Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
I love fish cunt edition
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
I love fish cunt edition
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
TIERS ARE USAGE-BASED. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific Metagame.
Currently own Abzan, but it's Ben losing pretty bad at my LGS these past couple weeks. Thinking of switching over to Jund finally, but idk if my meta is right for it. There are 3 Jeskai Nahiri, 2 Burn, Merfolk, Bant Eldrazi, 8-wack, elves, RG-Breach, Tron, and a couple other odd decks not worth mentioning.
Junk should have a better match up against merfolk and burn. Also it has loxodon smiter and voice against Nahiri. Have you tried worship?
Have you tried worship
The Legacy guys are setting up a weekly tournament on Xmage. Would the Modern general be interested in something like that?
Loam Dredge or Bridge Dredge?
Loam is more consistent and resilient but that's not really important, if you are playing dredge you should be just trying to win as quickly and brutally as possible.
Someone help me make a cheesy deck using ripple and wheel of sun and moon.
Abzan midrange, not liege. I don't play Smiter or Voice. Also never tried worship
This is a deck I want to play.
4 Judge's familiar
4 Dryad militant
4 Noble hierarch
4 Voice or resurgence
4 Thalia 1.0
3 Qasali Pridemage
4 Loxodon smiter
4 Knight of the reliquary
4 Path to exile
3 Mana tithe
What should my manabase look like? I want to take advantage of KoR growing with lands being in the graveyard so some fetchs are a given but I also want to tutor up some cool land like cavern of souls,tec edge/ghost and sejiri steppe. I should have 22 slots.
4 shocks
4 fetches
some basics
then here's some ideas for other ones: Grove of the Guardian, Westvale Abby, Gavony Township, Flagstones of Tarkir (you'll need at least 2), Emeria, the Sky Ruin, Stirring Wildwood, Horizon Canopy
4 Windswept Heath
4 Temple Garden
2 Horizon Canopy
2 Forest
2 Plains
4 Flagstones
2 Gavony Township
1 Sejiri Steppe
1 Cavern of souls
Does this look decent?
Sure. I don't know if I'd go 4 flagstones, since they only get plains and you've only got 8 lands you can actually sac to KoR. You could get a Mistveil Plains somewhere in there as well, in case you want to put any lands back into your library and it's a plains you can fetch up or sac.
Okay, I'll cut a flagstones for a forest. Thanks for the help.
>Flagstones of Tarkir
These are the retards that Wizards panders to.
It's an honest mistake. Let's not be rude.
I'm pretty sure the guys at SCG playing bridge dredge all did kinda bad day 1, except for Ross. Like in the deck tech they did Todd Anderson pretty much said that they just copied the list from the baltimore classic because it won and can't really give an explanation as to why. Like he literally said in the video that loam conflagrate is one of the most powerful things the deck can do and that maybe he should change the mainboard to include it (I.e cut bridge)
Bridge dredge is infinitely more inconsistent than loam dredge while being only slightly more powerful, both decks are capable nut draws modern opponents can't beat without hate. Bridge dredge has to have a garg in its opening hand or find one off of its first faithless looting, if it doesn't its just dredge deck with 8 dead cards jammed in. You also can't trigger bloodghasts without dredging dakmor salvage or stopping which is horrible. All you get out of this is that you get better against anger which is already a sideboard card in most cases, and one of the easiest ones to beat.
TL; DNR loam dredge ezpz
that sounds pretty bad for jund
Is Travis Woo's Graveshift list a good one to build? It seems pretty consistent
Yeah. You're going to be hit by graveyard hate that was put in the sideboard for dredge, but besides from that the deck has decent match ups.
I would
Here's how it works:
>Did they kill you before you combo off?
>Did they counter your Splendid Reclamation?
>Did they play graveyard hate?
Congratulations you've won. If any of these questions are answered with a yes, you've most likely lost. But then again, lots of decks do THE EXACT SAME THING AS THIS. Like, the deck is a worse Storm honestly. Storm now has a fallback plan in the form of Meme in the Ice and Bedlam Reveler to win on the board, whereas Graveshift is just dead in the face of Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus.
Wow I'm watching the round 3 match between Nahiri Control and Ali Aintrazi's Esper Draw Go, and Ali is being completely shit on. Like holy lel he's main phasing Sphinx's Revs to desperately gas back up and getting Mana Leaked.
I never understood this, why do some dredge players play Gargadon?
.....oooohhhh I'm stupid. If you play bridge, you want to sac your creeps into bridge triggers....
No, it's a bad plan. You are better off with loam, they are almost a must as bloodghast loam interaction is just so good.
Suspend gargadon, get bridge from below in the yard, sac your creatures for 2/2 zombies then get them all back. Good for getting your creatures out of a anger of the gods as well as getting more damage on the board. Based on my experience playing against the deck, it feels very 'win more' when they use it, where as the decks running conflagrate might take a little longer to kill but are more consistent and can take out problem creatures. I'm not in red though, so I couldn't say how effective it is against anger of the gods.
>Graveshift is just dead in the face of Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus.
>what is ray of revelation/ancient grudge
also the board has a cavern/ramp into prime time backup plan in the face of them boarding out creature removal as well as boseiju for the counters.
Actually, I think it hurts the deck anyway. Playing gargadon on first turn is a complete no as you are busy with dredge plan. Bridges are more vulnerable in modern compared to legacy purely because the speed between legacy and modern dredge is completely different. It also has no value in itself it it doesn't get on board.
If it really is a must to get zombie tokens, I would rather play zombie infestation along with gargadon. Less slots from dredge plan and a lot more reliable.
Trying to rebuild in Graveshift is almost impossible. At least Storm is just a deck of cantrips.
it already plays explores and ramp anyway
what does the dredge meme have against the gy hate you mentioned anyway?
Dredge has Ray and Grudge as well, but also establishes a board quickly. If your opponent plays Rest in Peace on turn 3, you've got to get a lucky top deck to do anything, whereas dredge might have a few creatures to block or force the opponent to deal with which gives you more time to find an answer.
will we ever get another Modern Masters?
Next year
Look forward to the new Modern Masters™ coming summer 2017. This time with even less relevant reprints for a superior drafting experience! Preorder now for a special edition foil of a worthless junk rare to impress your friends.
>less relevant reprints
Oy vey we ran out of reprints for Modern Masters 2017!
I hope people are okay getting another EDH set! We promise it's going to have a "great" drafting experience too
>Print Daybreak Coronet
If I flashback my Lingering Souls and respond with a Spell Queller, when the Queller dies and I cast the Souls, it goes to the graveyard normally right?
Hey, if that guarantees I'm getting it for MSRP, I might as well...
if it's flashback was delayed it was still flashbacked
I don't think that's right. Flashback exiles it as it resolves when you cast it for its flashback cost. But here the card was flat out sent to exile. When it comes back I don't see why it would have any obligation to exile on resolution as cards have no memory across zones.
702.33a: "[...] If the flashback cost was paid, exile this card instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.”
And the relevant ruling:
"A spell cast using flashback will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it's countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
I top 4'd a 55-person modern PPTQ with a loam pox brew. It beat abzan coco twice, titan shift, mardu nahiri, jeskai midrange, g/r tron. It lost to burn in the semifinals and could have beaten affinity.
It played four copies of smallpox
Faithless looting
Life from the loam
Molten vortex
And it played some number of removal spells and disruption.
>Dredge tier 1
Hey you, delete that.
>Dredge beating Leyline of the Void Jund with Neonate beatdown
I have seen it all now lads.
>yfw you realise Neonate has Menace
If that's not evidence that Tom Ross is a cheater idk what is
>Mulling over brews last night
>Think about Splendid Rec. Scapeshift
>Start brewing up a list with Wildfires to keep the board clear and K-grip in the sb
>Twoo already did it
>In the sake of dredge in modern, we have designed a new card as an improved and balanced versión of deathrite shaman tha keeps the right power level:
>Deathfun shaman
>Tap and exile a card from a graveyards: put a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control. If that creature had dredeg, put two +1/+1 counters instead
Costs 1 generic mana
Costs one Phyrexian green black hybrid.
Costs one phyrexian colourless mana
anything that could make this better
Rogues passage?
Swiftfoot boots in the sideboard?
i know its a joke but i still like it
>If you can't generate colourless you need to pay the life
That's a pretty harsh downside to the card, fellow Magic player! Perhaps it would be fairer if we just outright made it cost 0.
But then storm would get a card!
If Dredge actually takes off in Modern, I think Eldrazi Taxes will become a solid way to fight against it. You can process the Gargadon out of suspend while knocking something off the table at the same time, you have Path, you have Sculler that they can't really remove. Thought Knot Seer blocks Amalgam all day too.
So will ad nauseam. Having 8 mainboard answers to creature combat and potentially more in the sideboard with darkness/ethereal haze. Im not sure how dredge can beat ad nauseam unless the ad nauseam player draws badly.
>You can process the Gargadon out of suspend while knocking something off the table at the same time, you have Path, you have Sculler that they can't really remove.
Read the thread, the bridge version is shit. The other version runs conflagrate and lightning axe. It will run you over unless you side in hate.
Which is weird cause in Legacy dredge keeps eldrazi in check
I know Woo brewed some dredge version of Valakut with Reclamation, but has anyone tried ramp spells as a way to get lands onto the field and Aggressive Mining as a draw engine to put them in the yard? Currently brewing a list with Harrow and Wildfire using Aggresive Mining+Drownyard Temple as a draw engine among just saccing lands I've ramped into.
two of opponents yesterday on the scglive syracuse stream made day 2, and one of them is already top 8.
mac ira on burn and kris anderson on rg valakut
Is kaladesh going to be an enemy colour plane?
I really want a good simic card
Creature (32)
2x Azorius Guildmage
4x Geist of Saint Traft
4x Judge's Familiar
4x Leonin Arbiter
4x Mausoleum Wanderer
1x Rattlechains
4x Selfless Spirit
3x Spirit of the Labyrinth
3x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
3x Thought-Knot Seer
Land (22)
4x Adarkar Wastes
1x Eiganjo Castle
2x Faerie Conclave
1x Flagstones of Trokair
3x Geier Reach Sanitarium
4x Ghost Quarter
1x Island
2x Plains
4x Seachrome Coast
Instant (6)
2x Ojutai's Command
4x Path to Exile
Sideboard (15)
1x Grafdigger's Cage
2x Kataki, War's Wage
2x Kor Firewalker
1x Mirran Crusader
2x Pithing Needle
1x Rest in Peace
2x Safe Passage
1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
3x Supreme Verdict
Feeling better about this the more I test it. I've put a Thalia into the sideboard and taken 2 of the Commands out of the deck, and gone up to a set of Selfless Spirit and thrown in a Rattlechains. I'm actually running that many spirits that the Rattlechains can actually do some pretty real work, not to mention it lets Mausoleum Wanderer catch people out since it pumps then sacs to counter for 2. And please no do not suggest or imply that I'm running spirit tribal here. I'm just running a bunch of good spirit cards, then acknowledging that with the single Rattlechains. Fuck lords right off.
Hey man, Jeskai midrange is nothing to sneeze at.
It's D&T you faggot.
I would drop the familiars & go up to 4 Rattlechains so you can cast Selfless Spirit at instant speed. Spirit of the Labyrinth seems out of place as well, what's the explanation?
You misunderstand; Jeskai midrange utilizing spirits & burn can be a formidable deck
4 Familiar and 4 Wanderer are there to curve out with. Spirit is there because 1) it's a 3 power 2 drop, 2) it stops your opponent drawing extra shit, and 3) it hard locks an opponent out of the game with Geier Reach. And wanting to spaff Rattlechains does very little for my proactive disruptive plan. It's just too slow. The one is there for those midgame gotcha moments like you pay 4 and hold up 1 to Anger in the face of Wanderer and Thalia, I flash in Rattlechains and sac.
>RG Ponza now one win away from top 8 after crushing Dredge
Like nigger what the fuck is happening?
Ok I like Geier Reach + Labyrinth
>Primal Command actually has 4 modes
Who knew. I don't remember seeing that card being cast without fetching a creature.
If dredge becomes tier 1, my janky WR angel moon deck will beat the shit out of them
Except when you cast the exiled spell without paying its mana costs it should return as a new spell and have no memory of it ever being flashbacked.
whats a good control or combo deck for 500$
it has to have blue
2nd line bro
Dude, are you being dense on purpose?
You cast the Lingering souls for its flashback. If you pay the cost, exile it ANYTIME IT WOULD LEAVE THE STACK. Guess what happens when you Spell Queller it?
>be me
>read post that i linked
>white and red
>then watch video
holy shit this deck
Dredge or Ad Nauseam are your only options
To the user who posted about new Lilly and baby Jace the other thread, this guy's Grixis control runs both in the maindeck.
Really sweet. Lilly did a lot of work, I imagine that she's kindof matchup dependant though, as some matchups she kills creatures with her plus and othertimes there's an eldrazi or a karn.
Still though, Lilly confirmed to be a baller.
Actually, I might have been a bit hasty here.
I read Spell Queller again, and since it exiles the spell, Flashback will not try to exile it again. AKA, the spell is exactly where it's supposed to be when Spell Queller's LTB effect triggers.
Even though your reasoning was wrong, the spell does end up back in your graveyard when all is said and done. Huh, I guess I owe you an apology.
what about UR storm?
Might be over 500
i live in europe bro
Dredge it is then
Hope you have $200 to spend on your set of Bloodghasts.
400 dollars is enough for dredge
but i dont want to build the deck
>Judge's Familiar when already got far superior Wanderers
>4 Trafts, to make sure you always got one dead card on your hand
>3 Geier Reach, again, maximize the amount of dead cards in your hand at any given time
>Spirit of the Labyrinth just randomly thrown in there
>Thought Knot over Spell Queller even though he has no further hand disruption
>Fucking Azorius Guildmage
Have a Reeeee.
i just entered the list
500$ with scalding tarns too
is it any good?
what about this
>Judge's Familiar when already got far superior Wanderers
We're trying to curve out in a disruptive manner. Familiar fits that.
>4 Trafts, to make sure you always got one dead card on your hand
To make sure you always get one into play. Nigger it's a hexproof 6/6 for 3 mana, you ALWAYS want one.
>3 Geier Reach, again, maximize the amount of dead cards in your hand at any given time
Good utility land when useful utility lands are scarce in Modern. Also wins the game with-
>Spirit of the Labyrinth just randomly thrown in there
It's a hate card that can also win the game.
>Thought Knot over Spell Queller even though he has no further hand disruption
Thought Knot is insane I don't care if you play Company in standard, the toughness is relevant here.
>Fucking Azorius Guildmage
If you think Guildmage is bad you haven't read the card. Stifles fetchlands, Karns, Visions, Lavamancers, and the tap can hold down blockers to let you force that last damage through. The only reason Guildmage has never seen play is because you've had no reason to play an UW denial deck, but I think Mausoleum Wanderer is that reason.
Just play ad nauseam at that point. Its literally better in every way.
nah ill try grixis delver without scalding tarns
>without tarns
You'll have a bad time. Delver needs perfect mana to execute it's plan at full efficiency. The deck already has little room for error. Fetching incorrectly is going to lose you games
they fell for the tarn jew
Uhh, goy? You know you need that absolutely perfect mana base or your deck won't function. Not having those Tarns would be like another shoah! Go on down to Star City Games and get your playset now!
Playing the correct colours isn't some sort of conspiracy. I'm not a baby either who had to buy them at 100 a pop