WoD, just gets his name on a couple buildings.
>Dies at the start of Legion.
WoW did criminally under use him. I blame the marketing department. And whoever thought Sylvanas was a better decision than Saurfang, Baine, Lorthemar... Hell, I'd chisel out a rock in charge before I put Sylvanas in charge.
Even worse than giving the Horde to Garrosh.
If I had to choose between Garrosh and Sylvanas, I'd join the Twilight Hammer. It would be about as pleasant.
t. Archbishop Benedictus
>true colors Jaina
She has more clarity now than ever before.
Looking a little dreadlord there, princess.
You think Blizzard will ever rework the starting areas? And if so, when do you think they will? Compared to the Pandaren, Worgen, Goblin, and Demon Hunter starting areas, the human, Draenei, Troll, and the other races are so damn boring. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some new players who got turned off by the experience.
So is she just going to go off and genocide as much of the Horde as she can get her hands on? While the are demons with spaceships trying to murder everything on Azeroth? I get being pissed off at them for more or less causing the death of Varion (From their point of view, they don't know about the flanking maneuver the Legion pulled.), but common sense has to assert itself at some point. They have spaceships for fucks sake! Is there nothing we can do to convince her to wait out starting another shitstorm with the Horde until after the current shitstorm with the Burning Legion is over?
I'd rather choose Gul'dan.
I get the feeling that we will be going back to burning shore at the end of legion
she literally says "[Anduin] will see" how the Horde is worse than the Legion
milf pussy is a hell of a drug
I don't think so. The way she's being portrayed in Legion so far seems to be pretty reasonable. Jaina has a legitimate reason to be pissed at the Horde, even with just recent history, what with Sylvanas pulling out seemingly to leave the Alliance to die.
Despite the popularity of Has Gone Crazy And Must Be Killedâ„¢, both from speculation and Blizzard's overusage, I don't think they writers are going that route with Jaina. I feel like we'll see her reducing her zeal in this expansion.
That is becoming increasing tempting. Especially with all the idiots that run up and fall over dead at his feet in every Broken Shore run.
Between them and the characters committing suicide to get the 'It All Makes Sense Now' achievement faster, Azeroth is so fucked.
For the record I'm doing that on purpose every time.
I did it my first run because the mental image of a squishy mage charging straight into melee was amusing, and I was on a sugar high that made it seem like it would be hilarious. I knew there wasn't an achievement or anything, and I could afford a repair bill. Same reason I used Barrage on my hunter, even though I knew it would mean all those demons would pile on top of me. My hunter lived.
But then there are people that get told there isn't an achievement, still run at Gul'dan, die, get rezzed, run at him again, get rezzed, then whine about not getting an achievement.
I am just glad I saw the secret item on the alliance side and got it!
Next expansion. Just wait.
>all the idiots that run up and fall over dead at his feet in every Broken Shore run
>tfw the Scourge would have no issues like this
So what does it feel like to use the Light?
I know using Arcane causes a rush of power, which is why it's addicting.
>does he service her?
His tongue will suffer
For the forsaken it is suppose to be extremely painful but with no lasting effects. Over time they start to regain their senses which is kinda bad cause they are rotting,
Fun fact: Sylvanas is the only one of the Horde's racial leaders who completely accomplished her own objectives in Cataclysm.
Is that genderbent Varian?
So when the Frost DK artifacts summon Ner'zhul or Arthas, is it really them or just a copy?
Echoes of their souls likely still embedded in Frostmourne. Though how Ner'Zhul's soul is in there, I have no idea.
What were the other leaders objectives? Afaik most of them didn't really have any.
>Though how Ner'Zhul's soul is in there, I have no idea.
Ner'Zhul's soul was in the armor, not the sword. Unless smashing open the suit's prison stole it from the armor.
Maybe he dropped his soul and it fell into the sword by accident. Ner'zhul had a lot on his plate at the time, I'm sure you can forgive him for misplacing a soul or two.
When Arthas fused his soul with Ner'Zhul's in the books to make "The true Litch King" both souls where then sucked into the sword.
Smashing the sword then cut Ner'Zhul off from the armor letting Bolvar take up the Crown relatively uncurropted by Ner'Zhul.
At least till it is all reconned and Bolvar was the Ner'Zhul all along.
Ah. It's been a while since I read that book, though since I make an effort to purge anything written by Christie Golden, it's probably for the best.
High Queen
>Helps him purge Stratholme
>travels with him to Northrend
>Doesn't need Frostmourne because he's got a powerful mage with him
>He, Jaina and Muradin wreck the undead.
>Lordaeron is never destroyed
>Scourge is slowly killed off in Eastern Kingdoms
>LK starts again in Kalimdor
>NE and Tauren get fucking wrecked because of lack of experience with the dead
>Legion invade Kalimdor
>Build strength for a few years
>WRECK Eastern Kingdoms who are somehow ignorant of a whole other continent on the planet.
>WoW never happens
Good end
I remember when Forsaked priests were announced, it was revealed that the Light actually works off of faith: If you believe it'll happen, it'll happen. I thought that was a great reveal and interesting mechanic, story and game-wise.
Then, Blizzard being Blizzard, wetn full retard and says that the undead use the light even though it burns them, and heling via the light is more like cauterisation.
>When Arthas fused his soul with Ner'Zhul's in the books to make "The true Litch King
Is this the curent canon? Beause there have been at least three versions of this story that I can think of off the top of my head.
I'm questioning where they put Arthas' corpse. If they're willing to attempt to grave-rob Tirion's, why not Arthas?
I thought it just gives them back some nerve endings it's really unpleasant to have when you're more liberal on your maggot capacity than the living.
Death knight Garrosh coming to serve the horde as Sylvanas's right hand general when?
Where did we bury over half the enemies anyway?
I'm pretty sure it was cannon at the end of Wrath, but the Scourge is one of the most written and rewritten parts of wow so I'm not sure if it still is.
That too. I think they were trying to imply that using the light for long enough will bring you back to life, though obviously for gameplay reasons they won't be able to follow through with that except for a small fee of $15.99!.
I just really liked that the version of the Light that the Priests use is actually just another form of magic, there's no overseeing god doing it. It was reinforced by the novel that described the first paladins being trained and said that Turalyon couldn't use the Light until he understood that the orcs were not from this world, and therefore the light COULD reject a living thing. If it were a power granted by a god, it would work regardless.
But now I think Elune is the source of the light? Or all Naaru? I can't remember exactly now.
Even during Wrath, we saw Arthas' inner child/humanity which was fighting to stop Ner'zhul from destroying the world.
Well if Bolvar is having to fight off both Arthas and Ner'Zhul to keep himself sane, waking up one of them and giving them a semblance of sentience is a recipe for a Scourge civil war. So bad end. Tirion likely took the body and put it under Light's Hope under a fuckload of wards.
I just realized, in that quest where you obtain the Frost DK Frostmorne weapons, is it possible to win by defeating Ner'zhul instead of Arthas? I doubt it'd be an efficient method but can it be done?
Man, I'm bad at explaining. Lets try that again.
>Faol nominates 4 people to become the first paladins. They're all people trained as knights who are also devoted to the light.
>The first 3 adopt the light's smitey powers immediately and use them to fight the orcs.
>Turalyon has a probem - The Light guards all life on the world, so how can it destroy Orcs? They're living, after all.
>Later, someone tells the orcs to go back where they came from
>Turalyon realises that the orcs aren't from this world, so the light can be used to hurt them
>Suddenly, he can use the Light powers and wreck orcs.
Paladins and Priests are Shamans of Light.
What does Bolvar's predecessors whisper in his ears anyway?
"Hey it's Illidan, ask him why is he so ugly."
"Bolvar, why is Jaina fucking a dragon?"
While we're on this topic, let's talk about how bullshit it is that there are "stronger" Shamen. They're supposed to work the will of the elements, or ask the elements for favours and get told no if it's too much. By having "Stronger" or, in Thrall's case, "the strongest ever" Shamen, it implies that Grobbo, shaman trainee, could ask Water to help him put out a fire in a school and get told to fuck off, but Thrall asks Water to act as his own personal bidet and literally gets his ass kissed on command.
Wait, Arthas' soul is still in the helmet?
No, but he seems to still be able to influence Bolvar to some degree.
It sounds like the elements should be a great equalizer, but apparently they're as fickle as all the other godly forces.
Golden gets a lot of shit, but the interactions with the elements in Lord of the Clans are terrible.
>Hey, Spirit of Life. Can you turn those warhorses around? I'm, uh... worried for their lives. Yep
"No Thrall, those horses are bred and trained for war. They understand their sacrifice".
>But then I might lose! Oh, and uh my cause is totally just.
"Hmm. OK!"
Just a reminder of any lore past The Frozen Throne is trash and from the worst era of all of Warcraft's writing. WC 4 dismissing further story development from WOW is the only way to proceed.
If Burning Legion have spaceships why don't they bombard Azeroth from Orbit? Why make planet fall only to be defeated by ungrouped level 100s?
>the Star Wars prequels with swords instead of lightsabers is good lore and the Mogu aren't
Speaking of Laura Bailey, what would WoW be like if Jaina had Chun Li's body type and attitude? IE she'd be a MUSCLE WIZARD.
I'd say the eason is twofold. First, Grobbo the shaman trainee has less experience speaking with elements, and thus might have trouble formulating complex requests to them. And secondly, the powers of a shaman come from trust and respect of the elements. The elements have little reason to turst and respect Grobbo, who has yet proven himself worthy, while they do respect Thrall. So while Thrall theoretically could ask Water to act as his personal bided, the reason he could do that is also the reason why he never would (he's powerful because the elements trust and respect him, and they do so because they know he wields their power wisely and don't misuse it).
In the enchancement shaman questline in Legion Thrall loses his powers because the elements lose trust in him (he starts doubting himself over the whole Garrosh mess, and the elements can't trust him when he can't even trust himself). So even the most powerful shaman is only powerful for as long as the elements are willing to listen to his requests.
>It sounds like the elements should be a great equalizer, but apparently they're as fickle as all the other godly forces.
That they are. Ultimately, they aren't all that concerned of mortal morality. Take the burning school mentioned above. To us, a school burning down is clearly a bad thing, but to the elemental force of Fire, stuff being on fire is great. So to put out the fire, the shaman has to either convince Fire that it'd be better if he stopped the school from burning, or the other elements to put the fire out at the risk of angering Fire.
>>Medivh: Something bad is gonna happen!
>>King Menethil: What is?
>>Medivh: Something! Now move your ENTIRE country on my vague warnings. Threats, even!
>>King Menethil: Get this raving madman out of here, he clearly isn't stating any facts for me to work with.
>nothing wrong
literally everything wrong
her design is so cool, loved her in wc3
You shouldn't retcon a characters motivations just to pander to his fans.
What are you talking about? It looks like she did everything RIGHT in that cinematic. It's the DH pc that got owned like a bitch.
>Oh, you think you can take me, Illidari? That's cute.
So what you're saying is, Arthas did literally nothing wrong?
That is possibly the worst thing they have done to lore with DH's.
Maiev was banished from the order, she was looked down on for her single mindedness, young wardens were warned NOT to be like her.
But nope we are bringing Illidan and the wardens back into the picture, so lets rework her entire story to make her a faction leader.
>Bolvar's eye opens up to reveal a "yes"
user, there are now two factions of Wardens: those who fallow Jarod, and those who follow Maiev.
And for the record, Wolfheart was trash. I'm glad Blizz is sweeping it under the rug.
I was talking about Illidan. Stockpiling magic, building up forces for the 'eventual' return of Kil'jaeden, not because he was ACTUALLY the good guy all along and all he had to do was send a message or whatever.
Okay those first person cutscenes were pretty fucking sweet.
Wolfheart was indeed garbage, War Crimes is my second place for most terrible Warcraft book released so far.
>she was looked down on for her single mindedness
Actually, many night elves admire her, seeing her as the epitome of dedication.
Look user. Blizzard has been increasingly ignoring Knaak's novels for half a decade now. I dunno if it's that the writers of WoW hate his stuff or that they feel that synergizing with the books is a bad idea, but I can't even remember the last time a Knaak plot actually made the jump into the game. We've never seen Broxigar, vereesa's kids, Jaina's supposed relationship with Kalec, the super special snowflake OC from Wolfheart, Maiev forming her own army or any of that shit in-game.
I think it's safe to say that while it's not outright retconned, just like with Me'dan all that stuff from the books is now "expanded universe" pseudocanon.
Why is Gul'dan so powerful now? Does he have the plot power to do whatever the hell he wants?
Amen. In my mind, those books are even more loosely canon than the RPG or Medan.
Because he's alternate reality Gul'dan. AR versions are always more powerful.
This time the legion is genuinely trusting him with immense power rather than giving him table scrapes to lead him along.
Because Blizzard forgot that Ner'Zhul was wearing the big boy loincloth during the Legion's tempting of the Orcs, and just slapped an EBUL orc into position. Or maybe they assumed it would be too difficult to explain that this Ner'Zhul is not the Ner'Zhul who is the Lich King, while Gul'Dan got BTFO by a bunch of skellingtons from Spoopy Night Elf Town in the main timeline, so he's not relevant..
Maiev in that cinematic gives me such a massive fucking orgasm. She's so overwhelmingly baddass and mean. She's got elements of Judge Dredd, the Punisher, and Batman all rolled up into one sexy, ancient, sculpted, and fully armored night elf. It's just so overwhelmingly hot and awesome. Like, this boner is raging, but also terrified.